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KaleRylan 04-13-2012 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45283)
Why jump to bad writing though? I feel like we were suppose to get that impression from that scene. For most of the clip, he is her "little Prince", but she switches it up when her biological child is on the way.

In the comic, Cheetara and Tygra's twins had spots and stripes. Real life hybrids also have features from both parents.

By the way, I'm still open to it being something else.

Calling it bad writing is too strong of wording, especially on this board where it's a complaint that is associated with the end of the world as we know it. My main point is I think it's supposed to be 'children's visual shorthand.' I don't think we're supposed to think she suddenly started ignoring her first son. It's just an establishing moment that was done quickly and somewhat harshly because it's a kid show.

That's my point. By 'bad writing' I wasn't really trying to link it to all the other complaints, just say I think they could have done it with a little more subtlety.

Yeah, I've seen their kids. It's just all the romance made me wonder. They always say the king has to be a lion. So is a lion SUPPOSED to marry another lion? Or is it just that they've all happened to marry lions before and no one really cares? I'm sure I'm over-analyzing. It's just finally seeing his mom combined with the romance and bloodline stuff makes me curious.

vantheman77 04-13-2012 09:42 PM

I have to say Lion-O's mother looks hot.

I wonder if the Tiger Clan being cursed has something to do with Tygra's ancestor Tygus' association with Mumm-Ra.

I hope Lion-O recruits the Tiger Clan into the Thundercats because they need to expand their ranks. I also hope Bengali is in this one.

cmangund 04-13-2012 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 45324)
Calling it bad writing is too strong of wording, especially on this board where it's a complaint that is associated with the end of the world as we know it. My main point is I think it's supposed to be 'children's visual shorthand.' I don't think we're supposed to think she suddenly started ignoring her first son. It's just an establishing moment that was done quickly and somewhat harshly because it's a kid show.

That's my point. By 'bad writing' I wasn't really trying to link it to all the other complaints, just say I think they could have done it with a little more subtlety.

No need to soften the "blow". "Bad writing" is "bad writing" no matter what the "level of assness" is.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

SirSapphire 04-13-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45330)
No need to soften the "blow". "Bad writing" is "bad writing" no matter what the "level of assness" is.:D

Glee! I'm so happy we still have this dead horse to beat! Think of all it accomplishes!

cmangund 04-13-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45331)
Glee! I'm so happy we still have this dead horse to beat! Think of all it accomplishes!

Unfortunately Jelenic has "heard" nothing from "the librarian"...:D
"Bad news" travel faster than "good news", in this TCATS universe.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

SirSapphire 04-13-2012 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45336)
Unfortunately Jelenic has "heard" nothing from "the librarian"...:D
"Bad news" travel faster than "good news", in this TCATS universe.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

HEY! You show some goddamn respect! "Librarian" should be capitalized. It's a title.

cmangund 04-13-2012 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45337)
HEY! You show some goddamn respect! "Librarian" should be capitalized. It's a title.

Ah hit a "Nerve" didn't I. :D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Ravenxl7 04-13-2012 10:38 PM

This will definitely be an interesting episode to watch in it's entirety. Tygra was absolutely adorable as an infant. Makes it all the more sad when you see him realize what having a little brother will mean.

What appear to be the four ancient spirits of evil in the one still (the one with the purple smoke stuff), makes me wonder what's really going on with this clan of tigers. Maybe they're actually those purple bat things in disguise, attempting to fool Tygra, or something along those lines.

Also, it's really nice to see the queen. She's pretty much what I was guessing she would be like. Her being the one who decided to bring Tygra in as their child makes sense. I doubt Claudus would have done so if it was left to him.

Slightly off topic, but I'm slowly becoming more of a Tygra fan. Panthro's still cool, but this new Tygra is grabbing my attention more than I would have thought. He never really did interest me much in the original.

SirSapphire 04-13-2012 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 45340)
What appear to be the four ancient spirits of evil in the one still (the one with the purple smoke stuff), makes me wonder what's really going on with this clan of tigers. Maybe they're actually those purple bat things in disguise, attempting to fool Tygra, or something along those lines.

That is insidiously brilliant, I never considered that. Maybe they attacked the Tiger clan years ago which is why Tygra was sent away.

RazorclawX 04-14-2012 02:55 AM

If the Ancient Spirits of evil are supposed to be a Lizard, Bird, Jackal, and Monkey, what is that thing between the Jackal and the Monkey? (assuming from left to right, Jackal, <whatever>, Monkey, Lizard)

SirSapphire 04-14-2012 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by RazorclawX (Post 45356)
If the Ancient Spirits of evil are supposed to be a Lizard, Bird, Jackal, and Monkey, what is that thing between the Jackal and the Monkey? (assuming from left to right, Jackal, <whatever>, Monkey, Lizard)

I think that's the Vulture. Those things on his back are his (skeletal) wings.

RedAlert Rescue 04-14-2012 09:09 AM

All the links on Youtube are bogus ones - I really hate when that happens.

