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L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 40479)
Problem is they didn't know Panthro was coming. If you take him out of the equation they still had a fighting chance at 2 on 3. With the Sword of Omens a damn good chance. If roles were reversed Tygra would have reacted the same way.

Cheetara = Lori (Walking Dead)

You can't win.

What did tygra tell lion-o in episode 4, Thundercats never give up.

Lion-o went to help cheetara and tygra stop him and had him go up and get the book.

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 40479)
Problem is they didn't know Panthro was coming. If you take him out of the equation they still had a fighting chance at 2 on 3. With the Sword of Omens a damn good chance. If roles were reversed Tygra would have reacted the same way.

Cheetara = Lori (Walking Dead)

I agree. We all know tygra would've done the same thing it was clearly shown in ep6 when mumm-ra blasted the crap out of her and lion-o went to help and tygra was like screw her get the book and he is supposed to be in love with her at the time makes me wonder. Cheetara= lori from walking dead is funny because cheetara has now become almost as useless as lori maybe she'll end up like lori too because she'll working hard to earn that outcome for sure

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by nomad16 (Post 40490)
I thought that was screwed up cheetara literally sacrificing Lion-o leaving him to possibly get killed I think this is gonna lead to some major issues that I look forward to seeing. Heres hoping Lion-os next love interest will be Pumira

I don't want that. I rather lion-o be alone.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40516)
I agree. We all know tygra would've done the same thing it was clearly shown in ep6 when mumm-ra blasted the crap out of her and lion-o went to help and tygra was like screw her get the book and he is supposed to be in love with her at the time makes me wonder. Cheetara= lori from walking dead is funny because cheetara has now become almost as useless as lori maybe she'll end up like lori too because she'll working hard to earn that outcome for sure

Cheetara is so OOC.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 40491)
Just got done watching the episode for a second time, and remembered a couple of things I was going to mention, but had forgot to.

I love that we finally see Slithe fighting the cats. While it's cool to see him commanding his army, it's nice to see him going into battle. Most especially now that the mutant trio is together again.

While it's obvious that some are upset over this, I personally think Cheetara made the right decision by standing down. She didn't sacrifice or screw anybody over, she did what I'm sure Jaga would have done in the same situation. Though it was pure luck that Panthro showed up when he did.

I'm looking forward to the eventual inclusion of the Monkian and Jackalman forces. Should be interesting to see how Addicus and Kaynar perform as Generals, and how they and Slithe get along as time passes.

Edit: Not to be an annoyance, but are there plans to post some HD screen caps? After seeing ep.14, I've got the hankering to make a new wallpaper...and maybe a new sig, lol...

Episode 4, thundercats never surrender.

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40477)
Today was just further proof that Lion-o can't trust Cheetara on any level. First she leads him on, and now she is totally insubordinate in the battle, and nearly got all 3 of them killed. Jaga must have been senile, to trust her to protect Lion-o.

I have been saying for a long time that she is border line useless and lion-o would do what he has to do with or with out her.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 40508)
it's funny how in season 1, the rest of the cats were like 'no, we would rather fight a huge horde of lizards and die in the process' while lion-o was 'um...i don't think that's wise' while the rest were all 'honor before reason'!! And now in season 2, the rest are like 'lets surrender'

Agreed, she was OOC. If Panthro didn't save them, lion-o would be the first to die.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 40509)
Nice ep. Got the juices going again, I hadn't been in "Thundercats Mode" for a while. Only thing is the love triangle thing is going to get old quick. It's already annoying, and it's only 1 ep in.

Panthro arms - thought they were cool being robotic, not sure how I feel about the rubber hose thing tho. And that toy has the potential to be either really cool or horrible if they try to replicate it.

Agreed, I thought this was Panthro's show.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40521)
I have been saying for a long time that she is border line useless and lion-o would do what he has to do with or with out her.

Well you see what happens to lion-o in 15.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40516)
I agree. We all know tygra would've done the same thing it was clearly shown in ep6 when mumm-ra blasted the crap out of her and lion-o went to help and tygra was like screw her get the book and he is supposed to be in love with her at the time makes me wonder. Cheetara= lori from walking dead is funny because cheetara has now become almost as useless as lori maybe she'll end up like lori too because she'll working hard to earn that outcome for sure

Remember how they were getting on lion-o in e4 about thundercats don't surrender like cheetara did. I have to stick with him cheetara said, tygra smiled about it. WOW.

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40522)
Agreed, she was OOC. If Panthro didn't save them, lion-o would be the first to die.

