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englishw 06-19-2012 12:18 PM

My Tygra came without a whip...
Okay, first off, I am incredibly careful with my toys and all my things. I'm one of those guys who will look through every single carded toy on the shelf to make sure I buy the one with the card in the absolute best shape. I might even go to a different store if there isn't one that meets my standards... that being said:

My case of 6" figures came today at work. I opened the box and examined the packaging of the two 6" Tygra figures to see which was in best shape so I could open the other. In my rush of excitement, I didn't fully inspect the figure that I was opening because I was opening it. I carefully slit the tape so that I could keep the packaging in good condition. I pulled out the figure, pulled out the gun, put the gun in his holster, set him on my desk, and then started looking for the whip... and it was no where to be found. I have a very clean desk and the case never travelled once it was open. It is sitting next to my desk. My packaged Tygra has a whip, but there is no whip on my desk, on the floor, in the packaging, in the garbage (yes, I emptied my entire garbage and transferred it piece by piece into another), or anywhere... and I'm SURE it is not here. I believe that it did not come with a whip. Damn, I wish I would have taken a picture of them both before opening... I almost did. GAH!!!!

Anyone have any experience with toys (hard to find toys especially) not coming with accessories? I emailed Bandai and I'm debating calling them.

Suggestions?? =o(

hollowdheart 06-19-2012 12:55 PM

If you can't get another whip via bandai, maybe someone would sell you one from their Tygra?

Kregermeister 06-19-2012 01:20 PM

Call them. Bandai has always been great about sending replacement parts. Sometimes they use to send me free toys just for a weapon! It was bizzare. Great company, bad marketing, bad decisions.

englishw 08-27-2012 01:26 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I wanted to post an update. First, I contacted BBTS and they issued me a $7 credit since they did not have a case in-stock to swap with me. I thought that was excellent, but I still didn't have my whip. So, I contacted Bandai. They took their time, but they mailed me a whip for no charge! Yay customer service for both of them! Love it =o)

adssse 08-27-2012 08:18 PM

Cool. Glad to hear it worked out for you.

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