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Captn Cracka 06-22-2013 01:54 PM

Petition to get Thundercats on Netflix Watch Instantly
1 Attachment(s)
**From the "Save Thundercat" Campaign Facebook page (**
Thundercats fans, do you want Thundercats added to the "Watch Instantly" section of Netflix??? We know we do !!!

If you do too, SIGN THIS PETITION to have Thundercats added to the Watch Instantly section of Netflix and SHARE IT with your friends!!!

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Let's show Netflix we are serious and this is what their PAYING CUSTOMERS WANT!!!

SIGN and SHARE this petition NOW!!!

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Thundercats HoO !!!!!!"

---hey its worth a shot!!

Lody 06-22-2013 04:10 PM

You could just buy the DVD's....

Captn Cracka 06-22-2013 04:39 PM

yes you could indeed. But Thundercats being available in the Watch Instantly section would make Thundercats available to MILLIONS of people around the world. It would not only make it available but it would make it right in front of people. No having to try to find it. It being on Netflix could make it possible for fans where the DVD's are very rare or impossible to find, now have the ability to watch Thundercats at their fingertips.

Its a time where On Demand and Instant Streaming are one of the most popular forms of entertainment. It would be nice to see Thundercats utilize the latest media platforms and get more exposure for itself.

adssse 06-22-2013 07:43 PM

Signed and shared. I would love to see this happen! My daughter and I would stream it all the time!

Captn Cracka 06-25-2013 04:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Captn Cracka 06-25-2013 04:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Shark Week!!!

si3ge 07-29-2013 11:33 AM

i just signed this petition... looks like it needs a LOT more visibility. someone should xpost to reddit. only 64 supporters thus far... i dont know what the 36 more needed entails.
does that mean somehow that this will for sure happen if 36 more people sign?

adssse 07-29-2013 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by si3ge (Post 79472)
i just signed this petition... looks like it needs a LOT more visibility. someone should xpost to reddit. only 64 supporters thus far... i dont know what the 36 more needed entails.
does that mean somehow that this will for sure happen if 36 more people sign?

Great idea! I will put it up on reddit. Hopefully it will get some attention because I would love to be able to stream Thundercats (both old and new)!

Kregermeister 07-31-2013 11:58 AM

WB is getting their own streaming service soon, theres a higher chance for it going on there..... they are reviving a LOT of older shows for streaming formats a very good source told me, Thundercats wasnt one of them though.... not yet at least.

adssse 07-31-2013 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kregermeister (Post 79481)
WB is getting their own streaming service soon, theres a higher chance for it going on there..... they are reviving a LOT of older shows for streaming formats a very good source told me, Thundercats wasnt one of them though.... not yet at least.

Very interesting... Not sure I would sign up for a strictly WB service. I guess it would depend on the price.

Kregermeister 08-01-2013 01:03 AM

You'd be better off getting the DVD sets if anything.... WB takes forever on projects.

Biggest thing is at WB they have a lot of different sources to chose from for their streaming...... you have everything from reels which would be the closest to their original formats being digitized which would be preferable..... but then again theirs always that issue where they just want the content.

The TV masters that CN had looked B+ compared to the original broadcast ....Id like to think CN took the original TV cuts and just spliced off the bumpers, the B+ is from age of the tapes, which I assume went from a old format like tape to a digital tape for preservation.

Now the DVD sets are kind of a mystery..... in Exodus we had a film telecine glitch and Unholy alliance missing its score. That would leave me to believe they came off what would probably be film reels all pulled from various sources. IE : Different cuts for broadcast 1)No audio for foreign language 2)Just dialogue 3)TV cuts with title cards. The "Stay with us.... Thundercats will be back" would be on separate reels and spliced in later. So since some were missing title cards, audio and wobbles, most likely film but turned into MPEG for DVD. A nice look, but surely they could revisit the original masters again and go H264 or MXF with loss less audio for streaming and have a back up for blurays..... will they? Probably not.

If they didn't want to go crazy to invest to going to the reels again, they would pull the TV masters from CN and run a say....20 percent noise filter over them. Normally filters look like crap, but Thundercats could use it. There is a layer in the cel's that is so deep its nauseating, and a small filter could really make the show pop! :D

adssse 08-01-2013 01:07 PM

Wow, thanks for all the technical info. I do have the dvd's (would really like bluray) but having it on Netflix would be dream for my daughter who has the iPad down but is not old enough for discs yet.

Kregermeister 08-02-2013 11:32 AM

get a program like magicdvdripper, and rip a few of the best eps for her as quicktime files and dump them to her ipad. Insta-thundercats!

adssse 08-02-2013 01:07 PM

Thanks! I may just have to try that.

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