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DESTRO 02-06-2011 05:13 PM

G.I. Joe Renegades The HUB
What does everybody think of the new G.I. Joe Renegades Cartoon?

Tygra 02-07-2011 05:37 PM

I'm not too crazy about Zartan and the Dreadnoks, but other than that, I think it's brilliant.

Echo7Solo 02-07-2011 05:39 PM

I think this is hands down the best GI Joe cartoon ever as far as writing goes. The animation style is growing on me too.

MegaPrime33 02-07-2011 05:41 PM

I think it's pretty decent so far, but I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan. The stories have been decent, and I like how they cleverly "introduce" a new Joe. I'll keep watching.

C.I.A.D. 02-07-2011 05:43 PM

G.I.Joe sucks!


All kidding aside, absolutely love it. The story telling is what makes it for me...but the art is starting to grow on me a bit. That said, not digging the Trap-Jaw style Destro hopefully he gets an IG upgrade soon!

Echo7Solo 02-07-2011 05:44 PM

yeah the helmet doesn't look like what I expected it too but want to see him in full gear first. Plus I'd like to see how they use it. I do dig his voice.

Sabien 02-07-2011 06:55 PM

It's fair. Not bad by a long shot. Probably the best cartoon the Joes have had. But it's not leaving me with baited breath. Seems like things started to pick up last episode, so maybe that will change.

Dawg99 02-07-2011 07:25 PM

it's been ok so far from what i've seen still not sold on it completely though

Wilyjo 08-06-2011 05:14 AM

First time I've actually been a fan of 'Joe stuff, and with the 'hiatus' on this now, I'm very afraid we won't see it come back, which is sad, because I thought it was really good and it deserves to continue, at least past one season :/

That 'Brand confusion' thing Hasbro does is ugh.

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