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Joe Moore 10-28-2011 10:04 AM

Thundercats Episode 9 - Berbils Discussion Thread
Thundercats Episode 9 - Berbils

Use this thread to talk about the episode, leading up to, live talk and post episode recaps.

Thundercats 109 Berbils airs tonight at 8:30 PM on Cartoon Network.

Nekomen 10-28-2011 01:55 PM

Damn, I'm torn. Chuck and Grimm tonight, Supernatural and nikita, thundercats, and the world series game. T_T Tonight is going to really test my DVR.

>EXO< 10-28-2011 04:00 PM

Finally! That was a long break.

Wilyjo 10-28-2011 05:23 PM

Can't wait. The break felt like forever man!

krazycp 10-28-2011 06:24 PM

Can't wait!

DESTRO 10-28-2011 06:30 PM

Brewing a new pot of Coffee.....Bring It!

xhavoc86 10-28-2011 06:39 PM

About an hour longer till its on for me :)

Talyn 10-28-2011 07:58 PM

Awesome episode, and snowmeow!

Wilyjo 10-28-2011 07:58 PM

Some odd sound effects this episode. Besides the Video Game 1 ups for the kittens, there were some that sound distinctly 80s Cartoon. Did they seem familiar to anyone?

krazycp 10-28-2011 08:06 PM

I loved the video game 1 ups! Yep, they mentioned Hook Mountain and that was Snowmeow.

Jack-Pumpkinhead 10-28-2011 08:07 PM

Yeah, I heard the classic Lion roar and the Mario power-up sound, which I loved. Oh heck, I LOVED THE WHOLE EPISODE!!! I want a plush Berbil now! They were so cute! And the trollogs and giants were very cool, but dude, Snow-Meow was awesome! I really hope we see him again. And the Conquador was a nice villain. But the kittens on their candyfruit-induced power-ups were hillarious. While sad anout no new Young Justice, new Thundercats is a trade up. And hopefully next week will be both, so even better!

Ravenxl7 10-28-2011 08:11 PM

Really great episode. Quite possibly my favorite one so-far. The Berbils were great, and I love all the nods within this one episode. Trollogs, Gigantors, Snowmeow, and Safari Joe (I'm still confident that was him).

I hope we see the Berbils several more times within the show's life-time. I don't think they would do this, but I would love to see one of them join the main team as a permanent cast-member. Panthro could use an assistant.

Panthro's development in this episode was great, and very much appreciated. It's good to see the big guy opening up a bit.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of Snomeow. It's inevitable that they'll have him show-up again.

Definitely looking forward to more episodes. Hopefully they'll get in a good number of them before another break happens (it's sadly inevitable these days). Also, I'm hoping it isn't too much longer till we get some Berbil toys. Most especially a plush of at least Bill, but not before Snarf, lol.

Jlogano20 10-28-2011 08:19 PM

good episode

Rattrap007 10-28-2011 08:35 PM

I loved it. The hyper active kittens were priceless. Just like kids after Halloween.

Loved Panthro's development in this episode. I used to hate the berbils in the original, but here they were downright likable.

asianstudnt87 10-28-2011 08:38 PM

In the modified words of the late Rick James from the Chappelle's Show skit:

'CANDYFRUIT'S a HECK of a drug...'

Tony_Bacala 10-28-2011 08:42 PM

Good overall ep. Wasn't super excited tho, found myself getting distracted. Nice connection to the originals, fleshing out a bit more.

Looking forward to some more epic-ness next week.

SPLIT LIP 10-28-2011 09:06 PM

I eagerly await a download since this show apparently will never be broadcasted in Canada.

DESTRO 10-28-2011 09:19 PM

It was a light hearted episode and I would say plush Berbils are gonna sell really well.

nomad16 10-28-2011 09:43 PM

awesome episode I so want some berbil figures!!!!

