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thatboywhite 12-07-2011 12:28 PM

4" bandai figures worthless?
hey all, just wondering if anyone noticed how worthless the 4" figures are?

ebay was flooded and people are listing mint on card lots for a loss (after ebay and paypal take their cut).

may be another situation of "people who wanted them bought them and no one else cares"

Pravus Prime 12-07-2011 01:53 PM

I'm betting a high number are scalper types who bought them hoping to resell them during a shortage for a lot of money during the Christmas rush. Since that didn't happen, they now have to unload them and to do so, they'll have to take a pretty substantial loss.

Similar to the scalpers who were buying 10 MOTUC figures each month to sell on eBay for a profit after they had sold out in 30 minutes at Mattels website who are now losing their shirts since supply and demand more or less have caught up with each other.

Sometimes it works out in their favor though. The first Transformers Live Action Movie toys had such a shortage at Christmastime that those who stocked up beforehand made a killing during that time, selling a $10 Deluxe for $60 or more.

That said, I'm not saying they all are, but I'm betting a large chunk of them are speculating sellers. ThunderCats are only at a few stores (And Target wasn't/isn't one of them), they were first out online and quickly sold out there, the Cartoon got decent ratings, all the elements were there for them to see an opportunity and try to capitalize on it.

Steevy Maximus 12-08-2011 09:27 PM

With very few exceptions (Transformers 1 being a Prime example), NOTHING aimed at kids and sold at multiple big retailers will be worth anything. Assuming things are in supply, collectors can generally find what they want at retail, and parents don't give enough of a shit to spend the money on eBay.

General rule of thumb on toy speculating: what you think will be a major hit won't be, and what you least expect to sell will be what sells the best. Unless you have a crystal ball that works, speculator buying is a waste of time and money.

Dr Kain 12-13-2011 01:43 AM

I bought all of them and now I regret it. They suck. In fact, the only Thundercats I do not regret buying now are the 6inch Lion-O, Mumm-Ra, and Panthro. ALl of the 4inchers and the 8inchers were a waste of my money. I want a refund on them.

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