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Joe Moore 04-13-2012 05:57 PM

Ep 17 Native Son Pics and Clips
Thundercats Episode 17 Native Son Preview

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:11 PM

That was cute.

Tygra kind of knew things were going to change at a young age. She could've still said prince.

You have to feel for him, but that is what happens. That is why I hope tygra becomes the king of his clan.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:15 PM

In clip 5, isn't that the ASoE?

Chique 04-13-2012 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45257)
That was cute.

Tygra kind of knew things were going to change at a young age. She could've still said prince.

You have to feel for him, but that is what happens. That is why I hope tygra becomes the king of his clan.

Is that really what happens? Once you adopt a kid, s/he is just as much your child as the child who came from your body. If s/he cant see it that way, then maybe she shouldn't have adopted him.

Part of me feels like she was getting him ready for the inevitable, but a larger part of me feels like she wanted to put the spotlight on her biological son.

Like you said, she still could have called him "prince". He is still Claudus' son,even if he is no longer the heir to the throne.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45259)
Is that really what happens? Once you adopt a kid, s/he is just as much your child as the child who came from your body. If s/he cant see it that way, then maybe she shouldn't have adopted him.

Part of me feels like she was getting him ready for the inevitable, but a larger part of me feels like she wanted to put the spotlight on her biological son.

Like you said, she still could have called him "prince". He is still Claudus' son,even if he is no longer the heir to the throne.

Lets see, the heir to the throne is always the first born. This has nothing to do with adoption.

She raised him for a while, I don't think she would change that fast. I think this is a writer thing.

Maybe they couldn't have kids then.

JASONKAT 04-13-2012 06:26 PM

True, I dont see why he isnt prince or "king" maybe we'll find out later or it is what it is
Nice clips. Sadly im kinda tired of backstories, i want them to stay focus on the main story now, not something that happened yrs ago. I guess this is their way of extending the show longer, by throwing in other backstories, , I wont be suprise if they start showing us backstories of all the cats, when they were kiddies.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 45261)
True, I dont see why he isnt prince or "king" maybe we'll find out later or it is what it is
Nice clips. Sadly im kinda tired of backstories, i want them to stay focus on the main story now, not something that happened yrs ago. I guess this is their way of extending the show longer, by throwing in other backstories, , I wont be suprise if they start showing us backstories of all the cats, when they were kiddies.

I like it, we get to find out what makes them tick.

We get to see how tygra was adopted and see how his feelings toward lion-o are developed. You could say, lion-o took away his mothers love.

I like fleshing out of the characters.

Chique 04-13-2012 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45260)
Lets see, the heir to the throne is always the first born. This has nothing to do with adoption. She raised him for a while, I don't think she would change that fast. I think this is a writer thing.

Maybe they couldn't have kids then.

I too thought they might have been struggling to have children. I felt like it's why she gravitated to Tygra as soon as she saw him, no questions ask. He was her son now.

I know the heir is usually the first born, but that doesn't strip the other boys of their royal title. (ex. Prince Harry and Prince William)

She still could have called him Prince. Kit called him a prince in RR, so I'm willing to be so did the other Thunderians. So why did she chose to switch it up as soon as she announced her pregnancy?
I bring up adoption, because it is why Tygra is not the crown prince.
They could have just as easily had her call Tygra a Prince. That moment represented a change in her relationship with Tygra.

cmangund 04-13-2012 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45260)
Lets see, the heir to the throne is always the first born. This has nothing to do with adoption.

She raised him for a while, I don't think she would change that fast. I think this is a writer thing.

Maybe they couldn't have kids then.

Well at least we were "right" with our "guesses" back then, "Native Son" being about Tygra and Tygra's real family member connection and clan thing.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Chique 04-13-2012 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 45261)
True, I dont see why he isnt prince or "king" maybe we'll find out later or it is what it is
Nice clips. Sadly im kinda tired of backstories, i want them to stay focus on the main story now, not something that happened yrs ago. I guess this is their way of extending the show longer, by throwing in other backstories, , I wont be suprise if they start showing us backstories of all the cats, when they were kiddies.

