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luigi 06-11-2012 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54614)
Kung-Fu Panda series serves one main reason and that is to character develop out the wazoo. That way, the movies don't have to do any focus on anyone outside of Po.

lol true i was taking about the series though and yes i understand those points
but the cartoon does miniplots and the movies where pretty good and movie almost always have their own plot

Singe 06-11-2012 02:37 AM

Watching new TC, makes me want to watch Record of Lodoss War again. I see some elements in both series. Both sides going after powerful objects, gathering the nations together to fight the villains, and the team make-up seems a bit similar. The MC group leaders are both novice sword users.

The kind of character potential Cheetara could have been like Deedlit. Knowledgeable, spiritual, and the way she acts towards Parn like Cheetara did to Lion-O before hooking up with Tygra.

Welcome to Third Earth.
Lion-O: Hey, what's this. *tickle* *tickle*
Cheetara: *Laughs* Get your hands off me.
Pumyra: Lion-O, you two timing *bleep*.
Tygra: Hey, get your freakin hands off my freakin broad. *Tygra comes running out invisible with only his under shorts showing.*
Lion-O: Ah! What the heck is that? *Runs away.*

CreepySariFan 06-11-2012 02:51 AM

Okay, speculation here...

How long until Mumm-Ra gets ahold of the new Vultureman and decides to clip his wings to keep him grounded?

vantheman77 06-11-2012 02:57 AM

I can see Mumm-Ra taking out Vultureman and battling Lion-O for the Tech Stone. I can also see the Thundercats taking on Mumm-Ra in a similar fashion in Journey To The Tower of Omens, which is one of my favorite episodes this season.

If Part 2 is to have Lion-O wielding the Armor of Omens, I wonder if he's going to age as a result of it.

BB Shockwave 06-11-2012 06:13 AM

I called it, Vultureman! :) And man, I love this guy. He is not a nice guy, but man, he has valid reasons not to trust the cats, and is not a moustache-twirling villain. I am intrigued how (and even if at all) he will come to serve Mumm-Ra.

Pumyra surprised me, but I guess her hatred of Mumm-Ra is even stronger then that of Lion-O's. Guess she should take a look into the Book as well to see where such actions lead.

Love also how we learn that not only the Book knows of the past, the birds obviously were better historians then the cats. And the aerial race was really awesome. I found myself worried Tygra would lose and they'd lose the stones - after all, happened once already with the Duelist.

I really hope the show continues, as I fully expect things will escalate a LOT now that the cats have pretty much declared war on the birds as well.


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54280)
He can't just let lion-o shine in one episode by himself. This is a joke.

The ending of the season will have lion-o fight mummra for 2 minutes (like the flashback) and lion-o will hit mummra with a lucky shot. While tygra will beat the other generals.

I am so done with him. You were right when you talked about what he did in BM brave and bold.

In the previous episode, Lion-O saved Tygra who got captured and turned into a robotic monster. Or does your long-term memory only work in 2 days?

Seriously, if all your posts are putrid MJ and Tygra hatered, please, do us a favour, stop posting. This is not 4chan. What you are doing is trolling, and on a properly moderated board, all your double/triple posts would have been removed already.

BB Shockwave 06-11-2012 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by nickanu (Post 54338)

first was Pumyra, the good guys should never be willing the kill or destroy entire city just to get what they want.... regardless of the stakes, she loses points with me right there... and she's not been scoring to highly with me since she first appeared...she's unstable and a loose cannon but not in the charming way.... (like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon was)

She wouldn't have killed anyone... these are birds, remember. She would have destroyed the city, yes, but the birds would have flown away, and they themselves would have escaped in the Feliner.

As for Tygra, I am quite convinced it's really a genetic thing, especially since Lion-O mentions this. He probably told the group about what he saw in the Book inbetween episodes. Mumm-Ra probably indeed 'made' the animals to serve him, as I said, it's no coincidence all of them look like Earth animals while the native fauna and native intelligent beings on Third Earth look nothing like animals we know of.

