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L08e16o 05-05-2012 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49032)
I think Sakura is a bad example. She only hits Naruto when he's being an idiot, and she's never hit the guy she actually likes (Sasuke).

Look at bleach, a lot of people want Ichigo to be with Orihime.

At least they grew up together and know each other. Lion-o doesn't know pumyra, except her feet and fist.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 49030)
this episodes i must say, is one of my favorites. this episode was so well written and the pacing was just right and also the writers seem to have made the most out of just 20 mins. the fight scene with liono and ratar-o was friggin awesome and judging from the ending of this episode, the next one is sure to be EPIC.

Hated the fight scene, to fast.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49031)
In a non-serious anime.

Give you example of a serious anime, Evangelion. Rei the popular one not Asuka.

Then how come more of the merchandising is centered around Askua?

stormbringer 05-05-2012 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49033)
Jaga is amazing.

It was great to see Jaga wielding the Sword like he did occasionly in the OS

L08e16o 05-05-2012 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 49037)
It was great to see Jaga wielding the Sword like he did occasionly in the OS

It seem like he could use full power of the sword.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 49036)
Then how come more of the merchandising is centered around Askua?

Rei type and character design is what a lot of anime females took after in anime. I have seen more Japanese women cosplay her than askua. Look at the different manga's of evengelion, rie is still more popular.

Balgus82 05-05-2012 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 49036)
Then how come more of the merchandising is centered around Askua?

Because Rei is boring. Cute, but boring.

Captn Cracka 05-05-2012 09:59 AM

Ok so here is a this episode we saw a young Jaga using the Sword of Omens. This would mean 1 of 2 things....that Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use against Ratilla, OR that when Jaga was young HE was once king of the thundercats. And later became a cleric for the new king. Either way I think both ideas are cool. BUT, if Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use, would that mean one day Lion-O could give the sword to Tygra to use???

L08e16o 05-05-2012 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Captn Cracka (Post 49043)
Ok so here is a this episode we saw a young Jaga using the Sword of Omens. This would mean 1 of 2 things....that Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use against Ratilla, OR that when Jaga was young HE was once king of the thundercats. And later became a cleric for the new king. Either way I think both ideas are cool. BUT, if Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use, would that mean one day Lion-O could give the sword to Tygra to use???

I wouldn't be surprise if that wasn't what MJ's intentions are.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 49042)
Because Rei is boring. Cute, but boring.

She was only boring because she is a clone. She grew as a person and killed herself to protect them.

She is different in mangas.

CreepySariFan 05-05-2012 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 49036)
Then how come more of the merchandising is centered around Askua?

Wasn't it rumored that Rei's popularity kinda shocked everyone? She kinda started the whole Rei Expy trend.

stormywaters 05-05-2012 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Captn Cracka (Post 49043)
Ok so here is a this episode we saw a young Jaga using the Sword of Omens. This would mean 1 of 2 things....that Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use against Ratilla, OR that when Jaga was young HE was once king of the thundercats. And later became a cleric for the new king. Either way I think both ideas are cool. BUT, if Claudis gave Jaga the sword to use, would that mean one day Lion-O could give the sword to Tygra to use???

Jaga's older than Claudus, and seemed pretty young in the flashback. It's possible that at that time, Claudus may not have been born yet, or was just a child, and unable to wield the sword.

fuukonomiko 05-05-2012 02:46 PM

I just saw the episode since I was working all morning. Thank God for DVR.

The fangirl in me just...*DIED*

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Chique 05-05-2012 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49071)
I just saw the episode since I was working all morning. Thank God for DVR.

The fangirl in me just...*DIED*

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Some thoughts:

I enjoyed this. Nice to see some of the other relationships getting developed and played with. Nice to see everyone getting some air time!

-The story with the rats was an interesting one. The cat's are not innocent, and shoulder some of the blame for things being the way they are. As we've seen before.
-I don't think it was the best battle, but it wasn't bad. I'm going to hate that damn shield/stone combo thing. You have a freaking blade, sword fight!
-Lion-O's hero theme
-Breaking up the group to accomplish multiple objectives. This is how you handle a cast this size!
-Tygra and Cheetara cheesey/waffy dialog. Goodness gracious Tygra It's the honeymoon stage, he'e happy to be with her and can't help but show it.

I need to say this: "I AM SUCH A PUMYRA FAN GIRL".
When she went in on that rat, I was cheering like an idiot. KICK HIS BUTT, NO LION-O LET HER DESTROY HIM! Then she punched Lion-O. It looks like she's sweet on Lion-O, but our King seems to have lingering affection for Cheetara. That, or he was just trying to clear the air.