I think it's to help us understand who the these characters are now. If the Queen did switch it up on Tygra, then it could help the audience understand his relationship with his brother better. I could imagine this would make any child hold resentment for their sibling.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45263)
I too thought they might have been struggling to have children. I felt like it's why she gravitated to Tygra as soon as she saw him, no questions ask. He was her son now.

I know the heir is usually the first born, but that doesn't strip the other boys of their royal title. (ex. Prince Harry and Prince William)

She still could have called him Prince. Kit called him a prince in RR, so I'm willing to be so did the other Thunderians. So why did she chose to switch it up as soon as she announced her pregnancy?
I bring up adoption, because it is why Tygra is not the crown prince.
They could have just as easily had her call Tygra a Prince. That moment represented a change in her relationship with Tygra.

I agree that he is still the prince and is second in line to the throne as we saw in 16.

Maybe she felt bad now that she realized that lion-o will get more love then tygra.

It is funny how things changed. Tygra was the most beloved prince of the people.

We know where it starts and it starts with their mother.

SirSapphire 04-13-2012 06:37 PM

And what if the Queen dies in childbirth with Lion-O? Then Tygra not only feels like he stole her love, but blames him for her death too.

Which is the greater cruelty, to have loved a mother and lost her or to have never known her in the first place and still bear the guilt of her death?

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45264)
Well at least we were "right" with our "guesses" back then, "Native Son" being about Tygra and Tygra's real family member connection and clan thing.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

It seems like they are going to flesh out the other characters in the next episodes with lion-o being apart of it.

I am happy we get to understand tygra more.

IMO, I think knowing her and then losing her.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45267)
And what if the Queen dies in childbirth with Lion-O? Then Tygra not only feels like he stole her love, but blames him for her death too.

Which is the greater cruelty, to have loved a mother and lost her or to have never known her in the first place and still bear the guilt of her death?

Good one.

Maybe tygra will talk to lion-o about it. We still see the brothers have issues.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:43 PM

Wonder if lion-o saves tygra's life??

Chique 04-13-2012 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45266)
I agree that he is still the prince and is second in line to the throne as we saw in 16.

Maybe she felt bad now that she realized that lion-o will get more love then tygra.

It is funny how things changed. Tygra was the most beloved prince of the people.

We know where it starts and it starts with their mother.

Feeling bad about Tygra's demotion is fine, but if you know the rest of the Kingdom will see it like that, why do it yourself?
If anything, I would imagine her reminding Tygra that her love for him was still intact, but why does the boy mother no longer see him as "her prince"?

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45271)
Feeling bad about Tygra's demotion is fine, but if you know the rest of the Kingdom will see it like that, why do it yourself?
If anything, I would imagine her reminding Tygra that her love for him was still intact, but why does the boy mother no longer see him as "her prince"?

I am just guessing that a true heir is about to be born. You know kings were hell bent on have sons.

Maybe she knew their relationship would change. She can't give him 100% of her love.

KaleRylan 04-13-2012 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45260)
Lets see, the heir to the throne is always the first born. This has nothing to do with adoption.

She raised him for a while, I don't think she would change that fast. I think this is a writer thing.

Maybe they couldn't have kids then.

Like you said, the heir is usually the first of the blood (there are exceptions, the romans preferred adopted heirs), but either way, the rules of succession are the rules of succession. Feelings are irrelevant.

That said, I would think that she COULD still say prince, because heir or not, he would still be a prince. That was why kings always attempted to have multiple sons, so if the heir died there was another.

I won't immediately jump to the 'bad writing' card (although I think that's a lot of it), my guess is they were trying to quickly illustrate what happened to kid viewers without explaining in detail how succession works. 'Tygra gets a brother, loses everything' Which is NOT how succession works.

Plus, it makes their mom look REALLY callous. At least she had the good grace to look embarrassed about it. I hope in the episode there are more scenes of her later not totally ignoring Tygra, but I have a bad feeling about this.

On an unrelated note, this has shown something I've always kind of wondered. In order to look the way they do, do the cats basically all only breed with the same cat clan? I ask because if Cheetara were to marry Lion-0, she's not a lion, so would they have spotted lion children? I always just assumed I was thinking too hard and they would never answer the question, but now, for I think the first time (correct me if I'm wrong) we've seen someone's mother, and as far as I can tell she is a lion (or a puma, hmm...), so it makes my old over-analysis relevant.

