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Shifty02 08-03-2011 02:46 PM

Oh, I can't wait for a Lion-O. I always wanted him as a kid. I'm just crossing my fingers that Bandai will make classics of the rest of the original Thundercats and at least a Mumm-Ra the Ever Living.

Hyper Jaguar 08-03-2011 03:41 PM

Bandai has to make a 6" Tygra and Cheetara. Since they know the new line will attract older fans, it just makes sense.

Shifty02 08-03-2011 03:56 PM

You would THINK so...but Bandai of America has made some just stupid decisions in the Power Rangers toyline. I just hope their level of stupidity doesn't infect the Thundercats Classic line.

LordLionO 08-03-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Lion O of savannah (Post 8582)
If I get them in hand by Friday ill be surrounded by figures and eating a bowl of cereal. Keeping the 80's fanboy tradition alive. Thundercats Hoooooooooo.

I plan to take your idea and use it as my own!

I hope I finds the figs soon as well.

propazoid 08-03-2011 04:01 PM

Well I was able to order all the figures on today for "store pickup".
Well 2 hours later I got an email with my order canceled...

I knew it was too good to be true.

Sitting in front of the TV with toys in hand this Friday is not looking


PANTHRO HOOO 08-03-2011 04:39 PM

Guys this new thundercats show got me to think of my childhood and my former obsesion. When I started thinking about it I remembered that I have a ton of used originals in my moms attic. I dont know whats up there but im sure its alot. Whats the best way to sell these?

DESTRO 08-03-2011 07:05 PM

That's crazy of all places K-Mart. Time to hunt....

Joe Moore 08-03-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 8701)
Guys this new thundercats show got me to think of my childhood and my former obsesion. When I started thinking about it I remembered that I have a ton of used originals in my moms attic. I dont know whats up there but im sure its alot. Whats the best way to sell these?

Clean them up, try your best to match figures with accessories and sell them individually. It's the way you'll get the most per figure.

Talyn 08-03-2011 08:11 PM

found mezco liono at TRU today, no bandai stuff though.

IndyCat 08-03-2011 08:33 PM

found everything from the new line today but no classics. here is what the display looked like and what I got.

PANTHRO HOOO 08-03-2011 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 8708)
Clean them up, try your best to match figures with accessories and sell them individually. It's the way you'll get the most per figure.

i meant like where and who to sell them to. If everything is still there I have mumras toom, thunder tank, thunderclaw, cats lair, and most of the figures. E baying them off one bye one sounds like it will take along time.

solidwii 08-03-2011 08:48 PM

got these today..Hoooooo!

My Kmart Haul.

6.99 for 4"
14.99 for 6"
29.99 for thundertank.

For you Indy guys its the Kmart off Madison Avenue

LionOLordoftheThundercats 08-03-2011 09:39 PM

I'm starting to wonder if Kmart is going to be the only place these can be found right now. Ugh!

Kregermeister 08-03-2011 09:47 PM

I just scoured all of north NJ and lower NY. Nothing.

First post, yay!

IndyCat 08-03-2011 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by solidwii (Post 8719)
got these today..Hoooooo!

My Kmart Haul.

6.99 for 4"
14.99 for 6"
29.99 for thundertank.

For you Indy guys its the Kmart off Madison Avenue

Yes it's the one of Madison. Did you clear them out?lol

dolf334 08-03-2011 10:37 PM

Crack them open and lets get some action poses!!

solidwii 08-03-2011 11:13 PM

UPCs to make your searches easier:
4" Line
Lion-O: 045557330019
Cheetara: 045557330040
Mumm-Ra: 045557330088
Tygra: 045557330026
Panthro: 045557330033
Wilykit: 045557330057
Wilykat: 045557330064

6" Line
Panthro 045557330521
Mumm Ra 045557330538
Lion O 045557330514

Thundertank : 045557330712

solidwii 08-03-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 8737)
Yes it's the one of Madison. Did you clear them out?lol

I bought 1 of each and 2 tanks....theres 1 tank left. Some lion Os, Mummras, Wilys.

solidwii 08-03-2011 11:35 PM

noxiousCaitSith 08-03-2011 11:54 PM

i have not been able to find them anywhere. i live near tampa, fl. anyone around there seen anything? been looking the past couple days and might be checking again tomorrow.

LXL Guy 08-04-2011 12:08 AM

Even though I said I wasn't gonna go and look, I might look around tomorrow.

On another note, it's not the new animated stuff but my buddy was able to get me the 14'' Mezco Lion-O from Toys R Us for $25.

