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Fist Pounder 03-14-2012 08:03 PM

Wave 1 valuable in the future?
I think with a promising line like this we are bound to see plenty of different scales and variation on the cats.

So I think the initial 3 by 4 inch set of cats will prove popular. I mean people who missed out will certainly buy the new panthro or liono.

While I dont collect Power Rangers myself there is nothing like seeing a classic set of Red Blue Yellow Black Pink Green and White Rangers standing on somebody's shelf. Without head flipping gimmicks or shiny armor, extra armor, jungle force, space force extra sized weapons etc.

At the end of the day I think a collector will want the originals.

Sort of like if they make a grune for the basic line I dont think he will be as desirable as the deluxe version, I mean how can you make a grune without his main weapon?

I know where my cats are destined to be 30 years from now though, proudly displayed in my cabinet with my original collection.

adssse 03-14-2012 09:16 PM

I cant speculate about how valuable they may be, but I do agree with you that I hold a special place in my heart for the originals.

Grune the Warrior 03-14-2012 10:33 PM

We can never speculate for sure, but I just don't see the strong collector base for this show (and many modern shows in general) that the shows of our youths had. Thus, I'm not convinced future demand will be there. Many toys are a dying breed with today's children, eliminating a big chunk of collectors who would want these figures in the future for nostalgic purposes.

IndyCat 03-15-2012 08:52 AM

I think partially, its due to the toy quality. "They just arent made like they used to". Some toys now are nice, but I just dont seem the same quality from old toys. Compare the Thundertanks. the new one has thinner plastic, gimmicks that really dont work, cockpit lid that falls off....the only thing negative about the old thundertank it the treads seem to break. but otherwise its built like a...well...tank. Same thing with the Cats lair and the Tower of omens. Not sure if they are really even comparible, but when was the last time you saw a playset the scale of the cats lair.....that didnt cost $200. Most toys now are over priced, over produced, cheap plastic gimmicks.

also "variants" (what a joke) like the grune with Thundercats logo, or Tygra with short whip, or Cartoon Logo packaging arent collectables at all (atleast not to me) and from similar instances with other toy lines, those Factory Errors, only appeal to a handful of people.

as for being valuable in the future. doubtful. they are so OVERPRODUCED its not even funny, not to mentiopn that overall lack of interest. Sure lots of kids and collectors love them but not like the scale back in the day. There are WAY more shows today then back in the 80's for kids to watch. so the base consumer is going to be more spread across different brands then just a handful.

I collect the modern Thundercats because I love Thundercats. I collect the vintage Thundercats because I love them.

Do I expect to pay for my kids college tuition on them. no.
Am I collecting just to make a profit on them in a few years. no.

Grune the Destroyer 03-15-2012 09:15 AM

Sorry, OP, Wave 1 won't be worth anything financially in the future. As with 95% of all modern toys, the industry and market forces don't allow anything to mature into a collectable (as opposed to stuff from 1970s/1980s - but even then its mostly packaged stuff).

But that doesn't mean it won't be worth ANYTHING at all; far from it. These are great toys, and will be worth exactly what you no doubt get out of it now - lots of fun :-)

Kregermeister 03-15-2012 10:54 AM

If anything the figures with CN on them MAY be worth at least 20-30 each in about 20 years.

Tracer 03-16-2012 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 39558)
as for being valuable in the future. doubtful. they are so OVERPRODUCED its not even funny, not to mention that overall lack of interest. Sure lots of kids and collectors love them but not like the scale back in the day.

With the exception of a couple of the later releases I have to agree with this.

Ravenxl7 03-17-2012 01:08 PM

I think eventually the line as a whole might gain some value, but it won't be too much. Certain figures will gain some additional value do to being short-packed or otherwise difficult to find when initially released. When the line does one-day end, depending on distribution and what-not, some of the last wave might gain some additional value too.

Key word in all of this is "might".

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