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45270)
Wonder if lion-o saves tygra's life??

Isn't how all stories go ? After all lion-o is the star

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 45273)
Like you said, the heir is usually the first of the blood (there are exceptions, the romans preferred adopted heirs), but either way, the rules of succession are the rules of succession. Feelings are irrelevant.

That said, I would think that she COULD still say prince, because heir or not, he would still be a prince. That was why kings always attempted to have multiple sons, so if the heir died there was another.

I won't immediately jump to the 'bad writing' card (although I think that's a lot of it), my guess is they were trying to quickly illustrate what happened to kids without explaining in detail how succession works. 'Tygra gets a brother, loses everything' WHich is NOT how succession works.

Plus, it makes their mom look REALLY callous. At least she had the good grace to look embarrassed about it. I hope in the episode there are more scenes of her later not totally ignoring Tygra, but I have a bad feeling about this.

I hope not.

We had to see how tygra was adopted and where the division between him and his brother came from.

She is a lioness. Color of her face and hair.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 45275)
Isn't how all stories go ? After all lion-o is the star

That would be one way of fixing their relationship. I hope no T/L ship comes from this episode.

JASONKAT 04-13-2012 06:51 PM

We'r pretty much 2nd-guessing out of a preview, I have no doubt that there is alot of stuff we dunno about, I mean this could go many ways, Its not the 80s anymore, alot of back stories can change, For the most part, they kept all of the characters on par, but now each of them has a diff story than what we knew about.
Hell i wont be surprise if "CHEETARA" had a twin sis, lol

SirSapphire 04-13-2012 06:53 PM

I find it interesting that everyone is willing to condemn the Queen for one slip of the tongue in an out-of-context preview and Claudus was fairly blatant in his favoritism of Tygra and everyone's okay with that.

Eclipse 04-13-2012 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45272)
I am just guessing that a true heir is about to be born. You know kings were hell bent on have sons.

Maybe she knew their relationship would change. She can't give him 100% of her love.

There's a whole new 100% for each kid. You don't take love from one to give to the other. I could give her the benefit of the doubt because as you expect the second child, you wonder if you will love him/her as much as the first. At least, I did. But the one thing you don't do is push away one kid because another's coming. I really resent her attitude in that little preview.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 45281)
There's a whole new 100% for each kid. You don't take love from one to give to the other. I could give her the benefit of the doubt because as you expect the second child, you wonder if you will love him/her as much as the first. At least, I did. But the one thing you don't do is push away one kid because another's coming. I really resent her attitude in that little preview.

I am not saying it is acceptable or not acceptable. This is what the writers are showing us.

Did you notice the stuff mummra toy?

Chique 04-13-2012 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 45273)
Like you said, the heir is usually the first of the blood (there are exceptions, the romans preferred adopted heirs), but either way, the rules of succession are the rules of succession. Feelings are irrelevant.

That said, I would think that she COULD still say prince, because heir or not, he would still be a prince. That was why kings always attempted to have multiple sons, so if the heir died there was another.

I won't immediately jump to the 'bad writing' card (although I think that's a lot of it), my guess is they were trying to quickly illustrate what happened to kid viewers without explaining in detail how succession works. 'Tygra gets a brother, loses everything' Which is NOT how succession works.

Plus, it makes their mom look REALLY callous. At least she had the good grace to look embarrassed about it. I hope in the episode there are more scenes of her later not totally ignoring Tygra, but I have a bad feeling about this.

On an unrelated note, this has shown something I've always kind of wondered. In order to look the way they do, do the cats basically all only breed with the same cat clan? I ask because if Cheetara were to marry Lion-0, she's not a lion, so would they have spotted lion children? I always just assumed I was thinking too hard and they would never answer the question, but now, for I think the first time (correct me if I'm wrong) we've seen someone's mother, and as far as I can tell she is a lion (or a puma, hmm...), so it makes my old over-analysis relevant.

