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Joe Moore 02-15-2011 11:38 AM

Thundercats Toy Fair Excitement
Now that Toy Fair has passed, are you more excited, less excited or about the same for Thundercats (as a whole) in 2011?

crackus 02-15-2011 11:44 AM

can't wait!!!!! for the new figs, classics, the new cartoons!!! man I think my wallet's gonna cry when they come out. ( plus there's gi joe and MU )

JohnnyAngel77 02-15-2011 11:45 AM

I went with way more excited. I was already stoked on the Classics line. Now the 6" line has me even more pumped, really looking forward to the cartoon!

Joe Moore 02-15-2011 11:46 AM

I think what I saw at Toy Fair exceeded my expectations. While I was looking forward to the reveal, I was surprised at how well Bandai seems to be handling the characters and the license. This is going to be the first non-Transformers series I plan on dropping money on in over 10 years.

Ravenxl7 02-15-2011 11:52 AM

I'm definitely way more excited than I was before Toy Fair. I had been gaining interest for quite some time, but Toy Fair multiplied several times in just a few days. I'm even really excited for the new show, which seems to have turned out much better than I ever could have expected when I first heard they were making a new Thundercats.

MegaPrime33 02-15-2011 12:51 PM

I'm surprised Bandai handled this well considering their track record. I'm certainly intrigued by the offerings and look forward to seeing more.

soundwavempl 02-15-2011 01:02 PM

I am way more excited, especially after seeing the Thundercats Classics packaging - it is beautiful.

The new cartoon and toy line looks promising. I'll be comparing it to the great job the 200X MOTU cartoon and line did with the He-Man franchise.

I'm definitely getting the Thundercats Classics toyline. I'll wait to see the new cartoon show and the toyline on shelves before I make the decision to purchase the new designs.

Shishard 02-15-2011 02:00 PM

looking forward to the new cartoon and toys!

Echo7Solo 02-15-2011 02:31 PM

I'm pretty happy about it. The new stuff doesn't look bad but I'd rather have the classics right now. All in all I'm holding off judgement until I get a chance to see the series.

tas262 02-15-2011 03:43 PM

I'm primarily a tf collector and thought my wallet would get a breather over the next few months as I have no interest in a majority of the DOTM toyline. Then Bandai blew me away with some fantastic stuff. I was more a Thundercat then tf fan as a kid and the classics are the figures I've been waiting 25 years for. I hope the show turns out as good as the toys.

bad karma 02-15-2011 04:10 PM

The Classics figures are looking real good but the price and size will probably deter me from starting on them. The character designs for the new show aren't really doing it for me either, but if we got classics designs in 3 3/4 scale I would definitely get hooked on them.

DESTRO 02-15-2011 05:22 PM

Having went to Toy Fair 2011 and seen first hand the Toys and short Animation video I am much more excited about the Cartoon now then I was before. Actually seeing the 4 inch figures up-close really helps when your not sure from Web photos, when these hit retail I think people are going to find them hard to pass on.

LionO84 02-15-2011 06:01 PM

I'm way more excited. I want these toys so bad.

kagamigod 02-15-2011 06:02 PM

I for one am very excited for the Classic line. Best version of the characters yet. The new ones after seeing the Toy Fair pics look a lot better than before. I will be getting the 4" Lion-O and 2 Mum-ra's (Mummy and his true form). If I like those the whole line will be collected. Gotta support what you love if ya want it to survive.

Samantha 02-15-2011 06:15 PM

I really like what they have planed so far. The classic figures are very cool looking. To bad they won't be out till August.

GK Punk 02-15-2011 06:59 PM

Much more excited. I was already pretty stoked, but after Toy Fair I'm going nuts.

Minezeye 02-15-2011 09:58 PM

As for the Classics Aspect....Amazing stuff. I'm really happy they are including classics and so well done.

Its the Marvel Legends Style Thundercats we have always dreamt of..

We need to support this line heavy and buy up those classics figures so Bandai will continue to support that aspect of the line and we can at least get all the main TC characters...

As for the 2xxx Hyper anime style figs and pending cartoon...

IMO This style is a bit much for most children of the 80's /current adult collectors, but I think we can easily get use to it...considering all the classic nods these figures and cartoon designs have...

