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DESTRO 02-06-2011 03:03 PM

Larry Kenney Announced As Voice Of Claudus ThunderCats 2011
Voice Actor Larry Kenney has been announced as the voice of Claudus in the upcoming 2011 ThunderCats Animation Series. Voice Actor Larry Kenney is best know for his role as Lion-O in the original 80's ThunderCats cartoon series.

***************Spoiler Alert**************

Claudus is the father of both Lion-O and Tygra making these two famous ThunderCats Brothers in the new Cartoon Network Animation Series set to air in 2011.

Tony_Bacala 02-06-2011 04:08 PM

Nice. Good that they are keeping connection to the old series. RE: New series, anything goes so long as it doesn't suck. Bring it!

Tracer 02-07-2011 02:49 PM

Interesting twist to say the least. I wonder if they are setting up a rivalry for the throne.

Dawg99 02-07-2011 03:25 PM

very interesting. looking forward to this new series .. just hope they don't messed it up

DESTRO 02-07-2011 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 453)
Interesting twist to say the least. I wonder if they are setting up a rivalry for the throne.

I was thinking the same thing. Makes you wonder if they have the same Mother.

Tracer 02-07-2011 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by DESTRO (Post 532)
I was thinking the same thing. Makes you wonder if they have the same Mother.

Good point. I'm betting not. They are cats so I'm thinking Claudus has been on the prowl so to speak. ;)

Panth-ro 02-07-2011 06:55 PM

Sounds interesting.

crackus 02-07-2011 07:07 PM

hold on a sec... a lion and a tiger?! brothers?!

rhinox1701 02-08-2011 01:29 AM

Grune the Destroyer 02-08-2011 07:44 AM

Wonder if they're half-brothers? Interesting plot point, glad they're not sticking slavishly to the original storyline.

Transformed 02-08-2011 08:21 AM

So does this mean that Tygra is going to be a liger? Claudus being a mail lion and Tygra's mother being a female tiger, assuming that's the case...or is Tygra adopted? He looks like a tiger, not a liger, but if Claudus is his father he should be a hybrid, which his design DOES NOT reflect.

I hope this is explained in the cartoon and not glossed over.


Originally Posted by DESTRO (Post 532)
I was thinking the same thing. Makes you wonder if they have the same Mother.

Should be impossible given their distinctive looks. Lion-O is clearly a lion and Tygra is clearly a tiger. I can’t wait to see how they explain this as Tygra doesn’t look anything like either of the two possible hybrids produced from the cross breeding of a male lion and female tiger or vise versa.

When a male lion mates with a female tiger they produce a hybrid called a liger:

crackus 02-08-2011 02:42 PM

then.. tygra's new name will be...... LYGRA? :D

Reeds 02-08-2011 02:53 PM

A tilon? Really? That's a new one to me. Well, it doesn't have to be a split down the center physically. Sometimes one side is more dominant. I'd rather no ThunderCat tilons. At least for the first season or so.

Transformed 02-08-2011 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Reeds (Post 925)
A tilon? Really? That's a new one to me. Well, it doesn't have to be a split down the center physically. Sometimes one side is more dominant. I'd rather no ThunderCat tilons. At least for the first season or so.

If you google the names, you'll notice they almost always look the same, be they ligers or tilons. Tygra's face looks like a tiger's not a like a liger or tilon. National Geographic did a story up on them and from what was said, it sounds as though they always look the same. Cats born of a mixed litter look pretty identical, do they not?


Personally, I think the writers screwed up on this one by making Lion-O and Tygra siblings given the fact they their designs are based on earthly cats. They can of course take the cheap way out and say they're aliens, but the fact that they're designed from animals we know (with little differences) will always raise questions in the viewers eyes—posts above already have people saying "what?"

Adopted brother would have been a better way to go, in my opinion.

Reeds 02-09-2011 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 975)
Cats born of a mixed litter look pretty identical, do they not?

A litter can have multiple fathers. Cats are induced ovulators, so if they breed several times with different toms, they will release separate eggs and each will be fertilized by different sperm.

Transformed 02-09-2011 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Reeds (Post 994)
A litter can have multiple fathers. Cats are induced ovulators, so if they breed several times with different toms, they will release separate eggs and each will be fertilized by different sperm.

Yeah, but the sperm that became Tygra came from Claudus, a lion, so....

Reeds 02-09-2011 08:50 AM

I don't think they mentioned that or will. :) But no, he raised them both, but genetically, he's only Lion-O's father. But if they are a civilization of felines, they know the way of things for centuries and this wouldn't be shocking for them. Its the way of cats.

MannE 02-09-2011 06:39 PM

1) The pic of the "tilon" is clearly a Photoshop job and a bad one at that!

2) I looked up word "tilon" and it isn't the offspring of male tiger bred with a female lion actually. Those abominations are actually called "tigons"

Transformed 02-09-2011 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Reeds (Post 1013)
I don't think they mentioned that or will. :) But no, he raised them both, but genetically, he's only Lion-O's father. But if they are a civilization of felines, they know the way of things for centuries and this wouldn't be shocking for them. Its the way of cats.

I take no issue with Claudus taking Tygra as his son, but I do take issues with him actually fathering him. Tygra’s all tiger.


Originally Posted by MannE (Post 1104)
1) The pic of the "tilon" is clearly a Photoshop job and a bad one at that!

2) I looked up word "tilon" and it isn't the offspring of male tiger bred with a female lion actually. Those abominations are actually called "tigons"

It's too bad that I never seen a tigon (or liger for that matter) in real life, it would have helped me choose my pictures a bit more wisely. The liger picture came from National Geographic, so I'll leave that one up; however, thanks for pointing out that the picture used is a fake—I’m not particularly good at finding fakes.

And thanks for the name correction, too.

LionO84 02-10-2011 12:33 AM

...what?? This is crazy! As long as its written well I'll be ok with it.

Icespark 02-14-2011 02:50 PM

I'm very glad to hear Larry Kenny is returning! :D His portrayal for Lion-O was a great performance, and, I've heard that he's a great person too! I'll be looking forward to hearing his voice again in the new series. :)

trebleshot 02-15-2011 11:00 AM

Good to hear about Kenny. I hope they can get more of the voice talent back for more cameos at least, if not lead roles.


Originally Posted by Transformed (Post 1001)
Yeah, but the sperm that became Tygra came from Claudus, a lion, so....

Not necessarily, especially given how cats mate and breed (see above). And I agree the show will probably never bother explain it because it would be either too much like sex ed, or too much like a nature special on NG or Discovery.

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