Yeah thats for sure and she would've been last to die and wished she was the first or at least died fighting. She is looking worse by the minute. It was entertaining to see tygra get owned. Instead of blaming lion-o they should have supported him before the battle and have a better strategy seeing how that is supposed to be what tygra is good at. Its too bad lion-o can't trade them for wolverine too bad indeed

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40524)
Well you see what happens to lion-o in 15.

We know what happens but we'll see how it unfolds in ep 15

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40530)
Yeah thats for sure and she would've been last to die and wished she was the first or at least died fighting. She is looking worse by the minute. It was entertaining to see tygra get owned. Instead of blaming lion-o they should have supported him before the battle and have a better strategy seeing how that is supposed to be what tygra is good at. Its too bad lion-o can't trade them for wolverine too bad indeed

I couldn't help but laught when cheetara said I have to stick with him and tygra smiled.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40532)
We know what happens but we'll see how it unfolds in ep 15

I can tell you, he doesn't trust anyone. Walks into ambush.

L08e16o 03-24-2012 09:39 PM

Let me say one thing off topic. Hunger games triangle is really messed up. I feel for Gale.

Balgus82 03-24-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40525)
Remember how they were getting on lion-o in e4 about thundercats don't surrender like cheetara did. I have to stick with him cheetara said, tygra smiled about it. WOW.

He never said Thundercats don't surrender in episode 4. He said, and I quote, "Thundercats do not retreat." In other words Thundercats don't run away.

Cheetara wasn't running away she was surrendering to save Tygra.

surrender ≠ retreat

stormbringer 03-24-2012 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40525)
Remember how they were getting on lion-o in e4 about thundercats don't surrender like cheetara did. I have to stick with him cheetara said, tygra smiled about it. WOW.

I guess it hadn't hit Tygra yet, that Cheetara's decision to stick with him, pretty much signed their death sentence.

Balgus82 03-24-2012 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40537)
Let me say one thing off topic. Hunger games triangle is really messed up. I feel for Gale.

I haven't seen the movie yet (going tomorrow) But I have read the book and I don't really see how anyone could feel for Gale. Gale ends up being kinda a jerk. Peeta was the one being played in the first book, not Gale.

stormbringer 03-24-2012 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40530)
Yeah thats for sure and she would've been last to die and wished she was the first or at least died fighting. She is looking worse by the minute. It was entertaining to see tygra get owned. Instead of blaming lion-o they should have supported him before the battle and have a better strategy seeing how that is supposed to be what tygra is good at. Its too bad lion-o can't trade them for wolverine too bad indeed

Cheetara has turned into the stereotypical dimwitted love interest. It's really getting pathetic.

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40536)
I can tell you, he doesn't trust anyone. Walks into ambush.

Yeah but how it unfolds is what I want to see because so far it seems a bit different from the reviews i read before the new ep came out

Balgus82 03-24-2012 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40543)
Yeah but how it unfolds is what I want to see because so far it seems a bit different from the reviews i read before the new ep came out

yeah cause you really don't know what happens until you see it for yourself. Just like this episode. there was so much more than was told to us when it first aired in Ireland. So much left out.

Big Snarf 03-24-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40542)
Cheetara has turned into the stereotypical dimwitted love interest. It's really getting pathetic.

Yeah she almost "unwittingly" put herself in the comic book situation. I question their commitment to rebuilding thundera because now it seems that as long as they are together they'll be happy even if mumm-ra is in control. So far panthro is the only to me who has shown he is fully committed.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 03-24-2012 10:10 PM

OH GOD, I have never been more scared of Monkian and Jackalman in my life! Seriously, they kinda scared me. The only thing I didn't like in the episode was Panthro's arms. He does not need Mr. Fantastic arms. Otherwise, great episode!

AdamofEternia 03-24-2012 10:11 PM

overall i liked the episode, i don't support this messy triangle, but i'm guessing cheetara did what she felt was right to save a comrade if you look at the big picture. it still doesn't excuse the fact that her supposedly being the wise one of the group caused this huge mess. i understand that she loves tygra but it doesn't justify her not doing her job. which is to be a bodyguard to the king and to protect him. i think her role now is reduced to nothing but love interest to tygra and i don't think it's a good thing. this is why i didn't support romance in the first place.

stormbringer 03-24-2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 40546)
Yeah she almost "unwittingly" put herself in the comic book situation. I question their commitment to rebuilding thundera because now it seems that as long as they are together they'll be happy even if mumm-ra is in control. So far panthro is the only to me who has shown he is fully committed.

