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ThunderClaw 11-26-2011 04:30 AM

I feel bad for Lion-O! He has a father (Claudus) that didn't believe in him, no Mother, a bro (Tygra) who is jealous of him, a fallen mentor (Jaga) , and a girl (Cheetara) who uses feelings to fulfill a destiny that he didn't want!

If you look at the first episode you get the feeling that Tygra arrogant, self confident pompous jerk who has a huge ego! And when he winks at a female clerics who is Cheetara she looks disgusted. And at the end of the pilot premiere of ThunderCats both Lion-O and Tygra seem shock to see its is Cheetara who is the last surviving member of clerics. This shouldn't be it the case if in episode 12 and 13 are to be believed that Tygra helped Cheetara to become a member of the clerics. It seems to me that the last two episodes of the show are the only reason that you and have a have them together! Because throughout the show. There's been some affection feeling between Lion-O and Cheetara.

Just makes me wonder what the writers of the show are thinking are they doing it for shock value or did they really thought this through? I love the relationship idea between Lion-O and Cheetara. Eight combine the fact that his brother always wins no matter what but the brother can have the sword of omens for the girl of his dreams. However, that I sell all but destroyed that idea. Seems like the writers to the easy way out. Instead of doing a much more interesting and enlightening story. Now we come to find out probably that Jaga told Cheetara to look after Lion-O and protect him and watch over and make sure he stays out trouble. And that her affection to him was affectionate as a brother or sister type of affection not a girlfriend affection. I think the writers dropped the ball big time on the series and I hope I'm not the only one who thinks!

What I hope that happens in season two is in the first couples episodes is that we see Lion-O grow! So far we have seen him be overprotected by a girl he thought as a girlfriend and a brother that has to keep saving him and by all accounts seems to be a better hand-to-hand combat fighter then him. So far all I seem that makes him the leader at all is the fact they can use a sword and shield when no one else can!

What I hope happens is that in the beginning of the second season is that Lion-O will take off the glove put down the sword walk away from the Thundercats! To find his own way making himself a hero then using the sword and shield to battle evil! Keep in mind he's a young teenager who throughout his whole life he's has had people to protect him and that have told him that he's not ready. They he needed to be protected. How would you feel if you were a teenager that had people talking on your back I'm making plans for you behind your back without telling you what your destiny could be or should be! If I were him I would at least want to try to make it on my own without a weapon with my own two hands! What I would like to see happen is that he does walk away and tries to make it on his own. Where Tygra, Cheetara, and Panthro look for the stones on their own while Lion-O tries to do it without the sword and shield on his own with WilyKit and WilyKat tagging along.

How I would start season two is right off the bat. Have Lion-O in a conflict with a bad guy points out all of the shortcomings how his brothers a better fighter how he is nothing without the weapons and how he constantly needs protecting for someone claiming to the Lord of the ThunderCats! And the conflict between him and Cheetara come up that he feels she never really believed in him that all she ever really believed in was the bloodline and his ability to use a short sword and shield, and not him. Of course she'll say that's not true, and so on and so on. He would ask Panthro what is out there and did it help him grow at all. And then slowly make the decision to leave, but before leaving go see Jaga one last time. Find a way to make his brother be allowed to use a sword and shield. And when he does make his brother allowed to be use a sword and shield he leaves but his brother tries to stop him and starts to rain again to a argument the fight in the rain and the rain is equivalent to their range in the fight and at the end of the fight Lion-O wins and walks away and Tygra is in shock that he won. WilyKit and WilyKat follow Lion-O because one WilyKit is worried about Lion-O and two because WilyKat thinks, the way that Lion-0 is heading is away to "the lost city of El Dara" and I hope on their way they make some more allies and that it's basic like Lion-O Team who I would have Lion-O, Pumyra,,Demolisher, WilyKit and WilyKat (if you don't know who Pumyra,and Demolisher are looked at wikipedia.) And have the other team be Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro and Ben-Gali. (if you don't know who Ben-Gali. are looked at wikipedia.) Lion-O looking for himself while Tygra look 4 both for Lion-O and the stones.

This is how I would handle it is to have the Demolisher be sort of like a master or teacher to Lion-O to show them how to fight hand-to-hand combat with and without weapons and build up your self-confidence that he has lost thanks to Cheetara. It would have the Demolisher go toe to toe with Mumm-Ra with meaning little or no help at all in handling him. I will also have WilyKit wanting to become a strong warrior and trains with Lion-O and when WilyKat sees how strong WilyKit has gotten. He starts to train to.

With Tygra team will be questioning themselves if they have handled Lion-O the right way. If Cheetara should've been upfront with their feelings with Lion-O from the beginning would he still be with them? And how she could've helped them without leading him on. And with Tygra , he will question if he could been a better brother and believe in Lion-O more than he did. Panthro had offered to help Lion-O on his quest for independence butLion-O asked him to stay with both his brother and Cheetara standing he still cares for both of them! And besides himself Panthro is the only other one who understands technology! When Panthro ask if he wants to take the ThunderTank Lion-O just says the walk!