Also loved to see the places the group have visited so far named and shown from birdseye view. :)

BB Shockwave 06-11-2012 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 54355)
Better yet, one more episode than cancel your account here.
So sick of whiny people like you. You don't like the show, stop watching it. The need to come here and bitch about it and beg for it's cancellation despite there being people that enjoy it is what I can't stand about you. I don't like Jersey Shore but I don't go on their boards like a little bitch every week to pick at it and beg for it's demise.
Anyways, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Agreed. I don't mind intelligent criticism and voicing opinion, but these 3-4 trolls just go around "MJ loves Tygra LOL!" and "Cancel the show" in every thread I go to. In better moderated places, they would have been warned already to stop trolling and then banned if they did not listen.

L08e16o 06-11-2012 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54578)
Tygra looks better than Lion-O, eh? Lion-O has his problems, but Tygra isn't on his level.

Tygra can't beat the mummy Mumm-Ra, let alone powered up Mumm-Ra alone
Tygra didn't beat Ratar-O alone
Tygra couldn't beat The Driller alone
Tygra didn't trick all three generals alone
Tygra can't use Sight beyond Sight
Tygra isn't spoken to by Jaga
Tygra didn't even realize his own people were undead
Tygra can't even be a good mech without breaking down
Tygra can't make an enemy realize the error of his ways

Still think Tygra is the star of the show? When Tygra can beat half of the guys that Lion-O has defeated, then you might have a case.

1. Tygra only fought mummra twice. This is the only person lion-o has a leg up on with tygra.
2. Because he was in the tunnel of love. If he was with lion-o, he probably would've, because lion-o was struggling to beat Rata-o.
3. But it was a team effort.
4. If I am correct, lion-o didn't really do anything. Again, Tygra beat lion-o again. I think tygra beating lion-o is more significant than so stupid jump and pressing the button.
5. Again, the SoO is lion-os and was from the OS where lion-o shined more than the other cats unlike this series. What I expected in this series.
6. How is this even a upstage. Wow, jaga talks to the King. Isn't that jaga's job, even in death he does his job unlike cheetara.
7. But it was his episode, how did that make lion-o look good. Native Son (Tygra).
8. Still a good idea as mecha. He didn't die did he.
9. How is that even consider anything. Tygra is a jerk or should I say a narcissistist.

Who has lion-o beat besides mummra and Rata-o. Lets face it, if he didn't have the stone, he loses to Rata-o. Rata-o was beating lion-o. He beat mummra twice with two blast with the SoO and the Spirit Stone.

Tygra has looked great in this series.

1. Tygra has always beat lion-o (big issue).
2. Even in episodes where tygra loses, he still looks good. He fails in his only mission as king, but he still beats lion-o.
3. He gets beat in 15, but he becomes king and comes up with the plan to save the group.
4. How did he get beat in 23? He didn't, he was under the potion and I think that was more interesting than lion-o doing flips and getting nowhere with it.
5. Tygra looked great with his whip in 24 deflecting the lasers. Lion-o talks SS to let the robot go and you think that is great.

Like I said, tygra (your boy don't lie) has shine more or equal to lion-o.

cmangund 06-11-2012 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54654)
Agreed. I don't mind intelligent criticism and voicing opinion, but these 3-4 trolls just go around "MJ loves Tygra LOL!" and "Cancel the show" in every thread I go to. In better moderated places, they would have been warned already to stop trolling and then banned if they did not listen.

You can help moderate it then. Report everyone you considered trolling to Joe Moore, he is easy to reach (Also The report button is easy to be click to on every posts.):D:D:D:D

Here's the direct link to the moderator::D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

L08e16o 06-11-2012 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 54573)
Pumyra has "replaced" Cheetara practically speaking. Cheetara has zero development other that of Tygra's "Cheerleader".

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

You know she did. She was doing the samethings as cheetara did in the CN first season. She was flirting with him, but it was only support. :)

cmangund 06-11-2012 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54680)
You know she did. She was doing the samethings as cheetara did in the CN first season. She was flirting with him, but it was only support. :)

That means, there will be another female cat. MJ will do anything to keep Cheetara and Pumyra "out of reach" from Lion-O and "torture" his love life among everything else Lion-O related while loving himself in doing it.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Given2u 06-11-2012 08:54 AM

Hello everyone... It's been a while.

