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ssancho 08-25-2011 02:40 PM

ThunderRacer Sighted
I found ThunderRacer with Lion-O in a Bronx, NY Toysrus. They also had one with Tigra.

Joe Moore 08-26-2011 08:44 AM

Nice! Thanks for sharing.

nomad16 08-26-2011 11:13 AM

Ive seen plenty of these at the toys r us by me also the tygra and lizard man vehicle.

raiden225005 08-26-2011 11:58 AM

haha kinda old news considering the lizard cannon with lizard from that wave has been all the rage around here for the past couple of weeks... I think everything but the tower has been out for a while but even the tower is on shelves now.

Kinda makes me sad knowing everything is out because I still want more thundercats toys haha.

LordLionO 08-26-2011 12:17 PM

Yep, I picked him up along with the Tygra set yesterday.

nomad16 08-26-2011 03:38 PM

their not everywhere and Ive only seen thundercat toys at my toys r us not at any other stores also they've only been out for maybe 2.5 to 3 weeks. I finally found a panthro yesterday seems that that one, cheetara, and wily kit and kat are short packed and are the hardest to come by. I hope we hear news of future waves Id love to see modern Ben-Gali, Pumyra, Lynx-O (who we saw in the first episode) and maybe even a modern snowman from hook mountain!!!

JamesBenjamin 08-26-2011 05:48 PM

They're starting to show up at Walmarts too, but I'm just not that interested in them. Som elook nice and all, but I already have too many toys as it is. =(

nomad16 08-26-2011 05:52 PM

I'm in the same boat I'm very selective of what I collect now so I'm just into the 4 inch figures the only deluxe one I wanted and purchased was mumm-ra and the only vehicle I wanted was the thundertank which isn't too big so its the perfect size to put next to my ghostbusters extreme exto-1 lol

Now I'm just curious to see what future figures will see and if there's anything good like more cats and like I said maybe a snowman from hook mt then I'm in.

thats one thing I like about 4 inch figures they take up less space then the larger 6 inch ones and I think in this line the details just as good.

Lody 08-26-2011 06:54 PM

I'm confused

These have been spotted for 3 weeks now-why is this news?

nomad16 08-26-2011 09:36 PM

low numbers like I said Ive only seen the toys at my toys r us nothing at walmarts or k mart so their slow to come out and the figures go super fast.

raiden225005 08-26-2011 11:42 PM

release news post don't get posted once there's full store saturation...old news is still old news. : )

JamesBenjamin 08-27-2011 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 13195)
I'm confused

These have been spotted for 3 weeks now-why is this news?

I think its just that there aren't enough people collecting this line to post excitedly (like with TFs or Joes) so the "news" doesn't get updated as quickly.

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