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Pravus Prime 02-07-2011 07:54 PM

Re-Watching the Original Cartoon
Like most kids of the '80's, I'm sure I'd seen my fair share of Thundercats episodes, but over the years I only remember about 3 episodes. With all the news about the Thundercats relaunch as well as finishing up an older cartoon series I was watching and deciding to bump Transformers: Headmasters from one a day to once a week (ugh!), I started watching, or re-watching the original Thundercats.

When I rewatch a cartoon from my youth, it generally goes into either I'm embarassed to have been a fan of it, or it holds up rather well. All too often a show will go into the former category, but I'm quite surprised to say that Thundercats does not. I'm shocked at the quality of this show all these years later. Sure it's got it's cornyness, simplistic plots, or inconsistant storytelling (Lion-O can call the Sword of Omens to him, why does he chase after it desperately in other episodes?), but that doesn't really detract from my enjoyment as I rewatch this series. The 80's-ness of the series actually adds to my enjoyment, especially the rock music.

I also rather like how we're plopped into a universe that has a major past. You could tell entire series about what came before the fall of Thundera and what happened to first and second Earth. Instead we're given that as a backstory to move forward.

There's a lot of the characterization that I like as well. From Jaga not always being correct, to Mumm-Ra's snarkyness with the mutants. Speaking of which, I'm pleased to see that Mumm-Ra is used sparingly, only about 4 appearances in the first 16 episodes (That's as far as I am), which means he doesn't suffer from the villain decay (yet?) that other cartoon villains were all too prone to suffer from.

I also think I'm starting to crush on Cheetara all over again. ;)

I don't think I want to do a watch and review (Unless there's people that would like that), but I do intend to update this thread as I finish sections of the series. I hate to say this, but no spoilers, please. I remember about 3 episodes and after 16 episodes, I've already hit 2 of them!

JohnnyAngel77 02-07-2011 08:00 PM

I've actually been planning on going back and re-watching them soon as well. I was always a fan but only got to watch episodes at my aunts house early in the morning when she would watch me before school. Lookin forward to enjoying them all soon.

Reeds 02-07-2011 08:03 PM

Ive had the first two episodes on my iPhone for months. I watch em here and there in pieces. It still holds up for me.

Just that intro with the circle and the episode title had that quick music that held such menace and gravity. Really gets you ready for an episode. I love that.

But I want to remind myself to take the time to put some episodes with Snarfer and his Uncle on there. They always cracked me up.

Pravus Prime 02-07-2011 08:19 PM

Unfortunately that was my second attempt at starting this thread (I got timed out and lost the original), there were two other notes I wanted to make:

Several years ago, I had read an article that had talked about Thundercats, namely that it had a kick-ass intro, but didn't have the animation in the series to back it up and that the rest of the show was a let down in comparison. While that's true, I didn't find the regular series animation to be that bad, in fact in some cases it's quite good. (Especially when Lion-O does his sight beyond sight!)

I remember disliking Snarf as I dislike most of the comedic idiot sidekicks (Wheelie and Orko especially), but Snarf is actually quite tolerable. Sure he's in that same category, but he makes sense given that he's Lion-O's nursemaid essentially and even then he's not that annoying.

Reeds 02-07-2011 08:30 PM

I think Snarf was much better than those others because there was a bit more...quality? or perhaps it was the right combination of quirky music, voice acting, and look that made him funny by himself. I just didnt like Snarf when he laid the ignorant nursemaid role on too thick but that was his job, so he always had a credible purpose in their stories.

Dont get me started on Wheelie..

If the intro was average for the day, people today would say it was a solid 80s cartoon show that did what it set out to do. But because the intro went above and beyond, the juxtaposition with the episodes seems to make people say that since the intro was great the rest--not being like the intro--is the opposite. Drives me nuts. Just enjoy the intro for the extra it was and the show for being a solid, original, fun series.

Deefuzz 02-07-2011 08:51 PM

Revisiting Thundercats as the DVDs came out was a pleasant surprise, it holds up pretty well and most of it as actually pretty well written.

I tell this to most people who like to dismiss all of the cartoons from our youth as looking at them through rose-tinted glasses. I tell them to check out Thundercats because it's actually still pretty good. The original He-Man is pretty painful to watch, as is at least half of G.I. Joe and Transformers, but Thundercats is still pretty damned solid. I still need to watch through the series in it's entirety, but I am shocked at how much more I enjoyed watching it now than most of the others.