Why jump to bad writing though? I feel like we were suppose to get that impression from that scene. For most of the clip, he is her "little Prince", but she switches it up when her biological child is on the way.

In the comic, Cheetara and Tygra's twins had spots and stripes. Real life hybrids also have features from both parents.

By the way, I'm still open to it being something else.

Eclipse 04-13-2012 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45280)
I find it interesting that everyone is willing to condemn the Queen for one slip of the tongue in an out-of-context preview and Claudus was fairly blatant in his favoritism of Tygra and everyone's okay with that.


Claudus faved Tygra because he was the son who did things by the book. By his book. Lion-O had his own way of doing things, and the king disapproved, was vocal about it, and made the mistake of making comparisons between the two. But he did not love him any less, and he proved it before he died, he made sure he knew how proud of him he was.

The queen, on the other hand, pushed the little tiger away. I'd like to see more though.

Eclipse 04-13-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45282)
I am not saying it is acceptable or not acceptable. This is what the writers are showing us.

Did you notice the stuff mummra toy?

I know, just offering my view.

And yes I did!! Looked pretty battered, it appears little Tygra was not nice to the bad mummy lol

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45280)
I find it interesting that everyone is willing to condemn the Queen for one slip of the tongue in an out-of-context preview and Claudus was fairly blatant in his favoritism of Tygra and everyone's okay with that.

I would guess that is from the tygra point of view

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45278)
That would be one way of fixing their relationship. I hope no T/L ship comes from this episode.

Oh so tygra was really mad at lion-o for not paying attention to him :D:D:D:D it all makes perfect sense now

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 45288)
Oh so tygra was really mad at lion-o for not paying attention to him :D:D:D:D it all makes perfect sense now

It all started on a sunny day when tygra gave lion-o a flower. :D

I hope lion-o didn't save it. :D

hollowdheart 04-13-2012 07:14 PM

I really wish people would stop getting all pissy about Lion-o's mom not calling Tygra Prince once. Besides, it's not like she did it to hurt him, plus she called him her "darling", And the previews are known to take things out of context. Also, this is probably little Tygra's memories, and until a certain age, some memories are false ones that your mind makes up to deal with situations.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:18 PM

Noboy mention the ancient spirits of evil in pic 5.

cmangund 04-13-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45292)
It all started on a sunny day when tygra gave lion-o a flower. :D

I hope lion-o didn't save it. :D

It turns out tygra gave "flowers" to everybody males and females.:eek::eek::eek:

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

AdamofEternia 04-13-2012 07:19 PM that is what liono's mother looks like. i never thought we would be shown what she looks like. i really feel for tygra after watching this preview and also im curious to know what happened to liono's mother.

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by SirSapphire (Post 45267)
And what if the Queen dies in childbirth with Lion-O? Then Tygra not only feels like he stole her love, but blames him for her death too.

Which is the greater cruelty, to have loved a mother and lost her or to have never known her in the first place and still bear the guilt of her death?

That might be what happened and maybe the tygra tirade in the AP wasn't actually about cheetara but about the mother. It also explain why snarf is the nurse maid hmmm only time will tell. Instead of watching it now I have to wait until tomorrow :mad: :D:D:D:D:D

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by AdamofEternia (Post 45297) that is what liono's mother looks like. i never thought we would be shown what she looks like. i really feel for tygra after watching this preview and also im curious to know what happened to liono's mother.

She does look hot.:D

After she walked away the crown disappears from his head.

cmangund 04-13-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45300)
She does look hot.:D

After she walked about the crown disappears from his head.

Claudus/Lion-O's mom ship in "action":D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45301)
Claudus/Lion-O's mom ship in "action":D

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

This is not Japan.

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45295)
Noboy mention the ancient spirits of evil in pic 5.

Yeah thats probably because tygus willingly served them and mumm-ra that the tigers have been cursed

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Big Snarf (Post 45303)
Yeah thats probably because tygus willingly served them and mumm-ra that the tigers have been cursed

That is what I think.

I wonder if they kept serving the ASoE after the crash.

cmangund 04-13-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45302)
This is not Japan.


