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Mongor 03-02-2013 01:40 AM

Thundercats 2011 Oficially dead as per Dan Norton 3/2/13
Not that we didn't already see it coming, but there it is.

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adssse 03-02-2013 08:23 AM

Expected, but it still hurts.

Lody 03-02-2013 09:05 PM

That's what happens when you let amateurs run the show

Ravenxl7 03-02-2013 11:41 PM

As if we needed more proof of it's demise thrown at us...:(

Mongor 03-02-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 70669)
As if we needed more proof of it's demise thrown at us...:(

Think of it this way Raven, The CW doesn't even have enough respect for the fans or the people who made the series to just nut up and say it's over, so it's better to get it from me who was a hardcore fan, no?

No more guessing or hoping. It's over. Time to officially move on.

Ravenxl7 03-03-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 70670)
Time to officially move on.

I had moved on months ago...all this does is remind me that, while great, the show will never get a chance at continuing...:(

Our only hope is that WB either takes another shot at a reboot, or they sell it to someone who will. With the success of the new TMNT show, I'm kinda hoping they sell the brand to Nick.

Mongor 03-03-2013 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 70671)
I had moved on months ago...all this does is remind me that, while great, the show will never get a chance at continuing...:(

Our only hope is that WB either takes another shot at a reboot, or they sell it to someone who will. With the success of the new TMNT show, I'm kinda hoping they sell the brand to Nick.

I feel your pain.

I was almost ready to start buying into the hype lately of how well it was doing in it's late night time slot. Foolish, I know.

I absolutely love the new TMNT show by the way.

L08e16o 03-03-2013 08:03 PM

Depending on how much money WB, CN, and Bandai lose could determine if we see Tcat anytime soon.

IMO, I think WB will wait.

Can't wait to see fan reactions when they start releasing info on what would've happen in the second season. ��

Ravenxl7 03-03-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 70704)
Can't wait to see fan reactions when they start releasing info on what would've happen in the second season. ��

Part of me really hopes they DON'T do that. As cool as it would be to find out what they had planned, it would also be a bit on the depressing side. Ultimately I'd just rather not know.

It's kind of like that awesome triple-changer Megatron they had in the works for Animated's toy-line. It looks really awesome, but I'm never going to own one, so I wish I never knew of it's existence at all...

Mongor 03-03-2013 09:59 PM

I'm thrilled that they are gonna spill the beans on what would have been. I'd rather know even if I can't see it.
If you don't want to know, don't read it or watch the upcoming video Dan says he'll do when the time is right. Simple as that.
I'm glad that DN will be doing this for some sense of closure.

Ravenxl7 03-03-2013 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 70707)
I'm thrilled that they are gonna spill the beans on what would have been. I'd rather know even if I can't see it.
If you don't want to know, don't read it or watch the upcoming video Dan says he'll do when the time is right. Simple as that.
I'm glad that DN will be doing this for some sense of closure.

Problem is, my curiosity will get the best of me, so I'll read/watch whatever is revealed. I won't be happy with myself afterwards, but I won't be able to help myself...:o

L08e16o 03-04-2013 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 70707)
I'm thrilled that they are gonna spill the beans on what would have been. I'd rather know even if I can't see it.
If you don't want to know, don't read it or watch the upcoming video Dan says he'll do when the time is right. Simple as that.
I'm glad that DN will be doing this for some sense of closure.

They have to get approval before they can lease the info.

I know DN brought that up before. He said he would ask.

L08e16o 03-04-2013 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 70706)
Part of me really hopes they DON'T do that. As cool as it would be to find out what they had planned, it would also be a bit on the depressing side. Ultimately I'd just rather not know.

It's kind of like that awesome triple-changer Megatron they had in the works for Animated's toy-line. It looks really awesome, but I'm never going to own one, so I wish I never knew of it's existence at all...

I understand. Let it stay as it is.

I will say this, one fan base won't be happy.:eek:

stormbringer 03-05-2013 12:46 AM

Can't say I'm surprised. The show went into an extensive hiatus before Christmas 2011, the toyline dried up, and we didn't get any news about TCats anything throughout most of 2012. The chances of the show continuing were slim to none.

Mongor 03-05-2013 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 70752)
They have to get approval before they can lease the info.

I know DN brought that up before. He said he would ask.

He just said again when they give him the green light he's gonna do it publicly so it's recorded and he doesn't have to write it all out. I have the feeling it's gonna be a bit before we get it, but it's coming.

adssse 03-05-2013 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 70776)
He just said again when they give him the green light he's gonna do it publicly so it's recorded and he doesn't have to write it all out. I have the feeling it's gonna be a bit before we get it, but it's coming.

Where is he posting these messages?

Mongor 03-05-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by adssse (Post 70807)
Where is he posting these messages?

I copied and pasted his response to a fan asking earlier if there was a chance for another season (this is from his Facebook):

Daniel Norton Um... I don't believe there will be anymore ThunderCats unless there is a massive demand outside of the United States. I'll be happy to reveal all in time about the story we'd worked out. But since you're not the only person to be curious. I'll probably do it in a public event so it can be recorded and everyone can hear. That way I don't have to type it out to everyone !

