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test 11-03-2013 01:11 PM

Vintage thundercats reviews youtube
Hi everyone ...... Just thought I would let you all know that I have started my own youtube channel dedicated to vintage thundercat figure reviews.
So far I have uploaded 5 video reviews.

The reviews are high quality and on average about 6 mins long apart from the 1st one which I had a lot to cover with bengali and his variants..

These are a work in progress as I have never done a youtube video in my life or a review for that matter lol .... So you'll have to excuse my nervousness in the 1st few as I'm still getting used to speaking on camera ..

As mentioned before they are a work in progress and I hope to get better as I go along .... I may even re-do a few if i get significantly better over time.

Why do reviews on vintage figures you may wonder ??? Well I guess I just thought youtube was a bit short of accurate vintage thundercats info ... And it's a nice way to showcase them for the public to enjoy ....

My channel name is Moons of Plun-darr .... And so far I have covered bengali , driller , jaga , panthro and lion-o ..... The thundertank review will be up soon and is actually my best yet in my opinion as I'm actually beginning to feel a bit more comfortable behind the camera :)

It would be an honour if you guys could stop by and check the channel out sometime .... It's kind of a new little hobby of mine ... And it's nice to think I can get my collection out there for the world to see even if its just a few vintage figure fans ...

Any critique is very much welcome as I aim to improve :)

I will also be reviewing my g1 transformers on this channel in the future.... Also more comparison videos will be uploaded when I obtain variants of certain figures like I did with my 3 bengali variants ... (Hoping to do a lion-o variant comparison video when I finally manage to get all the variants)

Anyways thanks for your time everyone and please let me know your thoughts and critique ....

butterflyboy 11-03-2013 03:55 PM

Watching the Bengali review. VERY informative, and you don't seem uncomfortable at all in my opinion. Great job. Subscribed.

egmonddp 11-03-2013 04:09 PM

very well done mate! please keep going for al tc fans out there! great to see somebody taking the initiative to showcase some of the items we might never have or afford. great job and thanks!

test 11-03-2013 04:29 PM

Thanks guys ... It really means a lot to me...
Gonna try to upload my thundertank review tonight if youtube can hurry the hell up.

I'm so shocked at how long it takes to upload a video lol

I'm not out to get famous or obtain millions of views or anything like that, but I just thought it would be nice to get a dedicated vintage thundercat channel for us collectors and fans...

Thanks again for your support :)

egmonddp 11-03-2013 05:42 PM

yea, you tube can be extremely slow sometimes! but keep on doing those reviews, some of us can't afford those expensive drillers and stingers, so this might be the closest to actually owning one! it was the first time I saw the driller spin! (though I figured out that's what it would look like when I read articles about it) still, very cool!!

adssse 11-03-2013 10:40 PM

Subscribed. I havent had a chance to take a look yet, but definitely plan on viewing them all soon. Please keep it up and thanks for your efforts!

Mongor 11-04-2013 03:10 AM

Subscribed as well. I haven't seen the videos yet, but I will check them out later.

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