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hollowdheart 03-31-2012 09:23 AM

I mean, it's just not making anyone look good when they keep bringing it up. And i didn't like the whole exchange between Cheetara and Lion-o about mixed signals this episode. We get it already.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 09:25 AM

for once I agree with you. That scene just made things more confusing for no apparent reason.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42121)
I mean, it's just not making anyone look good when they keep bringing it up. And i didn't like the whole exchange between Cheetara and Lion-o about mixed signals this episode. We get it already.

They're just pouring salt in the wounds at this point. I asked once before, who exactly was the target audience for this triangle?

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 09:28 AM

Though i do wonder how Lion-o will act around her after he gets done with the Trials. And if Lion-o will tell the others about what happened in them.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42122)
for once I agree with you. That scene just made things more confusing for no apparent reason.

I think our being sick of the triangle has unified us all.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42120)
Yeah having Lion-O loose is one thing, but giving him (and some of the audience) false hope is kinda cruel if she stays with Tygra.


stormbringer 03-31-2012 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42124)
Though i do wonder how Lion-o will act around her after he gets done with the Trials. And if Lion-o will tell the others about what happened in them.

Lion-o will probably be less angry. I'm not sure if he will go into detail about the trials though.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:31 AM

Why is it so easy for her to flirt with lion-o.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42124)
Though i do wonder how Lion-o will act around her after he gets done with the Trials. And if Lion-o will tell the others about what happened in them.

He will go about it differently.:D

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42125)
I think our being sick of the triangle has unified us all.

This why they should've left romance out.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42128)
Why is it so easy for her to flirt with lion-o.

Maybe she's just used to being really close with people like that? Or maybe she thought she was being motherly to him?

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42131)
Maybe she's just used to being really close with people like that? Or maybe she thought she was being motherly to him?

But she is a cleric and she didn't do that with anyone else. She kissed tygra, because they were together.

Motherly, well my mother never did that.

It is only with lion-o she acts this way.

If that is how she is, I don't think jaga would've ask her to look over lion-o.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42132)
But she is a cleric and she didn't do that with anyone else. She kissed tygra, because they were together.

Motherly, well my mother never did that.

It is only with lion-o she acts this way.

If that is how she is, I don't think jaga would've ask her to look over lion-o.

The writers seem to want to keep the triangle alive no matter what. Despite the fact the audience just wants them to bury it.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42133)
The writers seem to want to keep the triangle alive no matter what. Despite the fact the audience just wants them to bury it.

Well, you would be surprised how many people love love triangles. But they are done really well.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42135)
Well, you would be surprised how many people love love triangles. But they are done really well.

Sadly though, this one is not.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42136)
Sadly though, this one is not.

In away it looks like they are going for the shock value.

They do the flashback and then cheetara chooses tygra. It looks like it is over, but here we go again more L/C stuff.

It seems like everything lion-o wants or is trying to achieve, they are making it impossible to reach.

If they did T/C real well in the begining, I don't think many would complain.

Ravenxl7 03-31-2012 09:56 AM

Another great episode. Only confusing part, for me, was the cheek kiss. Who knows, maybe that was meant to confuse both Lion-O and the audience? Other than that, the only part that didn't quite make sense to me, was Lion-O not even attempting to use the gauntlet's claws to catch himself. It's not like he's unfamiliar with that trick, as he used it back when going after the Wraiths.

Tygra's not as bad of a leader as the spoilers made him out to be. In fact I would say for the little time he's been king, he's done alright. Going back for Lion-O wouldn't have made sense. They need to at least try to get the sword back before Slithe can deliver it to Mumm-Ra.

I loved his plan for getting away from the generals. Seemed like it was going nowhere, what with him getting the s@#% beat out of him, but it definitely worked.

Lion-O's trials are going pretty good so far, I like that there are similarities to the original's trials without needing to be the same trials. I'm assuming Panthro will probably be next, as I'm sure their saving Tygra for last.

It's nice to see Lion-O learning some good hard lessons. Hopefully going through these trials will help him loose some of his arrogance. Tygra was right when he said he could learn from them.

It was a rather tiny detail, but I appreciate that they added some, for want of a better term, monkey sounds into his voice. Wasn't more than once or twice in the episode, but it was still a nice touch.

Should be interesting to see what happens in the next episode.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42137)
In away it looks like they are going for the shock value.

They do the flashback and then cheetara chooses tygra. It looks like it is over, but here we go again more L/C stuff.

It seems like everything lion-o wants or is trying to achieve, they are making it impossible to reach.

If they did T/C real well in the begining, I don't think many would complain.

Yeah its like we said before, if they just did T/C from the start, and skipped the triangle stuff, we wouldn't have had a problem with it.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42141)
Yeah its like we said before, if they just did T/C from the start, and skipped the triangle stuff, we wouldn't have had a problem with it.

You notice tygra was able to get out of being captured, but what happen in 14.

To make even more confusing, why didn't cheetara give tygra a cheek kiss after all that?:D

stormbringer 03-31-2012 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42142)
You notice tygra was able to get out of being captured, but what happen in 14.