Hopefully CLaudus did not go through to what Lion-O's "love life" is now.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45292)
It all started on a sunny day when tygra gave lion-o a flower. :D

I hope lion-o didn't save it. :D

Nah snarf ate it and got high as depicted in butterfly blues :D:D:D:D:D:D

Big Snarf 04-13-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45304)
That is what I think.

I wonder if they kept serving the ASoE after the crash.

Maybe they didn't thats why they are cursed. The ASoE probably wanted them to free mumm-ra and they didn't or maybe the ASoE wanted tygra to be the new mumm-ra :eek::eek::eek:

L08e16o 04-13-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by cmangund (Post 45305)

Hopefully CLaudus did not go through to what Lion-O's "love life" is now.

Jelenic and crew will be forever be remembered as the man and crew that tainted the TCATS brand. Hopefully J.M. DeMatteis will remove some of the taint.

I think he put his foot down and that was the end of it.

Chique 04-13-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 45285)
I know, just offering my view.

And yes I did!! Looked pretty battered, it appears little Tygra was not nice to the bad mummy lol

If they would have added in a hug, I think my interpretation would be different.
She did look sad though, I didn't see that the first time around.

stac 04-13-2012 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by KaleRylan (Post 45273)
I won't immediately jump to the 'bad writing' card (although I think that's a lot of it), my guess is they were trying to quickly illustrate what happened to kid viewers without explaining in detail how succession works. 'Tygra gets a brother, loses everything' Which is NOT how succession works.

This is probably the most likely explanation. Since the writers have limited time, this was an easy way to show what Tygra perceived to be the defining moment that changed his relationship with his mother.


Plus, it makes their mom look REALLY callous. At least she had the good grace to look embarrassed about it. I hope in the episode there are more scenes of her later not totally ignoring Tygra, but I have a bad feeling about this.
Some of the writing so far hasn’t exactly inspired confidence. Better to prepare for the worst.


On an unrelated note, this has shown something I've always kind of wondered. In order to look the way they do, do the cats basically all only breed with the same cat clan? I ask because if Cheetara were to marry Lion-0, she's not a lion, so would they have spotted lion children? I always just assumed I was thinking too hard and they would never answer the question, but now, for I think the first time (correct me if I'm wrong) we've seen someone's mother, and as far as I can tell she is a lion (or a puma, hmm...), so it makes my old over-analysis relevant.
If the ThunderCats world is based on real life then lions and cheetahs would not be able to interbreed. The Panthera genus contains the 4 ‘Big’ cats – tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar. They can all interbreed.

However, the cheetah is a member of the genus Acinonyx. So neither a lion nor a tiger would be able to interbreed with a cheetah.

Not good news for both L/C and T/C shippers.

L08e16o 04-13-2012 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by stac (Post 45311)
This is probably the most likely explanation. Since the writers have limited time, this was an easy way to show what Tygra perceived to be the defining moment that changed his relationship with his mother.

Some of the writing so far hasn’t exactly inspired confidence. Better to prepare for the worst.

If the ThunderCats world is based on real life then lions and cheetahs would not be able to interbreed. The Panthera genus contains the 4 ‘Big’ cats – tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar. They can all interbreed.

However, the cheetah is a member of the genus Acinonyx. So neither a lion nor a tiger would be able to interbreed with a cheetah.

Not good news for both L/C and T/C shippers.

I am quiting the show now.:D

Eclipse 04-13-2012 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chique (Post 45310)
If they would have added in a hug, I think my interpretation would be different.
She did look sad though, I didn't see that the first time around.

I first thought the sadness was that she knew she'd hurt Tygra when she had the new baby. As I said, it is logical to fear you may not love both children the same, to later you find that those fears had no base.

Still, the usual is to offer reassurances to the eldest.

KaleRylan 04-13-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 45277)
I hope not.

We had to see how tygra was adopted and where the division between him and his brother came from.

She is a lioness. Color of her face and hair.

The two can dislike each other more than enough without the mom favoritizing one.

You're probably right, but her color does not stop her from being a puma. Pumas are almost the same color as lions, that's why we call them mountain lions.

Still I was just being facetious and it related to my curiosity about cat hybrids. I wasn't really trying to strongly suggest she wasn't a lion.

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