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Michael'O 02-26-2011 11:47 AM

From the 4" line what do people want to see?
The question is in the title, from the 4" line what do people want to see?

Now I am not familiar with the Comics thundercats, however you can list these characters as well.

The ones I would like to see made in this line are as follows:

Snowman and Snowmeow
Tuska Warrior
Claudis and Kano
Snarfer (Although we do have Snarf so Snarfer isn't really that hard to make)
Ben Gali
Thunderian Guardsman
Egbert and Oswald (Snarfs cousins)
General Lupus

Ma Mutt
Reptilian Mutant Warrior
Jackalman Warrior
The Entire Lunataks
The Entire Berserkers
Queen Tartara
Captain Shiner
Captain Cracker
The Demolisher
Safari Joe
Lady Diablador

These are the ones I would like to see, and I am sure the show will have others I want, so what would you like to see.

Ravenxl7 02-26-2011 09:25 PM

Beyond Panthro, there really isn't that much from this line I plan on getting. However I would love to see Ma-Mutt made at some point, and a separate release of Snarf of some sort. The Thundertank looks cool, but if I could get Snarf some other...cheaper way, I would.

Might sound odd, but a modern Panthro figure painted up so that his outfit is colored like the original Panthro's would be nice to see. Sort of like the G1 repaints of TF movie figures...except it's Thundercats, lol.

dolza_khyron 02-27-2011 06:01 AM

all the above, PLUS new characters, :)

Valdin 02-27-2011 05:27 PM

All of the above as well, and a Cats Lair, Mummra's Tomb and Pyramid, more vehicles etc.

docfairday 03-07-2011 11:55 AM

I wish this line looked more like the classic figures instead of anime. I too like the Panthro we have seen as there are some cool Joe style customs that can be made out of him, but for Thundercats it's not working for me. Maybe once the cartoon hits the airwaves I will change my mind. As of now there aren't a whole lot of things i am hoping for with this line.
What I would like to see is super hero squad scale of classic figures and modern figures. But I am sure I am in a very small demographic for that want.

GK Punk 03-07-2011 12:19 PM

Ignoring the characters we know we are getting, I'd really like Hachiman.


Originally Posted by docfairday (Post 2517)
What I would like to see is super hero squad scale of classic figures and modern figures. But I am sure I am in a very small demographic for that want.

I would love that!

trebleshot 03-09-2011 10:05 AM

I think I made a list like this in on of the other threads (or it could have been on Toyark), but aside from the main cast I'd probably want the later additions (Ben-Gali, etc) and some of the one-offs (Pumm-Ra is at the top).

Who knows, I might jump down the rabbit hole and pick up every one they make. It all depends on how they are in-hand.


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 2133)
Might sound odd, but a modern Panthro figure painted up so that his outfit is colored like the original Panthro's would be nice to see. Sort of like the G1 repaints of TF movie figures...except it's Thundercats, lol.

This, too. Definitely. THIS.

printer6 03-15-2011 03:51 PM

Depends who they actually use in the show, and what they look like. With only the trailer to go on for the new series, I'd say Jaga, Lion-O's dad, and some of the other Thunderian citizens. Oh, and some of the lizardmen too.

GK Punk 03-15-2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by printer6 (Post 2824)
Depends who they actually use in the show, and what they look like. With only the trailer to go on for the new series, I'd say Jaga, Lion-O's dad, and some of the other Thunderian citizens. Oh, and some of the lizardmen too.

It'd be cool to have some of those Lizardmen as troop builder type figs.

Joe Moore 03-18-2011 10:46 AM

Besides the characters, I really want to see some really nice vehicles and play sets. Play sets seem so rare anymore, unless your into Star Wars. The Thundertank is a move in the right direction, I just hope that's not all they are planning.

Michael'O 07-29-2011 08:26 PM

I have to admit the new series is just as good as the old one, I am loving it so far.

Good Lizardman
Lizard Guard
Thundercat Guard
Thundercat Cleric

The Tree with the Bell
Mech Suits
Big Weird Stone Thing
Cat-Horse thing

dolza_khyron 07-30-2011 06:39 AM

mech suits, and i want them to be in scale with the gi joe ones too!

Tony_Bacala 07-30-2011 10:18 AM

Those Joe mech suits failed hard at retail. I hope they don't go too big with those.