I'm starting to think the greatest threat isn't Mumm-ra, but Cheetara. Lion-o would come out better banishing Cheetara to the Book of Omens, and the he and the others can deal with saving third earth.

CCDustyV 03-24-2012 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40454)
Being willing to die in a fight and being callously left to be killed are two different things.

Lion-O has gone from someone who would willingly jump in front of a blast to save someone on his team to someone who is willing to let them die. He's gone from one extreme to the other. He needs to find a balance.

They were outclassed either way. If Cheetara had let Tygra die they still would've lost if Panthro hadn't shown up. They were barely keeping things together one on one. But with Tygra dead there would've been no one to occupy Kaynar and he woudl've been free to help Addicus and Slithe.

It was a loose/loose situation and in such cases I prefer that Cheetara stuck to her morals and wouldn't just let Tygra get killed.

Don't know what you guys were watching, but Cheetara was the straight up ball drop there for multiple reasons.

first and foremost, Lion O DID NOT leave Tygra to die. He was fighting like a true King and was winning. Had Cheetara kept on his back, had they worked together they could have taken all three of them with ease. When Cheetara dropped the staff she doomed them all had it not been for Panthro. If she had kept on the fight, I have no doubt they'd have taken the generals.

Also Cheetara has effectively made herself and Tygra useless against the 'mutants' She had showed them that Tygra is her weakness, and vise versa. That's why one of the first rules of combat is ALWAYS leave your heart out of the battlefield. Lion O hasn't changed any to my knowledge, but Tygra's ego has inflated and Cheetara has shifted her focus from Lion O to blindly following Tygra's lead. Jaga would be greatly saddened to see this...

But I am hopeful that Panthro might see Tygra and Cheetara's actions in combat. He'll give them both a ear full. I say again, you NEVER EVER bring your heart into a fight.

overall sadden by the power struggle going on. granted Classic Lion O had the young boy in a man's body defect, but at least he could count on his fellow Thundercats having his back...

Tracer 03-24-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tony_Bacala (Post 40509)
Only thing is the love triangle thing is going to get old quick. It's already annoying, and it's only 1 ep in.

This. They need to drop it entirely and quick. Its making everyone involved look really bad and its dragging the show down.

On a good note, I loved the way Monkian and Jackalman were portrayed. The last meal comment was downright freaky.

Ravenxl7 03-24-2012 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40520)
Episode 4, thundercats never surrender. is that in any way, shape, or form relevant to my post?

Nachtsider 03-24-2012 10:26 PM

While Lion-O made a bad call, allowing his feelings to get in the way and striking out to take on the lizards by himself, what Cheetara did was far worse. Her decision to stand down in the hope that Tygra would be spared placed all three of them on the brink of death. Had she not allowed her emotions to eclipse her logic, she would have realized that Slythe and company had no intention of sparing anybody.

Atticus and Kaynar are great new additions. I loved the bits where they get the drop on Cheetara and Tygra. Having hands for feet confers one hell of an edge in a fight, lol.

Also: dat tank.

Balgus82 03-24-2012 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 40551)
Don't know what you guys were watching, but Cheetara was the straight up ball drop there for multiple reasons.

first and foremost, Lion O DID NOT leave Tygra to die. He was fighting like a true King and was winning. Had Cheetara kept on his back, had they worked together they could have taken all three of them with ease. When Cheetara dropped the staff she doomed them all had it not been for Panthro. If she had kept on the fight, I have no doubt they'd have taken the generals.

Also Cheetara has effectively made herself and Tygra useless against the 'mutants' She had showed them that Tygra is her weakness, and vise versa. That's why one of the first rules of combat is ALWAYS leave your heart out of the battlefield. Lion O hasn't changed any to my knowledge, but Tygra's ego has inflated and Cheetara has shifted her focus from Lion O to blindly following Tygra's lead. Jaga would be greatly saddened to see this...

But I am hopeful that Panthro might see Tygra and Cheetara's actions in combat. He'll give them both a ear full. I say again, you NEVER EVER bring your heart into a fight.

overall sadden by the power struggle going on. granted Classic Lion O had the young boy in a man's body defect, but at least he could count on his fellow Thundercats having his back...

