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Ionaca 07-31-2011 02:19 PM

Future characters
I hope they eventually introduce Lynx-O, Bengali and Pumyra as additional main character's,

Tony_Bacala 07-31-2011 02:37 PM

I think they Cameo'd Lynx-O in episode 1. But if they wanted to, they could bring him in no problem. I have a feeling they will be keeping a tight core for a while tho, with cameos and "friend/villian of the week" situations.

I'd like to see the "Dogs of War" style dog race show up, from the Wildstorm Comics.

Ravenxl7 07-31-2011 04:19 PM

Lynx-O was given a cameo, but I do hope he shows up again sometime in the future of the show. Especially since I'd love to get a toy of his new design.

In addition to more of the original characters, I'm looking forward to seeing the new characters they'll be introducing. Like the fish people.

mumm_ra_the_ever_living 07-31-2011 05:11 PM

Personally, I want to see the LUNATACS

ejrussell 07-31-2011 05:14 PM

Warrior Maidens. To quote Spike Speigel "I love it when a woman can kick my a**"

dolza_khyron 07-31-2011 09:53 PM

i hope they don't fall into the trap that transformers did, and only have characters from the original.

i want to see NEW thundercats! and villains, heroes, and "animals"


nitewing73 08-01-2011 10:38 AM

I liked the Lynx-O cameo hope he shows up down the line as a recurring character. Hoping Bengali and Pumyra show up as well and maybe introduce some other new 'Cats.

GK Punk 08-01-2011 05:35 PM

I'm with Dolza, I want new characters introduced as well.

BB Shockwave 08-02-2011 10:26 AM

I doubt we'll see the dogs as an alien race, as canines seem to be one of the main tribes, Jackalman being their leader.


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 8379)
i hope they don't fall into the trap that transformers did, and only have characters from the original.

i want to see NEW thundercats! and villains, heroes, and "animals"


Which Transformers? Because Animated used characters from G1, Beast Wars (Blackarachnia, Waspinator), Movie (Blackout), Beast Machines (Strika), Armada (Hot Shot), not to mention brand new ones (Lugnut, Sentinel Prime - while the character did exist before, his role was simply to die and pass the Matrix to Optimus). As much as I don't like Prime, they are also using a mixture of characters from all shows, too bad about the movie-style designs.

Riono 08-02-2011 07:45 PM

What about a Claudis (Lion-O's father)? I think that would be a great figure to create.

Nachtsider 08-04-2011 09:16 AM

Mandora and a bunch of fugitives she's hunting down would further serve to introduce to the Cats the alien concepts of technology and worlds beyond Thundera's borders, methinks. Jackalman and Monkian, introduced as leaders of their respective species and wary allies of Slythe and his Lizards, could show that the enemy aren't a united front. I'd like for the Driller to make an appearance, too.


Originally Posted by Riono (Post 8581)
What about a Claudis (Lion-O's father)? I think that would be a great figure to create.

I think you're late to the party...

Icespark 08-04-2011 10:20 AM

I too would also lover to see Lynx-O, Pumyra, and Ben-Gali added to the main cast later on in the series. All three of them are some of my favorites!

Edit- I should clarify, since the creators said at a panel that all three will eventually appear in the series. What I mean is that I'd prefer for all three to become main cast members, aside the established seven main Thundercats.

I also want to see Hachiman added in. He's always been another favorite of mine!

Snowman is another character I want to see in the series, though, I think he'll be appearing, due to the preview of Snow-Meow that was revealed.

ZombieSnake 08-04-2011 05:04 PM

Hachiman certainly is a must, as are new characters. I think with the varied races we've seen and heard about, we'll see new characters. I'd like to see Hammerhand and his crew come up too.

Hyper Jaguar 08-21-2011 06:30 PM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I want Bengali to be in the new series.

