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Lioconvoy 05-27-2012 04:03 PM

How To Contact Cartoon Network
If you want the series to get off of hiatus, and get back into production, we need to act NOW. Send e-mails to Cartoon Network via this link:

Contact Us | Your Feedback | Cartoon Network

Select "Programming", then "Thundercats". Tell them how you feel! Just watching the show and posting on forums ISN'T ENOUGH! We have to be proactive!

If we're gonna' do it, let's do it!

Captn Cracka 05-27-2012 05:52 PM

thank you for posting this link. Hopefully, everyone that checks this board will take 2 mins just to write a little something positive. It really can't hurt. It can only help.

Huxtable85 05-27-2012 06:02 PM

^^ Done! :cool:

dpcphoto 05-27-2012 06:02 PM

Lets do this!!!

Lioconvoy 05-27-2012 06:35 PM

You know, it's funny. This is my first pot here, and it's met with positive replies. But at another board, met with negativity. Thanks, guys!

CreepySariFan 05-27-2012 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 52641)
You know, it's funny. This is my first pot here, and it's met with positive replies. But at another board, met with negativity. Thanks, guys!

Some of us here actually enjoy the show and want it to continue, so yeah.

dpcphoto 05-27-2012 09:05 PM

It's a fantastic post and a positive one at that. Hopefully everyone will join in and spread the word. I sent CN an email and I know for a fact that a few of my pals did as well. Awareness is the key!!! I enjoy this series very much and really want it to continue.

xander88 05-27-2012 09:35 PM

Sent mine

AnonymousIncognito 05-28-2012 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lioconvoy (Post 52641)
You know, it's funny. This is my first pot here, and it's met with positive replies. But at another board, met with negativity. Thanks, guys!

Yeah, I saw your post on the other board. Can't say I'm surprised you got with with negatives there. Sadly, that site is gaining a rather poor reputation due to reactions like the ones you got. many of the posters there are way to defensive and quick to cry insult.

Me, I think what you are doing is wonderful. Myself and others have been trying to get a similar movement started and the fact that you showed the motivation to post such great information is commendable.

dpcphoto 05-28-2012 10:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Contact Us | Your Feedback | Cartoon Network

Lioconvoy 05-29-2012 06:47 AM

Heads up: by the end of the day, I'll be starting a new Facebook Group, Tumblr, and Twitter account to further push this goal. I'll post it up when they're set up. I want to flood Twitter and Tumblr with the trending hash tags, and get a lot of Facebookers on the group in support. I hope you guys will join me, and help to coordinate a combined effort to renew this show!

test 05-29-2012 05:35 PM

Count me in ... I've sent my email to CN and please keep me posted on those social networking groups

Lioconvoy 05-29-2012 05:38 PM

Thread posted with the networking data!

test 05-29-2012 05:40 PM

Sorry I read that one second lol .... Ignore my above post

Sportsandstuff 05-30-2012 02:23 AM

sent I enjoy the show its one of the best on Cartoon Network

nitewing73 05-30-2012 11:14 AM

Ok I just sent Cartoon Network a message regarding the show.

Thanks for the link.

Eclipse 05-30-2012 12:11 PM

Thanks for the link. I just dropped them a note for I do wish we get at least the 52 episodes that were originally planned. I have no idea how tumblr works though :confused: but since I opened a twitter account just to do the hashtag thing a while ago, if somebody is kind enough to explain it to me I'll follow or whatever it is you do there :D

Ravenxl7 05-30-2012 01:07 PM

Just sent out a rather heartfelt message to CN. Hopefully our efforts will be noticed by the higher ups. Honestly, and I'm not trying to be a downer here, but from my experience, CN isn't one to really pay much of any attention to it's viewers. Though I would love to be proven wrong when it comes to Thundercats...

test 05-30-2012 07:30 PM

I just told them that me and my in laws children love it to pieces and it doesn't get nearly enough air time compared to some of the other sub par shows. Could we have more thundercats please as were all getting impatient

Isabella 06-17-2012 09:56 PM

Good idea!
I already put my five cents. I'll keep writing and making noice until everything is definitely over.

As a fellow fan said "if we're going, we're going with a bang"

moreprimeland 08-21-2012 03:08 AM

Just tried the link..and was amazed it still works, threw in my 2c's as well. Not sure if it's a positive sign that they still have a TC link in their show lineup, but we can still hope.

Sadly, no episodes are On Demand for TC anymore. At least not for my provider.

Dr Kain 08-25-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by test (Post 53054)
I just told them that me and my in laws children love it to pieces and it doesn't get nearly enough air time compared to some of the other sub par shows. Could we have more thundercats please as were all getting impatient

That's because CN only cares about showing us Johnny Test 2200 times a day instead of showing anything else. Of course, ten years ago it was nothing but Ed Edd & Eddy a million times, so once again, they don't care about showing anything good.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned, this show is dead. The lack of any communication is a clear indicator and if it does somehow get a second season, I will then be pleasantly surprised as opposed to disappointed.

AlbertCraig 04-24-2013 08:57 AM

I am just new in this forum and looking this very good stuff for for cartoon network access.
you have a wonderful work done your job.
providing a superb help for members.Thanks for this.

Tina 04-27-2013 11:11 AM

Greetings from germany. I have found your website and when I read this thread, I thought by myself "hey, why not." I have also written CN my opinion of the cancellation of the series. ;) Have a nice day everyone. And sorry for my bad english. :D

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