With Pumyra, and,Ben-Gali. It will be a question if if one or both of them are servants of Mumm-Ra looking to betray their team but one of them definitely is. The question is, one or both of them?!

What's most likely going to happen in the second season is the first episode of the second season Lion-O and Cheetara are going to kiss and make up and everyone is going ot be fine and Tygra is going to be happy with Cheetara as his GF and Lion-O is no going to be happy but wil be ok with it and later on down the road Pumyra will come in to his life and be happy. It's so easy to see. That's what's going to happen. This shows good but could be so much better!!! What do you guys think? And what do u think of my ideas?

Ravenxl7 11-26-2011 04:38 AM

Finally got around to watching it. Don't really have much to say, but it was definitely a great episode, and a great season finale. This explains Panthro's new gear, and Grune ended up in a place he could easily come back from (maybe even in a way similar to the original show). Lion-O's and Tygra's little bit there was great, and ended really well.

Not sure if anybody else caught it, but I really enjoyed the little nod to the original Snarf's job. Wasn't expecting that, but then again, I wasn't expecting Panthro to loose his arms like that either.

Can't wait to get the full season on DVD. Hopefully it doesn't take them too long to get a full season set out there.

STARlock 11-26-2011 06:18 AM

I thought the episode was not bad. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't go further with the rivalry with Lion-O and Tygra and "resolved" it so easily. It's pretty much been my problem with the show so far tho. Things just move way too fast and dont have enough dramatic build up and payoff to me. I guess it's ok since I have to remember this is a kid's show, a good kid's show but a kid's show nonetheless.

Anyways, Cheetara choosing Tygra is a good thing IMO. Lion-O already has EVERYTHING compared to Tygra, so Cheetara would be the one thing that Tygra has that Lion-O doesn't. Not only does it make for great drama in later episodes but also sets up great potential growth for all 3 characters involved. Narratively speaking, this is the way to go, I for one do hope they push the triangle aspect of the series further, I don't expect too much given how mediocre the dramatic element of the show has been so far but it would be great to see an improvement and this development does increase the potential for a more fleshed out story with deeper characters.

Yasraina 11-26-2011 06:34 AM

I just show the episode it was very good. I liked the explanation of Grunes lost teeth it was very nice. The sword fight between the brothers was amazing. Mummrars transformation unique as always. Cheetaras betrayal couldn't have quessed it. The elephands taking part of the fight it was cool especially their leader taking care of Slithe (i laughted so much there). Two things i didn't like was first that Cheetara actually playing with boys feelings from the start and second i felt bad about Panthro loosing his arms, that was too much for me,(even if i'm not fun of Panthro, i didn't want him to loose his arms). But watching Snarf trying to nurse him PRICELESS.

Wilyjo 11-26-2011 07:19 AM

I enjoyed this episode thoroughly! Even if I was pissed because I missed it's live airing due to my siblings.

Favorite bits were the Flashback, the fight and the make-up between Tygra and Lion-O.

I talked to a few people about Cheetara but I'm fine with it now. I don't think he's actually so much "betrayed" as feeling betrayed by his brother since he just stepped in while Cheetara gave Tygra a Thank-You kiss. I do agree that if she has genuine feelings for Tygra beyond friend/whatever it seems kind of a 'dick-move' for hints she's dropped before, but I don't wanna get into that. I look forward to see what they'll be doing with it actually.

And, I know you can't show gore on the show, but the way Panthro's arms looked when they disappeared makes me think his arms are floating in the Astral plane constantly beating Grune up :D

Speaking of that, Tygra's face when he saw Panthro was priceless.

Also while watching the show and screencapping things I saw a...very awkward frame. Gonna warn you now before you click it, it's an awkward frame of Cheetara. If I'm violating the rules by pointing this out, I'll remove the link to it D:

But yeah, it's just...Uh I don't know what to say

Yasraina 11-26-2011 09:01 AM

Hey guys can someone tell what exactly Tygra was saying while fighting with Lion-o cause i couldn't get it all.

Wilyjo 11-26-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Yasraina (Post 22377)
Hey guys can someone tell what exactly Tygra was saying while fighting with Lion-o cause i couldn't get it all.

What he literally said or what he meant?

Yasraina 11-26-2011 09:24 AM

Literally i couldn't understand.

Yasraina 11-26-2011 09:37 AM

No worries guys i just found the whole conversation thanks for the reply. :)

Tracer 11-26-2011 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by STARlock (Post 22367)
I was a bit disappointed that they didn't go further with the rivalry with Lion-O and Tygra and "resolved" it so easily.

See, I don't think anything was resolved except for saying that Tygra won't betray him which wasn't even a question until the end of the last episode.


Originally Posted by Paul (Post 22360)
I do find it strange how easily Tygra beats Lion-o for strength and swordsplay. Well, I do and I don't. He's the one that's trained and focused so it makes sense - however - you would have thought by now Lion-o would be the better swordsman, or because he was more in tune with the sword of omens it could have been the deciding factor...