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 03-06-2013 02:31 AM

Meh. shit happens.

At least I got a nice beautiful 6 inch Cheetara out of it.

At the very least, maybe IDW could grab the rights to it and produce comics for that continuity. :)

adssse 03-06-2013 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mongor (Post 70834)
I copied and pasted his response to a fan asking earlier if there was a chance for another season (this is from his Facebook):

Daniel Norton Um... I don't believe there will be anymore ThunderCats unless there is a massive demand outside of the United States. I'll be happy to reveal all in time about the story we'd worked out. But since you're not the only person to be curious. I'll probably do it in a public event so it can be recorded and everyone can hear. That way I don't have to type it out to everyone !

Thanks. I figured it was probably Facebook but was unable to find it.

JamesBenjamin 03-07-2013 05:52 AM


"Guys, I love you. All of you for so much effort that has been spent trying to get TCats back on the air. I'm sorry though, it won't be coming back. Chima sealed the deal. It's the end of the road guys. Thank each and every one of you for all of your efforts and support. Maybe, someday, someone can try again."
As much as I liked the show, F*** this guy. What does Chima have to do with whether or not they can bring back the show? I realize that he worked with Lego on a theme that wasn't made and then some aspects of that theme were re-worked into a new Lego theme (that doesn't look like Tcats at ALL)... BUT WTF DUDE. Chima has absolutely nothing to do with the show getting cancelled and/or not being brought back. Every time I see this guy quoted anywhere he sounds like a whiny douchebag.

englishw 03-07-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by JamesBenjamin (Post 70898)
As much as I liked the show, F*** this guy. What does Chima have to do with whether or not they can bring back the show? I realize that he worked with Lego on a theme that wasn't made and then some aspects of that theme were re-worked into a new Lego theme (that doesn't look like Tcats at ALL)... BUT WTF DUDE. Chima has absolutely nothing to do with the show getting cancelled and/or not being brought back. Every time I see this guy quoted anywhere he sounds like a whiny douchebag.

Have you seen the trailer for the new Cartoon Network Chima show?

Legends of Chima Videos | Watch Clips from the Sneak Peek | Cartoon Network

The main guy practically looks like a LEGO figure of Lion-O. I think he meant that the show/characters are too close to ThunderCats for them to pursue both. It's a bit redundant on their show lineup. LEGO is a better-selling brand right now. They moved their team from ThunderCats to Chima. They can't do both.

JamesBenjamin 03-07-2013 01:33 PM

And again, his show being cancelled had nothing to do with Chima.

Ravenxl7 03-07-2013 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by JamesBenjamin (Post 70920)
And again, his show being cancelled had nothing to do with Chima.

Nobody is saying that it had anything to do with the cancellation of the new Thundercats show, but it can be seen as the last nail in it's coffin. Sort of like Transformers Prime was to Transformers Animated. Prime had nothing to do with Animated's demise, but it was sort of the last nail in it's coffin. The last confirmation that there was absolutely no shred of hope left at it continuing in any way, shape, or form.

Big Snarf 03-07-2013 09:26 PM

Its official this news made all the snarfs cry :D. An anime mini series of thundercats (like xmen and wolverine mini series) is on my wish list

THUNDER JEDI 03-07-2013 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 70943)
Its official this news made all the snarfs cry :D. An anime mini series of thundercats (like xmen and wolverine mini series) is on my wish list

I felt thousands of snarfs cry out in terror...then suddenly silenced.:D

Lody 03-09-2013 09:57 PM

I find it funny that both my wife and I thought Chima was a Thundercats knock off when we first saw it ...and that was even before seeing any this BS from these guys.

Steelgrave 03-15-2013 07:43 PM

Be thankful they're not letting Thundercats drag on forever like a tired sick dog like they are with GI Joe. GI Joe sucks now & they really need to put that shit to rest once & for all.

vantheman77 05-05-2013 11:49 PM

In a way I'm relieved, especially with the way it's written. Only the art and animation was good, everything else wasn't.

AmuroMkII 05-07-2013 08:47 PM

I've seen too many series that I love get canned prematurely, however I have one complaint against how WB handles their franchises, like Young Justice, the thundercats had a wide open ending, which leaves you hanging. No closure, the finale is great with action packed scenes and epic fight scenes, but you should never abruptly end a good climax without a proper closure. Yes it does leave room if they want to continue the series but they should've at least gave it a great exit with no expectations.

Lucien 06-01-2013 03:33 PM

That Chima is that not a lawsuit waiting to happen?! The main character looks just like Lion-O! I honestly don't see the appeal. T-Cats was way cooler.

Mako Crab 08-08-2013 04:09 PM

Whatever happens in the future, I just hope they get someone else to make the toys than Bandai. Poor toy sales, not ratings, is what killed this show. Same exact thing happened to the 2002 He-Man.

Slithe 08-08-2013 07:06 PM

For the most part, I thought it was good. I think that a great story that appeals to kids is what sells toys. The storyline was too adult; dumb it down for the kids and make the toys more fun. It's a winning formula - look at TMNT.

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