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nickanu 06-16-2012 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Given2u (Post 55696)

I’m calling hoax on this guys. I’ve seen it a 100 times (mostly with Naruto) . A fan takes a video or a trailer and splices clips of their OC in it and try to make it look all official. If you notice the picture of her doesn’t move.
I say that because it’s an old trailer from the premier….if she was a new character wouldn’t they show new footage along with her...

Don’t trust everything you see on YouTube guys…I can make something like this with my OC in 5 min.

Big Snarf 06-16-2012 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Mum Star (Post 55785)
No, no, Lion-O/Mandora!

Maybe they'll rip off Gurran Lagaan. Pumrya really is brainwashed, but snaps out of it because of her and Lion-O's Love for each other. She hangs on just long enough to get married, then she fades away. Lion-O goes wandering the earth, and Thundera get's it's greatest and bestest king ever... Tygra!

Tygra already failed so the greatest king would have to totally be snarf

Singe 06-16-2012 10:30 PM

Also notice how Dobo goes right after Pumyra, a hit with a knee and a growl.
Pumyra: Glad to see you, too.

One big problem in this episode, the 4 mutanteers got their butts handed to them in this episode. We get very little fighting out of them with it being either standing around or getting smacked in the head.

So I think Mumm-ra will celebrate with Pumyra in a giant cake.

Pravus Prime 06-16-2012 10:48 PM

I have to say, this episode is the first in some time that actually entertained me. It's also a very good season finale. They managed to draw together a lot of the strands.

Also, besides having no doubt that Pumyra was going to turn, the blind rage like that directed at Lion-O is in character and makes psychological sense. (Rational sense is another issue of course.)

The episode had some flaws, but nothing that I'm going to harp on, especially since the better outweighed it. In the end, my biggest problem isn't from this episode at all, it's that the 'Duelist and the Drifter' ends up contributing zero to the series; the lesson wasn't a vital element when Lion-O and Tygra fought, it never came up in any episode despite it being a "lesson learned" kind of episode. It does amuse me that they deliberately powered down the Sword of Omens for this series then had it shoot down multiple fighters in the finale.

That said, I'll earn some ire with the hardcore fans in saying my mind has not been changed, I'd prefer it were this the series finale.

hollowdheart 06-16-2012 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by nickanu (Post 55786)
I’m calling hoax on this guys. I’ve seen it a 100 times (mostly with Naruto) . A fan takes a video or a trailer and splices clips of their OC in it and try to make it look all official. If you notice the picture of her doesn’t move.
I say that because it’s an old trailer from the premier….if she was a new character wouldn’t they show new footage along with her...

Don’t trust everything you see on YouTube guys…I can make something like this with my OC in 5 min.

This is the real trailer. See?
Thundercats - Tonight at 8/7c! - YouTube

Vengerin 06-16-2012 11:19 PM

Maybe I'm the only one but...
Am I the only one that is pretty much amazed by the idea of Mumm-Ra having a GIRLFRIEND??!!

I mean... I'm so freaking out and... hysterical right now that I'm posting!! I mean, I create this account so I can comment 'cause I love Thundercats since I was a little girl (My three favorite shows of all time was D&D, Thundercats and He-man) and because I so hardcore Mumm-Ra's fan (favorite characters of all time: Venger from D&D, Mumm-Ra and Skeletor) and in the end... Nawwww, I can't, I'm lazy... And this is so a big deal for me that I'm posting!

How cool was THAT??!

From my three all time favorites, Mumm-Ra was the most asexual of the all three, even with the Princess Ta-she episode and Luna around him all time in the OS. I mean, Skeletor and Evil-lyn were an item, you could tell that... Venger, well, there are a lot of SheilaxVenger fanfics and fans always saw his attractive anyhow... But Mumm-Ra? I thought he was so interested in women like in charity, even with the comics with Wilikyt in a Princess Leia costume.

And they not only made the fact natural but amazing too, with a treason, with an old time character, with Lion-O feeling like crap... I loved it, I screamed like a little girl when I saw it.