The producers of the show don't really care about its fans all the much and anyone who disagree with me on this are indeed the minority. Because of the way the series has been handled, the fan base has been split into sections. Majority of the fans have stop watching this show all together, a portion are/were being optimistic and gave it a chance, and the minority are enjoying the series because there is nothing wrong with the show. The producer is obviously is doing this show for himself and not for us(fans). This show will most likely be canceled. It is disheartening because it had soooo much potential to be a memorable series.

The reason why some of the mangas, video games, comics etc. are so successful is because producers listen to there fans and not brush them off.
Example. The Tekken series- While the game may not be your cup of tea, it still appeal to the majority of the consumers. Why is that, because Harada(producer of Tekken) constantly interact with the fan base. He was the one responsible for the petition on SC5 because the fans wanted it.

MJ and DN forget that we, the fans are the one who keep them in business not the other way around. It is a shame the by the time they figure it out, the series will meet its demise.

PS as for L/T- I can't distinguish who the main character and who is the supporting character. MJ said this would be the heroes tale but for who Lion-O or Tygra.

Burning Bright 06-11-2012 12:01 PM

Hey, just a quick heads up to everyone who responds to multiple people at one time and separates out these responses into a series of consecutive posts: Please use the "Multiquote" functionality available on the board with every post.

It's simple to do and is considerate to others. It helps make the board appear less "cluttered" and "spammy". It also helps the boards itself by reducing resources needed to perform routine functions, such as: taking up less on-disk storage space, taking up less active memory space, requiring less bandwidth to construct each discussion board page. All of these cut down on costs (however minimally) and make it easier to keep this site running.

Thank you for your consideration.

L08e16o 06-11-2012 12:48 PM

For the fourth time, I'm not partial to Lion-O or Tygra. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm on anyone's side. If I can ask you a question: Are you an adult? You have a habit of ignoring arguments and focusing on the same points.

You might as well BE a Tygra fan, seeing as how you follow his every exploit and hype them up to ridiculous degrees.[/QUOTE]

So do you. The point again is your boy who is your avatar (don't lie), has out shine lion-o or is equal in almost every episode. You arguing so passionately for tygra's case, show your a tygra fan.

Sorry, don't want to join your tygra fan club. Ridiculous is saying jaga talking lion-o is some how better than tygra. That is following the OS.

There is nothing you can say can change my opinion. Heck MJ said he upstage tygra and he did a lot in this series.

To be honest, if we were both acting like adults we would stop arguing. We will not get any where with this. That is what a mature adult would do if that is where you are trying to go.

MegaGearX 06-11-2012 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54705)
So do you. The point again is your boy who is your avatar (don't lie), has out shine lion-o or is equal in almost every episode. You arguing so passionately for tygra's case, show your a tygra fan.

Sorry, don't want to join your tygra fan club. Ridiculous is saying jaga talking lion-o is some how better than tygra. That is following the OS.

There is nothing you can say can change my opinion. Heck MJ said he upstage tygra and he did a lot in this series.

So you ARE a kid. I see...and if you are being difficult just to be difficult, then there is no point talking to you unless you hate the show, is there? I'm done debating with you after this post then.

I have a Tygra avatar because I liked it the best out of all the avatar choices, not because I'm a Tygra fan. If I was a Tygra fan, why would I make arguments against him? That would make me a Lion-O fan.

L08e16o 06-11-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54707)
So you ARE a kid. I see...and if you are being difficult just to be difficult, then there is no point talking to you unless you hate the show, is there? I'm done debating with you after this post then.

I have a Tygra avatar because I liked it the best out of all the avatar choices, not because I'm a Tygra fan. If I was a Tygra fan, why would I make arguments against him? That would make me a Lion-O fan.

I guess you're a kid too with that remark, but I not surprised. I put points out there and you just didn't like them. If you were so mature, you would move on and not leave a little remark about being done debating. I hate the direction MJ took the show. But you only hear what you want to hear.

You're not making arguments against him.

There are many avatars to pick from.