Sabien 02-07-2011 09:00 PM

I agree. Thundercats is one of those rare cartoons of our childhood that still holds up today. I've gone back to watch some things like Joe, He-Man and the Ninja Turtles (which I never saw originally) and it's a little painful. Thundercats feels just the same as it did 25 years ago.

Pravus Prime 02-07-2011 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Deefuzz (Post 745)
I tell this to most people who like to dismiss all of the cartoons from our youth as looking at them through rose-tinted glasses. I tell them to check out Thundercats because it's actually still pretty good. The original He-Man is pretty painful to watch, as is at least half of G.I. Joe and Transformers, but Thundercats is still pretty damned solid.

Tell me about it. When I first rewatched He-man several years ago I was completely and utterly shocked by how awful it is.

Anyway, just watched episode 17, All That Glitters. Holy. Crap. That was an episode! :eek:

Dawg99 02-07-2011 09:45 PM

Me and my Son love watching Thundercats together ,he's excited for the new cartoon

Steelgrave 02-08-2011 01:02 AM

I don't know why but all the 80's cartoons I loved as a kid bore the crap out of me now. All but Silverhawks. Silverhawks keeps me interested but all the others put me to sleep.

I picked up season 1 of Thundercats & only watched a few episodes. It's just so bloody boring!

Dawg99 02-08-2011 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Steelgrave (Post 820)
I don't know why but all the 80's cartoons I loved as a kid bore the crap out of me now. All but Silverhawks. Silverhawks keeps me interested but all the others put me to sleep.

I picked up season 1 of Thundercats & only watched a few episodes. It's just so bloody boring!

i've never seen silverhawks is it worth picking up?

Steelgrave 02-08-2011 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Dawg99 (Post 822)
i've never seen silverhawks is it worth picking up?

You can probably check it out on Youtube. See if you like it. They released vol. 1 on dvd but it didn't sell too well so they'll probably never release vol. 2. I always get screwed like that.:mad: I'm dying to get vol 2.

Maybe if the new Thundercats is successful they'll try to bring back Silverhawks. But I doubt it.

Dawg99 02-08-2011 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Steelgrave (Post 828)
You can probably check it out on Youtube. See if you like it. They released vol. 1 on dvd but it didn't sell too well so they'll probably never release vol. 2. I always get screwed like that.:mad: I'm dying to get vol 2.

Maybe if the new Thundercats is successful they'll try to bring back Silverhawks. But I doubt it.

ok i will check some episodes out when i got some free time

Alluro 02-08-2011 03:35 AM

Having gotten a friend into Transformers about two years ago, he reciprocated by introducing me to Thundercats, and the series is indeed great fun. It is a shame that the quality began (in my opinion) to decline so noticeably as the third season went on, but having recently finished said third season, I definitely count "The Last Day" as one of my favorite eighties cartoon episodes ever.

I just hope that season 4 lives up to that quality.

Grune the Destroyer 02-08-2011 07:47 AM

I intend to buy the DVD sets for the first season (pretty cheap here in the UK atm) and start rewatching. Perhaps other UK fans can correct me, but I don't think we ever got season 2 on telly here. I remember watching the first 20-25 episodes of season 1 so many times over the years - the BBC seemed to have a major boner for those "Lion-O Trials" episodes...they were always on! But not much after that.

Of course, we got Ho! The Movie as well.

So, yes, looking forward to revisiting the cartoon. I remember the stories being quite engaging and standing up well when I last revisited it about ten years ago.

crackus 02-08-2011 08:54 AM

same thing here..gonna rewatch everything as well..

JohnnyAngel77 02-08-2011 10:14 AM

I watched Episode 1 last night on youtube. I gotta admit, I wanted to jump around the room like I was fighting off the ugly mutants when Lion-O did "Thundercats, Thundercats, Thundercats, HO!!!!" for the first time and the music kicked in. I did smile real big though. So effing happy TC is finally making a comeback.

LionO84 02-08-2011 12:07 PM

I'm hoping is that since CN owns the original show also, that they will re-play it with the new one.

Joe Moore 02-08-2011 12:22 PM

I still enjoy the original show. Season 1 is still my favorite, as there seemed to be less filler episodes.

Croaker 02-08-2011 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 729)
Several years ago, I had read an article that had talked about Thundercats, namely that it had a kick-ass intro, but didn't have the animation in the series to back it up and that the rest of the show was a let down in comparison. While that's true, I didn't find the regular series animation to be that bad, in fact in some cases it's quite good.