Exactly, especially after the Duelist episode. He beat the best swordsman in the land, next to the Drifter at least.


Originally Posted by Wilyjo (Post 22371)
Also while watching the show and screencapping things I saw a...very awkward frame. Gonna warn you now before you click it, it's an awkward frame of Cheetara. If I'm violating the rules by pointing this out, I'll remove the link to it D:

But yeah, it's just...Uh I don't know what to say

LOL . Good catch.

LXL Guy 11-26-2011 10:24 AM

Got around to watching and I'm still never going to buy a Tygra figure. Still angry about how the love triangle was handled.

RoftheHood 11-26-2011 10:57 AM

Cheetara = b**ch.
I already hate Tygra in this series, because he's being written like a punk, but Cheetara really screwed Lion-O around.

Dear Lion-O...

Just wait until Pumyra gets there... she was always better anyway.


Shenlon 11-26-2011 11:01 AM

I loved this episode until the end. How in any way Cheetara choosing Tygra over Lion-o a betrayal of any kind ?

Cheetara obviously has feelings for both Lion-O and Tygra , but at the same time she is not in a commuted relationship with either. It is kind of old fashion thinking that a woman does not have the right to choose who her heart goes too.

She was not engaged to either , she was not sleeping with either , neither have taken her on a date , I mean where is it written that Cheetara belongs to Lion-O like a piece of property ?? Cheetara is not property , and Lion-O needs to be happy for them and move on.

and I am really not happy at how they portrayed Lion-Os reaction. He is absolutely stunned and maybe felt betrayal over her choosing Tygra. This incarnation of Lion-O has a huge sense of entitlement. I cannot blame Tygra for feeling like he does. Lion-O acts like because he is King , he should have what he wants.

Dunno why this part really ticked me off , but it did.

Wilyjo 11-26-2011 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shenlon (Post 22390)
and I am really not happy at how they portrayed Lion-Os reaction. He is absolutely stunned and maybe felt betrayal over her choosing Tygra. This incarnation of Lion-O has a huge sense of entitlement. I cannot blame Tygra for feeling like he does. Lion-O acts like because he is King , he should have what he wants.

In Lion-O's defense, he's still a teenager and still has things to learn. I think the feeling comes more from "you hinted at you liked me throughout this whole thing and not once to Tygra what are you doing"

Though it's really just Lion-O walked in on Cheetara and Tygra kissing with no context to the situation. It wasn't even really so much a relationship thing so much as "thank you for what you did when we were kids"

Also, on the whole subject of this, someone wrote a good thing about the whole ordeal.

RoftheHood 11-26-2011 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Shenlon (Post 22390)
I loved this episode until the end. How in any way Cheetara choosing Tygra over Lion-o a betrayal of any kind ?

Cheetara obviously has feelings for both Lion-O and Tygra , but at the same time she is not in a commuted relationship with either. It is kind of old fashion thinking that a woman does not have the right to choose who her heart goes too.

She was not engaged to either , she was not sleeping with either , neither have taken her on a date , I mean where is it written that Cheetara belongs to Lion-O like a piece of property ?? Cheetara is not property , and Lion-O needs to be happy for them and move on.

and I am really not happy at how they portrayed Lion-Os reaction. He is absolutely stunned and maybe felt betrayal over her choosing Tygra. This incarnation of Lion-O has a huge sense of entitlement. I cannot blame Tygra for feeling like he does. Lion-O acts like because he is King , he should have what he wants.

Dunno why this part really ticked me off , but it did.

Didn't she just kiss him in the last episode? Did she not got all cuddly with him in the begining of "Journey" as well?
I think its safe to say that most people who are dissapointed by this turn, are dissapointed because Cheetara has been leading Lion-O on, which of course we guys have all been through... Thats why its not cool!!!


Shenlon 11-26-2011 12:00 PM

The sense of entitlement is just oozing out of him. The Sword is HIS , the crown is HIS , now Cheetara is HIS.

Where does it end ?

Shouldn't it be the Sword is used by him to protect his people , The crown is worn by him to lead his people ?

I understand that this is focusing on his growth , and it is apparent he has a lot of growing to do , but its just disappointing really.

and really what is Cheetara to love in Lion-O ? Ooh I have the crown I am King , Ooh I have this magic sword , Please .. She wants someone to love and to love her , not someone to own her.

Tygra cares for her , protects her , when she was at her darkest hour on the steps of the clerics temple , It was Tygra who helped her through it , not Lion-O.

stormbringer 11-26-2011 12:59 PM

I don't believe lion-o is entitled he just found out that a woman he liked likes his brother.

LXL Guy 11-26-2011 01:03 PM

Yet what is there to like about Tygra overall? It was only a moment when they were kids. Shouldn't be the basis for a relationship at all. Honestly no choice should have been made based on that sole event. Whatever...still gonna hate Tygra.