Is it wrong to want more from the writer to make lion-o great?? How about "SoO come to my hands". Haven't heard that one.

test 06-11-2012 02:12 PM

Getting back to the actual thread for a moment .... I actually loved this episode and it really redeemed itself from the abortion of an episode we had last week.
Sure a few parts bothered me as always with the new series (mainly the fact that all of a sudden they had a feliner but no mention as to the status of the tank) but it still looked awesome and I was thrilled to see vultureman or whatever stupid name they wanna call him, even though we probably wont see much more of him just like with jackalman and monkion (I forget the crappy names they made up for these too lol)

in all it actually felt exciting though and had much more of a thundercats feel about it.

My biggest concern the growing inconsistency of the episodes. Also how dare they make panthro out to seem like such a clutz in this episode ..... Panthro is unbreakable cmon !!!!!

MegaGearX 06-11-2012 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by test (Post 54719)
My biggest concern the growing inconsistency of the episodes. Also how dare they make panthro out to seem like such a clutz in this episode ..... Panthro is unbreakable cmon !!!!!

Yeah, the inconsistency is a real problem. I think they need a better story editor. Characters would evolve past a certain point only to wind up back where they were the next episode.

Lion-O isn't respected by his comrades--I thought the Trials were supposed to end all of that.
Tygra reverted from listening to Lion-O after the Trials to almost gambling their stones away.
Panthro was a bad-ass in season one only to become comical as soon as he lost his arms.
Cheetara went from the only one who really believed in Lion-O to Tygra's girlfriend.
Pumyra is damn near bi-polar with listening to Lion-O one moment to arguing with him the next. Didn't she accept him as her king?

I think the best treated characters out of the heroes are the Wilykittens and Snarf.

vantheman77 06-11-2012 02:56 PM

That's the sad part of this season is that the twins and Snarf were the best characters. Maybe there should be a spin-off featuring them. I heard Forever Bag got a good rating.

I agree that the rest of the characters have fluctuated back and forth thus lacking any consistency to them and the story itself.

Does Pumyra supposed to have a great leaping ability like the OS Pumyra?

AlexofThundera 06-11-2012 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54723)
That's the sad part of this season is that the twins and Snarf were the best characters. Maybe there should be a spin-off featuring them. I heard Forever Bag got a good rating.

That is something I have honestly contemplated; if a Kittens and Snarf spin off wouldn't have made for a better Thundercats themed series then the NS reboot (at least for the target age group of kids aged 6 - 12)? This is going off of what we have seen of the kittens in the NS obviously.

Perhaps for children the kittens search for El Dara and their journey through Third Earth and who they meet along the way would have been more intriguing. Survival of the Fittest was a pretty good episode and while I wasn't thrilled with the Forever Bag it appears to have done very well in the ratings.

Just a thought. :cool:

stac 06-11-2012 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 54578)
Tygra didn't beat Ratar-O alone

I don’t completely agree here.
The Ratar-O fight made Lion-O look like a weakling who suddenly forgot all his skills. Lion-O was beat up and tossed around. He barely managed to land a hit and had to fall back to using the Spirit Stone as a last ditch effort.

What about Tygra and Cheetara? The purity of their “love” magically repelled all the falling rocks and left them unscathed. How amazing was that?

SirSapphire 06-11-2012 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54740)
What about Tygra and Cheetara? The purity of their “love” magically repelled all the falling rocks and left them unscathed. How amazing was that?

Not very.

MegaGearX 06-11-2012 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 54740)
I don’t completely agree here.
The Ratar-O fight made Lion-O look like a weakling who suddenly forgot all his skills. Lion-O was beat up and tossed around. He barely managed to land a hit and had to fall back to using the Spirit Stone as a last ditch effort.

What about Tygra and Cheetara? The purity of their “love” magically repelled all the falling rocks and left them unscathed. How amazing was that?

"Not very." LOL!

I thought that made Ratar-O look more of a beast, especially since the villains are supposed to have a higher threat level. I'd rather have Lion-O have a tough victory. Unfortunately, most of his Mumm-Ra battles have ended with a blast from the Sword of Omens.

stac 06-11-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 54747)
Not very.