No way would Cheetara and Lion-O have been able to win that fight alone. They were getting their butts whopped one on one. With Kaynar freed up to help Slithe and Addicus they would've gotten their asses handed to them even faster.

gjustis 03-25-2012 12:29 AM

Generally-speaking, I want to explore outward. We have a whole darned world to traverse, even when that exploration world speaks to and informs the inner workings of the team (see "Song of the Petalars," "Duelist & the Drifter," etc); those are the episodes that excite me the most.

Like anyone else, I can appreciate the tensions and conflict between the various parties. However, the love&betrayal thing is an easy go-to for conflict, and at least for me, gets super tired super fast.

I actually thought the "should we interfere w/ the captured baddies or shouldn't we?" was an EXCELLENT direction to explore; indeed, I think it will lead to some excellent writing avenues. but *%%*(&%!!! The thing was again sold short, stabbed in the side by - shock of shocks! - the love triangle. Feels terribly claustrophobic to me.

I was frankly relieved by Lion-O's initial signs of acceptance of the Tygra/Cheetara thang, taking it as a sign that the lovey-dovey dramatics would be water under the bridge. But darn it, the writers just couldn't resist. Shame.

CCDustyV 03-25-2012 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40558)
No way would Cheetara and Lion-O have been able to win that fight alone. They were getting their butts whopped one on one. With Kaynar freed up to help Slithe and Addicus they would've gotten their asses handed to them even faster.

I have to disagree, having just reviewed the fight again, Lion O was doing very well with Slythe having a very difficult time getting any shots in through the Sword and energy shield. And Monkian having about the same luck with Cheetara.

The pre-kiss Cheetara would have been intellegent enough to send an attack toward Kaynar, giving Tygra a chance to get away and get back into the fight. instead, she's turned into braindead girlfriend who drops her weapon and surrenders at with a single poke to her striped boytoy.

She said she believed in Lion O, but actions speaks louder than words, my friends, Lion O could have won that with her watching his back. He knew they could have pulled that one off. Yet, she showed her faith in him by surrendering before the fight was said and done, and almost killed them all. After that I don't see Lion O ever trusting her to guard his Six again. He'll be fine as long as Tygra doesn't get his tail whooped again... let the couple take point from now on and watch each other's backs, obviously what they're both focused on. Panthro or the Kits would be better suited for a combat buddy now for Lion O than either of them at this point.

Even more so, Mumm-Ra's forces now know Tygra and Cheetara are the team's weakspots and they will exploit that again. I say again, this is why a wise soldier says: "Never take your heart onto the battlefield." Now they'll be targeting one or the other to take both parts of the team out of battles.

vantheman77 03-25-2012 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 40470)
If I'm not mistaken, the crew have already confirmed that Grune is still alive. They also confirmed that the Astral Plane wasn't destroyed, just that entrance to it.

This is exactly what I was referring to here. Grune may be in the Astral plane with Panthro's real arms.

Seeing Panthro's cybernetic arms reminds me of Plastic Man or Ssqueeze of MOTU's Snake Men.

spike78a 03-25-2012 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40437)
agree. Hopefully the addition to the tank is detachable. And I'd rather he have missiles or something rather than stretchy arms.

i actually like the new "thundertank", cause it addresses an important issue, the thundercats need a base of operations. and this thing is massive! i'm also sure beds and a bathroom are things the thundercats are happy to have again in there lives.
it wouldn't make sense for them to have a permanent hq with everyone after them so a mobile headquarters is the next best thing. and i also like the fact that just like in the 80's series the berbils helped build the thundercats "home".
i'm also pretty sure the orginal thundertank is detachable. which makes me wonder will we see this new thundertank in toy form? i hope so it would be an awesome playset!

Sining 03-25-2012 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40538)
He never said Thundercats don't surrender in episode 4. He said, and I quote, "Thundercats do not retreat." In other words Thundercats don't run away.

Cheetara wasn't running away she was surrendering to save Tygra.

surrender ≠ retreat

Doesn't quite make sense in the context of episode 4 either. So what, they run all the way into the horde of lizards and then will surrender when they're about to die? It doesn't make sense. In fact, if anything it's got all the markings of 'honor before reason' trope where the cats would rather die fighting than give up

Pravus Prime 03-25-2012 02:27 AM

Ugh. I thought that was a terrible episode, I'm getting pretty close to dropping this series as of these last few episodes.

The takes on Monkian and Jackalman are great, but their induction into Mumm-Ra's Army was about poorly done as can be. Monkian is just told to join Mumm-ra and he does, which clearly goes against his character.

The Panthro arms and the Thundertank are absurd.