But, now that I've seen the show, some Thunderian guards, in the knights armor, would be cool. Maybe do a couple different ones, or offer different heads so you can have a mix like the show - showed. Troop building Thundercats! :)

Same goes for the lizards. Lizard warrior, several different, for troop building.

In scale Claudis.

Ravenxl7 07-30-2011 12:24 PM

After seeing the premiere, there's several must-haves on my list, but one in particular sticks out to me. Lynx-O. Even though he had a relatively minor role in the premiere, I'm hoping he shows up again. I would absolutely love to see a toy made of him. He'd definitely be a buy-on-first-sight kind of figure, and the same goes for Monkian if he ever comes into play/gets a toy.

Tracer 07-31-2011 02:58 AM

Maybe I'm reading the OP wrong but hey didn't announce a 4" Classics line did they?

From the new show Jaga, Claudius, Lynx-O, Driller, Skinny Lizard

Ravenxl7 07-31-2011 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 8282)
Maybe I'm reading the OP wrong but hey didn't announce a 4" Classics line did they?

From the new show Jaga, Claudius, Lynx-O

No, the only Classics figures are the 8" scaled one's. All of the 4" and 6" scaled figures are based off of the new show.

Tracer 07-31-2011 04:36 PM

Got ya, the initial list threw me off knowing that those are all classic characters.

I'd also like to see Mandora show up at some point and get the 4" treatment.

Ravenxl7 07-31-2011 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 8335)
Got ya, the initial list threw me off knowing that those are all classic characters.

It's full of wishful thinking, lol.


Originally Posted by Tracer (Post 8335)
I'd also like to see Mandora show up at some point and get the 4" treatment.

Mandora would be interesting, and she could easily be released with her hover-bike thing at the same price-point as the Thundercycles and Lizard cannon.

LordLionO 08-01-2011 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by GK Punk (Post 2825)
It'd be cool to have some of those Lizardmen as troop builder type figs.

Yep, some army builders in this line would be great.

As far as I'm concerned, the more characters, the better. King Claudius is at the top of my list right now, really dug him in the premiere.

Ravenxl7 08-01-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by LordLionO (Post 8449)
Yep, some army builders in this line would be great.

As far as I'm concerned, the more characters, the better. King Claudius is at the top of my list right now, really dug him in the premiere.

Would be interesting, imho, to release the generic lizard that repayed the favor to Lion-O and Tygra, and market him as a cook. Sort of make him a reference to the cook that was in one episode of the original show.

Claudus is definitely a must-have for me when he's inevitably made. I'm not sure they'll think to do it, but I'd love to see him released at the basic vehicle price point with one of those cat/horse creatures.

nitewing73 08-02-2011 11:20 AM

After the Original Thundercats and Snarf, I hope to see Pumyra, Bengali, and Lynx-O.
I'd also love to see Hachiman, Snowman (if either show up in the new show), the Original Mutants.

I'd love for them to do King Claudus and Jaga and the Clerics.

Trukkinmunky 08-05-2011 03:55 PM

Does anyone know when Grune, and all the other Lynx gimmick figures will be coming out?

Steevy Maximus 08-06-2011 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Trukkinmunky (Post 8994)
Does anyone know when Grune, and all the other Lynx gimmick figures will be coming out?

They should be hitting retail in the next few weeks as stores reset for Christmas.
Remember Grune and transformed Mumm-Ra are part of the deluxe figure assortment, not the basic assortment with the core TCats.

Michael'O 08-06-2011 01:15 PM

Ok we have another episode down and from what was shown last night what would you like from the episode.

My wants are as follows:

Ramlak (Basically the Captain's Moby Dick), if Star Wars can do a Sarlac then I see no reason we can't have a Ramlak.
Lizard Vehicle
Sand Ship

Captain Tunar
Koi Cook
Koi Pirate (W/Multiple Heads)

Nekomen 08-06-2011 01:15 PM

Pumyra is all I really want to balance out the female side more.

Tracer 08-06-2011 03:26 PM

I was hoping they were going in this direction. Its all kind of awesome that Jaga is still alive. I really hope they somehow free him and he ends up in the main cast. He definitely needs a figure or two now.

Trukkinmunky 08-06-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Steevy Maximus (Post 9055)
They should be hitting retail in the next few weeks as stores reset for Christmas.
Remember Grune and transformed Mumm-Ra are part of the deluxe figure assortment, not the basic assortment with the core TCats.

Thanks. I can't wait for these guys. Along with plenty of Lizard men :)

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