You can really see the difference in various episodes - after a while you can spot the 'A' team and the 'B' team's work.
Also the vehicles tend to get a lot more attention and detail in the animation.

Mako Crab 02-08-2011 08:46 PM

I picked up season 2, vol 1 a while back just to see what the new TCats and the Lunataks sounded like. I'd never seen them back when I was a kid. My god is that season awful! The first 2 5-part epics just bore me to tears. I will say though that I still have fond memories of the first season.

Pravus Prime 02-08-2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Steelgrave (Post 820)
I don't know why but all the 80's cartoons I loved as a kid bore the crap out of me now. All but Silverhawks. Silverhawks keeps me interested but all the others put me to sleep.

Well, just shows how different our tastes are, I can't stand Silverhawks. At all. Ever. Even as a kid, I didn't like them.

Finished episode 20. Favorite episode so far is 17, All That Glitters. Least favorite is 18, Spitting Image.

Joe Moore 02-09-2011 08:47 AM

If you don't have the DVD's and need a refresher, Hulu has them online for free!

Watch Thundercats Online Free and Legally

nitewing73 02-09-2011 12:47 PM

I remember one christmas I picked up all the DVD's on Amazon because they were on sale for a really good price. I've been watching it recently with my two kids and have been enjoying it as much now as I did back in the day. Growing up in the '80's I've got to say that this is one of the few cartoons that have stood the test of time with the animation and the actual story itself.

On a side note I hope they get to releasing the remaining episodes of Silverhawks on DVD.

Sabien 02-09-2011 01:49 PM

I think it's only a matter of time before Silverhawks, MASK and other great cartoons and toys of the 80's make some sort of comeback. Over the last few years, we've seen several return and I think the trend will continue to grow in the years to come.

The_Eva-Living 02-10-2011 12:33 AM

I've been thinking about buying the DVDs. Is walmart the best place to get them?

ThunderTomkat21 02-10-2011 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Deefuzz (Post 745)
Revisiting Thundercats as the DVDs came out was a pleasant surprise, it holds up pretty well and most of it as actually pretty well written.

I tell this to most people who like to dismiss all of the cartoons from our youth as looking at them through rose-tinted glasses. I tell them to check out Thundercats because it's actually still pretty good. The original He-Man is pretty painful to watch, as is at least half of G.I. Joe and Transformers, but Thundercats is still pretty damned solid. I still need to watch through the series in it's entirety, but I am shocked at how much more I enjoyed watching it now than most of the others.

Oh god, yeah the old He Man sometimes comes off as a joke now. Sunbow GI Joe did not age well, meanwhile I think Sunbow TF's aged alright.

Now Thundercats, admittedly I don't remember much of it from childhood. I watched it, the intro was fucking amazing for the time, but most of what I remember is the intro and theme song.

When reruns were on the old Toonami, I instead opted for Voltron and Robotech. So I plan on rewatching Thundercats.

I've only seen DVD box set 1 at Walmart.

Bravestarr 02-10-2011 11:03 AM

Fun stuff to revisit....I love 80's animation.

BLACK SWAN 02-10-2011 04:31 PM

I am going to have to break out the TC dvds on my off day . Yay!

GK Punk 02-13-2011 07:51 PM

I've started rewatching them myself. I've had the DVDs just laying around for years with out taking the time ti rewatch every episode. I thought it'd be nice to finally see every episode as an adult so I can catch every little reference made in the new series lol.

-sdp 02-14-2011 03:09 PM

I'm going to be re-watching the show as well, I was never a huge fan but I caught plenty of re-runs in the early 90s. I remember as a kid thinking it was a "dark" show and it is when compared to other 80s shows even if its indeed silly. I actually wanted to re-watch thundercats circa 2005 when the first dvd set came out but I only did watch a few episodes. Its definitely an 80s show but its written better, I mean I had to force myself to watch a "Best 10 episodes of He-Man" I bought on DVD once, they were absolutely terrible and those were supposed to be the best.

And while I didn't grow up in the 80s I did still catch plenty of the big shows through re-runs in the early 90s and yeah most 80s shows do not hold up well, theres exceptions of course like Ninja Turtles, that show was wacky but unlike say Transformers it ran with it and was self aware. that show aged much better because of it.

Icespark 02-14-2011 06:55 PM

Thundercats holds up extremely well, and is one of the few series I rank as a masterpiece, along side Beast Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ect.