Lion-O is right, he was given all the signals, he was made the sympathetic protaganist, and Cheetara pretty much Heel Faced Turned on him.

Bah, I dislike pretty much every character in this core cast compared to the 80's series.

cmangund 03-25-2012 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 40542)
Cheetara has turned into the stereotypical dimwitted love interest. It's really getting pathetic.

One of the thing that bothers me too is, I read from wiki J.M. DeMatteis the one wrote this episode. considering JMD's resume, how the heck can he write something like this, especially the anorexic ho, unless he was "forced to follow" Jelenic and Co's "orders"...

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40538)
He never said Thundercats don't surrender in episode 4. He said, and I quote, "Thundercats do not retreat." In other words Thundercats don't run away.

Cheetara wasn't running away she was surrendering to save Tygra.

surrender ≠ retreat

BS, that is the same thing.

Either way it is giving up.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40540)
I haven't seen the movie yet (going tomorrow) But I have read the book and I don't really see how anyone could feel for Gale. Gale ends up being kinda a jerk. Peeta was the one being played in the first book, not Gale.

I liked it, but I had a problem she kids getting killed.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 40553) is that in any way, shape, or form relevant to my post?

Ummm... your excuse for cheetara surrendering.

L08e16o 03-25-2012 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 40572)
Ugh. I thought that was a terrible episode, I'm getting pretty close to dropping this series as of these last few episodes.

The takes on Monkian and Jackalman are great, but their induction into Mumm-Ra's Army was about poorly done as can be. Monkian is just told to join Mumm-ra and he does, which clearly goes against his character.

The Panthro arms and the Thundertank are absurd.

Lion-O is right, he was given all the signals, he was made the sympathetic protaganist, and Cheetara pretty much Heel Faced Turned on him.

Bah, I dislike pretty much every character in this cast compared to the 80's series.

She is very OOC what we seen in E1-12.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 40566)
I have to disagree, having just reviewed the fight again, Lion O was doing very well with Slythe having a very difficult time getting any shots in through the Sword and energy shield. And Monkian having about the same luck with Cheetara.

I just rewatched it too. While Cheetara was (barely) holding her own, Slithe had Lion-O on his knees and out of breath by the time Tygra was captured. I still hold they would've lost with Tygra down and Kaynar free to help the other mutants.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 40589)
BS, that is the same thing.

Either way it is giving up.

I know ya'll want to see Tygra killed, but that's not how Thundercats should act. When it comes to a choice to surrender and having a chance they would survive (even a slim chance) or to keep fighting and one of them having a guaranteed death, a Thundercat should choose to keep everyone alive.

RedAlert Rescue 03-25-2012 09:20 AM

It says on that download link that its HD but All I get is a tiny fuzzy low res window.

Anyone got a better alternative ?

stormbringer 03-25-2012 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 40580)
One of the thing that bothers me too is, I read from wiki J.M. DeMatteis the one wrote this episode. considering JMD's resume, how the heck can he write something like this, especially the anorexic ho, unless he was "forced to follow" Jelenic and Co's "orders"...

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Jms wrote this crap?!? He must be affected by the same brain killing parasites that have afflicted Cheetara.:p

Sining 03-25-2012 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 40594)
I know ya'll want to see Tygra killed, but that's not how Thundercats should act. When it comes to a choice to surrender and having a chance they would survive (even a slim chance) or to keep fighting and one of them having a guaranteed death, a Thundercat should choose to keep everyone alive.

How does 'charging into fighting and guaranteeing they all die instead of wanting to hide' fit into that philosophy of yours? Cause that's what happened in ep. 4 of season 1. I mean, in ep. 4 , they thought it was a good idea to have 4 thundercats VS a whole regiment/platoon of lizardmen with laser weapons and tanks? But in this, you think 2 thundercats vs 2 generals was a bad match up?

bronwynn 03-25-2012 10:32 AM

Since it seems that many posters on this board are very anti-Cheetara, I am expecting to get a lot of grief over my post. Still, it is my opinion and I thought I would post it anyway.

Here's my take on it. I think the big picture of the episode has to do with the title. 'New Alliances' (unity)- this theme runs throughout the episode in different ways. First Mumm-Ra make his new alliances with Addicus and Kaynar to lead his army. Lion-O still stands by his idea that if the ThunderCats unite with their enemies, that they can defeat Mumm-Ra. Then, Lion-O completely defies his idea of unity by letting his emotions get the better of him and he acted impulsively by attacking the lizards alone.

