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Grippen 06-05-2012 02:45 AM

The Status Of The ThunderCats Line
I will just copy the news content from Toys News International here:

"Ever since Toy Fair in February when Bandai failed to show any new ThunderCats product for the rest of 2012, there has been a question about what the future holds for the line. As of late, a number of rumors have been popping up around the net about Bandai losing the license and how other companies like Hasbro or Mattel are looking to pick it up.

We decided to go to Bandai and find out if there is any truth to these rumors. According to them, there is not. They tell us that they are still the master toy licensee for ThunderCats. The Spring 2012 product line has rolled out here in the US and their product line is not canceled, as they are currently rolling out ThunderCats product globally in conjunction with the TV show being airing internationally.

So there you have it. As for when we might get word of new products for us in the US, that still remains somewhat a mystery as well as the status of the show on Cartoon Network. For now though, it would seem unlikely any other toy company will be getting their hands on this license any time soon."

Original news can be found here:
The Status Of The ThunderCats Line - Thundercats -

So maybe we will see something in the future my guess is it will depend of the line globally and of season 2 of the cartoons. Although I didn't see any Thundercats around here yet.

Tracer 06-05-2012 09:00 AM

Still not holding my breath on anything new from them here. Maybe if it does well around the globe they might make more but I think most of us would be importing it at that point.

Dr Kain 06-05-2012 09:34 AM

That is very vague. It does not say that there is a new wave coming out, it just tells us that the Spring 2012 wave that came out back in Feb is out now, which is obvious.

I think SDCC is going to be the time we know for certain. If nothing new is unveiled, then the line is indeed done. However, if the line is not done, and new stuff is revealed, why the hell are they taking so damn long to release new toys? A toyline should have new releases every quarter, not once or twice a year.

xander88 06-05-2012 09:58 AM

It could be that we don't see anything new for ages and then Bandai just randomly bring out some new stuff. It would be stupid because the line will have lost whatever momentum it had, but it happened with Mattel's Dark Knight Movie Masters. They released a few when the film came out, but for a while, nothing followed. I didn't think they'd release any others but then they suddenly release Two-Face and jail cell Joker. I only found out by accident and had lost interest by then. I actually bought the two of them recently as they just randomly turned up in Toys r us for cheap, years after the film. These figures would have gone down better had they been released sooner. Sometimes toy companies are unpredictable.

Kregermeister 06-05-2012 01:51 PM

Nothing new is coming out. They will hold their licence still all oversea's orders are done. That is their legal responsibillity to fufill their orders. They dont mention wave 3, and they would have had to produce them by now as it takes a year to go from prototype to figure.

PLUS why would they make more figures if they dont even know if the cartoon will ever come back??

jabus 06-05-2012 11:55 PM

Via a post from

The plot thickens, I got a call from my distributor in Florida this afternoon that Bandai at this time is not going to replenish their stock of the Tygra C assortment and so what I get on Friday will be it as far as the Tygra's go.
I just tried to order the Slithe wave at the distribution level and was told that is not being replenished either. So yeah I think the line is pretty much completely dead as this would be the same thing Walmarts and Targets are being told (if they won't fill distributors there is no way they are filling the gigantic orders the retailers would need)

That pretty much says it right there.

Kregermeister 06-06-2012 01:34 AM

Yup. Its beyond obvious Bandai would NEVER say they dont have the licence, because that would kill their UK sales. No one would buy knowing thats the nail in the coffin, and they get stuck with product.

This is how the toy buisness has always worked. But yet im sure someone will be like "ZOMG teh great news! MOOR TOYZ!". Sorry guys, I wish more than anything to blow my money on more Tcats toys....... bandais toys wont continue. Am I hopeful thundercats toys will continue? Yes....... from Mezco.

IndyCat 06-06-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by kregermeister (Post 53824)
am i hopeful thundercats toys will continue? Yes....... From mezco.


AlexofThundera 06-06-2012 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by jabus (Post 53818)
Via a post from

The plot thickens, I got a call from my distributor in Florida this afternoon that Bandai at this time is not going to replenish their stock of the Tygra C assortment and so what I get on Friday will be it as far as the Tygra's go.
I just tried to order the Slithe wave at the distribution level and was told that is not being replenished either. So yeah I think the line is pretty much completely dead as this would be the same thing Walmarts and Targets are being told (if they won't fill distributors there is no way they are filling the gigantic orders the retailers would need)

That pretty much says it right there.

Link to forum where this was posted in case anyone is wondering:

Official ThunderCats 2011 Toys Discussion Thread - Page 66

Mongor 06-06-2012 09:25 AM

This blows but I've already faced reality and expected it for a while now. I have a case on order from Big Bad toy Store with a fellow member here that I hope gets fulfilled. I may have found a source to some Tygras but I'll refrain from posting until my transaction is complete with him this weekend. If it all goes as planned and he's trustworthy ( I think he is ) I'll let you all know who to contact.

AlexofThundera 06-06-2012 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 53863)
This blows but I've already faced reality and expected it for a while now. I have a case on order from Big Bad toy Store with a fellow member here that I hope gets fulfilled. I may have found a source to some Tygras but I'll refrain from posting until my transaction is complete with him this weekend. If it all goes as planned and he's trustworthy ( I think he is ) I'll let you all know who to contact.

That would be greatly appreciated. I've almost bit the bullet and bought one off eBay but I keep waiting hoping I don't spend that much $$$ only for them to show up on store shelves, but it's starting to look like I might as well spend the mula on him.

Mongor 06-06-2012 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 53867)
That would be greatly appreciated. I've almost bit the bullet and bought one off eBay but I keep waiting hoping I don't spend that much $$$ only for them to show up on store shelves, but it's starting to look like I might as well spend the mula on him.

The guy I'm talking with has been getting Tygra's in weekly. He's a member of another TCats board and was nice enough to do an even trade ( no money ) for my Darth Malgus figure. Like I said, we'll see come Friday.

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