LOL @ Lion-O's face when Panthro announced it was time to save some cats. He looked like it was time to jump in the tank and roll to Disneyworld. What was that?

Poor Panthro. He's had it up to here with these kids and their hormones!

OMG Tygra went all Jack to Cheetara's Rose. That was too waffy for this early in the day. By now my family is sick of watching those two kiss among the ice bur-I mean rocks.

Pumyra has officially been bit by the Lion-O empathy bug.

Wehlp. Some poster were complaining that Cheetara and Tygra didn't show enough affection....fixed.

fuukonomiko 05-05-2012 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 49072)

LOL @ Lion-O's face when Panthro announced it was time to save some cats. He looked like it was time to jump in the tank and roll to Disneyworld. What was that?

I think it's because Panthro saved him from a bit of an awkward pause when Pumyra was flirting with him.

Oh come on Lion-O, the girl adores you! Even if she has an unusual way of showing it :D

stormywaters 05-05-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 49072)
LOL @ Lion-O's face when Panthro announced it was time to save some cats. He looked like it was time to jump in the tank and roll to Disneyworld. What was that?

If that's the moment after he interrupts after Pumyra was hitting on Lion-o, I'm probably going to go with it's giddy glee because a girl likes him. It works well with his expressions before, because when she makes the pass at him, his expression kinda switches from "What? No!" to "Well, probably not, but maybe." Or maybe he's not interested, and just happy Panthro broke up an awkward moment.

Eclipse 05-05-2012 03:13 PM

Lion-O was awesome. I'm not going to analize him in the last three episodes, but after the trials he got his act together and became all I hoped for.

As for what really brings me here today, my eldest commented:

"I think Cheetara is too young to have a boyfriend!"

God bless her soul :) I think they are perfect for each other but out loud agreed and added 30 is an amazing age to start dating.

In the meantime, I quietly *DIED* three!

RedxEyexFight 05-05-2012 03:22 PM

:eek: i dont think im supposed to find two female cartoon characters so hott, lol. Pumyra is a pretty dark character, i was waiting for her to go all benjamin martin/the patriot on that rat dude.

the whole Cheetarah and Tygra thing was cheesy is the most awesome way...however, the whole "getting lucky" thing was a bit disturbing. really hope some kids don't start re-enacting this episode. :p

L08e16o 05-05-2012 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by stormywaters (Post 49075)
If that's the moment after he interrupts after Pumyra was hitting on Lion-o, I'm probably going to go with it's giddy glee because a girl likes him. It works well with his expressions before, because when she makes the pass at him, his expression kinda switches from "What? No!" to "Well, probably not, but maybe." Or maybe he's not interested, and just happy Panthro broke up an awkward moment.

No. She said go for someone else. He made a sad face.

When she ask if he likes cheetara, he showed he did. I don't think he is interested in pumyra. Remember what happen in 15.

vantheman77 05-05-2012 03:39 PM

I take it Pumyra knocked Lion-O mainly because he still has feelings for Cheetara and not interested in her?!

Chique 05-05-2012 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 49080)
I take it Pumyra knocked Lion-O mainly because he still has feelings for Cheetara and not interested in her?!

No, she hit hum because he was trying to stop her from beating the little rat to a pulp:D
She was a bit flirtatious, but I don't think she's head over heels yet.

stac 05-05-2012 04:19 PM

Some observations from this episode:

-It seems that Jaga was the Original Badass; he practically vaporised Ratilla and raised a mountain out of the ground. Mumm-Ra would not stand much of a chance against Jaga in his prime.

-The triangle (at least on Lion-O's part) hasn’t died out yet. Perhaps, this is him learning from his trials and trying a “different path.” Anyway, I’m sorry fellow Lion-O fans; it seems the writers enjoy toying with us too much.

-Lion-O’s face at Pumyra’s comment about finding someone else was simply priceless.

-I'm extremely scared for characterisation if the writers are planning on a triangle (or quadrangle) with Pumyra thrown into the mix. I hope they don’t make it any more ridiculous than it already is.

-A lot of T/C interaction in this episode. Why on earth couldn't the writers have done this from the beginning? On the other hand, that kiss was so cliché - Hey, the world is falling apart and instead of finding a way to escape, now seems like the appropriate time to spout a few cheesy lines and make out.

