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Captn Cracka 07-12-2012 04:51 PM

Official "Save Thundercats" Facebook page
-Please "Like" and Share this page with your friends to help gain support

Thundercats fans its time to unite!! As many of you know the 2010
envisioning of the 1980's cult classic,Thundercats, is in trouble. Rumors
and speculation are running rampant as to whether or not Cartoon Network (CN) will bring Thundercats back for a second season. The ratings are calling for it, the people behind the show are calling for it, and most importantly, the fans are calling for it.... The last update we have heard is that the show is currently on "hiatus" and its fate is still up in the
air. Now is the time to let Cartoon Network (CN) "Hear the Roar", of Thundercats fans!!

Marisha Ray started the official "Save Thundercats" campaign with the Save Thundercats Online Petition,which can be found here-
Marisha can also be found promoting the petition by releasing photosets of her and a few other female Thundercats fans wearing "Save Thundercats & Save Tcats" shirts while being dressed as their favorite Thundercats via Tumblr-
Save Thundercats!

Its now time to take this to the next level. The official " Hear the Roar-
Thundercats fans official campaign to Save Thundercats!" Facebook page has launched. If you signed the petition, PLEASE "like" this page and invite your friends list to do the same. The Thundercats facebook pages have over 2 millions likes. These fans need to be reached and become aware of the current situation. You may laugh and think "it's only facebook" but if facebook can get Betty White to host Saturday Night Live (SNL) then it can also be used to make the public aware and to help play a part in the saving Thundercats campaign. Imagine if we are able to get just 1/3 of the 1.3 millions fans it has on facebook, to sign the petition. That would equal over 400,000 signatures!!! It is not impossible and CAN BE DONE, but it will need EVERYONE to help.

Like Lion-O and the Thundercats traveling Third Earth to unite the different animal clans, WE must unite our efforts show Cartoon Network(CN) that canceling show should not even be an option.

Let's make Cartoon Network(CN) Hear our Roar fans!!!
-Please "Like" and Share this page with your friends to help gain support

adssse 07-12-2012 08:53 PM


Captn Cracka 07-12-2012 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by adssse (Post 58424)

Thank You!!! you have only officially launched the page a little while and we are getting more and more support. Support from ALL over the world. Last I saw I believe people from the US,UK, and Japan have all shown there support!!
Thank you everyone for taking part!!

CCDustyV 07-12-2012 10:13 PM

liked as well :)

Captn Cracka 07-14-2012 06:11 PM

So far so good!! There are members from ALL over the world getting involved!! There are Thundercats fans from US,UK, Netherlands, Argentina Greece,Romania, Canada,Thailand, Mexico...ALLL OVER THE WORLD. Thank you everyone for showing your support!! Hopefully this success of the page continues! :)

Captn Cracka 07-16-2012 05:30 AM

3 days and Thundercats fans has shown their support from 18 different countries!!!!

Captn Cracka 07-19-2012 08:40 PM

The facebook page was launched last Thursday so it has been up for 1 week and there are over 1,000 fans!!! Thank you so much everyone for showing your support!! Thundercats fans are uniting in at least 27 countries showing their support for Thundercats!!! The response of this is incredible!! Keep it up everyone!!

boomsasa 07-20-2012 08:31 AM
This link does not take me to the petition. I would like to sign.

AlexofThundera 07-20-2012 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by boomsasa (Post 59005)
This link does not take me to the petition. I would like to sign.

Try this link:Petition: Warner Bros. Animation: Keep the new Thundercats on for another season! |

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