The animation always ranges from excellent, to decent, and I especially love the amount of effort placed into the writing, and the atmosphere that results from that. Third Earth is a richly built world, lush with back-story, and brimming with mystery.

I also still want the music of the series to be released some day!

GK Punk 02-14-2011 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Icespark (Post 1607)
I also still want the music of the series to be released some day!

This and Masters of the Universe I would kill for.

Pravus Prime 02-15-2011 07:35 AM

Finished episode 25 today, Snarf Takes up the Challenge.

Favorite episode so far is 17, All That Glitters. 25, Snarf Takes up the Challenge is now my second favorite.
Least favorite is 18, Spitting Image. Second least favorite is 24, Safari Joe.

Icespark 02-16-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 1610)
This and Masters of the Universe I would kill for.

It seems that animation-based music isn't really treated as anything special in the western half of the world. There is still much of Transformers: G1's music I have to find, and it feels like it's downright impossible to find any of the music from Beast Wars that isn't the opening theme.

Thankfully, Japanese animated series seem to get their music released in CD form, at a much higher rate, at least in the eastern half of the world.

I'm hoping that the large push that Thundercats is receiving, between the new series, and the toyline, will be enough to see the music released as well. :)

Silverhawk 02-17-2011 05:12 PM

Both of my kids have been watching the DVD box sets. They love them. I bought all four sets and I don't remember seeing the second season volume 2 episodes on TV so it is fun for the three of us since some of the episodes are new to me too. My Daughter (age 7) loves playing with my Thundercat figures. I have them on display in a glass case when they are not being played with. Also, did anyone else want a Snarf as a pet? I did. Mostly to do my chores for me.

Pravus Prime 02-18-2011 03:10 AM

Finished episode 30, Feliner part 2.

Favorite episode so far is 17, All That Glitters. 27, The Thunder-Cutter is my second favorite. Snarf Takes up the Challenge falls to third.
Least favorite is 18, Spitting Image. Second least favorite is 24, Safari Joe.

BigD 02-28-2011 03:19 AM

Has there ever been a reason givin as to why the Claw Shield was drawn with three fingers and a thumb insted of four fingers and a thumb? I only noticed this while rewatching episode one and two the other day. Also was it ever explained why WilyKit and WilyKat didn't age and Lion-O did?

GK Punk 02-28-2011 04:03 AM

No one aged like Lion-O did. He was the only one.

Pravus Prime 03-01-2011 03:46 PM

Finished episode 35, Sword in the Hole.

Dimension Doom was a neat episode with a lot of great concepts behind it.

Thundercats really does a lot of weird stuff in space. There's gravity, air, etc.

Mako Crab 03-01-2011 08:06 PM

You can thank William Overgard for that. The guy was responsible for all the craziest of crazy episodes. There was one TCat site I saw that was doing episode reviews, and they'd always put an Overgard alert icon next to the title if he had written it. He created Evil Chaser Mandora along with all the villains that she chased (including the monster that could only be defeated by soap), Captain Cracker and his crazy pirates, and generally all his episodes revolved around getting Lion-O away from the other cats so he could go play with all these other crazy characters. It was. . . Overgardian.

GK Punk 03-01-2011 10:06 PM

My personal favorite was when he wrote an episode that had Snarfer buying, of all things, Mexican take out from Robear Berbil Roberto's mexican take out stand.

Mako Crab 03-07-2011 02:22 AM

If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the same episode where Mandora gives Chilla a speeding ticket in space and then forces her to drink antifreeze as punishment? Either way, yeah, Overgard is the master of random.

GK Punk 03-07-2011 02:36 AM

That was the same ep! haha. It was really quite terrible. None of it made any sense at all. Especially once all the Lunatacs kidnapped Mandora and Lynx O, tried to kill them but they managed to escape.

Then Mandora had to go back to arrest... Chilla for speeding. And only Chilla.

Mako Crab 03-07-2011 10:01 AM

When I saw that, I wondered how many kids went out and gave the ol' antifreeze a taste after seeing Chilla chugging it down. Didn't they have a psychologist working on the show? He should've known better! :p

-sdp 03-26-2011 02:37 PM

I just finished watching Season 1, my overall thoughts are that this show built an amazing mythology and characters that could be very interesting and full of potential, however for the most part most episodes are pretty bad and have lame plots that do not take advantage of it. The show is definitely watchable but it has aged with time, still counting this came out in the 80s, this show has aged wonderfully compared to all the other shows the 80s had to offer like Transformers/Gi Joe/He-Man etc.


