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DESTRO 02-06-2011 01:25 PM

Who Wants Original Re-Issue ThunderCats?
So.... who would want original re-issues of the old school ThunderCats Molds? I know I want a Cats Lair!

Tigra 02-07-2011 03:08 PM

I would buy them all. About six months ago my then 2 year old son fell in love with Thundercats. We have the entire series on DVD and I bought him all the thundercats on ebay. I'd love a reissue thundertank most, that things is insanely expensive. You can be he's getting the new one.

Dawg99 02-07-2011 03:12 PM

i would buy everything released in classics style..
i also want a cat's lair and a thundertank for the classics figures

Deefuzz 02-07-2011 03:29 PM

I never had enough Thundercats as a kid, I know I had a Lion-O and a roleplay sword. I would love to get my hands on a few pieces I missed. A Cats Lair and a Thundertank for sure. I would dig a Mumm-Ra as well.

Reigner 02-07-2011 03:40 PM

Thundercats was my toyline growing up. I had everything and would easily buy it all again :D

LionO84 02-07-2011 03:53 PM

I had a ton of the toys growing up. My dad for a while worked at ToysRus part time so he always got me toys. Also at the time I was an only child so ya I was spoiled lmao!

MegaPrime33 02-07-2011 04:01 PM

I only had, and still have, Lion-O, Mumm-ra, and young Tygra with Wiley-Kit. In terms of figures, at this point I think I'd go with the new classics line, but I would love to get the Cat's Lair and Thundertank.

Stoner 02-07-2011 04:03 PM

I would love this!! Some of the vintage ones I come across are always "sticky"

Super_Megatron 02-07-2011 04:25 PM

I'm not a big fan of reissues myself, hurts the value of the vintage pieces.

C.I.A.D. 02-07-2011 04:39 PM

I have everything I want from the line, so if they ever did relaunch a classics themed series, I'd only pick up a few pieces to have MOC for display purposes.

gijoe071681 02-07-2011 05:43 PM

I dunno, I might it all depends on time and space at the time

Echo7Solo 02-07-2011 05:57 PM

I'd rather see the classic look with updated articulation and sculpts. If they did things like have it so Panthro's spikes could come out and a translucent Tigra it would be even better.

JohnnyAngel77 02-07-2011 06:20 PM

I had a few from back in the day. I don't think I'd pick them up now though. Only reason I was ever into picking up vintage Joes was that they were at least ahead of their time on articulation. I can't do figures with that little articulation now.

Sabien 02-07-2011 06:48 PM

I'd be in. Though I'd be in for Echo's suggestion as well.

The_Eva-Living 02-07-2011 06:54 PM

I wouldn't. My vote is also for classic characters with updated sculpts.

Reeds 02-07-2011 07:32 PM

I'd like to see reissues of guys like the gimmicky berserkers and the thundertank, or course.

Steelgrave 02-07-2011 10:25 PM

I really want a 4" classic Cheetara to go with GI Joe & Marvel universe.

Pravus Prime 02-07-2011 11:01 PM

Sorry, but no. The upcoming Classic 8 inch superarticulated figures are what I'm hungry for.

Pink Panthro 02-07-2011 11:42 PM

like the tmnt reissues? id definitely be in, maybe have a build-a-figure like the beastwars reissues...bad ass

Rudi 02-08-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 787)
Sorry, but no. The upcoming Classic 8 inch superarticulated figures are what I'm hungry for.

This! Can't wait to get them :D

Grune the Destroyer 02-08-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Super_Megatron (Post 553)
I'm not a big fan of reissues myself, hurts the value of the vintage pieces.

Well, if you're in it for resale value, then sure I can see why you wouldn't like it.

Having said that, TF reissues haven't hurt original values nearly as much as everyone feared back in 2001/2. Check out prices for a minty-mint vintage Bluestreak.

Still, I for one DON'T CARE about value - my original Thundercats will always be the original, and I don't plan on selling them. Having reissues of certain characters (I wouldn't want the whole line) would go down well with me.

