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RoftheHood 09-13-2013 08:17 PM

Legends of Chima???
Has anyone else seen this "Lego legends of Chima"??
The main character is named "Leo" and looks EXACTLY like Lion-O. Big red hair, blue armor, and magical sword he carries.
Is this what they have done to Thundercats??
As in, NEVER coming back because they've completely redesigned the franchise??
Spread this thread. If someone is ripping off Lion-O while our show got cancelled... we take to the streets!! (jk)

IndyCat 09-16-2013 09:06 AM

why do people think this? it gets posted over and over. CHIMA IS NOT THUNDERCATS! Chima is a copy of Battle Beasts. The leader of the Battle Beasts was a Lion...also named "White Leo". ugh, this is dumb.

there is nothing to spread...

Balgus82 09-16-2013 11:42 PM

People say it because Dan Norton mentioned that they pitched TCats to Lego, and a lot of the stuff from Chima looked a lot like the stuff from their information packet.

RoftheHood 09-24-2013 04:38 PM

1) Your whining makes you sound like a bitch.
2) Its a fair question, so unless either your eyes or your brain don't work, being American from Indianapolis, I assume its both.
If that's how you reply, STFU and delete your stupid post...

IndyCat 09-24-2013 06:52 PM

Last I knew this was a public forum. Next time you post something "stupid". Do a little research. And secondly, I didn't attack you or your background personally. Sounds like you're the one that needs to grow up. If you can't take criticism stay out of a public forum.

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