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Nekomen 02-12-2011 04:13 PM

CGI Thundercats
Saw this today.
YouTube - Flixist Exclusive (Flixclusive): Thundercats CG Footage

Thought it might be interesting, this news came from Flixclusive: Thundercats reboot footage

Claims to be reboot footage for the CG Thundercats movie. Guess we are getting one, and it won't be live action.

No clue if it's legit or not. Looks pretty professionally done to be a fake though. So I side with legit for now.

Snarf 02-12-2011 06:41 PM

io9. We come from the future.
From the update on the article:

UPDATE: It looks like this is from an abandoned Thundercats CG movie from a couple years back. A curiosity, yes, but not from the new series.
Looked interesting, though I don't know how I feel about a wise-cracking Lion-O...

Nekomen 02-12-2011 09:07 PM

Didn't think it was part of the new show as that's obviously traditional animation, but that's good to know if it was the shelved CG movie from before.

Shares a lot of the same design cues as the current series though, so it's interesting from a progressive standpoint of the designs.

Considering the shared design cues, I wouldn't be surprised if the new series does well, that this ends up becoming something again and unshelved for theaters. Or if it may already being thought about to do that with the current positive fan reaction to the new.

I find it kind of interesting from the standpoint of his immaturity.
Shows the potential to have had him grow up and mature, similiar to how the original went through that growth period and adjusting to his new age. Kind of the 'heroes journey' from immature prince brat, to authoritive mature leader. It does reference his father as still being alive which would coincide with that.

Joe Moore 02-12-2011 10:31 PM

I thought it was pretty fun. Would have been interesting to see that fully fleshed out.

Snarf_snarf 02-12-2011 10:46 PM

The end scene...........what the hell?

Pravus Prime 02-12-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Snarf_snarf (Post 1401)
The end scene...........what the hell?

I LOL'd.

Lion-O* 02-12-2011 11:18 PM

I very much enjoyed watching this. Would love to see more like this.

dolza_khyron 02-12-2011 11:26 PM

Yea this was pretty cool; though not sure what it has to do with thundercats, other then the fact that they are named after the thundercats, characters LOL

Tracer 02-12-2011 11:43 PM

I guess I'm one of the few that feels like we dodged a MAJOR bullet with this one. That's one way to make sure a franchise stays dead forever.

JohnnyAngel77 02-13-2011 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 1415)
I guess I'm one of the few that feels like we dodged a MAJOR bullet with this one. That's one way to make sure a franchise stays dead forever.

Possibly. I dunno though, I've always been a fan who would rather have something mediocre than nothing at all. The wisecracks from Lion-o though, eh, I can live without.

Transformed 02-13-2011 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 1403)
I LOL'd.

Me too.

I didn't care for the new teen Lion-O, but it looked pretty good.

I hope the new Thundercats isn't quite like what we just watched *crosses fingers*

Smasher 02-13-2011 03:37 AM

I hope the new cartoon is NOTHING like that at all.
I hated just about every second of it.

rodster6 02-13-2011 07:54 AM

I hate heros who act mouthy and ignorant.

dragon 02-13-2011 10:19 AM

i like it i would perfer live action but cgi is cheap i suppose like how liono actsin this it shows how much of littel cokcy kid that he is who got lucky by winnnign against slithe maybe hell change when movie progress further end was good unexpected.

i expected ending from willy kit or willy cat

Ashley 02-13-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 1415)
I guess I'm one of the few that feels like we dodged a MAJOR bullet with this one. That's one way to make sure a franchise stays dead forever.

No I totally agree that we seem to have dodged a major bullet to the back of the head with a movie like that. Just look at how the Teenage Mutant Turtles couldn't get off the ground after their animated movie did not appeal as widely as they hoped it would.

I kind of feel like someone made a wise choice to shelve this and wait until they had something to really capture kids imaginations. In a way a cartoon series rather than a cartoon movie seems like the best way to get positive attention.

Pink Panthro 02-13-2011 02:25 PM

That was a perfect blend of action, comedy, and art. im going to love this.

Lody 02-13-2011 04:21 PM


Just Wow

Did they capture so much of the right elements there

I am disappointed yet again that this won't see the light of day ATM

Thundercat 02-13-2011 04:22 PM

Wow, this was pretty cool.

Bujo 02-13-2011 09:01 PM

Ha! that video was great. I cringed a little watching him bang his sword into the rocks. That's no way to treat a sword. I really like the CGI work. The wise cracks ad smack talk is great, especially that last couple seconds. And finally, we get a protagonist who isn't a whiny, pansy-ass, wanker. I'm digging it.

Bujo 02-13-2011 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by rodster6 (Post 1442)
I hate heros who act mouthy and ignorant.

I hate heroes who are whiny, pansy-ass, bitches. Smack talk for the win!

Bravestarr 02-14-2011 11:57 AM

Would have loved to see this as a movie or series....Great stuff.

Joe Moore 02-14-2011 03:21 PM

I've watched it a few more times. I still enjoyed it. I can see why some were put off by the tone, but I thought it was fun. And this was only test stuff anyway. Not necessarily how the final product would have played out. It's all moot now though, which is a shame.

Icespark 02-14-2011 06:03 PM

Well, that was an interesting video.

I'm not certain what to think of it; I still don't care for the Lion-O design used, and Slythe was rather odd too.

On the other hand, speaking purely of the animation, it was very nicely done. The CGI had a very polished look to it, and felt very smooth and fluid.

As far as writing, it was rather painful to watch Lion-O randomly smashing his sword into a rock; though, I'll admit that the ending did make me laugh, though, it was because of how ridiculous it was.

For the style chosen, I like the designs for the new series that we are getting much more.

I'm glad to see this was posted though; it's always interesting see stuff that we never knew existed, or was thought lost. :)

Reeds 02-14-2011 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 1415)
I guess I'm one of the few that feels like we dodged a MAJOR bullet with this one. That's one way to make sure a franchise stays dead forever.

I'm totally with you here. That was so generic and uninspired. You could've turned that into a non-TCats clip in no time. Hell, it might have been something else originally. Very disappointing. Glad that's dead.

Don't pee on my TCats, Hollywood!

Ravenxl7 02-15-2011 12:23 AM

Not all that bad. Not exactly sure what I think of the styling of it, but the quality was certainly nice. A Thundercats movie is something that I would go see pretty much no matter what, lol, so hopefully it does get made eventually.

Mako Crab 02-16-2011 10:46 AM

Meh. Didn't appeal to me. I've seen the cocky hero schtick done better than this. And I'm sorry, but Lion-O wears blue. :p

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