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ShakesDaKlown 06-24-2012 12:37 PM

Petition to save the new series.
This is probably old news, but I was on and discovered a link to sign an online petition to save the modern incarnation of Thundercats for at least one more season. Please show your support if you enjoy the new series. I can't stand to think that a show this good could only last for one season. The link is below.

Petition: Warner Bros. Animation: Keep the new Thundercats on for another season! |

CreepySariFan 06-24-2012 01:17 PM

We already have a thread, and we do wish that Joe Moore would POST IT ON THE FRONT PAGE SO IT GETS MORE SIGNATURES. Mind you I haven't actually PMed him about doing such a thing...

Joe Moore 06-25-2012 12:29 PM

I do not post about or condone internet petitions. They are a waste of time. That is why it has not been frontpaged.

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