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PANTHRO HOOO 09-04-2011 11:19 PM

view of new series from old fan
I can't remember life before thundercats. I was born in 1982. I watched the tc movie so many times its rediculous. When the new series was anounced I was excited and skeptical. First thought Lion-O looks like a punk panthro doesn't look half as cool sword of omens shouldn't change and its probably gonna be a complete rip off because companies are lazy and so many stories are already written here. Then came the first episode.

After episode one I was thinking wow mabye the story is gonna be almost completely new. I mean there not from another planet and that pissed me off but at least I will get a new story. Seeing things like Lynxo and the Berbils body partaking in the pile of tech was real cool and made me think there's gonna be plenty of things to bring back old memories in the future. Still not in love with how lion-o and panthro look or the sword but the shows worth watching.

Now my impression after episode 7. I can't believe how good this show is. The stories are way better than the old series. Hell I even like how lion-o is drawn now that I'm used to it and Mumra looks amazing especially in episode 7 in his new forms. The Thundercats are aliens again wich opens up a lot of things I thought were out of the question. I'm amazed that the new characters are coming in so early. I mean companies revamp series to be lazy not create something new and awsome right? But this is no new vultron no he-man remake this is Thundercats 2011. The only cartoon I'm anxious to watch weekly as a grown ass man. So I'll be watching this show hopefully for years to come with a deluxe sword of omens in my hands wishing they made panthro look like panthro.

Grune the Warrior 09-05-2011 05:58 PM

Interesting perspective. I'm only a little younger than you (born in '84) but wasn't a big fan of the original show as a kid. I love the pacing and running narrative of this show. It makes me want to keep watching week-to-week so I don't miss anything that might be important later. The mostly-stand alone episode classic shows of the 80s just don't measure up.

I love Panthro's new appearance, as it makes him look like a grizzled war veteran. You can tell he's been through some battles in his day. With what cartoons cause show as far as war and violence now compared to the 80s, I love characters like modern Panthro. As a kid, I would have loved Cobra soldiers with tattered uniforms or Decepticons full of bullet holes, He-man covered in battle scars, etc. Now we can get cartoons like this.

decepticat 09-05-2011 06:10 PM

You know as someone who is in his 40s, I watched the original and really loved it despite it seeming silly/too humorous at times i.e always ending show with a laugh. Plus I really hated in the 80's when there couldn't be death or injury so if a plane blew up they had to show the pilot parachuting to safety.

That being said, the new version of Thundercats is great. They are building an all new mythology{a much darker/serious one} that may even include some of our other favorites later{Silverhawks, Tigersharks}. Even with this new mythology and new ideas on the characters, they continue to give nods to the older ones of us who remember the classics. I think that is just awesome that we get a new show, new mythology, updates on our characters, and yet they don't forget that there was a classic that allowed all this to happen.

As far as the new cats and their designs after 7 episodes I feel ready to give an honest opinion{and it is just mine not necessarily anyone elses}. Lion O, I was never a fan of in the classic, I really didn't like him. This new version is slowly winning me over. Cheetara, was one of my favs and the new version I actually like better. Tygra I'm beginning to like. Panthro, my fav from the original, I'm coming around to his new look but the personally is really great in the new version. MummRa is pretty much the same so I'm good with it{though he seems alittle more menacing even in his mummy form than the original}. Now on to the Wilys and Snarf. Ok, I will draw fire Im sure for this but I HATED all three in the original. I hated their characters, I hated the humor that they were only used for, Snarf really was fingernails on a chalkboard for me. Now, for the new takes on them. I love the Wilys as street smart street urchins. Snarf is one of my favorites now. All three seem to still be used for comedy but in small very effective doses.

So while I will always love the classics, this new version seems well on its way to being a classic with me as well. So many shows/movies get redone and fall short of our classics so I'm so glad that isn't the case with Thundercats. Hooooo!

Goshjosh95 09-09-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by PANTHRO HOOO (Post 14810)
Now my impression after episode 7. I can't believe how good this show is. The stories are way better than the old series. Hell I even like how lion-o is drawn now that I'm used to it and Mumra looks amazing especially in episode 7 in his new forms. The Thundercats are aliens again wich opens up a lot of things I thought were out of the question. I'm amazed that the new characters are coming in so early. I mean companies revamp series to be lazy not create something new and awsome right? But this is no new vultron no he-man remake this is Thundercats 2011. The only cartoon I'm anxious to watch weekly as a grown ass man. So I'll be watching this show hopefully for years to come with a deluxe sword of omens in my hands wishing they made panthro look like panthro.


Originally Posted by decepticat (Post 14892)
So while I will always love the classics, this new version seems well on its way to being a classic with me as well. So many shows/movies get redone and fall short of our classics so I'm so glad that isn't the case with Thundercats. Hooooo!

I'm with you guys. As an older fan, I was wary of this new incarnation (didn't get my hopes up and kept the expectations low), but I am totally digging TC 2011! It has definitely become one of the shows I most eagerly look forward to each week... loving the clever twists and turns to the revamped mythology, nods to the OS fans, and killer animation. Here's hoping it catches on even more, and lasts several seasons.

Pravus Prime 09-10-2011 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Goshjosh95 (Post 15473)
I'm with you guys. As an older fan, I was wary of this new incarnation (didn't get my hopes up and kept the expectations low), but I am totally digging TC 2011! It has definitely become one of the shows I most eagerly look forward to each week... loving the clever twists and turns to the revamped mythology, nods to the OS fans, and killer animation. Here's hoping it catches on even more, and lasts several seasons.

Yeah, I'm pretty much in the same boat. I had pretty low expectations until I read an interview a few months back which got my hopes up a bit, but I still wasn't expecting much.

So far the new TC has been solidly entertaining.

Lion O of savannah 09-10-2011 11:10 AM

I am with you guys. Born in 1981, I liked the original show. I know it had some cheesy bits to it from time to time, but looking back at the show then and comparing it to the crud on tv today for kids, I am blessed to have watched the original. At least between cheesy bits, the cartoon taught us morals as children. Along with transformers and gi joe this line up was unstoppable on Saturday mornings. The new show bring me back to my childhood. I love the short intro, and when Lion O starts with extending the sword of omens I get goosebumps. My cousin and I act like little kids when the show come on, I eat a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and he eats milk and cookies, something we both did growing up watching the original show. I am thrilled by my new figure collection, (thanks Bandai) and after the first 8 episodes I have to say that I am hooked once again, I am hooked to this show and have the same giddyness the closer it gets to the end of the week for the next episode, just as I did when I was younger. I will be waiting patiently for the next batch of new episodes because I know it will be worth the wait.

Grune the Destroyer 09-22-2011 07:27 AM

Like you all, I grew up with the original. Have now watched episodes 1-2 of the new show (just shown in the UK) and I have to say this is amazing!

I think our wariness is in part due to the mess many other franchise relaunches make of it all. In my mind, the most successful prior to this was the 2002 Masters of the Universe cartoon, which the new T-Cats reminds me of in so many ways.

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