-Lion-O can defeat Mumm-Ra in a few seconds without much of a problem but has trouble with an overweight Rat who has a big mouth? After beating the Duelist and going through his trials? Do the writers plan on stabilising the characters skill levels and abilities anytime soon?

-When the mine was collapsing, no harm comes to Tygra and Cheetara due to the pure awesomeness of their love; in fact not even a single pebble falls on either one. Come on writers…

fuukonomiko 05-05-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49085)
Some observations from this episode:

-When the mine was collapsing, no harm comes to Tygra and Cheetara due to the pure awesomeness of their love; in fact not even a single pebble falls on either one. Come on writers…

They seem to be standing under some kind of beam? I'm not sure. Thats what it seems like.

Incidentally, considering all those boulders on top of Pumyra and Panthro (they were HUGE) and considering the ceiling collapsed on top of them, amazingly they're just dusty and seem to nary have broken a bone.

Cats do have nine lives :D

L08e16o 05-05-2012 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49085)
Some observations from this episode:

-It seems that Jaga was the Original Badass; he practically vaporised Ratilla and raised a mountain out of the ground. Mumm-Ra would not stand much of a chance against Jaga in his prime.

-The triangle (at least on Lion-O's part) hasn’t died out yet. Perhaps, this is him learning from his trials and trying a “different path.” Anyway, I’m sorry fellow Lion-O fans; it seems the writers enjoy toying with us too much.

-Lion-O’s face at Pumyra’s comment about finding someone else was simply priceless.

-I'm extremely scared for characterisation if the writers are planning on a triangle (or quadrangle) with Pumyra thrown into the mix. I hope they don’t make it any more ridiculous than it already is.

-A lot of T/C interaction in this episode. Why on earth couldn't the writers have done this from the beginning? On the other hand, that kiss was so cliché - Hey, the world is falling apart and instead of finding a way to escape, now seems like the appropriate time to spout a few cheesy lines and make out.

-Lion-O can defeat Mumm-Ra in a few seconds without much of a problem but has trouble with an overweight Rat who has a big mouth? After beating the Duelist and going through his trials? Do the writers plan on stabilising the characters skill levels and abilities anytime soon?

-When the mine was collapsing, no harm comes to Tygra and Cheetara due to the pure awesomeness of their love; in fact not even a single pebble falls on either one. Come on writers…

You mean MJ is the one. He likes to troll.

I wonder whoes show is this really. People can argue with me all they want, but MJ has set out to make sure tygra out shines lion-o.

His face looked sad to me. I watched that part again.

krazycp 05-05-2012 04:39 PM

It looks like Pumyra is staying with them, at least for a while. I do hope she stays permanently.

Eclipse 05-05-2012 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49088)
You mean MJ is the one. He likes to troll.

I wonder whoes show is this really. People can argue with me all they want, but MJ has set out to make sure tygra out shines lion-o.

His face looked sad to me. I watched that part again.

I thought he was just trying to sort out what he actually feels. He didn't look sad to me. It's still funny how I always see Lion-O in a much more positive light thank you :)

L08e16o 05-05-2012 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49090)
I thought he was just trying to sort out what he actually feels. He didn't look sad to me. It's still funny how I always see Lion-O in a much more positive light thank you :)

I see it this way because of MJ's writing.

And the fight was to short.

When she told him to move on to someone else he showed a sad expression before panthro said enough flirting.

Talyn 05-05-2012 04:49 PM

So if that place was called Mt. plundar, why the HELL didn't Mummra have his entire army there blowing the place up to find his gauntlet and sword? Seems dumb to be looking all over for hidden crystals when this one is so obvious and needed before the crystals anyway.

Eclipse 05-05-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49091)
I see it this way because of MJ's writing.

And the fight was to short.

I see a big problem with blaming the writers. This is not directed at you, but in general if Tygra or Cheetara behave in any way that is not approved by Lion-O fans, they are a number of things (a jerk, a traitor, a seductress/temptress, you've read it). But whatever happens to Lion-O by Lion-O is bad writing.

It's either bad writing all around -and then we can all stop watching- or we work with what we have and make sense out of what we're given. It's a personal choice too, but we either discuss the writing alone, or what we see. I cannot take "it's the writing" as an argument anymore.

Singe 05-05-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49085)
Some observations from this episode:

-It seems that Jaga was the Original Badass; he practically vaporised Ratilla and raised a mountain out of the ground. Mumm-Ra would not stand much of a chance against Jaga in his prime.