Ruination04 08-25-2011 11:39 AM

Anyone know if we'll see Monkian in the future?? I love how they did Slythe so I am hoping for a monkey army as well.

Ravenxl7 08-25-2011 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ruination04 (Post 12963)
Anyone know if we'll see Monkian in the future?? I love how they did Slythe so I am hoping for a monkey army as well.

If my memory is correct, he's been mentioned to be making an appearance in the future. Though by the sounds of it, he might be one of the characters they'll be renaming, along with Vultereman and Jackalman. Something about giving them their own name, rather than using the name of their species.

NinSage 08-27-2011 05:54 PM

I am absolutely on pins and needles waiting for Bengali.

I would also really enjoy some completely original T-Cats. It would get crowed to have them all fighting together. But we could have like a "first string" with the usual suspects and then a "second string" with Lynx-O, Pumyra, Bengali and 3ish more new originals!!

BB Shockwave 08-30-2011 10:15 AM

I wonder how humans would fit into this series... at all. Mumm-ra has been revealed to be an alien, so he wasn't human either. And I doubt there are any humans living on Third Earth, they'd be a dominant species if they did (as us humans usually try to be. :) )

From the character sheets shown at IGN, it'd seem the Ro-Bear Berbils, the Trollops and Giantors (all from the same old episode) will be making a re-appearance, as well as the pig-man tax collector (also from an old series episode), a rock troll and some blue saber-tooth like cat.

Ravenxl7 08-30-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 13757)
Mumm-ra has been revealed to be an alien...

I've seen this mentioned a couple of times since last weeks episode, but honestly, nothing in that episode made me think he was an alien.


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 13757)
...some blue saber-tooth like cat.

That's Snowmeow, who I hope gets a toy (both modern and classic would be great).

Saint Phe 08-30-2011 11:52 AM

I really hope Mumm-ra's not an alien. That would be only thing about the new series that bothers me so far. I've just always loved the idea of Mumm-ra being an ancient Earth native.

BB Shockwave 08-31-2011 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 13760)
I've seen this mentioned a couple of times since last weeks episode, but honestly, nothing in that episode made me think he was an alien.

Check the scene where he exits his coffin in episode 5's flashback, or the first battle between him and Lion-O in episode 2. He clearly walks on his toes, as opposed to us humans or even the Thundercats, so he is not a human.


That's Snowmeow, who I hope gets a toy (both modern and classic would be great).
Oh, the Snowman's mount from the old episode! I remember now. Man, that show had some utterly silly names. The mutant's names are quite unimaginative too (Jackalman, Vultureman). Or just using the suffix "-O" for anything. Must have been a Rankin-Bass thing, considering in Tigersharks the planet had the imaginative name of Water-O. :D

blueeyedkitty 08-31-2011 08:54 AM

oh hellz yes!!

Beast Arrow 08-31-2011 10:34 AM

I've heard that Monkian and Jackalman will appear in this new series, both being legitimate threats against the Thundercats instead of flunkies like in the original. However, there is a twist:

They will both have actual names.

The preview for "Legacy" also shows that there are Vultures present. If Vultureman makes an appearance, I'd expect him to get an actual name as well.

Jpars002 08-31-2011 11:22 AM

I wonder if the fox-like creature wit the huge sword on that character preview image circulating about is the new Hachiman.

Ravenxl7 08-31-2011 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 13911)
Check the scene where he exists his coffin in episode 5's flashback, or the first battle between him and Lion-O in episode 2. He clearly walks on his toes, as opposed to us humans or even the Thundercats, so he is not a human.

No offense, but that makes absolutely no sense. I'm not saying he can't be an alien, just that the way he walks in no way means he wasn't a human, and there has been no indication thus far that he's anything more than a human that was mummified, brought back to life, and given magical powers.


Originally Posted by Jpars002 (Post 13933)
I wonder if the fox-like creature wit the huge sword on that character preview image circulating about is the new Hachiman.