Hyper Jaguar 08-04-2011 01:08 AM

How many DX Sword of Omens are left at the Madison Kmart?

Cougra 08-04-2011 01:45 AM

When I got to my local Kmart, there were only five 4" inch Mumm-ras and one Tygra. So I bought one of each. I do live in an area with lots of scalpers. :P Especially, when they work at the Frank & Son Collectible Show...

jaguar 08-04-2011 02:24 AM

I would not worry at all. The stock you are seeing right now online is teaser cases put out to stir up a feeding frenzy. It's working. Companies like Bandai and Hasbro often dump teaser cases to stir up a frenzy.

The main release date is in August, despite that ridiculous PR from Bandai. It's just marketing folks don't buy into it. All the cases and revision cases for the foreseeable future have the same characters just different quantities of each. This goes for 8", 6", 4" basic, 4" deluxe, playsets and vehicles. Basically all the main characters so don't worry. In a couple of months you'll be able to buy these on sale and come the holidays....

This is exactly how ben10 figs started off. Never had a hard time finding any of them eventually but now no one cares. Bandai is really, really good about keeping the main characters always accessible to all. American toy companies can learn a thing or two from them about that and paint app/quality control. Their paint/qc quality is pretty good so finding a decent set is not going to be hard.

These scalpers are not really bright people. They hop on boards like this to see what we are gushing over and used that to aid them. They probably figured buying up all Thundercats merch they can will be a huge profit for them on name alone but this is going to come crashing down on them so fast that they will be returning this stuff super fast. Lots of times they buy stuff thinking they will make a profit on it by just roaming the isles. They have no clue. They set prices based on what some trust fund idiot is willing to pay. Manipulating ebay prices is pretty easy but requires patience, discipline and common sense and not giving in to those prices and the temptation.

Don't get sucked up into the hype and for God sake practice some sense and don't indulge these money grabbing aholes on ebay. Every mass market store and most online stores will be selling these and all the cases and revisions are the same characters for a while. So just be patient, don't loose sleep over it or go nuts stalking stores. Since the inital stock did really well online, you can bet mass retail will be ordering a crap load of these for the retail stores . This was their test marketing.

solidwii 08-04-2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Hyper Jaguar (Post 8759)
How many DX Sword of Omens are left at the Madison Kmart?

2 swords are left.

Clothing, Toys, Electronics, Jewelry, Jaclyn Smith -

Joe Moore 08-04-2011 06:14 AM

Excellent hauls everyone. Glad to see this stuff showing up in other places. Kmart though...So strange.

IndyCat 08-04-2011 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by solidwii (Post 8775)

holy crap! when I was there, I saw about 8. I bought 1 so then 7.

solidwii 08-04-2011 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 8789)
holy crap! when I was there, I saw about 8. I bought 1 so then 7.

To be honest I didn't really look closely at the swords....The thundercats really caught me off guard. What side of town are you at? I am mostly on the westside but happen to be on Madison looking for Batman Legacy stuff.

Icespark 08-04-2011 10:14 AM

I've been routinely checking the online locator services on the Target and Kmart websites. According to the Kmart site, the one, solitary K-mart near me, does not have them, however, a Kmart that's about a forty minute drive away does have Thundercats in stock! So, I went ahead, took my one day of freedom, and drove there.

Upon arriving, it quickly became clear that there is some type of reorganizing going on at this particular store, and the toy aisles were almost completely empty.

Looking around, I discovered a lone ROTF HA Skids with Mikaela and Arcee, lying on the floor, on clearance, down from $29.99 down to only $31.99! What a bargain! One lone figure, in a sea of empty, barren wasteland!

Encouraged by my lucky clearance find, I knew this was a positive sign! Obviously, all the toys were simply in the back! No problem! A simple talk with customer service will surely help!

I was promptly informed that whatever the website states in regards to the stock status of an item does not matter, if it's not on the shelf, it's not in stock, and it most definitely, most certainly, does not exist in the back, at all, period, end-of-discussion! It must be true! The manager herself told me!

So, another forty minute drive later, made all the longer due to the bitter taste of bitter disappointment, I'm now typing this sad tale of woe out here.

The moral of this gasoline-wasting, tragedy in motion? Don't go too far out of your way in the pursuit of toys, when they'll most likely, eventually show up near you.....probably......