PANTHRO HOOO 10-29-2011 12:38 AM

Berbils love panthro. Bill is and has always been my favorite non thundercat character. Snowmeow was awsome can't believe we saw him alone. Seeing all the other old characters is also very welcome. It makes me feel like this is the 3rd earth we all knew as kids.

LXL Guy 10-29-2011 01:23 AM

Didn't know what to expect going into this episode. It was so colorful and fun. Watching Kit & Kat go into hyper mode was funny all around as well.

JASONKAT 10-29-2011 03:08 AM

Is it me or did the picture quality feel/look better in terms of 2 dimensional rather than flat like the last 8 episodes. This1 felt like an upgrade from those. Great picture/colors. I kinda wish these shows were longer than 20+ mins. I hate tv/commercials, thank god for dvds, lolz.
On a side note, im glad the tank is fixed now. I wana see more of that thing in action not just a few key moments.
Overall great show, keep em coming. TC RULe!

BB Shockwave 10-29-2011 04:38 AM

Torrent for episode 9

And yes, I am also confident that was Safari Joe - same hat, same vest, carries a hunting rifle... his mask even has elements of his steam-locomotive assisstant.

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 10-29-2011 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20006)

your link just goes to ebay dude.

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 10-29-2011 05:08 AM

Can we please get a megaupload link or something to that effect

Thanks in advance

BB Shockwave 10-29-2011 05:51 AM

Sorry about that! Here is the right link!

Episode 9 torrent

No megaupload or rapidshare link yet.

Great episode, although I still cannot always understand what the berbils were saying. They are adorable, though. :) Hope we get some toys...

LXL Guy 10-29-2011 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20009)
Sorry about that! Here is the right link!

Episode 9 torrent

No megaupload or rapidshare link yet.

Great episode, although I still cannot always understand what the berbils were saying. They are adorable, though. :) Hope we get some toys...

Your link still kept popping up EBay, but as I quote this I can see it's suppose to be piratebay.

Anyhow, it is nice that the tank is fixed.

Also, who's Safari Joe?

BB Shockwave 10-29-2011 06:57 AM

Darn. So, I guess the site doesn't allow piratebay and automatically changes the link... Well, I'll try to upload to megaupload and post the link.

Safari Joe was a big game-hunter who, in an episode of the old show, came to Third Earth to hunt the Thundercats. With clever traps and weapons, he trapped all but Lion-O who finally got the better of him. The 'Conqueror' (or was it Conqedor?)'s design is pretty similar.

EDIT: Here you go:

SPLIT LIP 10-29-2011 09:49 AM

That episode was awesome. Silly, funny, yet still the high level of quality I've come to expect of this show.

Devinebull1978 10-29-2011 10:08 AM

What a cute heart warming episode... vomit:P No seriously it was a great episode. I am glad the new Berbil Bears have kept most of their original aspects from the original series. They are not my favourite characters but a must have in the new series. Well done!

How funny was it to see the ''kits'' high on sugar.... :) lol lol

Tracer 10-29-2011 10:58 AM

I'm not seeing the Safari Joe connection at all.

Ocicat 10-29-2011 11:15 AM

I can't wait for this to be shown in the UK

king kahn 10-29-2011 11:20 AM

I loved the episode.

I actually like that the gerbils roll into balls. It makes sense and the little tire pattern on their backs is a nice touch. It's good to see there are different versions as well ie tall short fat etc.

I kept thinking the twins looked all strung out on coke though.

Pravus Prime 10-29-2011 11:21 AM

It was a good episode, but not a great one. We get a slight nod to Safari Joe (personally I hope that's as close as we ever get), Snowmeow, and several nods to the original introduction of the Berbils.

However the Zen like nature of the original Berbils is gone and I can't help but feel that something has been lost because of that.

king kahn 10-29-2011 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20006)
Torrent for episode 9

And yes, I am also confident that was Safari Joe - same hat, same vest, carries a hunting rifle... his mask even has elements of his steam-locomotive assisstant.