I'm just gonna go back to how awesome Panthro is. I'll buy his figures even more so especially the new one with metal arm/hands.

krazycp 11-26-2011 01:57 PM

Yeah, this was a great episode and the end to a great 1st season. Panthro is a total badass for losing his arms just to get rid of Grune (who I'll miss!). Tygra deserves Cheetara, although I agree with most everyone that she was leading Lion-O on. But really she was trying to build his confidence in the only way she knew how.

Here's a question: Shouldn't Lion-O be able to create the Armor of Omens now? In the book of omens when he was in his ancestor, he did it with 2 stones. Maybe he just doesn't have the right stone?

omegabuck01 11-26-2011 01:58 PM

I figured out what the betrayal is...... after closely watching episode 12 I noticed that in the flashback scenes we see Tygra approach Cheetara and later run from her but look at his arms and then look at the arm that sets the flower down. the arm with the flower is lighter than his and has no stripes. Lion-o gave Cheetara the flower and Tygras taking credit for it. THATS THE BETRAYAL.

THoHo 11-26-2011 01:59 PM

Excellent episode overall.

I feel like the writers have been emphasizing flaws in Liono and Tygra, and now have brought down Cheetara as well. Clearly Liono is still very immature and not prepared to deal with the responsibilities of the crown as he is prone to bouts of arrogance. Tygra's jealously of Liono makes him a prick. Now Cheetara is coming off as a manipulative tease. I have no issue with her choosing Tygra, but all signs pointed otherwise. I'm not sure if the plan is to show each character's growth over the entire series, but I feel that the kids watching this show are being shown the worst aspects of human nature.

stormbringer 11-26-2011 02:10 PM

yeah they have not done a good job with the triangle no one comes off looking very good

kenshon 11-26-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by omegabuck01 (Post 22407)
I figured out what the betrayal is...... after closely watching episode 12 I noticed that in the flashback scenes we see Tygra approach Cheetara and later run from her but look at his arms and then look at the arm that sets the flower down. the arm with the flower is lighter than his and has no stripes. Lion-o gave Cheetara the flower and Tygras taking credit for it. THATS THE BETRAYAL.

I saw that too in episode 12 but it could just be a animation error but ur Idea seems valid, if thats the case fine but after what Cheetara has been doing up till this point I really agree with Tygra and his and Cheetara supporters "Lion-o really doesn't deserve Cheetara" See how I worded that this train of thought can have positive and negative meaning depending on your perception

omegabuck01 11-26-2011 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by kenshon (Post 22417)
I saw that too in episode 12 but it could just be a animation error but ur Idea seems valid, if thats the case fine but after what Cheetara has been doing up till this point I really agree with Tygra and his and Cheetara supporters "Lion-o really doesn't deserve Cheetara" See how I worded that this train of thought can have positive and negative meaning depending on your perception

Cheetara nearly died so yes she should be greatful to whoever saved her life with that flower so her actions are justified and I'm sure in season 2 her behavior towards lion-o will be justified since she was Jagas disciple and Jaga has always thought highly of lion-o. However the triangles not over infact Its about to get interesting especially if I'm right and we find out lion-o was the one who gave her that flower. Poor Tygras going to have a lot of explaining to do.

omegabuck01 11-26-2011 02:57 PM

Also fans have been wanting Lion-o and Cheetara to hook up since the 80s it would be silly to make it easy. This is season one lets see what twists season 2 has for us.

kenshon 11-26-2011 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by krazycp (Post 22406)
Yeah, this was a great episode and the end to a great 1st season. Panthro is a total badass for losing his arms just to get rid of Grune (who I'll miss!). Tygra deserves Cheetara, although I agree with most everyone that she was leading Lion-O on. But really she was trying to build his confidence in the only way she knew how.

Here's a question: Shouldn't Lion-O be able to create the Armor of Omens now? In the book of omens when he was in his ancestor, he did it with 2 stones. Maybe he just doesn't have the right stone?

Do you really believe that? why are people so detached from reality there are people in this world that have everything comes to them through no sheer effort at all can anyone as a human being really say because you have all this handed to you that means I'm at least intitled to this part here you may feel that way but that doesn't make it right either.Her choice is fine but her actions are questionable. Everyone always talk about Tygras/Cheetaras maturity compatibility and then ignore the behavior we have seen from them,do they really seem that more mature than Lion-o himself,this is not the child in a mans body version of thundercats that view may have worked then but it doesn't work so well for this series.Cheetara herself said the man she loved was the one who gave her that flower so she knew from the start it was Tygra why behave the way she did with Lion-o? Can u really say or belive this was her only method,what does that say about her character,she is a cleric (advisor) evidently she not a good one if this was all she could think of to build confidence.

