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Mongor 05-25-2012 06:39 PM

Amazon has Thundercats listed as discontinued by...
Discontinued by Manufacturer.
From 8" Lion-O to 4" Lion-O wave 1 to Panthro wave 2...
Not looking good. :(

THUNDER JEDI 05-25-2012 09:16 PM

This looks like proof of line being dead. Warner Bros. waited way too long to bring Thundercats back and bandai made some awesome toys, but screwed it up big time. Its a damn shame. There was soo much potential for the line, classics and modern. Whiskers...I mean Shit!

hollowdheart 05-25-2012 09:33 PM

I looked them up but didn't see them as discontinued.

Mongor 05-25-2012 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 52410)
I looked them up but didn't see them as discontinued.

Just scroll down on any item. It's under product details.

hollowdheart 05-25-2012 09:46 PM

I see now. My bad.

Tracer 05-25-2012 09:48 PM

Good catch Mongor

Mongor 05-25-2012 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 52414)
Good catch Mongor

I'd rather be wrong.

hollowdheart 05-25-2012 09:55 PM

I wonder how the show will go on without the toys? I know CN wasn't happy with the way everything was going.

Kregermeister 05-26-2012 12:55 AM

Well yep, that confirms it basically. Amazon usually gets first notices as they move product heavy and have to report this stuff to consumers. It was nice knowing you 2011 Cats! :(

MegaGearX 05-26-2012 01:35 AM

Can someone else make the toys? Imagine if Mattel got the license to do the toyline starting with season three? If the cartoon is doing better, why not let someone else give the toys a try?

CreepySariFan 05-26-2012 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 52439)
Can someone else make the toys? Imagine if Mattel got the license to do the toyline starting with season three? If the cartoon is doing better, why not let someone else give the toys a try?

Apparently the rumor is that a new company will be announced next spring. That IS a rumor though.

Cat's Pajamas 05-26-2012 05:56 AM

Frak, that's depressing.

adssse 05-26-2012 07:40 AM

That sucks. Hopefully some other company will pick up the license and continue to make great figures. We waited so long for this I just really want it to continue.

I guess this means those places which do not have them on clearance yet soon will? Time to fill out the holes in my line. Not that I would sell, but do you think in the long run this helps or hurts the value of the Bandai figures?

dpcphoto 05-26-2012 08:04 AM

I really don't see them being worth a whole lot. I could be wrong though, but feel that they are worth much more to me as a fan. Man...this sucks!

frodo 05-26-2012 11:40 AM

i had to see it for myself bummer! :(

McSoundwave 05-26-2012 01:48 PM

Let's go Mezco! They might be our last and best hope.

AlexofThundera 05-26-2012 03:02 PM

Amazon is usually right on when it comes to distributor information. Honestly, the writing was on the wall.

However, this could end up being a blessing in disguise if another company picks up the license and does right by the line. I know a lot of people are not fans of Mattel, but I would like to see something on Matty collector with the classics.

Mongor 05-26-2012 03:26 PM

I hope it doesn't go to Matty collector. I don't like what I've seen from them and the pricing is ridiculous. I actually want more toys of the new Thundercats than the classics personally. I'd get a classic Panthro if they made him but otherwise I don't feel compelled to but any more classics. Guess I'm pissed I've already bought the 8 inch and 6 inch classics from Bandai only to see them sit by themselves in my display case. Bandai seriously F'd up. After watching today's episode though I thought that the actual fighting and battles is just what this toy line needs. Looks like too little too late though. As long as the show continues I'll be happy, even without toys if need be.

Tracer 05-26-2012 07:06 PM

So I guess its time to look to customizers to round out the cast now :(

AlexofThundera 05-26-2012 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 52440)
Apparently the rumor is that a new company will be announced next spring. That IS a rumor though.

Any references to where you heard / saw this?

In the last week I have visited about 7 different Wal Marts in two cities which I frequent. I've been visiting them for months on my hunts. It is pretty obvious that each store received one shipment of "some" wave 2 stuff and that was it. I wonder if Bandai sent all of what wave 2 they did produce or if they pulled the plug during production and there is still some stuff sitting in boxes somewhere.

Funny enough as I was at one Wal Mart today a dad said to his son, "look, Thundercats, do you like these?" and the kid replied with "no, those suck, all my friends say so." :(

Obviously this is just one kid, but mayhaps the NS and toy line just hasn't / didn't appeal to today's children. I gotta admit, it sucked to hear him say that. When I was a kid I couldn't nag my dad enough to take me to PlayWorld and get a new Thundercat for my collection.

Kregermeister 05-26-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 52531)
So I guess its time to look to customizers to round out the cast now :(

already trying to get a Pumyra out there for you guys, just ran out of money for the project though.

