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RoftheHood 10-06-2012 01:48 PM

ATTN: Larry Kenny
So, I’ve been re-watching the 80's series for the ten-thousandth-time (anyone who wants to go toe-to-toe over how many times we can watch the whole series before we die.... gauntlet thrown down, gauntlet accepted!!!! LMAO)
Anyway, I don’t if anyone has a means of contacting Larry Kenny, or if he checks out the forums or anything - But I wanted to give a personal THANK YOU to him, on my, my fathers, and what the hell, TCats Fans worldwide. He was driving, essential, and powerful part in bringing the NEW series to life, and as popular as it was. He always reassured us that it was like the original and that he's a fan just like us so it had pass his approval too!
He's also however, been an important part of breathing new life into the Original Series. TeleToon Retro began playing the series again in Canada, and DVD sales have increased. He will always be the quintessential 'Hero's Voice' to me and I sure as hell hope he knows, the impact THE FULL impact of what his work has done with generations of fans. Thanks Man.

Lody 10-06-2012 02:32 PM

I uh, don't think he's on this site.

Mongor 10-06-2012 05:30 PM

I just got a reply from Larry not 10 minutes ago on Facebook for something unrelated to this. He's a super great guy and always talks to his fans. I'm sure he'd love to hear your feelings on his work. Send him a friend request and a message on Facebook.

Lody 10-06-2012 06:32 PM

I guess there's nothing he can do to save the series, huh?

GK Punk 10-16-2012 11:39 PM

I agree with Mongor. he always replies to his fans and is very nice. One of the friendliest people I've ever encountered. Send him a friend request and talk to him on there. :)

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