kenshon 11-26-2011 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by omegabuck01 (Post 22418)
Cheetara nearly died so yes she should be greatful to whoever saved her life with that flower so her actions are justified and I'm sure in season 2 her behavior towards lion-o will be justified since she was Jagas disciple and Jaga has always thought highly of lion-o. However the triangles not over infact Its about to get interesting especially if I'm right and we find out lion-o was the one who gave her that flower. Poor Tygras going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Jaga and Lion-o had a close relationship I can't bring myself to believe that Jaga would actually Ho-out Cheetara like that and think it would be beneficial too Lion-o were talking about Jaga the wise here it doesn't fit I hope he had no part in the way these events turned out can u imagine the devastation. I don't agree,her choice is justified but her actions not so much,even if she or we find that to be true what will it change she loves Tygra so u expect her to just turn that off if we discover Lion-o is the flower bearer we might get some conflicting emotions from her and we are back at square one Just let her be with Tygra and give us someone we havn't seen for Lion-o.

kenshon 11-26-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Shenlon (Post 22398)
The sense of entitlement is just oozing out of him. The Sword is HIS , the crown is HIS , now Cheetara is HIS.

Where does it end ?

Shouldn't it be the Sword is used by him to protect his people , The crown is worn by him to lead his people ?

I understand that this is focusing on his growth , and it is apparent he has a lot of growing to do , but its just disappointing really.

and really what is Cheetara to love in Lion-O ? Ooh I have the crown I am King , Ooh I have this magic sword , Please .. She wants someone to love and to love her , not someone to own her.

Tygra cares for her , protects her , when she was at her darkest hour on the steps of the clerics temple , It was Tygra who helped her through it , not Lion-O.

What is there to love about Tygra? Would u want someone with Tygras issue too love you his logic and behavior is what turns somewhere down the line into domestic abuse first he loves you, he's the reason for you being a cleric,then his jelousy escalates,possesivness,next thing you know he beating Cheetara and its all Lion-o fault He is a classic case.She will say its ok cause in her darkest hour u were there for me and u really love me. Anybody who displays the type of behavior he has can u call it love?Is it really that romantic to see a man display that. I empathize- yes, sympathize- no If it was really love in my opinion Lion-o shouldn't be an issue he took her interactions with Lion-o out on him, if his love is so pure and he didn't think of her as a possesion he should have stepped to her his behavior is clear give away even if he has Cheetara he will never be satisfied as long as he stays the way he is now he needs to let go of this shit with Lion-o or he is going to lose out in the end.

XiaCheyenne 11-26-2011 04:09 PM

Very incitive...
Only one thing wrong...Lion-O has been named LORD of the Thundercats, what kind of leader goes off and leaves his people to "find himself"?
Everything bascially fell into this young man's lap...he himself knew he wasn't ready to take his father's place. Tygra really didn't help matters any either. Lion-O has had to learn on the fly, with encouragment from Cheetara. It is easy to see how he was able to fall for her, especially with the way she went about it.
For an impressionable young man, it was a lead-on. I do have to say that if anyone ever read the comic series, Tygra was with Cheetara, so you can count on that staying in the story. The next season will just continue on...Lion-O will have to deal with a very deep type of betrayal...his brother with the woman he was sure was going to be his. On top of that, he has to deal with her making that choice and not letting him know. There was a love triangle, but now...
Lion-O will shut down...he won't deal with them for a while. The rest of them are going to wonder what his problem is, but he'll never say anything. Somehow, he will ind someone to attach to other than them...searching for some way to heal that hurt. Oh, he'll eventually get over it, but the journey will be long and hard. If what they are projecting to be the upcoming episodes are true, then the concentration will be on the young Lord to overcome his pain and surge on to his ultimate destiny.
Now, don't get me wrong...I thought Lion-O and Cheetara made a cute couple in this series, but when I headrd that there was going to be a was a given what it was going to be. Tygra may have always felt like he was in his younger brother's shadow, but now he has made sure that there will be no shadow to be under. Lion-O WILL pull away, for now...

stormbringer 11-26-2011 04:14 PM

I have to wonder if lion-o will start to become as bitter toward tygra as he was to him because of this.

XiaCheyenne 11-26-2011 04:16 PM

Also, I don't think that Lion-O feels entitled to anything. He KNOWS what his role is and he is just trying to find his way through. Sibling rivalry is as old as time and can be understandable in most cases. But in what I have seen between these two brothers, Tygra is the one always bringing to the forefront of what was given to his brother, not Lion-O proclaiming what is his. Tygra was the one that always teased him about being the next Lord, not being able to fight or beat him at anything. Lion-O only ever looked for someone to believe in what he CAN do. In the end, his own father had to admit to underestimating his youngest son.
Ultimately, Tygra will have to get over his petty jealousy and learn to support his brother or the damage done by Cheetara's kiss will destroy a relationship that was on rocky ground to begin with.

XiaCheyenne 11-26-2011 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 22426)
I have to wonder if lion-o will start to become as bitter toward tygra as he was to him because of this.

You can count on least for a while.

kenshon 11-26-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Shenlon (Post 22390)
I loved this episode until the end. How in any way Cheetara choosing Tygra over Lion-o a betrayal of any kind ?