Oh come on… don’t be so sour. You wouldn’t be saying that if it was Lion-O and Pumyra.

Picture this: The entire world is falling apart. Instead of attempting to actually do something Lion-O and Pumyra share a dramatic and cheesy Last Kiss. When they open their eyes, everything around them is absolutely in ruins. However, they are left without a scratch, proving to everyone that their love is so incredibly pure that it can even bend reality.

Who knows…? Maybe this is how the show’s writers come up with their romance.

Or maybe Tygra just naturally has the ability to psychically repel falling rocks. He seems to be able to do everything else naturally.

Big Snarf 06-11-2012 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54653)
She wouldn't have killed anyone... these are birds, remember. She would have destroyed the city, yes, but the birds would have flown away, and they themselves would have escaped in the Feliner.

As for Tygra, I am quite convinced it's really a genetic thing, especially since Lion-O mentions this. He probably told the group about what he saw in the Book inbetween episodes. Mumm-Ra probably indeed 'made' the animals to serve him, as I said, it's no coincidence all of them look like Earth animals while the native fauna and native intelligent beings on Third Earth look nothing like animals we know of.

Also loved to see the places the group have visited so far named and shown from birdseye view. :)

There is no way to tell which village the city would've fell on. And they probably wouldn't of made it back to the feliner either or would the feliner even be there unless its anchored down

Big Snarf 06-11-2012 07:21 PM

The twins went get took-it to steal the stone and with his luck the city will stay afloat :D:D:D:D.

Chique 06-11-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54762)
There is no way to tell which village the city would've fell on. And they probably wouldn't of made it back to the feliner either or would the feliner even be there unless its anchored down

True. She made a call without thinking about the ramifications. No point in getting a stone if you all die because you didn't think anything through.

It kind of reminds me of Lion-O in Ramlak Rising. He lost it, and it almost cost them their lives. Maybe he will be able to relate to her because of it, and help her see that emotionally charged decisions are not always the best ones.

vantheman77 06-11-2012 07:30 PM

Pumyra in this episode is what Lion-O used to be back in Ramlak Rising, but a little amped up. Regardless of which city it falls on, that animal race would have suffered the consequences and this is where Lion-O is coming from. I hope her actions will be addressed in the second part.

The end of the episode sees the Thundercats splitting up with the core group being captured by the Vulturemen, Wilykit and Wilykat hovering down to get some help, and Snarf being chased by more Vulturemen.

L08e16o 06-11-2012 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54775)
Pumyra in this episode is what Lion-O used to be back in Ramlak Rising, but a little amped up. Regardless of which city it falls on, that animal race would have suffered the consequences and this is where Lion-O is coming from. I hope her actions will be addressed in the second part.

The end of the episode sees the Thundercats splitting up with the core group being captured by the Vulturemen, Wilykit and Wilykat hovering down to get some help, and Snarf being chased by more Vulturemen.

She disobeyed the king and pushed him. The "someone has to make the tough decisions" was an insult to lion-o. IMO that is totally different.

vantheman77 06-11-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54782)
She disobeyed the king and pushed him. The "someone has to make the tough decisions" was an insult to lion-o. IMO that is totally different.

Like I said before, the minute she pushed Lion-O aside and differing with him about the choices is where their relationship would fall apart from that point onwards. Her getting zapped was to get her out of the way for the second part where Lion-O would shine since it would be the season finale. She had her moment in this first part, along with Tygra.

stormbringer 06-12-2012 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54782)
She disobeyed the king and pushed him. The "someone has to make the tough decisions" was an insult to lion-o. IMO that is totally different.

Pumyra definately could use a good shrink. Maybe Vultaire will insist that Pumyra remain there as their prisoner in exchange for letting the rest of them go, something Lion-o will refuse.

vantheman77 06-12-2012 01:02 AM

The only reason Pumyra beat Lion-O in the pit was because Lion-O refuse to fight her. He let her beat him.

Lion-O's physical fighting skills may not be up there with Panthro and Tygra, but he could hold his own.