To make even more confusing, why didn't cheetara give tygra a cheek kiss after all that?:D

These writers are a confusing bunch.:D

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42145)
These writers are a confusing bunch.:D

You know they are doing it all on purpose.

Again, tygra issues will lion-o is about him being worthy to be king in his eyes.

I think lion-o is jealous of T/C.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42142)
You notice tygra was able to get out of being captured, but what happen in 14.

Tygra didn't get out on his own. He only took a beating as a distraction while the twins picked their locks. He never broke his own chains.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 42147)
Tygra didn't get out on his own. He only took a beating as a distraction while the twins picked their locks. He never broke his own chains.

He is the master of his whip and could of done the samething.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 10:35 AM

I don't think he can control his whip with his mind this time like he seemed to be able to do sometimes in the OS.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:42 AM

I guess we will have to wait for that.

KurtulanSama 03-31-2012 10:44 AM

I hate when I'm not able to watch a TV Show with everyone else...

CCDustyV 03-31-2012 10:45 AM

haven't seen the ep yet (still at work and couldn't resist to check the forum :D ) but I haven't ruled out L/C actually being the final pairing, and the T/C is just a big red herring. it's a classic love triangle ploy, one takes the lead early on only to switch up toward the end. they wouldn't still be tossing the undercurrent hints for L/C if they didn't have something up their sleaves... or just the writers are all sadistic jerks...

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by KurtulanSama (Post 42154)
I hate when I'm not able to watch a TV Show with everyone else...

It should be on one of the anime links.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by CCDustyV (Post 42155)
haven't seen the ep yet (still at work and couldn't resist to check the forum :D ) but I haven't ruled out L/C actually being the final pairing, and the T/C is just a big red herring. it's a classic love triangle ploy, one takes the lead early on only to switch up toward the end. they wouldn't still be tossing the undercurrent hints for L/C if they didn't have something up their sleaves... or just the writers are all sadistic jerks...

Agree. That is how most of the triangles go.

It is like the writers are making everything out of reach for lion-o.

It was like the AP cheetara was telling lion-o he was going about it the wrong way.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:50 AM

I hope lion-o adopts the kids at the end.

Lion-O* 03-31-2012 10:56 AM

Why didn't Panthro use his super-stretchy arms to save Lion-O when Lion-O was falling ? Why didn't Lion-O use the claw shield grappling line to save himself from falling ?
Why didn't any of the Thundercats mourn Lion-O's "death" ?
The Thundercats all seemed very glad to have Tygra as their leader.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Lion-O* (Post 42160)
Why didn't Panthro use his super-stretchy arms to save Lion-O when Lion-O was falling ? Why didn't Lion-O use the claw shield grappling line to save himself from falling ?
Why didn't any of the Thundercats mourn Lion-O's "death" ?
The Thundercats all seemed very glad to have Tygra as their leader.

Cheetara said there would be a time to mourn after they got away to kit.

I don't think they were happy. They were probably happy to get away.

Tygra did do a good job, they were about to kill them.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lion-O* (Post 42160)
Why didn't Panthro use his super-stretchy arms to save Lion-O when Lion-O was falling ? Why didn't Lion-O use the claw shield grappling line to save himself from falling ?
Why didn't any of the Thundercats mourn Lion-O's "death" ?
The Thundercats all seemed very glad to have Tygra as their leader.

can't answer the first two questions, but as for the mourning they still have a job to do and sitting around moping isn't going to get it done.

Like Cheetara said there would be time for mourning when they deal with Slithe and the rest of his group.

I definately wouldn't say none of them mourn him. Kit especially refused to believe he died and left him a little bread crumb trail to follow. And don't forget how Tygra yelled "This is for Lion-O!" when he was fighting.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42146)
You know they are doing it all on purpose.

Again, tygra issues will lion-o is about him being worthy to be king in his eyes.

I think lion-o is jealous of T/C.

I think when Lion-o returns, that a lot of the issues between Lion-o and Tygra will go away. Lion-o will have gotten over his jealously of T/C, and Tygra will be glad to have his brother back.

CCDustyV 03-31-2012 01:03 PM

what I would love to see for the ending of the 2 parter:

Lion O helps the team escape, but they don't realize it. They then proceed to have a funeral for him, and each finally taking a moment to break down and greave. Then after each share how much they cared and how much Lion O meant to them...

Lion O: .......That was beautiful...

Kit: LION O!

Cheetara: You're alive!!

Tygra: Not for long... *tackles Lion O as the screen fades to black*

xander88 03-31-2012 01:30 PM

Another great episode

L08e16o 03-31-2012 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42166)
I think when Lion-o returns, that a lot of the issues between Lion-o and Tygra will go away. Lion-o will have gotten over his jealously of T/C, and Tygra will be glad to have his brother back.

I think we might get them hashing all that out in native son. It seems like they are together in that episode.

stormbringer 03-31-2012 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42175)
I think we might get them hashing all that out in native son. It seems like they are together in that episode.