I really hope the cartoon won't be cancelled or almost I hope to see a second season. I really want to see Mumm-Ra squeezing Pumyra and she like his second in command. And if they bring back Ma-Mutt, they could make my day :P

Ps: Now, thanks to this I also have the mother of all lines to say to screw my single friends: Even Mumm-Ra could get a girl before you XD

Sining 06-16-2012 11:27 PM

Called it. Also explains why Pumyra is stupid enough to be willing to let the whole bird city crash to the ground while they, the tcats, were still in a building and not near their plane. She's already frigging undead.

Dr Kain 06-16-2012 11:35 PM

Can someone tell me what happened at the beginning of the episode? My friend's Tivo started when Pumyra was being picked up and Lion-O yelled at her for being disobedient (again). Then Vultureman just tells his guards to confine them or something. I missed something since at the end of the previous episode they were told to dump them.

Anyway, it was an okay episode, but it seemed extremely rushed. The twist of necrophelia was unexpected, but I felt let down by the end, especially if that ends up being the series finale.

stac 06-16-2012 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55796)
...with Lion-O feeling like crap...

This just makes me think that all the people saying that MJ hates Lion are actually right.
To be screwed over for Tygra is one thing. But Mumm-Ra? Damn…
Lion-O’s next love interest will probably jerk him around too and finally choose Snarf.

Pravus Prime 06-16-2012 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dr Kain (Post 55800)
Can someone tell me what happened at the beginning of the episode? My friend's Tivo started when Pumyra was being picked up and Lion-O yelled at her for being disobedient (again). Then Vultureman just tells his guards to confine them or something. I missed something since at the end of the previous episode they were told to dump them.

Not much.

Vultureman made a grand gesture of pointing out that usually they send their guests back to the ground via airship, but the cats are so barbaric that they will be sent back to the ground via falling with the junk. Vultureman has Osirus open the very slow dropping mechanism and they get word that there's an attack force coming. Lion-O shouts that it's Mumm-Ra coming for the stone and Vultureman states, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and has the garbage doors close.

cmangund 06-16-2012 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55801)
This just makes me think that all the people saying that MJ hates Lion are actually right.
To be screwed over for Tygra is one thing. But Mumm-Ra? Damn…
Lion-O’s next love interest will probably jerk him around too and finally choose Snarf.

Well seeing our jokes about Cheetara back in the long life of EP13 discussions thread practically "came true" with Pumyra, We also had theories/jokes about Snarf having his own agenda, so should Lion-O choose Snarf in the end, I wouldn't be surprised if MJ already had other plans too with Snarf.:eek::eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Sining 06-16-2012 11:58 PM

Lion-O will be dumped in every season finale apparently. In the next season, what new char will they introduce for us just so that she can dump lion-o for the cliffhanger

cmangund 06-17-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 55806)
Lion-O will be dumped in every season finale apparently. In the next season, what new char will they introduce for us just so that she can dump lion-o for the cliffhanger

I can see that happening. MJ's hate for Lion-O knows no bounds apparently.:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

smilodon1 06-17-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 55806)
Lion-O will be dumped in every season finale apparently. In the next season, what new char will they introduce for us just so that she can dump lion-o for the cliffhanger

Perhaps for the next season, Lion-O's love interest would be a blue-skinned Thundercat that resembles James Cameron's Avatar people. Come the finale, she'll dump him for Panthro. The season following that, Wily-Kit dumps Lion-O for her own brother...they are cats, after all.

cmangund 06-17-2012 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by smilodon1 (Post 55808)
Perhaps for the next season, Lion-O's love interest would be a blue-skinned Thundercat that resembles James Cameron's Avatar people. Come the finale, she'll dump him for Panthro. The season following that, Wily-Kit dumps Lion-O for her own brother...they are cats, after all.

Thus in the real end of the series Lion-O will commit suicide and Tygra becoming King of TCATS, The End. MJ's little twisted story is complete!:eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand.

Epitaph 06-17-2012 12:09 AM

I'm highly amused to see that the forum, which was largely "OH NOEZ, Lion-o/Pumyra!" is now "OH NOEZ, Pumyra iz traitorz!!!11oneeleventyone!"

You know, with slightly better grammar.


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 55767)
Bigger plot hole is why sight beyond sight didn't reveal her true nature or pick up on some kind of bad aura on her. Or why miss cleric couldn't detect mumm-ra's bad magic which would be similar to that of the sword of plundar :confused::confused::confused:

I didn't think of that before. Perhaps Sight Beyond Sight only works on something Lion-O is actively looking the switch to cross the chasm at the Temple of Omens, or when looking for what was wrong with Tygra's clan...he already knew something was amiss. Pumyra being undead totally blindsided him (and why shouldn't it?!)