Most of the Thundercats didn't do much in this episode, but only Tygra and Pumyra are the only ones who have done something in this first part.

Balgus82 06-12-2012 01:35 AM

In Lion-O's trials the spirit Tygra said he only looses to the real Tygra because he psyches himself out. I.e. he doesn't win against Tygra because he doesn't think he can. If he believed in himself more I think he could take Tygra.

Grippen 06-12-2012 02:45 AM

Just saw this yesterday one more episode I really enjoyed I was so surprised with the Feliner, the episode had funny parts and I liked the planes race. Overall good episode and I just can't wait for the next.

I do have one question, I'm assuming they will get the 3rd stone in the season 1 final episode and then what?

They still need the 4th and there is not time to fight with MumRa so we really need Season 2 or at least 5 episodes more. A few to retrieve the 4th stone and a few to fight MumRa I really hope that they do season 2 or extended the season with 5 more episodes or so in order to at least give it a proper finale.

BB Shockwave 06-12-2012 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54673)

You could say your a troll, because you are whining about people trolling.

If you had your way, you would have people talk about things you want to talk about and that is it. You don't live in the real world.

I think your a troll. If you have a problem with it, don't post only trolls post. Plus PM us, but you won't do that.

I have done better. I PMed the board owner to come around and do some housecleaning.

Plus, only a fool doesn't see you and AnonymousIncognito are the same guy under different nicks.

On other boards, you would have been counter-trolled and banned in a day, trust me. I have seen your kind plenty of times on the Allspark.

Sining 06-12-2012 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Grippen (Post 54833)
I do have one question, I'm assuming they will get the 3rd stone in the season 1 final episode and then what?

Then the series gets cancelled? Seems more and more likely everyday

Sining 06-12-2012 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54834)
I have done better. I PMed the board owner to come around and do some housecleaning.

Plus, only a fool doesn't see you and AnonymousIncognito are the same guy under different nicks.

On other boards, you would have been counter-trolled and banned in a day, trust me. I have seen your kind plenty of times on the Allspark.

Actually, L08e16o and incognito have pretty dissimilar speech patterns. If you were to say freakazoi and incognito maybe, but I'm pretty sure L08e16o is a different person. You guys need to stop fighting personal little wars in your post and then calling for mommy

Big Snarf 06-12-2012 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54818)
Lion-O's physical combat skills are still novice. He needs the Sword of Omens and Stones for the magic boost to make up for his noob skills. Roughly, almost everyone could kick Lion-O's tail if he didn't have these.

There was the Swordmaster thing, but it seems they wanted to drop that since it would make Lion-O to overpowering.

Tygra and cheetara skills are novice as well. Kaynar absolutely owned tygra while cheetara keeps using the same attack pattern on atticus to the point he even tells her that the same attack pattern won't work on him and what does she do then, she tries the same attack again :confused::confused:.

Big Snarf 06-12-2012 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Grippen (Post 54833)
Just saw this yesterday one more episode I really enjoyed I was so surprised with the Feliner, the episode had funny parts and I liked the planes race. Overall good episode and I just can't wait for the next.

I do have one question, I'm assuming they will get the 3rd stone in the season 1 final episode and then what?

They still need the 4th and there is not time to fight with MumRa so we really need Season 2 or at least 5 episodes more. A few to retrieve the 4th stone and a few to fight MumRa I really hope that they do season 2 or extended the season with 5 more episodes or so in order to at least give it a proper finale.

Mumm-ra might get the tech stone and fully power his pyramid spaceship and maybe make him the threat he is supposed to be by enslaving the animals again which would make sense as to why the animals would have to unite because right now mum-ra just sucks as to why :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

L08e16o 06-12-2012 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 54794)
Like I said before, the minute she pushed Lion-O aside and differing with him about the choices is where their relationship would fall apart from that point onwards. Her getting zapped was to get her out of the way for the second part where Lion-O would shine since it would be the season finale. She had her moment in this first part, along with Tygra.

Agree. They are very different cats.

If they keep her in character, I think she will blame him for not protecting her.

L08e16o 06-12-2012 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 54834)
I have done better. I PMed the board owner to come around and do some housecleaning.