-The triangle (at least on Lion-O's part) hasn’t died out yet. Perhaps, this is him learning from his trials and trying a “different path.” Anyway, I’m sorry fellow Lion-O fans; it seems the writers enjoy toying with us too much.

-Lion-O’s face at Pumyra’s comment about finding someone else was simply priceless.

-I'm extremely scared for characterisation if the writers are planning on a triangle (or quadrangle) with Pumyra thrown into the mix. I hope they don’t make it any more ridiculous than it already is.

-A lot of T/C interaction in this episode. Why on earth couldn't the writers have done this from the beginning? On the other hand, that kiss was so cliché - Hey, the world is falling apart and instead of finding a way to escape, now seems like the appropriate time to spout a few cheesy lines and make out.

-Lion-O can defeat Mumm-Ra in a few seconds without much of a problem but has trouble with an overweight Rat who has a big mouth? After beating the Duelist and going through his trials? Do the writers plan on stabilising the characters skill levels and abilities anytime soon?

-When the mine was collapsing, no harm comes to Tygra and Cheetara due to the pure awesomeness of their love; in fact not even a single pebble falls on either one. Come on writers…

There is a huge difference between the two fights.

Lion-O relies on the power of the sword and stone to win the fight, to make up for his low level skill of physical combat. It works against Mumm-ra since all he uses is magic. Our big rat, with both skill and physical strength beat back Lion-O, then it went to a magic battle which Lion-O can win at.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49094)
I see a big problem with blaming the writers. This is not directed at you, but in general if Tygra or Cheetara behave in any way that is not approved by Lion-O fans, they are a number of things (a jerk, a traitor, a seductress/temptress, you've read it). But whatever happens to Lion-O by Lion-O is bad writing.

It's either bad writing all around -and then we can all stop watching- or we work with what we have and make sense out of what we're given. It's a personal choice too, but we either discuss the writing alone, or what we see. I cannot take "it's the writing" as an argument anymore.

This is lion-o's show, that is my problem with the entire thing. Also how the whole L/T/C thing was handled.

Well you got want you wanted. It is bad writing, why can jaga use the sword at full power. Why did cheetara say jaga's magic is in her. There are many things left out.

Chique 05-05-2012 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49096)
This is lion-o's show, that is my problem with the entire thing. Also how the whole L/T/C thing was handled.

Well you got want you wanted. It is bad writing, why can jaga use the sword at full power. Why did cheetara say jaga's magic is in her. There are many things left out.

What makes you say he used the sword at full power? He used it, but I doubt it could do in Jaga's hands what it can/will do in Lion-O's.

I assumed all the Clerics posses some level of mysticism/magic or whatever. Also, she had a strong relationship with Jaga. I wouldn't doubt that she could be capable of similar feats as a result of being a long term student.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 05:20 PM

It's interesting because when Pumyra blames him and his sense of mercy for getting them captured he could have easily reminded her that if she could control her temper and stick to the plan there wouldn't have been any need for his mercy in the first place. Instead he says "You know what, I got this" taking responsibility not only for his own action, but her as well.

I must admit I LoL'd at Lion-O's face when she suggested he find someone else, I assume he was thinking "like who, the eight-year-old?" I got some warm and fuzzies when he carried her out of the rubble, could he be more prince charming?

Speaking of Pumyra is she injured or something now? They made sure to show us her leg under that rock, but she's standing up in the next scene. It could really suck for her given that a fight's coming their way, on the other hand it just gives Lion-O another chance to be awesome, stubbornly protecting her during the battle.

And hey! Tygra and Cheetara actually are a couple! Remember that? Cause I was having a hard time.

Panthro's just jealous because his girlfriend is too big to tag along on most missions.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 49097)
What makes you say he used the sword at full power? He used it, but I doubt it could do in Jaga's hands what it can/will do in Lion-O's.

I assumed all the Clerics posses some level of mysticism/magic or whatever. Also, she had a strong relationship with Jaga. I wouldn't doubt that she could be capable of similar feats as a result of being a long term student.

When he destroyed ratilla, he used more power than lion-o has shown.

stac 05-05-2012 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49094)
I see a big problem with blaming the writers. This is not directed at you, but in general if Tygra or Cheetara behave in any way that is not approved by Lion-O fans, they are a number of things (a jerk, a traitor, a seductress/temptress, you've read it). But whatever happens to Lion-O by Lion-O is bad writing.

It's either bad writing all around -and then we can all stop watching- or we work with what we have and make sense out of what we're given. It's a personal choice too, but we either discuss the writing alone, or what we see. I cannot take "it's the writing" as an argument anymore.