As for Cheetara, I'd have to say that perhaps her powers aren't strong enough for her to sense the presence of undead. Or maybe the ASoE are just that good.

As for the episode itself, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it, even if it was somewhat cliche. I liked the call back to all the folks Lion-O has helped, and totally saw the Forever Bag thing coming :P I was disappointed not to see the Drifter, but I imagine he'd be hard to track down, given his usual means of travel, and no one besides Lion-O has even met him.

I did not see the 'Pumyra iz traitorz' thing coming, although now I'm trying to figure out how I missed it. It makes perfect sense. Her being dead was quite a shocker, but I think it adds depth to her character. Cliched depth, but depth. Actually, at the beginning of the episode, I was admiring how gently Lion-O rebuked and again we see shades of the wise king he's going to be, and how far he's come since he left Thundara in a rage.

A nice spot of brotherly-protection, too, with Tygra coming to Lion-O's rescue, with another one of those 'No-one picks on my brother but me' kind of lines. I didn't mind the exchange between Cheetara and Tygra either...their relationship seems to be settling down to a 'Yeah, we're together, this is normal now' kind of thing...I wouldn't mind seeing them face some sort of difficulty to shake them up a little bit, though not at the expense of action and plot.

Let's see...Oh yes, and I thought Kit's bit at the end with Lion-O was quite endearing. Pairing nonsense aside (I hope you all aren't serious about that! o.O;; ) I really like the little sister role she seems to have become to Lion-O, who has been the younger sibling all his life. I'd be interested to see how Kat feels about someone else being his twin sister's hero. Anyway, with the way Lion-O seems to be jerked about every time he finally offers part of his heart to someone (friends and potential mates alike!), it's nice to see someone who truly, honestly loves him and looks up to him, with no ulterior motives.

Beyond hoping he might lead them to the City of Gold and all.

I think this was the best episode I've seen from the new Thundercats in a while, and has done a good job restoring a sense of urgency and plot continuity. With the Tcats being at the disadvantage now, losing a stone and an ally, it actually feels like they may have to step up their game again, rather than coasting as they have since episode 16 or so.

A hiatus wouldn't be the end of the world, but I really hope this isn't the last we see of the new series for a while. This episode was a carrot...don't give us the stick now!

< /long winded post of long-windedness >

Vengerin 06-17-2012 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55801)
This just makes me think that all the people saying that MJ hates Lion are actually right.
To be screwed over for Tygra is one thing. But Mumm-Ra? Damn…
Lion-O’s next love interest will probably jerk him around too and finally choose Snarf.

Who wants to bet Willa will end up with Addicus and Mandora will find Alluro irrisistible? XD To this rate, if they let the cartoon go, Wilikyt will grow up and will end up searching for that Princess Leia costume eventually :P

Man, I don't hate Lion-o at all, but I like villains too much, Mumm-Ra especially, to not enjoy this at all. It's like a fangirl's dream come true, a fanfiction with images XD

Even I think that they made Pumyra kiss the hand-shield because, even cool as it is, tongue-kissing a mummy could be just too much XD

Kanus 06-17-2012 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55811)
even cool as it is, tongue-kissing a mummy could be just too much XD

well, they did do that in the Mummy Returns ;)

Epitaph 06-17-2012 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55811)
Even I think that they made Pumyra kiss the hand-shield because, even cool as it is, tongue-kissing a mummy could be just too much XD

Cannot...unsee that >_<

Hey, if the ASoE can bring back Pumyra and Tygra's whole clan...who else could they bring back?

Given the obvious Star Wars nods in this episode...I wouldn't mind seeing Claudus return in some way, shape, or form. I don't think Lion-O's quite gotten past the thing where he thinks Tygra would be a better king...or that he was a disappointment to his father.

Ah, well, there's always fanfiction. If I feel brave enough to face The Pit (and not the one from the Dogs' City, either!)

Vengerin 06-17-2012 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by Kanus (Post 55812)
well, they did do that in the Mummy Returns ;)

That's how amazing that movie is :P

But we are talking cartoons here, US cartoons, I have to add. If this was an anime, trust me, that kiss could be full showed and more other things :P

Aside from that... Who thinks Pumyra in second season (let's hope it will be make) will have a new 'bad girl' outfit?