I think that's more than likely one of the new characters they've mentioned. He seems to fit the description of the new character that goes around challenging people at sword battles to win their sword.

BB Shockwave 08-31-2011 04:13 PM

Well, I am an old-school (A)D&D nerd, but I never heard of mummies being altered in a way to walk on their toes, like birds or dinosaurs, after they have been raised from the dead. :) Which leaves me to believe that while he is definitely undead/everliving (whatever the term is), Mumm-Ra is not human. But guess we'll wait and see which one of us was right. Episode 7 is bound to answer a lot of questions.

Ravenxl7 08-31-2011 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 13987)
Well, I am an old-school (A)D&D nerd, but I never heard of mummies being altered in a way to walk on their toes, like birds or dinosaurs, after they have been raised from the dead. :) Which leaves me to believe that while he is definitely undead/everliving (whatever the term is), Mumm-Ra is not human. But guess we'll wait and see which one of us was right. Episode 7 is bound to answer a lot of questions.

There might not be anything forcing him to walk like that. It could just be how he prefers to walk. It's not impossible for people to walk like he does. It's not the most comfortable way to walk, but it's not impossible. We will have to wait and see, but I honestly think he's more than likely a human mummy.

Saint Phe 08-31-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 13987)
Well, I am an old-school (A)D&D nerd, but I never heard of mummies being altered in a way to walk on their toes, like birds or dinosaurs, after they have been raised from the dead. :) Which leaves me to believe that while he is definitely undead/everliving (whatever the term is), Mumm-Ra is not human. But guess we'll wait and see which one of us was right. Episode 7 is bound to answer a lot of questions.

Mumm-ra may very well be an alien, but walking on his toes is not evidence of it. My cousin has walked on his toes his whole life, and I'm pretty sure he's not an alien. He's just weird.

BB Shockwave 09-02-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Saint Phe (Post 14002)
Mumm-ra may very well be an alien, but walking on his toes is not evidence of it. My cousin has walked on his toes his whole life, and I'm pretty sure he's not an alien. He's just weird.

Wha... ? really? I am definite that no human can do that for long period of times. Our bones are just not built that way. You might check your cousin, perhaps he is descended from dinosaurs... :D

Saint Phe 09-02-2011 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by BB Shockwave (Post 14248)
Wha... ? really? I am definite that no human can do that for long period of times. Our bones are just not built that way. You might check your cousin, perhaps he is descended from dinosaurs... :D

Totally serious. He's around 21 now, and I've spent significant amounts of time with him since he was a baby. I have never seen him not walk on his toes. EVER. He stands on them, walks on them, and runs on them. Like I said, he's weird.

BB Shockwave 09-03-2011 01:26 PM

You know whom I wouldn't mind seeing in the new series? Lynxana the Hunter. :) She was a comic-only character, an ex-thundercat who became a bounty hunter. Her backstory, namely being exiled after leading a rebellion against her father and brother because despite being older, she couldn't be an heir due to being a woman, would work quite well with the way Thunderian society was shown in the first episodes.

luigi 06-11-2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Saint Phe (Post 14264)
Totally serious. He's around 21 now, and I've spent significant amounts of time with him since he was a baby. I have never seen him not walk on his toes. EVER. He stands on them, walks on them, and runs on them. Like I said, he's weird.

maybe he literally can't
if it's defect
it might be that he may not be able to get his foot into a 90 degree angle
a short Achilles tendon could be the cause then

Cat's Pajamas 06-12-2012 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by luigi (Post 54805)
maybe he literally can't
if it's defect
it might be that he may not be able to get his foot into a 90 degree angle
a short Achilles tendon could be the cause then

It's a genetic trait that some people have. There were a couple of brothers in my karate class that walk like that, I also worked with a scenic painter who did as well. If you think about it, that's the way the majority of mammals walk, cats, dogs, cows, mice, etc. Pretty much all of them except for the primates I think.

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