Stick with stores that are near you, preferably with a friend who works there, that can simply give you a call when the figures do arrive, and are happy to help out customers. That's what I'll be doing now, with friends who work at the one Kmart near me, and the Walmart near me.

dolf334 08-04-2011 01:05 PM

Damn Bandai and there phoney PRs moves. Nice to know that they will be mass produced though.

Shifty02 08-04-2011 02:14 PM

Looks like has a bunch of the toys in stock ready to ship. I made an order seeing as how I have no patience and I don't want to risk my scalper happy area.
Although with my luck, these things will be plentiful and in stores tomorrow lol

KennY 08-04-2011 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shifty02 (Post 8847)
Looks like has a bunch of the toys in stock ready to ship. I made an order seeing as how I have no patience and I don't want to risk my scalper happy area.
Although with my luck, these things will be plentiful and in stores tomorrow lol

I can't believe TRU is that much more expensive. It's tempting to put in an order, but I'm going to wait for the pre-orders I currently have. It'll save me $30 bucks atleast. Thanks for the heads up though!

Shifty02 08-04-2011 02:40 PM

Yeah...TRU really rapes people on their pricing...but with my Walmarts not being reliable stocking wise and the guessing will Target have them or won't they have them, I just went and bit the bullet. I figure the higher cost I spent, I'll ultimately save in gas from driving around all the time.

LionOLordoftheThundercats 08-04-2011 02:42 PM

Man wish you could use the 20% off coupon you get off their Facebook page on their site.

dolf334 08-04-2011 02:53 PM

Thank you for the information!!! Very tempting to just place the order, but I will wait to get them in stores.

prime01 08-04-2011 03:02 PM

Saw that toysRus has the toys online so I gave my local toysRus a call to see if they had any and they had no clue what I was talking about.

omens619 08-04-2011 03:08 PM

that's the trick right, you go online and pay a little more or you go hunting for them and waste alot of gas. To mean gas is the biggest waste of our money right now. If you think about it they might be cheaper in stores, but if you factor in the gas used in hunting in the stores, it pretty much evens out to ordering online.

Cougra 08-04-2011 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by prime01 (Post 8859)
Saw that toysRus has the toys online so I gave my local toysRus a call to see if they had any and they had no clue what I was talking about.

I called about four local TRUs, and they said about the same thing. However, one store did say August.

LionOLordoftheThundercats 08-04-2011 06:13 PM

4" Cheetara has sold out or is at least out of stock for the time being. Believe it or not I'm trying to sell stuff on ebay so I can get some of the ones I want and I really wanted Cheetara. Probably all the guys bought her cause they have the hots for her lol.

RydenJager 08-04-2011 08:08 PM

Sweet! I just hope my Walmart gets them in soon! I'm dying to get my hands on a 4" Lion-O and maybe a few others!

breakilla 08-04-2011 08:42 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I found the mumm-ra at ebay. The thundercats found them at K-Mart in newyork city. Ive been checking toys r us everyday no thundercats. I went back today to kmart and shelves were empty. So people are picking them up.

smileshope 08-05-2011 08:40 AM

Keep checking online. had the classics figures in stock last night for about 20 minutes before they sold out. I opted for the prime shipping, but it says estimated delivery of August 10, which is more than 2 days out, kind of weird. But, overall I'm happy that I got the Lion-o classics for $16.99 with free shipping and no tax and don't have to hunt in the stores.

englishw 08-05-2011 12:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
TRU in Salem, Oregon claims that they will have them all on the shelf on Tuesday, August 9th. Today they put the 14" Lion-O on the shelf and I picked it up for $24.99. Not sure if there are any other Oregonians out there, but this might be a standard shipping date for all West Coast stores, I don't know. The guy at the store was very friendly and eager to help.

Nekomen 08-05-2011 01:34 PM

Picked up a Lion-O today at k-mart. They just stocked it this morning(checked last night), I got there at noonish, and they already sold out of wily kits, kats, and cheetaras. They still had tigra, mummra, lion-o, and panthro. No tanks, and lots of the sword of omens.

I just want a lion-o for now in 4'', I'll pick up the rest as time goes on. No need to splurge on it all now.

dolf334 08-05-2011 06:33 PM

Alright two horrible stories:

1. I was calling around my local KMarts today during a down moment from work, and this one store I called said they had 13, 4" figures available. Awesome. I immeidatley stand up from my desk and jump in the car and drive to the store about 10 minutes away. When I get there I make a V-Line right to the figures, nada. Wait! What? I keep looking around as if they are going to magically apear and still nothing. I go up to the service counter and talk to the woman who I spoke with on the phone. She confirms that yes they have 13 figures (I checked them with the UPC). We call the manager over and he informs us that they don't have the figures and nothing is right in inventory. Now either he staright up lied to my face or KMart seriously has some issues. I mean how do you run a store and not know whether or not you have something in the back room or on the shelves. This is 2011, technology everywhere!! Shitty ass store.