I bet some Queen Luna kind of thing or some Mumm-Rana in evil :P

Also about the ASoE and bringing more dead guys to torment Lion-O... Sure his father would be something shocking to him, in the same way his mother could be a low hit for Tygra.

Man, now I really want second season >_<

I want to see Mumm-Ra petting Pumyra, maybe with Mumm-Ra in somekind of throne like the one in season premier in Thundera, with his beloved in his feet resting her head in his knee...

Hey, even villains need love too :P

vantheman77 06-17-2012 01:18 AM

If Pumyra actually had this much hatred towards Lion-O, then why didn't she finish him off back in the Pit? Why didn't she tried to kill him when she had every chance she could get in the last several episodes?

Vengerin 06-17-2012 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 55818)
If Pumyra actually had this much hatred towards Lion-O, then why didn't she finish him off back in the Pit? Why didn't she tried to kill him when she had every chance she could get in the last several episodes?

Out of pure, pure speculation since I'm not in Mumm-Ra's mind (gimme time XD), I think Mumm-Ra slipped Pumyra with Lion-o to get to the stones and The Pit thing was a very well planned maneuver to enter in his trust. I mean, the Thundercats have the Book of Omens and sure they can make it work, even if she kicked Lion-o out of the picture, the book could stay with the Thundercats so Mumm-Ra could have the same hard time to get it from them with or without Lion-O.

Also in the flashbacks are the cats the ones that manipulate the book (Leo finding the stones) so maybe he can't make it work and now with Jaga inside, that could be even more impossible to him.

NIBMRatchet 06-17-2012 01:47 AM

Man, what a plot twist. Loved the episode. I kind of cried at the when Kit said... "But, look what you've gained" and pointed to the gathered animals.

I take my earlier comment back. I now feel sad to see the show go. :(

Thunderian scholar 06-17-2012 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 55708)
Thunderian scholar time for the final nail in the coffin. Pumyra and Mumm-ra making-out with tongue.

Lion-O: Everybody, I have an announcement.
Tygra: I wonder what it is?
Lion-O: I'm engaged, to Wilykit.
Everyone: O_O
Wilykat: My sis?!
Panthro: He's lost his mind.
Lion-O: It all makes perfect sense. The first two girls I've tried to be with were failures, but right there under my nose literally. There was one girl who always had faith in me and never doubted me. That was Wilykit.
Wilykat: Come sis, tell us this is a joke?
Wilykit: *Hugs on Lion-O's arm.* I'm going to be a queen.
Jaga: *Appears* Lion-O.
Lion-O: Yes, Jaga.
Jaga: *Gives a thumbs.* Lion-O, good job!
Lion-O: Thanks Jaga.
Tygra: Who is he talking to?
Cheetara: I think it's Jaga, but I don't see him.
Panthro: As I said, he's lost his mind.
Lion-O: Ro-Bear Bill, I want you to build a time chamber to age Wilykit to my same age.
Ro-Bear Bill: Uhhhhhhhh.
Bear Bill: Just shake your head and wave.
Ro-Bear Bill: *Shakes head and waves.* Yes. We love you Lion-O.
Lion-O: Good.

:p Oh you!:D

Thunderian scholar 06-17-2012 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55796)
Am I the only one that is pretty much amazed by the idea of Mumm-Ra having a GIRLFRIEND??!!

Urgh! Don't plant images in my head… :p

From my three all time favorites, Mumm-Ra was the most asexual of the all three, even with the Princess Ta-she episode and Luna around him all time in the OS. I mean, Skeletor and Evil-lyn were an item, you could tell that... Venger, well, there are a lot of SheilaxVenger fanfics and fans always saw his attractive anyhow... But Mumm-Ra? I thought he was so interested in women like in charity, even with the comics with Wilikyt in a Princess Leia costume. …
Whaaat? :eek:

I really hope the cartoon won't be cancelled or almost I hope to see a second season. I really want to see Mumm-Ra squeezing Pumyra and she like his second in command. And if they bring back Ma-Mutt, they could make my day :P
Whaaaat?!?! :eek::eek:


Originally Posted by stac (Post 55801)
This just makes me think that all the people saying that MJ hates Lion are actually right.
To be screwed over for Tygra is one thing. But Mumm-Ra? Damn…
Lion-O’s next love interest will probably jerk him around too and finally choose Snarf.

