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Joe Moore 08-14-2011 12:38 PM

Classics Tygra Gallery
Classics Tygra

Thundercats Classics Tygra Photo Gallery

DESTRO 08-14-2011 03:11 PM

Nice pics awesome figure. Where did you find him?

Joe Moore 08-14-2011 03:34 PM

Toys "R" Us in Oxford Valley. They had an end cap of Thundercats. Fully stocked yesterday.

flywheels 08-15-2011 11:56 AM

Very nice! TRU was sold out of the Classics figures last week when I stopped in so I'm keeping my pre-order open w/ BBTS for now. Never cared for Tygra as much as some of the other characters, but wow, it appears Bandai has done a great job w/ this figure.

Lion O of savannah 08-15-2011 06:55 PM

I throughly enjoy both of my classic figures. I only have issues with the flimsy lion o sword, if I can fix that no complaints. Looking forward to the next wave of classic figures. Hopefully it will be mumm ra ever living and panthro. * fingers crossed*

Covenant 08-16-2011 02:03 PM

Classics for Christmas?
So now that Classic Figures are starting to turn up what about the rest of the gang? Cheetara, Panthro and the Kittens? Any idea when they're going to start shipping? Any info on who the next ones will be? Lion-o and Tygra are lonely!!!

McSoundwave 08-18-2011 11:14 AM

Awesome pics. The classics figures are just ridiculous. In a good way of course! I picked up a Tygra at TRU yesterday and I'm waiting on my set from EE to arrive. I'll grab an extra Lion-O at some point too...these are just that good. I kind of regret not grabbing Lion-O when I saw him at TRU last Saturday because he was gone yesterday, but oh well...soon enough he will arrive in the mail. Until that day, I'll just enjoy my Tygra!

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