I read Snarf is mute in the new cartoon, and well that already makes this a great step in the right direction for a relaunch...cause that character really killed the drama for me in the old series.. with him saying his own name 50 times an episode...I wanted to step on his face

I can see this going over really well with kids of this generation. Those brainwashed poke`mon heads will be totally in love with the ninja cats! and the mom's will have no problem buying these toys for their kids...
I think most women like cats?!

I just hope the cartoon gets a good time slot so kids and adults can actually watch it together. Kinda like how newer Clone wars episodes run in the evenings right after dinner etc....
Family time viewing = Profit = A longer running cartoon/toyline
We shall see....

Hammerhand 02-15-2011 10:39 PM

I am much more excited. I can't wait to start getting these!

Steelgrave 02-16-2011 06:55 AM

LOVE the classics, HATE the new stuff. So I went with less excited.

Wiley Kit, Wiley Kat, Grune, Slithe, Tower Of Omens & all the vehicle except for the Thundertank are beyond pathetic! Now I feel embarrassed & insulted to be a Thundercats fan.:(

JohnnyAngel77 02-16-2011 09:39 AM

^^^ Ban this troll! Jk, of course. ;)

Icespark 02-16-2011 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 1658)
I think what I saw at Toy Fair exceeded my expectations. While I was looking forward to the reveal, I was surprised at how well Bandai seems to be handling the characters and the license. This is going to be the first non-Transformers series I plan on dropping money on in over 10 years.

I agree with everything you've said. I'm very surprised at how nice everything appears to be shaping up.

The new Classics line looks fantastic, and I suspect the entire line will be a must-buy.

The new figures look like loving updates of the originals; the characters are instantly recognizable, and the figures look to feature plenty of articulation!

I can't wait to see more! :D

trebleshot 02-16-2011 10:05 AM

Really looking forward to all the new stuff coming out.


Originally Posted by Steelgrave (Post 1715)
Wiley Kit, Wiley Kat, Grune, Slithe, Tower Of Omens & all the vehicle except for the Thundertank are beyond pathetic! Now I feel embarrassed & insulted to be a Thundercats fan.:(

I'm embarrassed for you too. The names of the twins are spelled "WilyKit" and "WilyKat". :p

But hey, at least you got some classics love coming your way, so it's not all bad. And you'll be saving some money by skipping the new stuff, I guess. :)

Ashley 02-16-2011 11:42 AM

I can't say more excited just because a new cartoon that has a lot of thought into it instead of just cashing in on a name is some pretty exciting stuff. Series like GI Joe and Transformers have done well remaking themselves for a new era so I'm all sort of excited to see how Thundercats will remake themselves for a new era.

All the stuff looked really nice at Toy Fair so I'm looking forward to see how it looks in person once it hits the stores. I don't think it's taking away anything from the toys to say the cartoon is at the top of my excitement list because the toys are still something to look forward to.

Zambot 02-16-2011 06:15 PM

Studio 4C is one of the top studios right now and this should be well executed. We'll see about the story though. :)

I LOVE the classic line!!! I'm cool with the modern versions, but want to see them up close in the store before committing.

I might have missed it, but when is the classics line of figures hitting stores??

Steelgrave 02-17-2011 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by trebleshot (Post 1733)
But hey, at least you got some classics love coming your way,

Yup! Can't wait to see Cheetara.

Now that I think about it, I hated about 50% of the original line back when I was little. Most of the non-Thundercat characters & figures were corny/goofy as hell. And most of the vehicles were really lame too. I thought wave 1 was great but then it just went downhill. That's probably why the line didn't last very long. It went from awesome to stupid really fast.


Originally Posted by trebleshot (Post 1733)
I'm embarrassed for you too. The names of the twins are spelled "WilyKit" and "WilyKat". :p

Well,at least I'm not the only one that spells them wrong

GK Punk 02-17-2011 12:11 AM

I can't wait to see what all they end up releasing in the Classics line. I hope we at the very least get the Main Cats/Kittens and Mum-ra and the Mutants.

Ashley 02-17-2011 12:06 PM

On the bright side at least fans get a choice. New stuff, classic stuff or a mix of both it seems like there are choices for different tastes.

Way better than toy lines that give you no choice between new or classic.

JohnnyAngel77 02-18-2011 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ashley (Post 1793)
On the bright side at least fans get a choice. New stuff, classic stuff or a mix of both it seems like there are choices for different tastes.

Way better than toy lines that give you no choice between new or classic.


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