0_o "A cat is fine too?"


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55811)
Who wants to bet Willa will end up with Addicus and Mandora will find Alluro irrisistible? XD To this rate, if they let the cartoon go, Wilikyt will grow up and will end up searching for that Princess Leia costume eventually :P

Man, I don't hate Lion-o at all, but I like villains too much, Mumm-Ra especially, to not enjoy this at all. It's like a fangirl's dream come true, a fanfiction with images XD

Even I think that they made Pumyra kiss the hand-shield because, even cool as it is, tongue-kissing a mummy could be just too much XD

Bluarghhhhh!!! YOu and your sick twisted mind :eek:


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55814)
That's how amazing that movie is :P

But we are talking cartoons here, US cartoons, I have to add. If this was an anime, trust me, that kiss could be full showed and more other things :P

Aside from that... Who thinks Pumyra in second season (let's hope it will be make) will have a new 'bad girl' outfit?

I bet some Queen Luna kind of thing or some Mumm-Rana in evil :P

Also about the ASoE and bringing more dead guys to torment Lion-O... Sure his father would be something shocking to him, in the same way his mother could be a low hit for Tygra.

Man, now I really want second season >_<

I want to see Mumm-Ra petting Pumyra, maybe with Mumm-Ra in somekind of throne like the one in season premier in Thundera, with his beloved in his feet resting her head in his knee...

Hey, even villains need love too :P

Can someone please shoot me, NOW?:rolleyes:

Vengerin 06-17-2012 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 55826)
Urgh! Don't plant images in my head… :p

Too late, the cartoon already did that :P


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 55826)
Whaaat? :eek:

That was a present from Mumm-Ra, to his favorite slave girl :P


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 55826)
Whaaaat?!?! :eek::eek:

Do you have anything against dogs? I liked Ma-Mutt back in the day, was the only living thing (so to speak) that Mumm-Ra loved... and now he has Pumyra XD

I only hope she doesn't end up trying to bury the Sword of Omens like the dog in the OS :P


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 55826)
Bluarghhhhh!!! YOu and your sick twisted mind :eek:

My mind isn't twisted nor sick... But you have to admit the writers of the show are slapping Lion-O in all directions and even when the guy was pretty annoying in the OS, I like him in the current series and he doesn't deserve that huge amount of bad luck.

Like someone said: Losing a girl for your brother is bad, but for the creepy Big Bad of your life? It's like seeing your highschool sweetheart with the highschool bully, making out...

But, in the other hand... Man, how I'm enjoying this!! XD

I'm a villain junkie since I was four years old. I saw all my series for the villains and I loved them a lot.

Seeing something like this? For me? Christmas XD


Originally Posted by Thunderian scholar (Post 55826)
Can someone please shoot me, NOW?:rolleyes:

arnchise 06-17-2012 03:58 AM

if there is a second season, (which at the moment looks highly unlikley), i think they might go the route of half a season of Pumyra saying she hates Lion-o but relises that she really likes then and switches back over. then we get half a season of them not trusting her intill the final battle where she sacrifices herself to help Lion-o win

rodster6 06-17-2012 04:18 AM

oh no you di'int!

Not really sure why Vultureman betrayed his people? He didn't like the Thundercats because they wanted the stone that would make the city fall, so because they were his enemy,he joined forced with Mumm-ra as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' even though Mumm-ra wanted to take the stones and make the city fall too?

I hope we get to see Ratar-o with the other four mutants at some point. I always thought the relationship between the five was underused in the old toon and interaction between Mumm-ra and Ratar-o would be interesting too as ratar-o doesn't seem the type to take orders.

test 06-17-2012 05:16 AM

Great episode .... I want more. Felt great seeing slithe, monkian, jackalman and vultureman all together for that brief moment.
I really cannot fault this episode apart from it being a crappy place to leave it, if indeed it is to be the last episode.

Big Snarf 06-17-2012 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 55818)
If Pumyra actually had this much hatred towards Lion-O, then why didn't she finish him off back in the Pit? Why didn't she tried to kill him when she had every chance she could get in the last several episodes?