The characters who have suffered the most, in terms of character development, are Cheetara and Lion-O.

Tygra has actually been quite consistent - an entitled, pompous jerk who can be counted on to do the right thing in the end.

I have seen some fantastic idiocy so far from the writers. A few examples being: the absurd “love” triangle, inconsistent characterisation and the inability to maintain character development without significant regression, heavily fluctuating character skills and abilities which are often underplayed for plot convenience.

Is it too much to ask for consistency?

Eclipse 05-05-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49096)
This is lion-o's show, that is my problem with the entire thing. Also how the whole L/T/C thing was handled.

Well you got want you wanted. It is bad writing, why can jaga use the sword at full power. Why did cheetara say jaga's magic is in her. There are many things left out.

You know I've never consider it Lion-O's show. He's the leader and the story revolves around him or at least makes sure to include him, but this is "ThunderCats," not "Lion-O and the rest". He still gets the most screentime and attention.

I also have no clue as to what you think I want :D

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 49098)
It's interesting because when Pumyra blames him and his sense of mercy for getting them captured he could have easily reminded her that if she could control her temper and stick to the plan there wouldn't have been any need for his mercy in the first place. Instead he says "You know what, I got this" taking responsibility not only for his own action, but her as well.

I must admit I LoL'd at Lion-O's face when she suggested he find someone else, I assume he was thinking "like who, the eight-year-old?" I got some warm and fuzzies when he carried her out of the rubble, could he be more prince charming?

Speaking of Pumyra is she injured or something now? They made sure to show us her leg under that rock, but she's standing up in the next scene. It could really suck for her given that a fight's coming their way, on the other hand it just gives Lion-O another chance to be awesome, stubbornly protecting her during the battle.

And hey! Tygra and Cheetara actually are a couple! Remember that? Cause I was having a hard time.

Panthro's just jealous because his girlfriend is too big to tag along on most missions.

She is into lion-o, which I know you are on cloud nine. When panthro told them they need to free the slaves, she had her hands behind her back and was smiling at him.

stac 05-05-2012 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 49095)
There is a huge difference between the two fights.

Lion-O relies on the power of the sword and stone to win the fight, to make up for his low level skill of physical combat. It works against Mumm-ra since all he uses is magic. Our big rat, with both skill and physical strength beat back Lion-O, then it went to a magic battle which Lion-O can win at.

That’s why I mentioned that Lion-O defeated the Duelist who was considered the best (or at least among the best) swordsman. Suddenly, he fights like he has forgotten everything he has learned. It was like Lion-O is completely useless with the sword.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49102)
You know I've never consider it Lion-O's show. He's the leader and the story revolves around him or at least makes sure to include him, but this is "ThunderCats," not "Lion-O and the rest". He still gets the most screentime and attention.

I also have no clue as to what you think I want :D

You ask any person who knows little about TCats and they will tell you of the lion and sword. It is almost universal that when you think of TCats, it is lion-o that comes up first.

You know what I meant (T/C):).

stormywaters 05-05-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49096)
This is lion-o's show, that is my problem with the entire thing. Also how the whole L/T/C thing was handled.

Well you got want you wanted. It is bad writing, why can jaga use the sword at full power. Why did cheetara say jaga's magic is in her. There are many things left out.

It's pretty straightforward. Jaga can use the sword well because he's trained in magic, and understands how it is supposed to work. The assumption that he can use all of its power is just speculation at this point. For all we know, the energy beams coming out of the sword were because of it meeting its polar opposite, or just thrown in for dramatic effect. Remember, Jaga is a highly trained priest/monk/whatever while Ratilla is just a thug who found a sword, and he can get similar results from the sword of plundarr.

Also, when Cheetara says that Jaga's magic is in her, I believe she's referring to the type of magic. She can break the curse, because it was crafted in the brand of magic she was trained in.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by stormywaters (Post 49106)
It's pretty straightforward. Jaga can use the sword well because he's trained in magic, and understands how it is supposed to work. The assumption that he can use all of its power is just speculation at this point. For all we know, the energy beams coming out of the sword were because of it meeting its polar opposite, or just thrown in for dramatic effect. Remember, Jaga is a highly trained priest/monk/whatever while Ratilla is just a thug who found a sword, and he can get similar results from the sword of plundarr.

Also, when Cheetara says that Jaga's magic is in her, I believe she's referring to the type of magic. She can break the curse, because it was crafted in the brand of magic she was trained in.

