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Balgus82 08-22-2011 08:33 PM

Episode 6 teasers
ThunderCats Preview Clip 1 from "Journey To The Tower Of Omens" - YouTube

ThunderCats Preview Clip 2 from "Journey To The Tower Of Omens" - YouTube

and images

Teaser Images from “Journey To The Tower Of Omens”!

raiden225005 08-22-2011 09:23 PM

Bandai better make that mummra tank.

Ravenxl7 08-22-2011 09:51 PM

Looks like it'll be yet another really good episode. Should be interesting to see how the entire tower looks in the show. I just hope that this is the episode Mumm-Ra finally goes full power.

Very slight thing, but is anybody else starting to get annoyed with Lion-O just randomly saying the word whiskers? I understand what it's supposed to be, but there's just something about it that's starting to get to me. Could be that it's just him saying it.

Mumm-Ra's tank is pretty cool. Would be epic to see it and his pyramid made into toy-form.

Also, does the lantern remind anybody else of the cat in the eye of Thundera? I'm beginning to think maybe it really was Mumm-Ra's at one point, rather than him trying to fool others into believing him.

Edit: Just noticed the link to the pictures. Looks like my guess about this episode is true. Can't wait to finally see that happen.

Saint Phe 08-22-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by raiden225005 (Post 12161)
Bandai better make that mummra tank.


Icespark 08-22-2011 10:43 PM

For the first clip: it's like a Mega Man level! Seriously, that's a Neo-Arcadian architectural design if I ever saw one! :lol

Would that make Mumm-Ra Dr. Wily?

As for the second clip: more Corey Burton! :D

The Mumm-Ra tank was rather neat; my brother thinks it looks like Batman's Tumbler. I wonder what the inside looks like, and how Mumm-Ra drives it. I also wonder if it will get a toy. I loved the Darth Vader styled steam blast entrance. I wish Mumm-Ra would do some maniacal cackling though!

Either way, I'm highly looking forward to the next episode! :D

I also looked through those photos; it looks like in addition to the Mummy-Mobile, we're also getting our first look at a long awaited Mumm-Ra scene....

Thinktank 08-22-2011 11:04 PM

I really like how Mumm-Ra's tank transport has a certain amount of shared
design "DNA" with the new and old Thundertank models. I too am curious if
Bandai will put out a this new vehicle in 4" scale.

Monkian 08-22-2011 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 12166)
Very slight thing, but is anybody else starting to get annoyed with Lion-O just randomly saying the word whiskers? I understand what it's supposed to be, but there's just something about it that's starting to get to me. Could be that it's just him saying it.

It doesn't bother me all that much. It took a couple of times for me to pick it up. Initially, in the first scene of the first episode, I thought he might be referring to one of the dogs in the alley. All in all, it could be a lot worse, so I take it in stride. I'm more irritated that Panthro isn't bald and has them chops.. lol.

The Superman J 08-23-2011 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12185)
It doesn't bother me all that much. It took a couple of times for me to pick it up. Initially, in the first scene of the first episode, I thought he might be referring to one of the dogs in the alley. All in all, it could be a lot worse, so I take it in stride. I'm more irritated that Panthro isn't bald and has them chops.. lol.

That was my first impression as well. I thought that was the name of the dog character and was thinking to myself "man they really ran out of names already?"

JASONKAT 08-23-2011 06:51 AM

WOW Mumm-Ra HAS WHEELS? nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont remember seeing him outsde in the old show. yet in daylight!, he reminds me of darth vader, lol cant wait til friday!

Lody 08-23-2011 07:03 AM

I can do without Mum Ra having his version of the Thundertank.

C'mon people-You have me hook, line and sinker. Don't spoil it with stupidity like that.

SPLIT LIP 08-23-2011 08:37 AM

Lookin' good.


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 12227)
Don't spoil it with stupidity like that.

How is Mumm-ra having his own tank stupid? He's gotta get around somehow, he's not gonna walk.

Tracer 08-23-2011 08:41 AM

That Mumm-ra dragster looks like something Grandpa Munster would drive. :)

Saint Phe 08-23-2011 10:03 AM

Maybe Panthro stole a MummTank and modded it into the Thundertank. He left Thundera with no knowledge of technology and came back with a rad supertank. It had to have come from somewhere.

Autotrooper 08-23-2011 06:50 PM


DESTRO 08-23-2011 06:54 PM

That's no Tank it's the Hearse of the ever living.

JASONKAT 08-24-2011 01:08 AM

Mumm-ra's tank or "tumbler", lol is pretty bad ass! I can soo see that going toe to toe w the thundertank!. I wonder which1 is bigger! and i cant wait for him to become his evil side!,

JASONKAT 08-24-2011 02:15 AM

is it me or r these shows getting more detailed as they come? i mean, i have been noticing more color, shading, and fine detail for a cartoon.. rather than just a flat out picture. i mean it doesnt seem like an old scooby do toon where much of the background stays a soild color.. this1 seems to have more deatl. like the eyes, hair, light shading. good stuff!

