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Wilycub 04-10-2012 11:49 PM

Thundercats Mega Crossword Puzzle
2 Attachment(s)
Hello folks!

This is a crossword puzzle that I created based mainly on the original 80's TCats cartoon. I have purposely used "cryptic" clues in order to make it a bit more challenging. So have a go at it and have fun and I'd love to hear your feedback too.

I would please request that no one post their answers here on the forum so that everybody can have an equally fair chance of solving it on thier own. If you want to check your answer(s) to any particular clue(s), please PM me and I'll send it to you.

P.S. If the images appear too small on the forum, then Right-click them and select either "Open Link in New Window" or "Open Link in New Tab"

adssse 04-11-2012 05:54 AM

Awesome work! I will have to check it out as soon as I get a little free time. Thanks.

Joe Moore 04-11-2012 11:35 AM

Nice job. Since news has been dead, I decided to frontpage this.

Ravenxl7 04-11-2012 11:56 AM

I'm definitely going to print this out and give it a whirl. Should be interesting to see how much I can get just off of my memory (there's bound to be stuff I can't remember).

Wilycub 04-11-2012 12:48 PM

Thank you all for the kind words. I'm flattered that my post made the frontpage!!! :D

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