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 1834)
Least favorite is 18, Spitting Image. Second least favorite is 24, Safari Joe.

Oh god Safari Joe is the worst episode in season 1, definitely agree on that one. Splitting Image wasn't that bad, I mean I won't say I liked very much but I didn't hate it. Plus Splitting Image gave us Driller, I think he's an awesome character.


Originally Posted by Mako Crab (Post 2262)
You can thank William Overgard for that. The guy was responsible for all the craziest of crazy episodes. There was one TCat site I saw that was doing episode reviews, and they'd always put an Overgard alert icon next to the title if he had written it. He created Evil Chaser Mandora along with all the villains that she chased (including the monster that could only be defeated by soap), Captain Cracker and his crazy pirates, and generally all his episodes revolved around getting Lion-O away from the other cats so he could go play with all these other crazy characters. It was. . . Overgardian.

hahaha, thats so funny, I don't usually take notice on who writes episodes but yeah all those episodes were weird. I did like Mandora and the pickpocket thief though, not his other characters though. The soap monster is hilarious looking back now though. And god Captain Cracker's pirates seemed to have been designed by the toy company, could not take them seriously at all with all their toy action-features.


Originally Posted by Icespark (Post 1607)
Thundercats holds up extremely well, and is one of the few series I rank as a masterpiece, along side Beast Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ect.

The animation always ranges from excellent, to decent, and I especially love the amount of effort placed into the writing, and the atmosphere that results from that. Third Earth is a richly built world, lush with back-story, and brimming with mystery.

I also still want the music of the series to be released some day!

Sorry but I can't disagree more with you, haven't re-watched BW but comparing this to Avatar is ludicrous. The animation is only good in the intro, in the actual show its terrible, how can you even praise the animation? the writing is also absolutely terrible for the most part with only a handful of great episodes, and the dialog is ugh. Music is pretty decent though but I wouldn't go as far as to say that its amazing.

I'll definitely give you the atmosphere, that is what the show has going for it. Third Earth is indeed a rich world full of mythology and endless possibilities. The problem with that is that the show never bothers to actually build on that awesome world that the characters live in it and completely ignore any cool backstories that could make this show so awesome. "Oh yeah we opened this new Ice Cream store with 1000 flavors, but you can only choose Vanilla, on some special occasion we allow you to choose strawberry".

Now it seems like I'm bashing the show a lot, but no I've been enjoying it, but it is what it is, a great show for its time but it has aged over time.

Icespark 03-30-2011 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by -sdp (Post 3121)

Sorry but I can't disagree more with you, haven't re-watched BW but comparing this to Avatar is ludicrous. The animation is only good in the intro, in the actual show its terrible, how can you even praise the animation? the writing is also absolutely terrible for the most part with only a handful of great episodes, and the dialog is ugh. Music is pretty decent though but I wouldn't go as far as to say that its amazing.

I'll definitely give you the atmosphere, that is what the show has going for it. Third Earth is indeed a rich world full of mythology and endless possibilities. The problem with that is that the show never bothers to actually build on that awesome world that the characters live in it and completely ignore any cool backstories that could make this show so awesome. "Oh yeah we opened this new Ice Cream store with 1000 flavors, but you can only choose Vanilla, on some special occasion we allow you to choose strawberry".

Now it seems like I'm bashing the show a lot, but no I've been enjoying it, but it is what it is, a great show for its time but it has aged over time.

I'm sorry, but, my mind won't be changed, I really do think that Avatar is a fantastic series, and should be rated it as a masterpiece. In a time where most cartoons are cheaply made, Avatar is one of the few series that has full productions values, with high attention to detail placed into its creation.

xander88 07-15-2011 04:40 PM

I re-watched the whole series early this year and I already want to start on it again. It was quite strange because I just decided to re-watch the series on impulse and it was that which prompted me to go on the internet and search for news on Thundercats. I didn't expect there to be any but it turned out that it was making a comeback. It was a pleasant suprise.

nitewing73 07-22-2011 12:26 PM

I think cartoon network is re-run the original series this weekend. When I was going to add the new series on my DVR a bunch of episodes from the original show popped up.

jonleestaples 07-23-2011 10:22 PM

Got a question
Now I admit, I haven't gone through all the discussions to see if this has already been brought up. So forgive me.

I just watched the pilot of the 80's series, after about 20 years from watching any. And I can understand cryogenics slowing your aging processes, yet allowing Lion'o to grow from the small boy he was, into the adult he has become.

... Why didn't Wiley Kit and Kat?

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