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Joe Moore 03-08-2012 12:22 PM

Discussion: Thundercats Season 1 Looking Back
Prep For Thundercats Season 2 By Looking Back On Season 1

Use this thread to share your favorite episodes, moments and even what you're looking forward to in Season 2

Ravenxl7 03-08-2012 03:04 PM

I've loved pretty much every episode so far. Forest of Magi Oar was a bit...odd, but I still liked it. I most especially love that they've been able to re-invent the show, yet keep so many of the concepts from the original. Even small references like the froog/frogdog, and even Spidera.

I'm looking forward to Addicus and Kaynar being introduced, and any of the other mutants too for that matter. An update to Vultureman has been mentioned, but that could have been just in reference to his species being there in the past.

I'm also looking forward to seeing how the relationship between Tygra and Cheetara evolves. I'm more than ok with them being a couple. Especially with their past. I'm not really looking forward to Lion-O being a jealous jerk, or certain fans continuing to complain...

I'm mostly looking forward to all future innovative references to things from the original show. Vehicles similar to the mutant skycutters and nosedivers would be pretty cool. Also, Mumm-Ra taking on some more varied forms would be nice to see.

Which reminds me, I'm really liking Mumm-Ra so far, and look forward to seeing more of him in future episodes. He's not exactly what I was hoping for, but he does the original justice while proving himself a decent update. I really love his ever-living design, and like the addition of the armor of Plundarr as a further power-up. I also really like the introduction of his own gauntlet/claw shield.

I'm more than ready for new episodes, so the twenty-fourth is going to be a big day.

Joe Moore 03-08-2012 03:21 PM

Other than the pilot, the real highlight episode was Legacy. The episode really fleshed out the back story of how these species wound up on 3rd Earth. It also gave me more than a few "Oh Shit!" moments, especially when both Leo and Mumm-Ra suited up into full armor. not to mention the nods to Tiger Sharks ans Silver Hawks.

Beyond that, I was kept entertained with every episode. that's something that hasn't happened with a modern toon in a longtime for me.

Ravenxl7 03-08-2012 03:30 PM

While I love the show as a whole, I do definitely agree that Legacy has been the highlight of the individual episodes. The combination of so many references, the explanation of how they all got to "Third Earth", the suspenseful story-line, and the epic fight between the armored Leo and Mumm-Ra just really makes it a great episode.

The only thing I would consider a downside, is that it spawned a lot of questions, for me at least, and the vast majority of them will probably never be answered. Like where are they actually from, how did Mumm-Ra enslave so many species, why did the cats work with him, what exactly is Mumm-Ra, and the list goes on...Still not a huge drawback, but a slight annoyance of the episode.

Would be great if they explained where they had been before all of what happened in Legacy went down, but I imagine what they'll show of the past from here on out will probably be explaining what happened between the crash and modern times. Which makes sense, since there's even more questions to be answered from that time period.

Joe Moore 03-08-2012 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 38804)
While I love the show as a whole, I do definitely agree that Legacy has been the highlight of the individual episodes. The combination of so many references, the explanation of how they all got to "Third Earth", the suspenseful story-line, and the epic fight between the armored Leo and Mumm-Ra just really makes it a great episode.

The only thing I would consider a downside, is that it spawned a lot of questions, for me at least, and the vast majority of them will probably never be answered. Like where are they actually from, how did Mumm-Ra enslave so many species, why did the cats work with him, what exactly is Mumm-Ra, and the list goes on...Still not a huge drawback, but a slight annoyance of the episode.

Would be great if they explained where they had been before all of what happened in Legacy went down, but I imagine what they'll show of the past from here on out will probably be explaining what happened between the crash and modern times. Which makes sense, since there's even more questions to be answered from that time period.

I'm hoping that does eventually lead to future episodes exploring their origins. The writers have done a great job of tying things together so far, while also leaving as many questions as they are answering. Also, I really hope the appearances of Mako and Mon-Starr were not one off appearances.

Grune the Destroyer 03-09-2012 10:32 AM

I have enjoyed every episode so far - I don't think I've ever seen a TV show (cartoon or otherwise) that seems to hit its stride so immediately. It's hard to pick a favourite, though "Origins" is hard to beat. I liked "Old Friends", "Between Brothers" and "Song of the Petalars" as well.

My two boys (aged 3 and 5) love the Duelist, and that's their fave episode.

I'm really looking forward to new episodes; it's a great show for me to watch with the kids.

Joe Moore 03-09-2012 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Grune the Destroyer (Post 38899)
I have enjoyed every episode so far - I don't think I've ever seen a TV show (cartoon or otherwise) that seems to hit its stride so immediately. It's hard to pick a favourite, though "Origins" is hard to beat. I liked "Old Friends", "Between Brothers" and "Song of the Petalars" as well.

My two boys (aged 3 and 5) love the Duelist, and that's their fave episode.

I'm really looking forward to new episodes; it's a great show for me to watch with the kids.

It's great to hear that your kids are digging the show. Really, the brand surviving beyond this initial offering by WB and Bandai will rely on kids becoming fans. My nephew (4) also like the show a lot.

Ravenxl7 03-09-2012 01:32 PM

I plan on introducing my nephew to the new show once the first full season is out on DVD. By then he'll be a little older, and will probably pay attention to it. I've been showing him episodes of the original show, and while he does pay some attention to it and enjoys it, it's mostly background noise to him now, lol. Though I might show him the Berbil episode one day while I have him. Sort of gauge how well he would pay attention to it.

adssse 03-09-2012 11:18 PM

I have really enjoyed the first season. I cant explain how happy and thankful I am to have Thundercats back. My daughter is 16 months old and I am hoping that the show continues on strong in the future so that she can enjoy the new (along with the old) series.