2. I get back to my desk and look online some more and see that a store about 40 minutes away says they are available. Of course, not to be fooled twice I call ahead and talk with a very nice lady in the toy department and she says that while the website may show that they are in stock, they are in the middle of a reset and they cannot put anything out. Since she was nice, I calmly informed her that I wanted to give KMart near $100 right now. She said there is nothing she could do and the reset might be ready in a week or maybe two weeks. 1 or 2 weeks?!??! I just watched 8 local Targets go through a reset in a matter of 4 hours. Talk about major business operations problems. However, all is not lost, I gave the lady my phone number and she promised to call me once they were put out on the shelves. I know she isnt going to call.

I guess the moral of the story is that WalMart and Toys R US must want my $100 more. And don't even get me started about even attempting to order the figures at

If someone from KMart is reading this (which I know you are not since you obviously do not give a shit about the appearance of your stores, the appearance of your merchandise, or the happiness of your custoemrs), PM me and I will show you how to effectively run a business, and change that a land-mine forsaken shit hole that you are today.

Seacrest out!!! - wait - sorry about that.

Shannonchad 08-05-2011 06:46 PM

Any Aussies on the forum who have found them in Sydney?

LionOLordoftheThundercats 08-06-2011 01:24 AM

I'm planning on just getting what Thundercats I can order at the moment from Toys R Us' website. I was able to order 4" Cheetara before she sold out again and Wily-Kat but Kit was already sold out. They've also sold out of classics 8" Lion-O :(. I might be getting out later today and might check my Toys R Us if I have the money to spend other then that no since in going in and finding a bunch of new Thundercats toys and not having the money for them.

Cougra 08-06-2011 07:11 PM

I finally found a DX Sword of Omens, and I bought a Classics 8" Tygra from my friend from a local collectible show. :3

GK Punk 08-06-2011 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by dolf334 (Post 9007)
Alright two horrible stories:

1. I was calling around my local KMarts today during a down moment from work, and this one store I called said they had 13, 4" figures available. Awesome. I immeidatley stand up from my desk and jump in the car and drive to the store about 10 minutes away. When I get there I make a V-Line right to the figures, nada. Wait! What? I keep looking around as if they are going to magically apear and still nothing. I go up to the service counter and talk to the woman who I spoke with on the phone. She confirms that yes they have 13 figures (I checked them with the UPC). We call the manager over and he informs us that they don't have the figures and nothing is right in inventory. Now either he staright up lied to my face or KMart seriously has some issues. I mean how do you run a store and not know whether or not you have something in the back room or on the shelves. This is 2011, technology everywhere!! Shitty ass store.

2. I get back to my desk and look online some more and see that a store about 40 minutes away says they are available. Of course, not to be fooled twice I call ahead and talk with a very nice lady in the toy department and she says that while the website may show that they are in stock, they are in the middle of a reset and they cannot put anything out. Since she was nice, I calmly informed her that I wanted to give KMart near $100 right now. She said there is nothing she could do and the reset might be ready in a week or maybe two weeks. 1 or 2 weeks?!??! I just watched 8 local Targets go through a reset in a matter of 4 hours. Talk about major business operations problems. However, all is not lost, I gave the lady my phone number and she promised to call me once they were put out on the shelves. I know she isnt going to call.

I guess the moral of the story is that WalMart and Toys R US must want my $100 more. And don't even get me started about even attempting to order the figures at

If someone from KMart is reading this (which I know you are not since you obviously do not give a shit about the appearance of your stores, the appearance of your merchandise, or the happiness of your custoemrs), PM me and I will show you how to effectively run a business, and change that a land-mine forsaken shit hole that you are today.

Seacrest out!!! - wait - sorry about that.

Dude, same story here! Except we asked what if we order online for store pick up, they told us "We'll cancel your order so we don't have to go look for it"

Pravus Prime 08-06-2011 09:44 PM

Saw them today at TRU.

The had some of everything. Regular and deluxe small scale figures, the sword, the tiny sword and tiny gauntlet, the Thundertank, and the classic figures.

Unfortunately they only had Tigra left from the Classic figures, no Lion-O.

The 6 inch new series Mumm-Ra tempted me for some time, but I passed.

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