Cheetara obviously has feelings for both Lion-O and Tygra , but at the same time she is not in a commuted relationship with either. It is kind of old fashion thinking that a woman does not have the right to choose who her heart goes too.

She was not engaged to either , she was not sleeping with either , neither have taken her on a date , I mean where is it written that Cheetara belongs to Lion-O like a piece of property ?? Cheetara is not property , and Lion-O needs to be happy for them and move on.

and I am really not happy at how they portrayed Lion-Os reaction. He is absolutely stunned and maybe felt betrayal over her choosing Tygra. This incarnation of Lion-O has a huge sense of entitlement. I cannot blame Tygra for feeling like he does. Lion-O acts like because he is King , he should have what he wants.

Dunno why this part really ticked me off , but it did.

I agree her choice is not betrayal.Sounds to me you are just portraying Tygras view of Lion-o he may be arrogant but I have yet to see Lion-o show any behavior of entitlement he has known he was going to be king since childhood he only uses this fact against Tygra cause its the only way up 1 on him and too shut him up sometimes when Tygra is at him Lion-o character is too compassionate to have a sense of entitlement like some people make it out to be. Why do people always forget Tygras part in these diolouge interactions when Lion-o is supposedly being an ass most of the time when this happens its a retort to some snide comment from Tygra and everybody is like Lion-o u already the king why u want everything else let Tygra have some too Lion-o has taken nothing from Tygra the kingship or Cheetara wasn't his too take why Tygra feel like things that aren't his in the first place being taken is beyound me and some say he doesn't look at things as possesions when he clearly does he said in the astral plane "you are taking her from me too"is this not possession.Well I guess some may call it love!

stormbringer 11-26-2011 04:42 PM

personally I think tygra is the entitled one lion-o's never rubbed in his face that he can"t be king unless tygra started the fight . honestly I think if tygra had been eligible ti be king lion-o would have been fine with it .

LiarDice Films 11-26-2011 05:58 PM

The two episodes ive enjoyed the most are this one and 'The Drifter'. Like with most TV shows having different teams of crews quality varies and ive found that on new TC's. Animation is still steadily well done.
Voice actor Jim Meskimen told me he was going to voice an indian sounding elephant character, i understand what he meant now lol.
This show will stay for a while im sure. Although networks do have tendencies to axe good shows

Yasraina 11-26-2011 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by omegabuck01 (Post 22418)
Cheetara nearly died so yes she should be greatful to whoever saved her life with that flower so her actions are justified and I'm sure in season 2 her behavior towards lion-o will be justified since she was Jagas disciple and Jaga has always thought highly of lion-o. However the triangles not over infact Its about to get interesting especially if I'm right and we find out lion-o was the one who gave her that flower. Poor Tygras going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Guys come on it was a grafic error 1.if you watch closely in the face the sidehair are in white color (Lion-o has red). 2. you defenetely see Tygra sneaking infrond to give the flower and run back after giving it and 3 and most of all Lion-o is way younger than them he would be smaller than them like in the flashback in episode 13.

spike78a 11-26-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by xhavoc86 (Post 22290)
Why is Cheetara coming off as such a "ho bag"? lol

I'm sorry, but she was clearly leading on Lion-O throughout the series so far, and next thing you know, she's like oh actually I chose you Tygra, lets make out in front of Lion-O now!

I'm starting to not like Cheetara! Let me rephrase, I'm not liking this depiction of Cheetara!

within the story itself cheetara wasn't leading lion-o on. her actions at face value may have made it seem that way but the character's intention was never to lead him on.
think the issue of who she (cheetara) was going to end up being with was something she was trying to sort out up to this point. and even if she knew from the start that tygra was who she really wanted i don't think the few moments she had with lion-o were indicative of her wanting to be lion-o.
i think she kissed him once on the cheek for good luck and she gave lion-o encouragement when he needed it. the few looks they gave each other could be interpreted many different ways. i think it was more that
lion-o thought there was something when there wasn't.
and if those few moments were signs that cheetara was starting to like
lion-o then again i don't think she trying to be slutty on purpose she just needed time to finally realize who she really wanted.

stormbringer 11-26-2011 09:51 PM

I don't believe cheetara was purposely trying to lead lion-o on, but it was very easy to believe that cheetara was interested in him based on the scenes they had throughout the season.

THoHo 11-26-2011 11:00 PM

Every moment Liono and Cheetara shared in the first 12 episodes were made to seem as if she was interested in him. There is no denying that. The question is where does everyone go from here. Does Cheetara apologize to him, does he accept and move on or sulk like a teenager. Does Tygra become more supportive of Liono now that he has his girl, or does he become even more of an ass? Lots of directions they can take this. Also, how can Mummra be his arch enemy if he is so easily defeated now? His personal strife with Tygra/Cheetara has been made out to be the bigger threat to him rather than Mummra.

stormbringer 11-26-2011 11:10 PM

well if tygra becomes a bigger jerk to lion-o cheetara could dump him so that could be risky . there could be a role reversal of lion-o resenting tygra and being an ass to him.