Croaker 02-08-2011 03:07 PM

I've got all the old figures - I don't know how interested I would be in re-issues.
Mostly I still need most of the accesories - so it might be a better way to get replacements, rather than buying solo accesories on ebay.

gijoe071681 02-09-2011 09:16 AM

Again I dunno new sculpts with updated articulation and fewer gimmicks are appealing. Although I know a gimmick of some sort is inevitable.

Joe Moore 02-09-2011 09:57 AM

I have a feeling the nostalgia factor of the originals would wear off quickly because of the new Classics figures. Maybe a limited run or an exclusive would be more appealing to the manufacturer.

Ravenxl7 02-15-2011 12:04 PM

I would definitely be interested in a reissue Panthro. Not exactly sure what happened to mine from when I was a kid. It would also make for an interesting "then and now" display with the new Classic figures.

xander88 07-15-2011 05:04 PM

Only if Bandai don't keep up the classics line. The only problem is that they would be a lot more expensive than they were back in the day but at least you'd know that you were going to get the majority of the characters plus vehicles although I only really liked the thundertank and am not too fussed if Bandai don't do vehicles for the classics line (would be suprised if they did). Back in the day I had the original thundertank plus two mutant vehicles (Skycutter,Nosediver) but back then I used to play with my Thundercats toys outside in the back garden so having the vehicles was more fun back then.

Ravenxl7 07-16-2011 05:31 PM

If it came tot he choice between reissues or the new classic figures, I'd definitely rather see the classic figures continue. I just hope that them waiting till next year to put out a second wave of them doesn't harm the line (going off of what I heard the rep from Toy Fair say in a video Lion-O and Tygra are the only two coming out this year).

xander88 07-16-2011 06:32 PM

I think Bandai need to release more than two characters in the next wave of the classics line if we have to wait so long for it. I reckon they'll release Panthro and Cheetara next but I want villians like Mumm-Ra and Grune in wave 2.

Ravenxl7 07-16-2011 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by xander88 (Post 7206)
I think Bandai need to release more than two characters in the next wave of the classics line if we have to wait so long for it. I reckon they'll release Panthro and Cheetara next but I want villians like Mumm-Ra and Grune in wave 2.

As much as I like only having two figures per wave, if we really do have to wait so long between the first two waves, than even I think we should get at least three figures, if not four in the second wave. At least one villain in the mix would be nice. My ideal second wave would be Panthro, Cheetara, and mummy Mumm-Ra.

xander88 07-16-2011 07:05 PM

I've actually ordered the Icon Heroes SDCC exclusive Mumm-Ra Staction figure off ebay because of how awesome it looks and the fact that the box looks just like his tomb. Plus I'm pretty sure that if I was at SDCC I would have picked one up. I figured it would be nice to have some kind of Mumm-Ra figure at this early stage seeing as how they've only released classic Lion-o and Tygra so far and I don't actually know when we will see a Bandai classic Mumm-ra. Hopefully it won't be too long.

Talyn 07-22-2011 08:12 AM

did anyone see this? are these being released?

Toy News International - Daily Action Figures Toy News, Reviews and Discussions

Ravenxl7 07-22-2011 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Talyn (Post 7555)

Hadn't seen that before (hadn't seen any pictures of that display till now). Would be cool if they were being reissued. However they could also just be there for a then-and-now sort of comparison.

Joe Moore 07-22-2011 11:15 AM

Our detailed gallery is now up.

They do not appear to be reissues. Just there to show the old with the new.

nitewing73 07-22-2011 12:22 PM

No. I don't think they should reissue the old ones. I think the Classic line is being made to satisfy the old school T-Cats fans. Plus there is more play possibility with the added articulation.

dr_slump 07-22-2011 06:40 PM

I wonder why they don't display their weapons.

Ruination04 07-25-2011 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 7583)
No. I don't think they should reissue the old ones. I think the Classic line is being made to satisfy the old school T-Cats fans. Plus there is more play possibility with the added articulation. long as the Classics line doesn't fail me, then it will good enough for me where I wouldn't want originals reissued. The classics look close enough.

rodster6 08-12-2011 05:14 PM

Not something I would be that interested in. Can get most of them cheap off ebay anyway. The only one i'd really be interested in is The Driller as he is hard to get and expensive.

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