RedisPower 05-26-2012 10:04 PM

It would appear that Thundercats is about the go the way of the Dodo, or better yet, Sym-Bionic Titan.

CN: "No toy line, no continuous."

CreepySariFan 05-26-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by AlexofThundera (Post 52546)
Any references to where you heard / saw this?

In the last week I have visited about 7 different Wal Marts in two cities which I frequent. I've been visiting them for months on my hunts. It is pretty obvious that each store received one shipment of "some" wave 2 stuff and that was it. I wonder if Bandai sent all of what wave 2 they did produce or if they pulled the plug during production and there is still some stuff sitting in boxes somewhere.

Funny enough as I was at one Wal Mart today a dad said to his son, "look, Thundercats, do you like these?" and the kid replied with "no, those suck, all my friends say so." :(

Obviously this is just one kid, but mayhaps the NS and toy line just hasn't / didn't appeal to today's children. I gotta admit, it sucked to hear him say that. When I was a kid I couldn't nag my dad enough to take me to PlayWorld and get a new Thundercat for my collection. dj7000's post here, apparently with some insider info.

And yeah, I was HUGE into ThunderCats as a kid. Going to the States again to pick up toys was like nostalgia heaven.

Pravus Prime 05-27-2012 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by adssse (Post 52468)
That sucks. Hopefully some other company will pick up the license and continue to make great figures.

I really can't see that happening.

This line is dead, venders aren't going to want to waste their very valueable shelf space on another manufacturer's products right after having lost out by shelving ThunderCats once already. No retailer, not even Toys R Us as an exclusive wanted to touch the Masters of the Universe Classics entirely because of the 2002 lines failure. (And before it's bought up, the 2 packs with DCU were because of the DCUC figures and a lot of incenting from Mattel.)

There is a tremendous amount of competition nowadays for vender shelf space and they're practically a very nervous bunch in that they don't like taking chances. They don't like having product sitting on their shelves not moving; they tend to have long memories about what product lines disapoint them.

This line had an uphill battle to begin with; Target wouldn't even stock them in store until the line had been out and was a proven seller. Then a few months after they get them in store the line is over? They'll remember that and avoid any and all ThunderCat figures in the future like the plague, regardless of what happens to the toy license for at least a few years. Consider this, Wal-mart underpurchased Avengers figures and Target underpurchased Transformers Prime figures because they had their doubts about them. Why would any vender buy any product (regardless who made it) from a line that completely failed them last time they took the chance?

Even if say Hasbro acquired the license for a penny, made figures that make Marvel Legends look like crap, priced them at $6.00 MSRP, they'd still be unable to put it in a store and sell it because every vender would remember this failure. The brand is poison now at retail. Ah, but what about someone like Matty with their own online store? Question, do you really think there are that many more Ghostbuster fans than ThunderCat fans? Ghostbusters couldn't make it. For a line that doesn't make it to retail, there is a very limited budget. That means lots of parts re-usage. Expect Lion-o, Mumm-ra, Tygra, Panthro, and all the other adult males to share a bodytype. Cheetara and Pumyra to share one. The kits to share one, assuming they get to the kits before they cancel the line. That's even without the usual Matty incompetence when it comes to handling their boy/collector brands.

I'm not saying there's zero chance for more figures, there's always a chance at SDCC exclusive figures, but TC is dead at retail and will likely be that way for a long time.

Cat's Pajamas 05-27-2012 07:16 AM

Good points Pravus. I think Ghostbusters failed because there are so few interesting characters to make, and they made most of them. T-cats has a ton of great characters to draw from, both vintage and modern. But yes, it's certainly going to be a dicey road ahead. Thank you very much Bandai.

Huxtable85 05-27-2012 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 52581)
I really can't see that happening.

This line is dead, venders aren't going to want to waste their very valueable shelf space on another manufacturer's products right after having lost out by shelving ThunderCats once already. No retailer, not even Toys R Us as an exclusive wanted to touch the Masters of the Universe Classics entirely because of the 2002 lines failure. (And before it's bought up, the 2 packs with DCU were because of the DCUC figures and a lot of incenting from Mattel.)

There is a tremendous amount of competition nowadays for vender shelf space and they're practically a very nervous bunch in that they don't like taking chances. They don't like having product sitting on their shelves not moving; they tend to have long memories about what product lines disapoint them.

This line had an uphill battle to begin with; Target wouldn't even stock them in store until the line had been out and was a proven seller. Then a few months after they get them in store the line is over? They'll remember that and avoid any and all ThunderCat figures in the future like the plague, regardless of what happens to the toy license for at least a few years. Consider this, Wal-mart underpurchased Avengers figures and Target underpurchased Transformers Prime figures because they had their doubts about them. Why would any vender buy any product (regardless who made it) from a line that completely failed them last time they took the chance?

