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NIBMRatchet 10-05-2013 01:50 AM

Amazing Japanese & Egyptian Thundercats From Phil Postma
14 Attachment(s)
Canadian artist Phil Postma posted these amazing Thundercats Characters if they were Japanese & Egyptian:

MINION FACTORY: Beware The Thunder!

I'd love to see them in a cartoon.

adssse 10-05-2013 08:46 AM

I saw these a week or two ago and was somewhat lukewarm on the designs, however every time I look at these I like them more and more. There are certain aspects that I still don't care for. The first version of Lion-O seem a bit old to me. I have trouble getting over whatever is on the head of the decayed Mumm-ra and Monkian doesn't resemble a monkey enough for my liking. However these are very well done, and I particularly like Panthro, Mumm-ra (everliving), Slithe and Jackalman.

Pravus Prime 10-05-2013 09:50 PM

I like many of them, though my least favorite is the Wendigo-like Monkian.

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