We never seen Claudius use the sword in that manner. The power that came out of that sword was more than what we seen from lion-o.

You notice he didn't use it against the Rat.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49104)
That’s why I mentioned that Lion-O defeated the Duelist who was considered the best (or at least among the best) swordsman. Suddenly, he fights like he has forgotten everything he has learned. It was like Lion-O is completely useless with the sword.

He didn't use the power of the sword.

stac 05-05-2012 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49086)
They seem to be standing under some kind of beam? I'm not sure. Thats what it seems like.

Incidentally, considering all those boulders on top of Pumyra and Panthro (they were HUGE) and considering the ceiling collapsed on top of them, amazingly they're just dusty and seem to nary have broken a bone.

Cats do have nine lives :D

Well, I re-watched that part. They just seem to be standing out there in the open; no beam of any sort.

The moral of the lesson seems to be: when about to die, make out with your partner as this act will grant you incredible luck.

fuukonomiko 05-05-2012 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49109)
Well, I re-watched that part. They just seem to be standing out there in the open; no beam of any sort.

The moral of the lesson seems to be: when about to die, make out with your partner as this act will grant you incredible luck.

Moral #2
Hang out with the King of Thundera, get buried in enough rock to kill a small army and come out of it without a single broken bone.

As for moral number 1, I'm sure we've seen that in every other movie featuring a hero that is about to die and happens not to. It's Hollywood standard after all.

SirSapphire 05-05-2012 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49110)
Moral #2
Hang out with the King of Thundera, get buried in enough rock to kill a small army and come out of it without a single broken bone.

As for moral number 1, I'm sure we've seen that in every other movie featuring a hero that is about to die and happens not to. It's Hollywood standard after all.

That's why those other cats died in this episode, they weren't hanging out with Lion-O.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49109)
Well, I re-watched that part. They just seem to be standing out there in the open; no beam of any sort.

The moral of the lesson seems to be: when about to die, make out with your partner as this act will grant you incredible luck.


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 49110)
Moral #2
Hang out with the King of Thundera, get buried in enough rock to kill a small army and come out of it without a single broken bone.

As for moral number 1, I'm sure we've seen that in every other movie featuring a hero that is about to die and happens not to. It's Hollywood standard after all.

Moral #3: With MJ writing, you don't know what you will get.

Eclipse 05-05-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49105)
You ask any person who knows little about TCats and they will tell you of the lion and sword. It is almost univeral that when you think of TCats, it is lion-o that comes up first.

Nothing I said above contradicts this. But it's still not his show alone. You take out the others and while he will come first to people's minds, there is no show.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49105)
You know what I meant (T/C):).

Then you haven't read a thing I've posted since last December. Again, I had no set ship until it happened back in Episode 13. I've just always been partial to Tygra, but he didn't need a girlfriend for me to find this character more complex and interesting than the others. He would have survived heartbreak, just like Lion-O is doing. It's not easy, but it wouldn't have been for any of them.

As at least one person in this board can attest to (fellow Legend of Korra fan), I will go with whatever ship -or none at all- makes the girl happy.

stac 05-05-2012 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 49108)
He didn't use the power of the sword.

Exactly my point. Lion-O beat the Duelist with his skill and swordsmanship and yet he performed so poorly against the Rat.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 49113)
Nothing I said above contradicts this. But it's still not his show alone. You take out the others and while he will come first to people's minds, there is no show.

Then you haven't read a thing I've posted since last December. Again, I had no set ship until it happened back in Episode 13. I've just always been partial to Tygra, but he didn't need a girlfriend for me to find this character more complex and interesting than the others. He would have survived heartbreak, just like Lion-O is doing. It's not easy, but it wouldn't have been for any of them.

As at least one person in this board can attest to (fellow Legend of Korra fan), I will go with whatever ship -or none at all- makes the girl happy.

I like the ship if it is done right. Say like in naruto, I really haven't made up my mind.

Didn't you see the smiley face?? I know you like tygra.

You had a lot of Lion-o only episodes in the OS. Tcats could have a lot of episodes just about lion-o and it would still be popular.

Off topic. I like the legend of Korra. I saw some fans didn't like it. I only saw one episode. Have they started any ships? It looks like there could be a triangle in it.

L08e16o 05-05-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 49114)
Exactly my point. Lion-O beat the Duelist with his skill and swordsmanship and yet he performed so poorly against the Rat.

I wouldn't be surprise if mummra gets the sword and beats lion-o.

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