Pumyra is unstable as shown when she was in the forest with lion-o when she seemed happy and lion-o says something like there is another side to her, he didn't know how right he was. She may want to revert to being her self butthe ASoE control on her forces her rage to control her kind of like Mr. Sinister was doing with morph in the 90's x-men cartoon

Big Snarf 06-17-2012 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by rodster6 (Post 55829)
oh no you di'int!

Not really sure why Vultureman betrayed his people? He didn't like the Thundercats because they wanted the stone that would make the city fall, so because they were his enemy,he joined forced with Mumm-ra as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' even though Mumm-ra wanted to take the stones and make the city fall too?

I hope we get to see Ratar-o with the other four mutants at some point. I always thought the relationship between the five was underused in the old toon and interaction between Mumm-ra and Ratar-o would be interesting too as ratar-o doesn't seem the type to take orders.

He got scared when he saw mumm-ra's power and he was pissed when tygra became his peoples hero and they followed tygra's orders and not his. He claims he is a politician but now he'll be lunch for atticus if he screws up :D:D. And if there is another season he might build the nose diver and that stupid fist pounder thing for the mutants

Big Snarf 06-17-2012 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Singe (Post 55790)
Also notice how Dobo goes right after Pumyra, a hit with a knee and a growl.
Pumyra: Glad to see you, too.

One big problem in this episode, the 4 mutanteers got their butts handed to them in this episode. We get very little fighting out of them with it being either standing around or getting smacked in the head.

So I think Mumm-ra will celebrate with Pumyra in a giant cake.

If pumyra remained in the pit he 100th match might have been against dobo to win her freedom so he hit the cat nip out of her to make a point like "screw mumm-ra I would've owned you for life so get that straight" :D:D:D. The four generals have seemed to revert back to their OS mediocrity

Big Snarf 06-17-2012 06:49 AM

So mumm-ra has the tech stone but the berbils seem to be able to match anything the tech stone can do well at least so far. Is the tech stone the only one that might work for mumm-ra as it seems to be the only one to have worked for him in the legacy ep and it seems the spirit stone refuses to let mumm-ra obtain it again hence mumm-ra's comment "the stones are protecting you"

fuukonomiko 06-17-2012 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 55841)
If pumyra remained in the pit he 100th match might have been against dobo to win her freedom so he hit the cat nip out of her to make a point like "screw mumm-ra I would've owned you for life so get that straight" :D:D:D. The four generals have seemed to revert back to their OS mediocrity

I think Dobo wanted his money back, lol.

Wheres my Money Stewie & Brian (Hd) - YouTube

The Generals together look all sorts of awesome. It would have been nice to extend their fight scenes.

*image in my head of Vultaire getting wing sauce put on him by Atticus if he ever screwed up*

BB Shockwave 06-17-2012 07:14 AM

Huh... so basically, Pumyra is a Revenant (for those who played D&D). Explains her constant anger... and now we know how Mumm-ra knew where the sword was, or how he got it, or how he followed them everywhere...

Awesome season ending. Just hope there is more. IMagine what cool new armor/clothes Pumyra would get, being one of Mumm-Ra's generals...

Vultaire was hilarious. "Hey, what can I say. I am a politician." Sums it up nicely. :)

fuukonomiko 06-17-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 55847)
Huh... so basically, Pumyra is a Revenant (for those who played D&D). Explains her constant anger... and now we know how Mumm-ra knew where the sword was, or how he got it, or how he followed them everywhere...

Awesome season ending. Just hope there is more. IMagine what cool new armor/clothes Pumyra would get, being one of Mumm-Ra's generals...

Vultaire was hilarious. "Hey, what can I say. I am a politician." Sums it up nicely. :)

I liked that line by Vultaire too, LMAO.
I don't think Myra is going to be his general. She's more like his little lovemuffin. *did I just make myself throw up there?* Maybe she'll get a Princess Leia outfit too. Or something to match Mumm-Ra's.

Mumm-Ra: Come hither my little kitty-kat.
Pumyra: *meow* Right here for you my undead Daddy-poo.

JUST KIDDING! Their relationship to me struck more as a master-slave rather than boyfriend-girlfriend if that makes any sense.