Cheetara sided with Tygra, but I don't think it is because they are a couple. She knew it was a dangerous move because the lizards weren't willing to unite with the TC and they were still a threat. She has sided with Lion-O over Tygra many times and I think she will take the side of whoever has the opinion that she believes in for that instance. Lion-O was quite immature by reacting that way to her objection to attack. Here is is talking about unity and then he goes and starts a battle that he is outnumbered for and he put himself in danger. After Cheetara and Tygra joined him in the fight, they were still at a disadvantage because Addicus and Kaynar fight dirty and relentlessly for no other satisfaction than shedding blood. Lion-O let his emotions get the best of him.

The lizards were fighting under Mumm-Ra because they were forced into being soldiers. The new generals love war and are motivated to kill. This makes them far more dangerous. Kaynar got Tygra in a position where his life was in danger. The choice was given: surrender or Tygra is dead. Cheetara threw down her staff and tried to buy him some time. Lion-O wanted to keep fighting, even if Tygra's life would have been lost. When she said "I need to stick with him" I think she said that because they were acting like a team, unified and looking out for one another; Lion-O was acting like a rogue without any regard for the unity he so desperately wants. I don't think it had anything to do with them being a couple but rather it was acting unified as a team. She wasn't willing to have a teammate killed over a poor decision not to admit they were defeated. Panthro and his new arms and suped up new ThunderTank saved the day.

I believe that the Lion-O supporters will see Cheetara even more negatively than they already had. She and Tygra had some sweet moments in the beginning. Lion-O tried to wish them well, but told Cheetara that he hadn't meant it and that he was confused and thought their was something between them. She explained that she still does support him and believe in him and that Jaga had asked her to watch over him. She feels that nothing between them has changed except that her heart belongs to someone else. He said that it changes everything and walked away from her. I thought he felt betrayed, but I think she did too. He sees her differently now that he knows they won't be romantically involved? I think she felt just a betrayed as he did.

Lion-O was acting like a spoiled child, plain and simple. He went against the team, broke their unity and nearly got them all killed. He let his emotions get the best of him. A king needs to do better than that. Tygra didn't leave his brother, he stood by him even thought he should never have charged into that dangerous situation. Cheetara and Tygra seem to understand unity, but Lion-O still has some growing up to do. I also think that once Pumyra comes into the mix, he may forget all about the lovely cleric. He was nothing more than an angsty teen in this episode, in my humble opinion.

So, I don't see Cheetara as a seductress or as anything more than a beautiful cleric who was the object of a crush by the new king. He misread her intentions, but she was always doing her job as cleric, protecting him and fighting for their cause. She supported Lion-O on every mission except the one where he wanted to charge a group of lizards that they had already bested and set free, but who rejoined Mumm-Ra's army anyway. To question her loyalty is ridiculous. She has proven it time and time again.

I also believe that if Cheetara had told Tygra to take a hike and had given her heart to Lion-O that many posters would defend her actions and have a completely different opinion of her. I think that many fans wanted a Lion-O/Cheetara ship and, that not being the direction that the show has taken, fans have turned against Cheetara and are comparing her with the enemy. I think that is over the top and I hate that a strong female character is ultimately defined by her ship rather than her own actions.

Just my two sense. I know the backlash is coming.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 10:37 AM

coudln't have said it better myself Bronwynn.

Balgus82 03-25-2012 10:43 AM

What I think is a huge flaw on Lion-O's part is when the rest of the team doesn't agree with him on something he just rejects them and rushes into what he wanted to do without thinking.

What he should do, what a true king would do, is even if he disagrees with them he should still ask their advice on how to implement his decision.

It should be more "I hear your reservations, but I feel like helping the lizards is the best action to take. Help me plan an attack."

And less "I'm doing what I want anyway. CHARGE!!!"

Sining 03-25-2012 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by bronwynn (Post 40600)
After Cheetara and Tygra joined him in the fight, they were still at a disadvantage because Addicus and Kaynar fight dirty and relentlessly for no other satisfaction than shedding blood. Lion-O let his emotions get the best of him.

War isn't about being honorable or moral. If the cats are a disadvantage because their opponent will fight dirty, they're kinda boned. Because all their opponents will fight dirty. If they're still not used to that after 1 season, I'm not certain what to say other than they adapt very slowly.

Plus it's debatable whether being bloodthirsty actually makes you a better fighter. A lot of time in fiction, they usually show that wanting to protect something/someone makes you better, or having a dream, or etc.

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