Plus, only a fool doesn't see you and AnonymousIncognito are the same guy under different nicks.

On other boards, you would have been counter-trolled and banned in a day, trust me. I have seen your kind plenty of times on the Allspark.

If we were on other boards you would be insulted. Actually, a lot of boards would have a smack talking forum.

Sorry, I have been here longer than AI.

L08e16o 06-12-2012 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 54817)
Pumyra definately could use a good shrink. Maybe Vultaire will insist that Pumyra remain there as their prisoner in exchange for letting the rest of them go, something Lion-o will refuse.

She would probably beat up Vultaire and run the city.

fuukonomiko 06-12-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 54877)
If we were on other boards you would be insulted. Actually, a lot of boards would have a smack talking forum.

Sorry, I have been here longer than AI.

I don't think you and AI are the same person. Not that that counts for anything. lol :D You sound younger (that comment doesn't make sense, but then nothing in this world does, does it?).

Sining 06-12-2012 09:12 AM

It's the speech patterns.

L08e16o 06-12-2012 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by fuukonomiko (Post 54883)
I don't think you and AI are the same person. Not that that counts for anything. lol :D You sound younger (that comment doesn't make sense, but then nothing in this world does, does it?).

I am saying people would've insulted him with his "your not a fan". Sports forums always have the your not a fan crowd, they get run off.

Forums have a smack talking thread for people to go at each other. It can get really bad.

Sining 06-12-2012 09:23 AM

my thoughts on the episode

1) Panthro's quickly becoming the buttmonkey of the show
2) The irony of Tygra getting annoyed at the birds superior attitudes, lol. It's even lampshaded later on
3) Seriously, Tygra wtf? Lion-O has done 'stupid' things before; according to board members, but even he has never wagered their only chance of success just because of his pride.
4)Cheetara. You need development. I wish the writers could actually write normal females, you know ones which aren't bipolar or just blind extensions of their love interest.
5) Pumyra, you HAVE ISSUES. Lion-O needs to seriously get the hell away from her. Everything about the way she's acting just gives me bad vibes
6) Vulture dude is pretty cool. And he already seems more developed character-wise than a lot of the other cats.
7) Pumyra, EVEN if you took the tech stone. HTF were you planning on running to your ship and escaping within the 'moments' it would take for the whole place to crash to the ground? How good do you think cats are at running when falling at terminal velocity? Seriously, no -_- NO. NO. NO. DO NOT WANT

Singe 06-12-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 54867)
Tygra and cheetara skills are novice as well. Kaynar absolutely owned tygra while cheetara keeps using the same attack pattern on atticus to the point he even tells her that the same attack pattern won't work on him and what does she do then, she tries the same attack again :confused::confused:.

Still, Lion-o is below Tygra and Cheetara with the exception of the Swordsman episode; Lion-O doesn't show any combat skills beyond swing and block. You don't see Lion-O doing things like using the grappling claws to grab the opponent's weapon to disarming them or aim for the leg to trip them.

L08e16o 06-12-2012 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 54890)
Still, Lion-o is below Tygra and Cheetara. You don't see Lion-O doing things like using the grappling claws to grab the opponent's weapon and disarming them.

And this is the second problem I have with the show.

MegaGearX 06-12-2012 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 54808)
There's another theory though, since Lion-O couldn't beat Tygra OR Mumm-Ra until his trials. After that he didn't have as much trouble smacking Mumm-Ra around like a naughty puppy so it stands to reason that he would be able to shut Tygra down fairly easily if he wanted to.

I mean, by the "logic" he presented Pumyra should be able to beat Mumm-Ra since she beat Lion-O in the Pit, but "Birth of the Blades" shows that is patently not true.

Didn't Lion-O defeat Mumm-Ra on the Astra Plane before the Trials?

Balgus82 06-12-2012 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 54889)
Lion-O has done 'stupid' things before; according to board members, but even he has never wagered their only chance of success just because of his pride.

well actually...Duelist & Drifter?

I agree what Tygra did was stupid, but you can't say Lion-O has never gambled the Sword.

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