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Ruination04 07-06-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 6707)
Speaking of Cheetara .... Though I'll probably feel a little awkward buying her, lol.

I won't! LOL

Wthompson 07-08-2011 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ruination04 (Post 6739)
I won't! LOL

Me neither, besides buy her with a bunch other figures and its all good:)
I went and made a decent custom with a little more modern look to it and it turned out ok. Had actually been working on charaters that did not have a figure. Just completed a Mandora custom and currently working on Whiz-Ra.

I hope they try and add some figures that didn't have a production figure in the LJN line.

Ravenxl7 07-08-2011 11:09 AM

I'm just not used to buying female characters, lol. If I can save up and buy both her and whoever is released at the same time as her, or at least some other collector-oriented figure, I'll feel less awkward.

I'm hoping they go and do Mumm-Ra and Slythe within the first couple of waves or so. Would be nice for the first four waves to not be all good guys.

Assuming Mumm-Ra has Ma-Mutt as an accessory, it would be nice to see Snarf as someone else's. Though I'm not sure who.

xander88 07-08-2011 03:29 PM

I'm hoping they go and do Mumm-Ra and Slythe within the first couple of waves or so. Would be nice for the first four waves to not be all good guys.

Assuming Mumm-Ra has Ma-Mutt as an accessory, it would be nice to see Snarf as someone else's. Though I'm not sure who.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. I am hoping we get bad guys early on and not having to buy Ma-Mutt and Snarf separately would be better. I was also hoping that when they release Panthro, he will come with Wiley-Cat and that Cheetara will come with Wiley-Kit. That probably won't happen but at least if it did we would be able to collect the main characters quicker. They should have had Lion-o come with Snarf.

Ravenxl7 07-08-2011 03:43 PM

I'll be surprised if the twins don't end up as a set themselves. They're small, but not small enough to be an addition to one of the other members.

Since they missed the opportunity to release Snarf with Lion-O, I think it would be interesting if they released a pre-aged Lion-O with Snarf and some other accessories.

xander88 07-08-2011 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 6885)
I'll be surprised if the twins don't end up as a set themselves. They're small, but not small enough to be an addition to one of the other members.

Since they missed the opportunity to release Snarf with Lion-O, I think it would be interesting if they released a pre-aged Lion-O with Snarf and some other accessories.

That would be a good idea but if they didn't want to do young Lion-o I think they should put Snarf in with the twins.

Ravenxl7 07-08-2011 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by xander88 (Post 6887)
That would be a good idea but if they didn't want to do young Lion-o I think they should put Snarf in with the twins.

That'd be another good option for releasing him. Really depends on whether or not they could justify both of the twins, both of their boards, any other accessories they would include with the twins, and Snarf on top of all that released together at the same price as just one of the fully grown characters. We'll just have to wait and see. I just hope they don't miss an opportunity to release Classic versions of Snarf and Ma-Mutt.

dr_slump 07-22-2011 06:43 PM

Apart from the main heroes and villains, I'd love to see Willa and Mandora.

nitewing73 07-24-2011 05:10 PM

Good call on Will and Mandora. I'd love for them to do Snowman or Hatchiman.

Drake915 07-26-2011 07:27 AM

hi guys....I'm personally waiting for Panthro, which I know will probably get a figure. I really liked the berserkers when I was a kid so it would be nice to have some updates. Looking at them again though, they were really gimmicky so I doubt they would. I do support the notion of having characters who didn't get a figure get one in the classic line though. I have a feeling the classic thundercat figures will sell better than some might think.

xander88 07-27-2011 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Drake915 (Post 7768)
hi guys....I'm personally waiting for Panthro, which I know will probably get a figure. I really liked the berserkers when I was a kid so it would be nice to have some updates. Looking at them again though, they were really gimmicky so I doubt they would. I do support the notion of having characters who didn't get a figure get one in the classic line though. I have a feeling the classic thundercat figures will sell better than some might think.

I think the classic figures will do well. There seems to be a very high demand for them right now. When I see them showing up on ebay they sell straight away and people are willing to pay more than the retail price for them. One character who I would like to see released in the classic line who's never been released before is Claudus. There is a chance it might happen because he's bound to be released in the 4" scale with him being a more significant character this time around so hopefully we'll get a classic version of him.

Ravenxl7 07-27-2011 11:02 PM

Was thinking about this recently, and decided to come-up with a list of all the characters I'd love to see made in this line at some point:

-Berbil Bill
-Berbil Belle
-Mumm-Ra mummy
-Mumm-Ra the ever-living

Yeah...kind of a long list, and I don't expect them all to get made, but it would be great if they did. Also, oddly enough, as much as I like Cheetara and Panthro, I'm looking forward the most to Monkian. Meaning I'll be very sad if he doesn't get made, lol...

xander88 07-28-2011 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 7837)
Was thinking about this recently, and decided to come-up with a list of all the characters I'd love to see made in this line at some point:

-Berbil Bill
-Berbil Belle
-Mumm-Ra mummy
-Mumm-Ra the ever-living

Yeah...kind of a long list, and I don't expect them all to get made, but it would be great if they did. Also, oddly enough, as much as I like Cheetara and Panthro, I'm looking forward the most to Monkian. Meaning I'll be very sad if he doesn't get made, lol...