Even if say Hasbro acquired the license for a penny, made figures that make Marvel Legends look like crap, priced them at $6.00 MSRP, they'd still be unable to put it in a store and sell it because every vender would remember this failure. The brand is poison now at retail. Ah, but what about someone like Matty with their own online store? Question, do you really think there are that many more Ghostbuster fans than ThunderCat fans? Ghostbusters couldn't make it. For a line that doesn't make it to retail, there is a very limited budget. That means lots of parts re-usage. Expect Lion-o, Mumm-ra, Tygra, Panthro, and all the other adult males to share a bodytype. Cheetara and Pumyra to share one. The kits to share one, assuming they get to the kits before they cancel the line. That's even without the usual Matty incompetence when it comes to handling their boy/collector brands.

I'm not saying there's zero chance for more figures, there's always a chance at SDCC exclusive figures, but TC is dead at retail and will likely be that way for a long time.

If a new line does happen, they just have to make believers out of retailers again...maybe including a better sales pitch to Toys "R" Us by adding them to their advertising commercials, essentially they would be the only retailers taking a chance on the new TCats line by another company, since a lot of them are skeptical!

Tracer 05-27-2012 11:44 AM

I agree with Pravus Prime. This is going to be it for a long time outside of anything Mezco does or high end items.

Ravenxl7 05-27-2012 12:52 PM

Well...this sucks. Hopefully Bandai's sucky handling of the line doesn't hurt the chances of another company picking up the license too much. If another company does pick it up, I hope it's not Hasbro or Mattel. I feel both would handle things as bad, if not worse, than how Bandai has handled it.

Sadly Playmates is the only other company I would be ok with taking over the license.

RedisPower 05-27-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 52603)
Well...this sucks. Hopefully Bandai's sucky handling of the line doesn't hurt the chances of another company picking up the license too much. If another company does pick it up, I hope it's not Hasbro or Mattel. I feel both would handle things as bad, if not worse, than how Bandai has handled it.

Sadly Playmates is the only other company I would be ok with taking over the license.

Too bad. They've pretty much got their hands full with TMNT 2012 and Classics. :)

Huxtable85 05-27-2012 01:32 PM

Playmates would be a fantastic toy company! I could imagine the new Cats Lair being made like the new Turtle Lair shown below:

Toy Fair 2012: TMNT walk through - YouTube

Tracer 05-27-2012 01:50 PM

That Turtle Lair is bad ass. It will be a great display piece for plenty of other lines.

Sportsandstuff 05-27-2012 03:37 PM

I just hope the show can survive and Playmates would be awesome to pick the line up

xander88 05-27-2012 04:40 PM

This is very disappointing. I'd been so excited about these toys. Even before Bandai announced the toys, I had always said that if Thundercats toys were re-made, I'd definitely buy them. It had been a long time since I'd got this excited about toys due to the fact that Thundercats was the first TV show that I used to get really excited about as a kid and it had been so long since Thundercats toys had been made.

Huxtable85 05-27-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Sportsandstuff (Post 52622)
I just hope the show can survive and Playmates would be awesome to pick the line up

Your ebay store link is not working

MegaGearX 05-28-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 52581)
Ah, but what about someone like Matty with their own online store? Question, do you really think there are that many more Ghostbuster fans than ThunderCat fans? Ghostbusters couldn't make it. For a line that doesn't make it to retail, there is a very limited budget. That means lots of parts re-usage. Expect Lion-o, Mumm-ra, Tygra, Panthro, and all the other adult males to share a bodytype. Cheetara and Pumyra to share one. The kits to share one, assuming they get to the kits before they cancel the line. That's even without the usual Matty incompetence when it comes to handling their boy/collector brands.

Ghostbusters was dependent on a third movie that never came, besides that franchise had no media in years besides the video game.

ThunderCats is much more fresh in people's minds with the new series.

One advantage to making ThunderCats is that there aren't alot of characters or variants. If Mattel did get the ThunderCats license and made a 12 month subscription "Club Thundera", we could get all of the major characters in two years. 12 main figures, SDCC exclusives and a sub figure. After that, keep on making characters until the line dies. Get the majors out of the way and continue until the Tank runs out of fumes.

Year One:

SDCC exclusive: Bandaged Mumm-Ra and Ma-Mutt
Sub exclusive: Snarf and Snarfer

Year Two:
Tug Mug
Ram Bam
Top Spinner
Red Eye

SDCC exclusive: Luna and Amok
Sub exclusive: Ro-Ber-Bill and Ro-Ber-Belle

Year Three:
Turmigar the Tuska
Safari Joe
Reptilian Soldier

SDCC exclusive: Snowman of Hook Mountain and Snowmeow
Sub exclusive: Mandora and bike

The scariest part would be the tooling issue and shared parts.