L08e16o 06-17-2012 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 55756)
Makes me wonder how thundercats would've been if it were a real anime, it would've had an epic intro for sure and more action

Don't forget the hero would've be the main focus of the trinagle and would've have a harem.:D

L08e16o 06-17-2012 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Sining (Post 55806)
Lion-O will be dumped in every season finale apparently. In the next season, what new char will they introduce for us just so that she can dump lion-o for the cliffhanger

They want to appeal to another crowd. Bengalia will dump lion-o.:eek:

spike78a 06-17-2012 09:03 AM

pumyra is a smart one isn't she, side with the person responsible for killing you and seek revenge against the person who did not know you were alive and who didn't happen to hear you when you whispered help.
and didn't mumm-ra almost kill a pumyra a few times, i know the writers will say that was part of the scheme they were pulling on the cats but lion-o barely saved pumyra from the mumm-ra dino thingy and there's no way they were counting on lion-o to save her last minute so i guess pumyra was willing to sacrifice her life and let mumm-ra eat her as long as lion-o was next on the plate.

Lion-O* 06-17-2012 09:53 AM

There is plenty they could do if they continued this cartoon.
There is still another stone to find.
They can give Slythe and the other generals some more characterization.
They can tell the fate of Lynx-O.
They can introduce Bengali and the Lunataks and Mandora and all the other old school characters.

rodster6 06-17-2012 10:12 AM

Whatever happened to Jaga?

Singe 06-17-2012 10:34 AM

Slithe: Welcome to Mumm-ra's side.
Vultaire: What can I say, it will be an opportunity.
Kaynar: Speaking of which, we have this little game we like to play.
Vultaire: Oh, really.
Kaynar: You dropped something.
Vultaire: Oh, how clumsy. *Bends down.*
Atticus: I'M FIRST!! *Jumps Vultaire.*
Vultaire: AH!
Kaynar: First one to bend down loses.

Grippen 06-17-2012 11:24 AM

And now what? Anyone knows what will happen next week will they go make a pause?

L08e16o 06-17-2012 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Grippen (Post 55874)
And now what? Anyone knows what will happen next week will they go make a pause?

WB has it on hiatus.

I don't think CN will do reruns. They haven't so far.

vantheman77 06-17-2012 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 55876)
WB has it on hiatus.

I don't think CN will do reruns. They haven't so far.

Actually they are doing reruns starting next weekend as they go back to the pilot episode.

Singe 06-17-2012 01:06 PM

The next set of threads ideas:
Discuss the overall Season 1 story.
Separate character threads to talk just about that one character.
Necrobump old episode threads and discuss what we now know to it.

smilodon1 06-17-2012 01:06 PM

Addicus eats bird people, I suppose Vultaire will find this out later.

xhavoc86 06-17-2012 01:54 PM

They better fix this whole Pumyra situation or this show is dead to me! Which might be the case already as it seems very unlikely the show will renew anyways... ugh.

Singe 06-17-2012 02:02 PM

One of the plans was to let Pumyra get into Lion-O's heart. Then when she betrays him, he would feel the pain of betrayal she felt when in her eyes, "Lion-O betrayed and left me for dead."

Thunderian scholar 06-17-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Vengerin (Post 55827)
Too late, the cartoon already did that :P

Oh noez!!!

That was a present from Mumm-Ra, to his favorite slave girl :P
Yeah right, I was trying to forget that… thanks for nothing anyway ;):D


Do you have anything against dogs? I liked Ma-Mutt back in the day, was the only living thing (so to speak) that Mumm-Ra loved... and now he has Pumyra XD

I only hope she doesn't end up trying to bury the Sword of Omens like the dog in the OS :P
I got nothing against the dog, but Mumm-ra squeezing Pumyra… OMG!


My mind isn't twisted nor sick... But you have to admit the writers of the show are slapping Lion-O in all directions and even when the guy was pretty annoying in the OS, I like him in the current series and he doesn't deserve that huge amount of bad luck.

Like someone said: Losing a girl for your brother is bad, but for the creepy Big Bad of your life? It's like seeing your highschool sweetheart with the highschool bully, making out...
That's true, Lion-O has really bad luck…


But, in the other hand... Man, how I'm enjoying this!! XD

I'm a villain junkie since I was four years old. I saw all my series for the villains and I loved them a lot.

Seeing something like this? For me? Christmas XD
Instant No Button! Star Wars funnies FTW! Blargh! I'm dead!

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