I like this list. Mine would be pretty much the same. The only characters I would possibly add to it are:

-Captain Shiner
-Safari Joe
-Chilla (was never really a fan of the Lunataks but it would be cool to have a female villain)

wesitron 07-28-2011 10:07 AM

If they get to the twins, I would want their boards to be just boards, no wheels. The on the bottom have a clear plastic ball and socket joint raised maybe two inches off the ground. Give us all the fun tilt action without having to engineer something big and clunky. Plus if it was ball and socket, you'd be able to remove the board without any trouble if you didn't want to display it that way.

Ravenxl7 07-28-2011 12:08 PM

I know some are going to call blasphemy on this, but honestly, I would be perfectly fine with the twins not coming with their boards at all. The two of them, a couple of small accessories, and Snarf would make for one good pack, imho, and would probably fit in the same packaging as just one of the others would. I would also hope that any Berbil's we get would come in a 2 or 3-pack (depending on exactly how big they would make them).

wesitron 07-28-2011 01:00 PM

That's a good idea, but I think the pricing wouldn't balance out. They'd have to sacrifice the amazing articulation of the 8" figures, and I'd rather have articulated good figures with lots of accessories than the same immobile toys I had 20 years ago

Ravenxl7 07-28-2011 01:25 PM

Good point, but I feel their articulation is going to be hindered in-comparison to the others anyways. Mostly due to their size. Either way I'll get them both, so it's a mute point in the end, lol. I just hope they don't miss an opportunity to release Snarf at mass retail.

wesitron 07-28-2011 01:45 PM

I hope they're not so dumb as to leave out such a unique character. After all, he is still a thundercat.

LionOLordoftheThundercats 07-31-2011 03:36 PM

I would like to see Cheetara, Wily-Kat, and Wily-Kit.

nitewing73 08-02-2011 11:21 AM

I know it was mentioned in the interview at SDCC with the creators that maybe they'd throw in Silverhawks or Tigersharks in the cartoon. That would be pretty sweet if they could do the Silverhawks in Classic form.

Cougra 08-02-2011 03:00 PM

Evil-Chaser Mandora and Chilla would be awesome! Maybe even the old school Thunder Tank. :3

Ravenxl7 08-14-2011 02:10 PM

Now that we know we're getting eight figures a year (starting next year of course), here's what I'm hoping for:

-Wilykat w/board
-Wilykit w/board
-Mumm-Ra TEL

-Snarf vs. Ma-Mutt
-Ghost Jaga
-Berbil Bill & Bell
-Mumm-Ra mummy

-Berbil Bob & Bert

Ianm1225 08-25-2011 11:58 AM

I would love to have all of the original LJN figures re-done in the new Classics line. And the following as well provided they can do the Rankin/Bass characters:

The Lunataks
Willa & Nayda
Claudis & Kano
Mole Master

I'm sure there are more lol.

Autotrooper 08-25-2011 03:40 PM

:cool: I would love to get Mumm-ra (ever-living form), Cheetara, and the Wilytwins (maybe for a two-pack?). Emphasis on the twins, due to their toys always sucking. :(

Sesshomaru 08-25-2011 08:59 PM

I want all of the original characters(heroes and villains) in classics form. Also a 1:1 scale screen accurate original sword of omens will do very nicely and I will pay any amount for it. ANY AMOUNT! You hear me Bandai? ^_^

poisoncow 09-02-2011 07:38 PM

First post, be kind internet!!

Here's what I'd like. I'm not going crazy and really only want a small cast


-Kit w/board
-Kat w/board


-Mummra (mummy)

And I'd be happy, less they'd be willing to hand me a new Thundertank

Thundercat4Life 09-02-2011 08:19 PM


Steevy Maximus 09-02-2011 08:24 PM

Personally, I'd do unmentionable things to get a dang Silverhawks classics set. I'd buy DOUBLES of everything too.

xander88 09-03-2011 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by poisoncow (Post 14318)
First post, be kind internet!!

Here's what I'd like. I'm not going crazy and really only want a small cast


-Kit w/board
-Kat w/board


-Mummra (mummy)

And I'd be happy, less they'd be willing to hand me a new Thundertank

This is a good list but I'd have to have Grune, Monkian and Rataro too and then for me it would be the ultimate collection and anything else would be a bonus. I think if they did do any others after all these I would probably start to pick and choose but for a while I think I will be collecting every character as and when they are released. The Thundertank would also be good but I don't really mind either way. A classic sword of omens would be pretty cool with lights and sounds.

poisoncow 09-04-2011 09:37 AM

Completely forgot Monkian, he should be on my list too.

rchrz60 09-15-2011 12:25 AM

Who do I want?
I would love to see all of them eventually. But right now I think the line needs some bad guys. Maybe Mum-Ra or Grune.

I would also like to see them do two styles of Jaga.
1) Classic Jaga before death, with sword of omens
2) Transparent Blue Jaga with Red Thundercats symbol on chest. I'm sure they can pull this off because Star Wars has all the holographic or hologram figures. It would be cool to have both.

I would also like to see some 2-Packs of the smaller Figures
1) Snarf and Maw-Mutt
2) Wylie Kitt and Katt
3) Snarfer and a Burbil

I also got an email direct from a Bandi Rep that stated "if the line is successful there is talk about accessories such as a Thunder tank, Cats lair, and Mum-Ra's tomb."

This would be awesome as the classics figures Rock

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