LXL Guy 11-26-2011 11:46 PM

Cheetara gets no benefit of the doubt despite how things were portrayed and perceived. I hope Lion-O gets a woman even better than her.

I enjoyed the fact that they did revisit characters again. Wasn't so stale and felt just right. I hope to see others come back again.

Pravus Prime 11-27-2011 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by STARlock (Post 22367)
I thought the episode was not bad. I was a bit disappointed that they didn't go further with the rivalry with Lion-O and Tygra and "resolved" it so easily. It's pretty much been my problem with the show so far tho. Things just move way too fast and dont have enough dramatic build up and payoff to me. I guess it's ok since I have to remember this is a kid's show, a good kid's show but a kid's show nonetheless.

Yeah, it really should be a running plot point that doesn't get a 5 minute resolution. Anywho, about the episode itself.

Pretty much saw it all coming, but it wasn't a bad ride to get there. I think between the toy pics and the teasers it was pretty easy to put it all together, so there wasn't much wow factor for me.

The biggest disapointment was the actual swordfight between Tygra and Lion-O. After the "Drifter and the Duelist", Lion-O should've beaten Tygra rather easily and it could've been a major plotpoint that Lion-O has grown.

Still loving Mumm-Ra's leitmotiff.

Ravenxl7 11-27-2011 01:18 AM

Slightly off-topic, but... is there any chance someone could make a gif of Mumm-Ra's transformation from this episode? I love how detailed it was. It actually looked quite painful in this episode.

NIBMRatchet 11-27-2011 01:35 AM

I can totally understand what Lion-O is going through right now. As much as I like Tygra, I honestly thought Cheetara will end up with Lion-O. I knew the actual betrayal will happen because of Cheetara. Unless Cheetara's kiss is only a "Thank You" to Tygra, I think Lion-O lost the game. If this goes on, I won't be surprised at the end of the series, Lion-O gets killed and Tygra becomes the King of the Thundercats.

That being said, I loved the way the writers handled Panthro. I'm hoping to god that they won't try to bring back Grune. If that happens, Panthro's sacrifice is in vain. Since Panthro is to receive Robotic arms, I bet he'll get them from the Berbils.

As a Finale, it went well. But I have a feeling that Thundercats will only last until the final Stone is found.


vantheman77 11-27-2011 01:53 AM

Originally the first season was going to have 26 episodes, but they decided to have 13 instead as this would create a long-term plan for the new Thundercats. This was an anti-climactic end to the first season and it was an episode full of one-sidedness. I can see that the writer for this and Into The Astral Plane probably hasn't watched the rest of the new series.

The fight between Lion-O and Tygra showed Tygra besting Lion-O in swordsmanship, something that Lion-O should be best at and this clearly detracts from Lion-O because Tygra beats him in everything as this made Lion-O look bad. Not to mention that Tygra ends up getting Cheetara thus betraying Lion-O, which was what the elephant people foretold. I don't believe this is the end of the sibling rivalry between Lion-O and Tygra as things will likely continue to be a problem between the two. The only real moment for Lion-O was when he got the Spirit Stone and he figured this out all on his own. Lion-O could've gotten the stone by himself.

However, one would have expected sympathy for Tygra but not so when they revealed the flashbacks of his younger years when he deliberately tried to kill Lion-O. He told Lion-O he would never betray him then and now, that wasn't the case at the end of the episode.

So far, the Thundercats have both the Book of Omens and the Spirit Stone as they're on the lead over Mumm-Ra, whom they need to build up as a real threat. So far, he's been portrayed as a trivial threat instead.

Panthro and Grune have their duel which was what the season was building to that ends with tragedy on both characters. This was the real highlight than Lion-O/ Tygra and the Spirit Stone. They've done something I never thought they'd do and that's to show Panthro losing his arms. If you saw the second wave of figures, we can see where this is heading for Panthro. Grune may be dead or sucked into the Astral Plane, along with Panthro's arms. It's basically a symbolism of Panthro losing part of himself, along with his friendship and rivalry with Grune. It was funny seeing Snarf playing nursemaid to Panthro.

Whatever teases they've had between Lion-O and Cheetara is out the window as she chose Tygra over Lion-O. I doubt things will ever be the same between Lion-O and Cheetara, but if I were Lion-O I'd rather break off to undergo the real trials of the king, which we won't see until the next season.

The twins also had their moments when Wilykat starts to emerge as a Thunderkitten warrior willing to defend the Elephant village and took out several lizards with a big gun. Wilykit got the Elephants to fight for their village. The elephants could be a good match for the giants.

This and Into The Astral Plane belonged to Tygra more than anyone else - he saved the Thundercats with the Thundertank, bested Lion-O in the duel of swordsmanship, and got Cheetara.

NinSage 11-27-2011 03:35 AM

Just watched episode 13. I am so happy about it and just blown away by this series so far!!