It'll be good to have the brotherly rivalry wrapped up. Now if the writers would just kill this triangle...

L08e16o 03-31-2012 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by stormbringer (Post 42177)
It'll be good to have the brotherly rivalry wrapped up. Now if the writers would just kill this triangle...

They won't though. Remember what cmangund said, the WB boss wanted it and it was important to the story. We might keep getting this until episode 24.

I wanted lion-o to beat tygra in a fight.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 02:56 PM

I wonder what Lion-o's trial will be with Spirit Tygra? Talking him into believing in Lion-o as a King?

L08e16o 03-31-2012 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42182)
I wonder what Lion-o's trial will be with Spirit Tygra? Talking him into believing in Lion-o as a King?

Maybe the spirit tygra will help lion-o understand why he doesn't respect him.

I think 17, they will hash things out and grow from there.

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 42183)
Maybe the spirit tygra will help lion-o understand why he doesn't respect him.

I think 17, they will hash things out and grow from there.

The only reason i think Tygra wouldn't respect him is cause he never was interested in being King and he doesn't want to listen to other people's opinions if they are going to bash him about it/what he's doing wrong.

vantheman77 03-31-2012 03:51 PM

Trials of Lion-O part 1 is a nod to the original series with a twist. He's apparently dead that caused the Spirit Stone to take him to the spiritual realm where he encounters spirits of Wilykit, Wilykat, and Cheetara. I agree that Tygra, Panthro, and Cheetara could've saved Lion-O in his fall. The new evil generals have proven to be more useful than Grune ever was. I like the part where Lion-O shook the tree and Tygra fell down. The second season may be better than the first in that we may not have anymore filler episodes. Good episode overall.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 04:06 PM

Ok, watched it again.

The trails are what tygra said. Tygra said you could learn something from all of us. Well this is true.

The lion-o and cheetara part, they were talking about L/C. Lion-o was talking about her (toying and dead ends) and cheetara gave him good advice ( another path or way) after a good cheek kiss. It wasn't the peck she gave him in 12. Lion-o needs to go about it another way.

So what I take from this is lion-o was still too immature (he was still the stubborn prince and he doesnt' see dead end if he walk straight into it) for cheetara in the past. He didn't deserve her. So know when he comes back he will be the great king he is suppose to be and be mature to take cheetara's advice.

So this is the only way lion-o was going to listen, he had to die. It makes sense.

They could've saved him, but the writers had to have lion-o die.

Ruthie 03-31-2012 04:12 PM

Lion-O proved himself to be a bigger twit than anyone could have imagined. And within 5 minutes Tygra demonstrated that he is twice the man and king that Lion-O will ever be. No wonder Cheetara chose him.

OOOPS!!! What I meant to say is: SQUEE! Cheetara kissed Lion-O! That means she really thinks he is the love of her life. Enough of the stupid thing with Tygra! The Cheet-O ship is moving at 60 knots! Cheetara and Lion-O = LFE!

hollowdheart 03-31-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ruthie (Post 42195)
Lion-O proved himself to be a bigger twit than anyone could have imagined. And within 5 minutes Tygra demonstrated that he is twice the man and king that Lion-O will ever be. No wonder Cheetara chose him.

OOOPS!!! What I meant to say is: SQUEE! Cheetara kissed Lion-O! That means she really thinks he is the love of her life. Enough of the stupid thing with Tygra! The Cheet-O ship is moving at 60 knots! Cheetara and Lion-O = LFE!

Wow, that was uncalled for.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by vantheman77 (Post 42192)
Trials of Lion-O part 1 is a nod to the original series with a twist. He's apparently dead that caused the Spirit Stone to take him to the spiritual realm where he encounters spirits of Wilykit, Wilykat, and Cheetara. I agree that Tygra, Panthro, and Cheetara could've saved Lion-O in his fall. The new evil generals have proven to be more useful than Grune ever was. I like the part where Lion-O shook the tree and Tygra fell down. The second season may be better than the first in that we may not have anymore filler episodes. Good episode overall.

I don't think they are fillers, they are developing lion-o in each episode.

Balgus82 03-31-2012 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by hollowdheart (Post 42184)
The only reason i think Tygra wouldn't respect him is cause he never was interested in being King and he doesn't want to listen to other people's opinions if they are going to bash him about it/what he's doing wrong.

That's exactly why Tygra doesn't respect him. Tygra's said from the start that he believes people should earn what they have. He's resentful because he spent his whole life doing what was expected of him and studying and taking everything Claudus said seriously, while Lion-O was a little bit of a dreamer and a slacker.

Honestly I think Tygra would be less resentful if Lion-O didn't always completely ignore his advice.

mihoshi 03-31-2012 04:31 PM

I'm kinda sad that the trials are only going to take place over two episodes, They should have devoted more time to them like in the OS, one episode per person Lion-O had to beat.

L08e16o 03-31-2012 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by mihoshi (Post 42201)
I'm kinda sad that the trials are only going to take place over two episodes, They should have devoted more time to them like in the OS, one episode per person Lion-O had to beat.

That is my favorite part of the OS.

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