Hopefully I can find somewhere to watch it before to long.

Lion-O* 04-14-2012 10:32 AM

Great episode! I love the backstory. Lion-O's mom , Tygra's dad.
The ending of the episode...kind of a neat little way to return everything back to "normal" - they COULD have had the tigers stick around...but then the Thundercats wouldnt be outnumbered as badly etc...

xhavoc86 04-14-2012 02:50 PM

i really enjoyed this episode...more than some of the previous ones lately...

Tracer 04-14-2012 03:09 PM

Good episode. A little sad though with his mom and the tigers. I would have like to have seen the tigers stick around. Maybe have brought them back when all of the animals are finally united but oh well.

merlin 04-14-2012 03:19 PM

who is tyra ;s real birth mother in this ep

Chique 04-14-2012 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by merlin (Post 45441)
who is tyra ;s real birth mother in this ep

Everyone's assuming she was killed off in the plague. Sucks to be a mom in this show:confused:

WilyKatfan 04-14-2012 04:54 PM

and a Dad.

SirSapphire 04-14-2012 05:24 PM

So now I'm assuming that if and when Begali show's up he's part of a sect of the Tiger Clan that was cut off when the illness hit.

Lody 04-14-2012 07:34 PM

Good episode

Expect the issue of Lion-o's mother dying during childbirth of Lion-o to come back up again as cause a rift between him and Tygra

Lody 04-14-2012 07:36 PM

Some pretty mature themes here too

spike78a 04-14-2012 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45260)
Lets see, the heir to the throne is always the first born. This has nothing to do with adoption.

She raised him for a while, I don't think she would change that fast. I think this is a writer thing.

Maybe they couldn't have kids then.

when it's the same bloodline the first born is always the heir, but in this case the older sibling is not part of that line so the rules change. the throne then goes to the biological first born which is lion-o. this sort of situation is not very common but in most royal families this is how it would most likely go down.
even if lion-o never existed tygra may not have been the automatic next in line. if claudus had a brother he may haved claimed the throne since tygra was adopted. but ultimately it's up to whoever is the king and who he wants to be his heir. kings usually get what they want, and it seems like claudus was ok with tygra being king since he had no biological sons.

spike78a 04-14-2012 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45259)
Is that really what happens? Once you adopt a kid, s/he is just as much your child as the child who came from your body. If s/he cant see it that way, then maybe she shouldn't have adopted him.

just because she stopped herself from saying "my prince" and then called tygra "my darling" doesn't mean she loved tygra any less than she would a biological child. i'm sure she would have loved tygra just as much as lion-o.
all she did was that she stopped calling him my prince. she knew claudus would want to keep the bloodline intact. and as to avoid any future confusion i guess she felt tygra should know from the outset that he would most likely not be king and calling him my darling was the first step in instilling that fact to the young tygra.

Ruination04 04-15-2012 12:18 AM

I really enjoyed this episode. As a matter of fact, I look forward to watching this every Saturday with my 5yo. I never imagined back in 1985 or so that I would be watching Cats over 25 years later with a child of my own!

Ravenxl7 04-15-2012 09:19 AM

There is a discussion thread for the episode...

Thunderian scholar 04-15-2012 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 45324)
Calling it bad writing is too strong of wording, especially on this board where it's a complaint that is associated with the end of the world as we know it. My main point is I think it's supposed to be 'children's visual shorthand.' I don't think we're supposed to think she suddenly started ignoring her first son. It's just an establishing moment that was done quickly and somewhat harshly because it's a kid show.

Yepp, don't forget whose main target this show is.


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45330)
No need to soften the "blow". "Bad writing" is "bad writing" no matter what the "level of assness" is.:D

Unfortunately Jelenic has "heard" nothing from "the librarian"...:D
"Bad news" travel faster than "good news", in this TCATS universe.:D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

If you don't like it, why do you watch it?:confused:

sasuke uchiha 04-15-2012 07:02 PM

i can't believe people are complaining about the writing lol!! Have you seen the original series............THE GARDEN OF DELIGHTS, go watch that episode!

Pizza Man Z 04-16-2012 05:26 PM

I really liked this episode. It really made you realize why Tygra hated Lion-o so much. You knew it was about the thrown but it also was because of their mother. He sort of blames Lion-o for taking everything away from him. I really hope we see the "Snow man of Hook mountain" soon, that really looked like the path of the episode in the beginning but it went a whole new, cool way for me.

Shannonchad 04-16-2012 06:59 PM

I loved this ep. Love getting background stories of the cats. Love this show... I suspend my adult analytical brain and just enjoy the great animation, beautiful score and the fact I get to see an updated version of my beloved Thundercats from my childhood. I actually really am enjoying the story telling...

SPINMASTER X 04-16-2012 08:02 PM

I could nitpick this episode but this was one where you have to just watch it for what it is and ignore everything else. I really do feel that this episode should have been a bit longer though but I still really enjoyed it.

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