Balgus82 03-10-2012 11:20 PM

I like that they're not introducing everything all at once in the show. It's building and building and they're gradually getting things and characters that were in the OS. Though at the same time I'm impatient to see some of my favorite things. lol

Old Friends was my favorite episode of the first season because, to me, it felt the most like the OS (that one and Berbils). Though I really liked Journey to the Tower of Omens, Legacy, and episodes 10-13. I think they really hit their stride halfway through the shown episodes.

I'm looking forward to Kaynar and Addicus and Pumyra. Hope to see Mandora and the Snowman of Hook Mountain soon. And looking forward to learning where Tygra came from.

I introduced the show to my 13 year old nephew (new and old show). He was like "I'm too old for cartoons now, but Thundercats is ok because it's action!" lol

Eclipse 03-12-2012 05:38 PM

Our favorite episode is Song of the Petalars. Both girls (5 and 9) request to see it again often, although after it they want to watch the others as well. Not The Duelist and the Drifter, though, but please understand: they're girls!

The past few months we have been watching the old series which they claim they like better than the new one! I love that since this show started they have been steering away from the Barbie universe and have never considered it a boy's show.

Costumes requests for Halloween 2012: one Cheetara and one Wilikit :) I'm so screwed.

Grune the Destroyer 03-14-2012 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Eclipse (Post 39239)
The past few months we have been watching the old series which they claim they like better than the new one! I

Awesome. My youngest loves "The Trouble With Time" and "Terror of Hammerhand" episodes at the moment; speaking of which, I'd love to see Hammerhand and his crew reimagined for the new show.

And cool that your daughters love the "Song of the Petalers" episode; I really enjoy that one too... there's something so emotional and uplifting about the "moral"; it made it a real good one to watch with the kids.

Ruthie 03-16-2012 11:29 PM

You can tell the strength of a series by how "filler" episodes are utilized. Most producers use fillers as throwaways to pad the 24-26 episode demand. These tend to be weak outings that present nothing that adds to or takes away from the overall progression. In fact, the audience can skip these episodes with zero impact.

However, on occasion, you'll come across a series that leverages fillers for the purposes of the story line, infusing what could be a weak episode with enough care and meaning, that if the audience skips it, they will miss something critical to understanding subsequent episodes.

One can argue that S1 contained two fillers: SOTP and TD&TD. Yet, both were strong offerings that subtly pushed the arc forward while infusing emotion toward all of the main characters, even though most of them were off screen. It's difficult to achieve that level of story telling, especially in a first season, let alone one doused with all the hyper-expectations that inherently bind a reboot.

All that is to say that S1 was nothing short of a winner. I hope we can enjoy the same and even higher level of storytelling and quality in the upcoming season.

Eclipse 03-17-2012 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Grune the Destroyer (Post 39412)
Awesome. My youngest loves "The Trouble With Time" and "Terror of Hammerhand" episodes at the moment; speaking of which, I'd love to see Hammerhand and his crew reimagined for the new show.

And cool that your daughters love the "Song of the Petalers" episode; I really enjoy that one too... there's something so emotional and uplifting about the "moral"; it made it a real good one to watch with the kids.

We also had to deal with two big losses last year. We (parents) never used the episode as a tool to deal with all that happened, though, but the girls did a whole of reading between the lines on their own. There's no way it wouldn't have touched our hearts.


Originally Posted by Ruthie (Post 39735)
You can tell the strength of a series by how "filler" episodes are utilized. Most producers use fillers as throwaways to pad the 24-26 episode demand. These tend to be weak outings that present nothing that adds to or takes away from the overall progression. In fact, the audience can skip these episodes with zero impact.

However, on occasion, you'll come across a series that leverages fillers for the purposes of the story line, infusing what could be a weak episode with enough care and meaning, that if the audience skips it, they will miss something critical to understanding subsequent episodes.

One can argue that S1 contained two fillers: SOTP and TD&TD. Yet, both were strong offerings that subtly pushed the arc forward while infusing emotion toward all of the main characters, even though most of them were off screen. It's difficult to achieve that level of story telling, especially in a first season, let alone one doused with all the hyper-expectations that inherently bind a reboot.

All that is to say that S1 was nothing short of a winner. I hope we can enjoy the same and even higher level of storytelling and quality in the upcoming season.

Funny how those two filler eps are the ones most people quote as favorites. Although they are also the ones most other people quote as "hated them" :D

Ravenxl7 03-17-2012 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ruthie (Post 39735)
All that is to say that S1 was nothing short of a winner. I hope we can enjoy the same and even higher level of storytelling and quality in the upcoming season.

Not to be Mr. Correcty here, but we haven't seen all of season one yet, only the first half. Apparently CN is splitting them into thirteen episode sections, even though WB is making them to be twenty-six episode seasons.

Anyways, as for the two filler episodes mentioned. I'm not really a fan of either one, tbh. Though I do recognize that while each was a filler episode, they still managed to continue the development of the show to a certain extent. Not something that most shows are capable of these days.

vantheman77 03-31-2012 03:53 PM

The first season was pretty good in that we see the Thundercats work together to find the Book of Omens and Spirit Stone. The highlights of the first season were Omens, Journey To The Tower of Omens, Legacy, Berbils, and Between Brothers.

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