1. Tygra gets Cheetara (yes!), Cheetara gets the man who was kind to her when she needed it most, Lion-O gets the crown ... it all fits beautifally and I love it.

When it looked like Lion-O was going to get the crown AND the girl, and Tygra was just going to get bitterness, there was a discord/unbalance to the series that was just uncomfortable. This is so much better.

2. Wow. Panthro and the arms!? I hadn't seen the toy images so I was NOT prepared for that! Really floored me! I also assume the Berbils will be the ones who hook him up with new appendages.

Also, ain't no way we've heard the last from Grune. Although, when MummRa learns of Grune's betrayal he might make sure he stays stranded.


Can't wait for the second season to begin!! Anyone have any guesses when that will be?

Pand3mix 11-27-2011 06:59 AM

Augh, this episode felt like a mix of excitement and disappointment..I love the Tygra and Lion-O interactions. To see that Tygra would actually do that to his brother, I thought that was the big moment of betrayal. Nope I was wrong. I do thing this should've been a two episode deal. I wanted to see more of the past. Poor grune. Panthro loosing both arms was quiet the shock. Snarf.trying to help was cute. I do think there shouldve been a bigger deal about that.

However, what I was displeased about the cheetara thing, and feel like she is now my least favorite character in the series which she wasn't for a long time. As a girl I would say she was leading Lion-o on. Worst, if she had these feelings for Tygra, wouldn't she be careful not to be making him so jealous. She already knew how hurt he was about not being king, and yet she kissed Lion-o in front of him. Sorry, but that wasn't cool because she could've kissed him for good luck too. She is a cleric, she is supposed to have insight and wisdom. She is also a woman, no excuses. Cause I really don't believe she had no idea this whole time about either of their feelings. And even the elephant was like, he will feel betrayal. So she kisses his brother, after all what happened. And with panthro is bandages. The team members concerns didn't seem to be apparent as much as they should for a cat who constantly saves their tails.

I don't know...I feel like it was badly written as a love triangle especially how they ended it. And her kiss might just ruin brother ties, right after they fixed it. I thought it was cute that they show Tygra being a kind kitten. However, he is currently a cocky Dick who needs to chill out on the haterade. But the king needs to grow as well as the...well you know. I feel like I might want to drop the series if it goes in route of romance. I didn't pick up the series to be dragged along of drama, that's why I got out of high school. And, why would anyone start dating anyways. Aren't they supposed to be restoring a kingdom and defeating the enemy who ruined their land. Why should there be any romance. Also, to those who think this will have to follow the comic book, well young justice isn't following its comic book counter part. So I don't think the series will be holding hands with its counter part, or atleast I hope note.

I want lion-o and cheetara cause I wanted them to be together in the original. If she winds up with Tygra, fine, I hope its toward the end. I also hope he pushes her off saying who are you playing for a fool? I will watch the next episode to see what happens and if it will make me think about dropping the series for awhile.

One one side, nothing has been actually decided. If this whole time we thought she would choose lion-o then flip flopped, she might again.Tygra might not want her because he felt like she was playing games (ie holding hands with his brother, kissing him a few times, always taking his side,saying how much she believes in him) we also don't have the whole story, we don't know everything yet and so its hard not to jump to conclusions. And well, she said she close years ago but she never actually addressed what she choose and what that means in the future. So she is still being foggy with the details. At this point all the characters of room to grow, so why throw in a romance that is obviously causing a lot of pain? I am worried where this series might be heading....

Pand3mix 11-27-2011 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by THoHo (Post 22449)
Every moment Liono and Cheetara shared in the first 12 episodes were made to seem as if she was interested in him. There is no denying that. The question is where does everyone go from here. Does Cheetara apologize to him, does he accept and move on or sulk like a teenager. Does Tygra become more supportive of Liono now that he has his girl, or does he become even more of an ass? Lots of directions they can take this. Also, how can Mummra be his arch enemy if he is so easily defeated now? His personal strife with Tygra/Cheetara has been made out to be the bigger threat to him rather than Mummra.

I agree with that fact the the Tygra and Cheetara thing seems to be making a bigger importance then mummra. One would think the battle is the planes would've been the epic climax for this season, but it was over in a minute. This episode needed to be a two part.

Pand3mix 11-27-2011 07:21 AM

Would anyone be suprised if Tygra became Mumm-Ra new commanding officer?

ThunderScott 11-27-2011 08:46 AM

There's no information about eisode 14 yet! Now that Tygra got the girl and Lion-O clearly saw it, I want to see how will he act after that by the way...episode 14 is called 'New Alliances' which I most hope it is refered to more thundercats. Then I had a teory.
I don't think Pantrho is going to be arm-less for long and there the possibility that Bengali could appear and forge Pantrho's arms or something.
Of course that's only my idea and It could be wrong couse maybe but it would be so cool also that Bengali shows up and show that he has some knowledge of tecnology ans stuff, like Pantrho did when he first showed up!

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