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Pinero 08-16-2011 06:15 PM

Grune a Mason Devil Worshipper
I was looking at the OS, the ep when they debuted Grune.. and the sign on the door where Grune was resting at is masonic and satan had to point that out and share

Ravenxl7 08-16-2011 09:25 PM

Interesting, but I disagree. For one it's more than likely a symbol used by the beings that trapped his ghost in the tomb, rather than Grune himself. Also, the only way I would classify it as the symbol of a "devil worshipper", was if it was upside down.

Pinero 08-16-2011 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 10766)
Interesting, but I disagree. For one it's more than likely a symbol used by the beings that trapped his ghost in the tomb, rather than Grune himself. Also, the only way I would classify it as the symbol of a "devil worshipper", was if it was upside down.

u krazy, re look at the episode, its a masonic symbol in the image of Baphomet.. haha i goto school for history so plz dont try to debate..
also humans created this cartton not the actual characters lol.. they always been throwing masonic symbols in cartoons since it started.. i just had to point it out on the thundercats

Ravenxl7 08-16-2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10770)
u krazy, re look at the episode, its a masonic symbol in the image of Baphomet.. haha i goto school for history so plz dont try to debate..

To count as the image of Baphomet, the pentagram would have to be upside down.


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10770)
also humans created this cartton not the actual characters lol..

I was saying that, within context of the story of the show, the symbol was probably put there by the beings that put Grune in the tomb. It seemed, to me at least, to act as a seal on the tomb to try and keep him from escaping. I wasn't commentating on the people making the show choosing to go with that design for the symbol.

Pinero 08-16-2011 10:16 PM

Limited Edition Baphomet Medallions - YouTube

same sign on the door with a moon symbol

Ravenxl7 08-16-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10777)
same sign on the door with a moon symbol

It's close, but still not the same thing. The symbol on the door of Grune's tomb has a right-side-up pentagram, while the baphomet symbol has an upside-down pentagram. Similar, but definitely not the same. The finer details are also different. The tomb symbol has a red x and a crescent moon that the baphomet symbol lacks, and the tomb symbol lacks the rune-like letters that circle the baphomet symbol.

Pinero 08-16-2011 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 10780)
It's close, but still not the same thing. The symbol on the door of Grune's tomb has a right-side-up pentagram, while the baphomet symbol has an upside-down pentagram. Similar, but definitely not the same. The finer details are also different. The tomb symbol has a red x and a crescent moon that the baphomet symbol lacks, and the tomb symbol lacks the rune-like letters that circle the baphomet symbol.

of course they not going to fully expose it.. i give them least credit thou for making the villian evil and destroying it, but read between lines on what they be putting in cartoons

Gale 08-16-2011 11:42 PM

Pentagrams and upside down pentagrams hold entirely different meanings, you do realize that right? Pentagram =/= devil worship.

Balgus82 08-17-2011 12:53 AM

upside down pentagram is bad, rightside up pentagram is good. just like an upside down cross is bad and a rightside up cross is good.

Thinktank 08-17-2011 01:40 PM

In the method the pentacle was used in that episode.
It would appear that it was part of a binding seal and/or
hexagrammatic ward.

GrimlocksPS 08-20-2011 01:37 PM

Provide a screenshot if your going to make a claim like that. Not all of us own the OG series :(

Beerclaw 08-21-2011 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 10807)
upside down pentagram is bad, rightside up pentagram is good. just like an upside down cross is bad and a rightside up cross is good.


The Pentagram/Pentacle with the point upwards indicates "Spirit(uality) over Material(ism)", and likewise, the point down indicates "Material(ism) over Spirit(uality)". Being upside down is not inherently 'evil', it just indicates that one holds more value in money, family, sex and whatnot over 'valor', 'honor', 'justice' and other such things. The initial modern image of the "Baphomet" was from Eliphas Levi, which had no direct Satanic intentions; but the goat's head version of the "Baphomet" within the inverted Pentagram/Pentacle was made by Anton LaVey some good many years later, heavily used within his "Church of Satan". The "meanings" of those have much speculation and it is easy to internet search more info on 'em (preferably not done on biased Christian web pages).

As for the Cross (properly, Crucifix, as crosses have been Pagan symbols long before the Christian Crucifix), right side up is what most of us know of, plain and simple. The Inverted Cross is not necessarily a sign of 'evil', either. Despite what Hollywood and many anti-Christian Black Metal bands would have you believe, the St. Peter's Cross is a Catholic symbol; it is believed that St. Peter (yes, the disciple) was crucified, but was all "uhh, dude, I don't think I'm worthy of dying like my master, so would upside down be cool?" and thus the "Petrine Cross" comes from that belief. Some people try to invert the cross in the idea of perverting it, but Christianity beat them to the punch and laid claim to that symbol long before.

Fun fact: the "Saltire" (or St. Andrew's Cross) also comes from the idea that St. Andrew didn't want to be Crucified like his master, NOR exactly like St. Peter, so he was crucified upside down on an X instead of a T crucifix. Fun times.

Nachtsider 08-21-2011 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10732)
I was looking at the OS, the ep when they debuted Grune.. and the sign on the door where Grune was resting at is masonic and satan had to point that out and share

Even if it is... so what?

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