ThunderCat Tygra 2011 08-24-2011 06:20 PM

I think Im starting to get annoyed by Him saying that.....I think Im starting to get kinda annoyed by most of the time he speacks : / I don´t know, Will does a great work but something is starting to bothering me......

ThunderCat Tygra 2011 08-24-2011 06:34 PM

Im glad that Jaga is still alive...He is in that lantern but he´s alive^^
Mumm ra tank looks awesome and it kinda scared my when it arrived! He said something that to location of the books has always been in the mind of the clerics for generations.....I wonder if Cheetara will have some main plot or something, with that? It would be awesome :)
Also we´ll see Mumm ra transformed!!!
Again and like the other weeks this will be a long/short esciting wait!!!

LXL Guy 08-24-2011 11:39 PM

Glad I saw those clips but a bit sad since I'll be out of town. Won't be able to watch it till when I get back.

Hyper Jaguar 08-25-2011 12:09 AM

I saw the clips from the upcoming episode today. It looks to be the best one yet.

RydenJager 08-25-2011 10:56 AM

Of course, it's always the first key that ends up the most dangerous decision....whiskers...CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Autotrooper 08-25-2011 03:43 PM

Yeah, "whiskers" is kinda annoying. :p

MannE 08-25-2011 05:20 PM

Umm...despite looking cool, the fact that Mumm-Ra has a vehicle is beyond lame. Hopefully the episode won't suck :S

Shadowknight1 08-25-2011 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Autotrooper (Post 13025)
Yeah, "whiskers" is kinda annoying. :p

No more annoying than "gorramit" on Firefly, or worse, "frak" on Battlestar Galactica. Simply put, these are just different ways for characters to curse without actually cursing.

Mumm-ra with a tank is kind of odd, but considering that we've seen he can't travel in direct sunlight, it makes sense. Hopefully that particular weakness vanishes when he transforms.

SPLIT LIP 08-25-2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by MannE (Post 13035)
Umm...despite looking cool, the fact that Mumm-Ra has a vehicle is beyond lame. Hopefully the episode won't suck :S

Okay, two things:

1. How is Mumm-ra having a vehicle lame at all? It's not like he joy-rides it or anything outlandish. Dr. Claw had a car and he was still cool.

2. Even if it was, how would that make the episode suck when every episode so far has been great?

nitewing73 08-25-2011 10:49 PM

This one looks good. I've liked all the episodes so far and it seems like each one is better than the next episode.

MrCoffeeAddict 08-26-2011 01:17 AM

Those are some pretty intense traps. o.o

MannE 08-26-2011 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by SPLIT LIP (Post 13057)
Okay, two things:

1. How is Mumm-ra having a vehicle lame at all? It's not like he joy-rides it or anything outlandish. Dr. Claw had a car and he was still cool.

2. Even if it was, how would that make the episode suck when every episode so far has been great?

1) The show is called "Thundercats"...NOT Hotwheels...or more specifically Hotwheels :Battle Force 5. So the thought of Mumm-Ra tearing up some tread on Third Earth is in fact LAME. The old toon had him getting around just fine without any vehicles which only added to his overall character. Driving around only serves to "weaken" him in the sense of what he's capable of magically/power-wise. And if having his own ride was indeed absolutely necessary cuz of the show's direction, i think an ominous flying/hovering aircraft would be the most logical. It would directly tie into the fact that he sprouts wings in his "Ever Living" form and i assume is able to fly. As far as whether or not he "joy-rides", you don't know that he doesn't for sure and its anybody's guess at this point.

2) As far as whether this ep will suck or not isn't related at all to Mumm-Ra's vehicle idea being lame...i can look past that. Unlike yourself, i don't feel that all the eps have been "great". Season premiere (ep 1-2) was really good...eps 3-4 i personally found really weak and thus sucked save the very beginning and very end. Ep 5 was great and i hope the eps here on out follow that trend.

p.s. i don't know who Dr Claw is let alone whether or not he was in fact "cool"

Balgus82 08-26-2011 04:50 PM

Dr. Claw was the bad guy from Inspector Gadget.

SPLIT LIP 08-26-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by MannE (Post 13180)
1) The show is called "Thundercats"...NOT Hotwheels...

Then why do the Thundercats have a tank, hmmm?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

MannE 08-27-2011 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by SPLIT LIP (Post 13222)
Then why do the Thundercats have a tank, hmmm?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

That's what you thought?? What does that even mean?!? Is that really your best rebuttal?? Really?!? Please tell me you're joking. You must be because in your previous post you said Dr Claw was "cool"...Dr Claw from Inspector Gadget!?! Wow!! Of all the things you could reference you picked that show!! OK there!!

As far as the Thundercats having a was established in the original cartoon and i wasn't questioning that in the least. But giving Mumm-Ra the "Mumm-Ra Tank" just cause it seems "cool" weakens the character and cheapens the show. Especially when considering what he is capable of power wise.

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