Yeah. I am not seeing safar joe as well. They both hunt others but they both seem pretty different.

Also I was pretty excited to see snowmeow looking all bad ass.

Batmanisaninja 10-29-2011 11:40 AM

The episode was ok to me. I liked how the artists kept the berbil design and the nod to characters like snow meow. However, I'm ready for liono to use the sword better. He does the Thundercats Ho, but it doesn't do anything other than give a signal. Maybe lightning strikes (when he sparred in episodes 1) or shoot the energy beam like he did to mum ra? In addition, this is just a personal design preference, but I'd like to see the Thundercats logo on the Thundercats soon (lion o belt, tygra chest, panther belt, etc). I'm sure it has something to do with them coming together with sword call, but let's see it soon!

Devinebull1978 10-29-2011 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ocicat (Post 20047)
I can't wait for this to be shown in the UK

You can watch this online if you want....

Type in Thundercats episode 9 into google uk search under video and look for an anime website (wont say name ) its there and I watched it this morning....

Pinero 10-29-2011 04:49 PM

this episode is clearly a set up to build Panthro and the Berbil relationship together.. Bebrils going to play a major role in this series due to the fact they know how to build and use technology, so I expect all the later vehicles will be designed and constructed by Panthro and the Berbils.. Overall it was a average episode, far from being one of the best, Ep8 was way better.

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 10-29-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20015)

You sir, are a Hero and a Scholar. Thanks so much. :)

BWDinobot 10-29-2011 08:01 PM

I have to say I was very pleased with the Berbils in this episode. This show continues to get better and better.

Jlogano20 10-29-2011 08:47 PM

wheres the HD screen caps??

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 10-29-2011 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20015)

So many hiccups on this encode.

But thanks so very much for finding it for us man.

Wilykit and Kat stole the show. Oh and Panthro's a Softy.

Ravenxl7 10-29-2011 11:46 PM

Are there any plans to upload screen-caps from this episode? I've saved all of the caps so far, and would love to continue doing so. Make for great background fodder, and with the Berbils being so great, I'd love to make myself a Berbil background.

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 10-30-2011 03:30 AM

Alt + Shift + Print Screen Button + Open & Save in Paint = Screen Cap. :)

crackus 10-30-2011 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 20015)
Darn. So, I guess the site doesn't allow piratebay and automatically changes the link... Well, I'll try to upload to megaupload and post the link.

Safari Joe was a big game-hunter who, in an episode of the old show, came to Third Earth to hunt the Thundercats. With clever traps and weapons, he trapped all but Lion-O who finally got the better of him. The 'Conqueror' (or was it Conqedor?)'s design is pretty similar.

EDIT: Here you go: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

thanks for the link!! you've just made my day!! :D

Cat's Pajamas 10-30-2011 10:18 AM

This was a great episode, I've gotta give them credit for consistantly taking characters that I never cared about in the old series, and making them interesting and engaging.

Lion O of savannah 10-30-2011 10:32 AM

I'm sure I'm repeating what everone has said so far, great episode, loved the snowmans cat friend in the episode, and loved the berbils pimping out the thundertank and makin panthro cry. Haven't seen an episode yet that has disapointed me. My bowl and box of cinnamon toast crunch awaits next Friday. THUNDERCATS HOOOOOOOO. :O

vincheng2k5 10-30-2011 04:32 PM

Does anyone know where I could find an HD encode of this ep? Thanks!

Ravenxl7 10-30-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by mumm_ra_the_ever_living (Post 20140)
Alt + Shift + Print Screen Button + Open & Save in Paint = Screen Cap. :)

I know how to do that, but the best I could get with that is rather low-res. Even if I had a high-res copy of the episode, it wouldn't work. I've tried it with the HD copies of TFPrime that I've got and they never seem to work out for some reason (my computer has seen better days, so that probably doesn't help, lol).

NinSage 10-31-2011 12:58 AM

as a few others have asked: HD screen-caps!?!?

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