Balgus82 05-28-2012 08:07 AM

I don't think shared parts would be too bad on OS figures. They all pretty much had the same body type. The NS would be problematic with that though as their designs and silhouettes were purposefully differentiated from each other.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 05-28-2012 08:24 AM

This is both sad and not surprising. I mean, the figs are ok, they're not great. And again, it was so hard to find the damn things, it's like 2003 He-Man all over again. But since this isn't a series dependent on toys, maybe there will be hope of the series continuing.

dj7000 05-28-2012 08:41 AM

Take this as a grain of salt, the same source that rumored me the line cancellation and potential new company pickup it up in the spring said mattel is off the list for potentials, and brace yourselves..hasbro is stirring interest. However, don't expect for hasbro to admit anything. He said there were 3 other companies interested but couldn't disclose names. He also said mezco is gonna continue with the "statues" but don't expect alot of product until after the show resumes. Rule of thumb, when you start to see a compnay re releasing stuff and not putting out new figures in the line...good chance it's going under,lol/

Huxtable85 05-28-2012 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by dj7000 (Post 52706)
Take this as a grain of salt, the same source that rumored me the line cancellation and potential new company pickup it up in the spring said mattel is off the list for potentials, and brace yourselves..hasbro is stirring interest. However, don't expect for hasbro to admit anything. He said there were 3 other companies interested couldn't disclose names. He also said mezco is gonna continue with the "statues" but don't expect alot of product until after the show resumes. Rule of thumb, when you start to see a compnay re releasing stuff and not putting out new figures in the line...good chance it's going under,lol/

Cool No Mattel! They have no longevity with their products anyway...who could the other 3 companies be besides Hasbro?? Any who thanks for the update :D

MegaGearX 05-28-2012 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Huxtable85 (Post 52707)
Cool No Mattel! They have no longevity with their products anyway...

Except for MOTU (4 years+), DCUC (5 years) and JLU (10 years).


who could the other 3 companies be besides Hasbro?? Any who thanks for the update :D

Ruination04 05-28-2012 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 52440)
Apparently the rumor is that a new company will be announced next spring. That IS a rumor though.

I certainly hope this is true!


Originally Posted by dj7000 (Post 52706)
Take this as a grain of salt, the same source that rumored me the line cancellation and potential new company pickup it up in the spring said mattel is off the list for potentials, and brace yourselves..hasbro is stirring interest. However, don't expect for hasbro to admit anything. He said there were 3 other companies interested but couldn't disclose names. He also said mezco is gonna continue with the "statues" but don't expect alot of product until after the show resumes. Rule of thumb, when you start to see a compnay re releasing stuff and not putting out new figures in the line...good chance it's going under,lol/

I'd love for Hasbro to get it! They know how to keep a line going..Look at TFs!

dpcphoto 05-28-2012 10:50 PM

As of lately, I really dig Hasbro. I feel that they would best be suited to manage the property successfully

Mongor 05-28-2012 11:26 PM

I want a damn Kaynar figure. Now.

Balgus82 05-29-2012 02:18 AM

If Hasbro gets it I hope the show switches from CN to the Hub. I think it would be much better handled there.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 05-29-2012 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by MegaGearX (Post 52710)

YES. You know why? Thundercats Heroclix. I'd buy that shit up and play it for like 2 months straight.

Starsapphire 05-29-2012 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by CreepySariFan (Post 52440)
Apparently the rumor is that a new company will be announced next spring. That IS a rumor though.

we can hope!

Hopefully they make them proper this time...... -_-

no screw holes in the back of classics..... arrrrrgh

Tracer 05-29-2012 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Jack-Pumpkinhead (Post 52836)
YES. You know why? Thundercats Heroclix. I'd buy that shit up and play it for like 2 months straight.

They would rock with Icon Heroes Cat's Lair fo sure.

Sportsandstuff 05-30-2012 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Huxtable85 (Post 52634)
Your ebay store link is not working

Thanks for letting me know I had to shorten the link :)

IndyCat 05-30-2012 07:46 AM

too bad to hear this news.

nitewing73 05-30-2012 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by dj7000 (Post 52706)
Take this as a grain of salt, the same source that rumored me the line cancellation and potential new company pickup it up in the spring said mattel is off the list for potentials, and brace yourselves..hasbro is stirring interest. However, don't expect for hasbro to admit anything. He said there were 3 other companies interested but couldn't disclose names. He also said mezco is gonna continue with the "statues" but don't expect alot of product until after the show resumes. Rule of thumb, when you start to see a compnay re releasing stuff and not putting out new figures in the line...good chance it's going under,lol/

Let's say it is Hasbro. It would be pretty cool if they did a Marvel Legends and Marvel Universe scaled figures for this property. We shall see. Hopefully more episodes of the cartoon are on the way.

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