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princeshoko 12-02-2012 01:10 AM

Mezco 14 inchers
Just ordered the Panthro, Lion-O, and Mumm-ra 2 pack from Mezco.

Does anyone know if they stand pretty well on their own or should i look into a solid stand like i have for teh 6inch figures that didnt stand to well own their own.

englishw 12-03-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by princeshoko (Post 66665)
Just ordered the Panthro, Lion-O, and Mumm-ra 2 pack from Mezco.

Does anyone know if they stand pretty well on their own or should i look into a solid stand like i have for teh 6inch figures that didnt stand to well own their own.

I have Lion-O and Mumm-Ra and they stand well on their own as long as you pose them well. It limits the posing options, but you can make them very stable.

adssse 12-03-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by englishw (Post 66714)
I have Lion-O and Mumm-Ra and they stand well on their own as long as you pose them well. It limits the posing options, but you can make them very stable.

Second this. I had them sitting on a cabinet and even gently shaking it does not cause them to fall.

princeshoko 12-11-2012 07:35 PM

I'm pretty happy with them now that i have them in my display case. Anyone know how long between each it was before mezco announced? I know Panthro was the latest which was what September?

Just hoping to see more of the large ones coming.

adssse 12-11-2012 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by princeshoko (Post 67088)
Just hoping to see more of the large ones coming.

I agree. I am really hoping to see either Tygra or Cheetara!

McSoundwave 12-15-2012 09:39 AM

I'm really hoping this line continues. Each of Mezco's mega-scale releases thus far have been VERY impressive. Seriously, no one here knows of any news regarding their next move!?!


wes2882 12-15-2012 12:09 PM

Hey guys!

I am also a really big fan of these, and aside from Minimates, they are the only T-cats stuff I really have to look forward to now... After Bandai, Hard Heroes and several others were not able to make the entire team, I have really high hopes that these guys will. I need at LEAST Tygra and Cheetara! One of them should also come with Snarf. Then if the Mutants, Thunderkittens and New Thundercats came too....That would also be just fine.

The sculptor who does these is on DeviantArt, so I have sent him a message or two since the line began, just telling him how great I think they are and how I hope they continue. The artist (who I'm sure is not allowed to really divulge any specific info or plans) said that they have been selling well, and he thinks the line will continue, maybe with something new at Toy Fair. None of that is a confirmation of anything, but that's just what he seemed to think might happen since the line has been doing well. I really hope this is the case!


Captain C83 01-04-2013 11:13 PM

I just got Mumm-Ra for my birthday. He's pretty awesome. I don't own any others though so I'm going to display him on my dresser looming over my 6" classics Lion-o

Captn Cracka 01-05-2013 09:11 PM

This line has been confirmed to be continuing by the Mezco toy Media Manager. We will be seeing more info closer to Toy Fair 2013

adssse 01-05-2013 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Captn Cracka (Post 68172)
This line has been confirmed to be continuing by the Mezco toy Media Manager. We will be seeing more info closer to Toy Fair 2013

I saw this the other day. I am pretty excited about it as I am a big fan of the Mezco line!

wes2882 01-06-2013 10:42 AM

This is awesome news! Where did you guys see this? Bring on Cheetara and least!

adssse 01-06-2013 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by wes2882 (Post 68191)
This is awesome news! Where did you guys see this? Bring on Cheetara and least!

Hmmm, I dont remember where I saw this. In fact I may not have "seen" it at all. I may have heard it on the latest ThundercatsNow podcast. Maybe Cracka can confirm/deny this?

Captn Cracka 01-06-2013 06:39 PM

It was posted of the "Save Thundercats" Campaign facebook page ( They spoke to the Mezco Toyz Media Manager that confirmed plans to continue the line is 2013. More information is going to be released closer to Toy Fair 2013.

wes2882 01-06-2013 06:57 PM

Thanks! I found it after I saw your reply. I posted earlier that I had heard very promising (but unofficial) things from the sculptor of these, but this is much more official! I hope they will continue the exclusives too! Maybe an invisible Tygra exclusive that comes with a Snarf, or he could come with a kittens two-pack....There are many possibilities! First and foremost though, I want them to make Cheetara and Tygra before anything happens!

adssse 01-06-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Captn Cracka (Post 68208)
It was posted of the "Save Thundercats" Campaign facebook page ( They spoke to the Mezco Toyz Media Manager that confirmed plans to continue the line is 2013. More information is going to be released closer to Toy Fair 2013.

Thanks! Got confused after reading/listening to so many things...

McSoundwave 01-07-2013 10:54 AM

This is precisely the news I wanted to hear! Yes, yes y'all! :D Bring 'em on Mezco!

Carnivac 01-07-2013 11:05 AM

Any chance they could do a 6 inch range?

kickingbird 01-09-2013 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Carnivac (Post 68246)
Any chance they could do a 6 inch range?

As much as I hate the price point we can expect from Mattel, I'd rather see them get the license for a 6 inch line than any other company.

They did an awesome job with the He-man line, and I'm sure it would be the same if they got the license for TC.

Carnivac 01-09-2013 12:37 PM

Yeah, I've seen some of those MOTU Classics. They show a hell of a lot of love and work gone into those to please the fans and the range of figures is amazing too. I don't even like He-Man that much and even I've been thinking "damn that figure would look cool on my shelf" on many an occasion after browsing through reviews of them. Certainly if Mattel were a bit more price & consumer friendly I would definitely want them to take on the ThunderCats. I just wish some company with some talent and intelligence would. I really do like my 8 inch Lion-O and Tygra and my 6 inch Lion-O and Mumm-Ra but it's clear Bandai had no sense after these two false starts to a modern figure collection of the original 'Cats I would so be willing to hand over my money for.

McSoundwave 01-19-2013 03:30 AM

Mezco Mega-scale Cheetara!
I started a new thread in "news and rumors" to showcase this because...well...I felt it deserved such. ;) No matter, I figured I'd drop a post in here also since it's apropos. Good news people! I'm stoked.

Mega Scale Thundercats - 14" Cheetara - Thundercats (2011) Figures

Catch her if you can!

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