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baboco2 10-24-2012 11:18 AM

Question about the wily twins ears
1 Attachment(s)
I was on the thunder cats wiki and I read this.
"You can't see either Kit or Kat's ears because their whole "hairstyle" is their ears. While it looks like Kit's hair is tied back, it's actually her ears that are tied back."

Then there is this picture, which clearly shows her ear.

What do you guys think? Do they have ears like the other thunder cats or are they what that quote said.

GK Punk 10-24-2012 04:45 PM

That's an animation error. They creators stated kittens hair is their ears a few times so I go off of that.

baboco2 10-24-2012 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 64634)
That's an animation error. They creators stated kittens hair is their ears a few times so I go off of that.

can i get a link to Where that was stated?
And I mean that in a respectful way not as in a dismissive way.

GK Punk 10-25-2012 08:24 PM

I'm pretty sure it was at Wondercon (Which I was there for) 2011. I wrote up a report for it for this site. I asked about the kittens and the fact that they are a different breed makes for the differences between them and the other cats. (They have tails, their ears are part of their hair etc.) Also if you look at their parents it's the same. They all have similar style hair/ears.

jackabina 06-02-2013 03:17 PM

Does this explain why they didn't age as lion-o did?

adssse 06-02-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by jackabina (Post 77042)
Does this explain why they didn't age as lion-o did?

I dont think that the backgrounds of the two series tie together at all, so I dont believe it explains it. For what its worth I gave my two cents in the other thread you started on this subject.

jackabina 06-05-2013 05:22 PM

Yeah I read that mate, Thanks for your imput. There's loads about those first few minutes that confuse me, like why is Jaga already clothed whilst the others aren't?
I find it hard to believe the whole 'ears / hair' thing.

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