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Tracer 11-18-2011 01:03 PM

Pics of Slithe, Claudus and other 4" figures

Jlogano20 11-18-2011 03:04 PM

what is the point of the 2 new basic lion-o and panthro (also LMAO at the basic panthros face)

and it looks like deluxe slithe sucks

the only 4 inch figures i want out of these are 4inch claudus & mummra

Kregermeister 11-18-2011 03:09 PM

Everything looks great! More Lion-o's on the shelf at toys r us........... yay........

But seriously that Mumm-Ra is still crap.

IndyCat 11-18-2011 03:24 PM

if Slithe's normal pose is with his arms up and you cant make them stay down, that is just sad. :(

Whats the point of the new Mumm-Ra???????????? Tiny Wings??? We already have the DX version. we need more?

Lion-O with slight modification with the Armor of Omens.....boring.

Panthro with arm armor and wierd expression....really?

Claudis. he's good. :)

Ravenxl7 11-18-2011 03:26 PM

The EoT set is kinda cute. Don't think I'll be getting it for myself, but depending on the recommended age it's approved for, I might get it for my nephew. Pass for now.

Panthro's arm armor is pretty cool, and while I see what they were trying to do with his expression, it really does just end-up looking like lipstick. I wonder how the 6" figure will look when they inevitably do the same for it. Pass.

Lion-O's new 4" figure is interesting. Looks like the new claw shield is based off of the old concept for the armor, rather than the one used in-show. Hopefully they'll correct that for the inevitable 6" version. Pass.

Mumm-Ra's 4" figure is actually pretty cool. I wasn't expecting the wings to be added, but it's a really nice touch. Hopefully they have plans to do something similar to the 6" scaled figure. Pass.

Deluxe Panthro and Slythe aren't too bad, for what they are anyways. I do like how they've incorporated Mumm-Ra's lantern into Slythe's gimmick. Hopefully that thing gets released outside of that set. I'm also hoping that Slythe get's a 6" figure at some point in the future. Pass on both.

4" scaled Claudus looks pretty cool. Since I doubt we'll ever see him made as a 6" figure, I'll most likely get this. The sculpt looks pretty good, and the articulation doesn't look like it'll be too hindered. Only thing really missing is the claw shield, but that's not a deal breaker. He's the only figure pictured here that I know I'll be getting.

Balgus82 11-18-2011 03:37 PM

hmmm... what's with the cybernetic arms on Panthro? reminds me of Jax from Mortal Kombat. and Lion-O's gauntlet looks different. wonder if it's getting an upgrade..

IndyCat 11-18-2011 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 21643)
hmmm... what's with the cybernetic arms on Panthro? reminds me of Jax from Mortal Kombat. and Lion-O's gauntlet looks different. wonder if it's getting an upgrade..

the new gauntlet is larger and similar to the gauntlet on teh Armor of Omens. He also has shoulder armor from the armor of omens.

Balgus82 11-18-2011 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by IndyCat (Post 21644)
the new gauntlet is larger and similar to the gauntlet on teh Armor of Omens. He also has shoulder armor from the armor of omens.

didn't see the second pic of him at first. I wonder if Lion-O is in mid transformation or will he be able to make the gauntlet grow without a full transformation?

Lody 11-18-2011 04:48 PM

Cladus is win but my son has been asking for Jaga

Other than that-I hope there is more to Slithe than what is pictured.

Don't need extra armor Lion-o or smaller wings Mum-ra and both Panthros are a pass since I have the 4inch and 8 inch deluxe already

Tracer 11-18-2011 05:09 PM

I may have to get a second Lizard Cannon to swap arms with Slithe, love the Jaga lantern that comes with him. Claudus looks great, definite buy. I might get the single carded Mumm-ra too. I like the new Lion-o but I'm pretty content with the first release.

nomad16 11-18-2011 05:40 PM

I will be getting claudis, the new lion-o is interesting but that oversized armored arm is weird. and the face sculpt on panthro no thanks. Im getting worried about the line now I mean the mumm-ra is pointless!

xhavoc86 11-18-2011 05:59 PM

I want those mini figures!!!

Ribieconvoy 11-18-2011 06:36 PM

Besides the lipstick-looking gums, I'm liking the new look on Panthro. Lion-O... not sure of how I feel about him yet, that gauntlet arm looks too ridiculously big.

GK Punk 11-18-2011 07:30 PM

Aww the twins would have been perfect for the SD Line. Hopefully later they get to them.

Autotrooper 11-18-2011 10:08 PM

I know what you mean, GK Punk. I am anxiously awaiting images of the 6 inch twins!

Nekomen 11-19-2011 02:04 AM

Digging the new gradual armor upgrades. Can't wait for more. I might have to pick these 2 up alongside mumm-ra. The rest are pure pass though.

Mumm-ra I might reconsider since i already have the open winged version, but that one will look better in a sword battle with Lion-O than the one with wings wide open.

The armor upgrades are story-centric. We'll be seeing them start to show up within the next 10 episodes or so, probably within the next 5 somewhere.

Dr Kain 11-19-2011 02:57 AM

I'm done with the 4inch line, so they can keep their Cladius and Slythe. After how crappy the entire team looks together (seriously, Tygra and Cheetara are the worst), I'm just going to stick to the 6inch figure. If they do Silverhawks in 4inch, I'll probably get them, but other than them, I will pass).

PANTHRO HOOO 11-19-2011 08:42 AM

Panthros chucks are red and blue. Just incase I'm the only one who knows.

Covenant 11-19-2011 02:27 PM

Wow, an entire wave of peg warmers. Claudus is the only one worth buying and I'm sure it'll only be the fans and collectors. I can understand putting in a Lion-O but another Panthro?? A new Cheetara would have been nice with her Cleric garb. They could have made Leo and his girlfriend the Panther girl or that cool Solid Snake Lion guy from the past, he looked bad-ass.

Scelestus Unus 11-19-2011 03:42 PM

I figure that is what Lion-O can do once he gets one of the stones for his claw shield, but Panthro is a suprise.

Maybe in this series when Lion-O does the "Thundercats Ho!" with the sword it transfers updates to other members of the team, and they will wind up with their own armors as well by the time they have all the stones.

Ravenxl7 11-19-2011 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Covenant (Post 21744)
...that cool Solid Snake Lion guy from the past, he looked bad-ass.

The one that had an outfit a lot like the original Lion-O's? That would have definitely been interesting to see in the toy-line. Though very doubtful do to his very limited screen-time.


Originally Posted by Scelestus Unus (Post 21747)
Maybe in this series when Lion-O does the "Thundercats Ho!" with the sword it transfers updates to other members of the team, and they will wind up with their own armors as well by the time they have all the stones.

I honestly hope that isn't the case. I would rather the other cats get their own upgrades without being dependent on Lion-O yelling ho...

spike78a 11-19-2011 07:05 PM

lion-o and panthro are showing there "o face".

dj7000 11-20-2011 06:20 PM

I've given up on these. Great promise but fizzled with the lack if articulation. Great for kids not fr me as a collector. These things are now flooding the shelves.

moondog 11-20-2011 07:32 PM

Ya lak of articulation on slithe is bull what the hell is the gimmick he slaps barrels ? I'll still by him even tho it looks like a happy meal toy. I will be getting Mum ras tank don't mind that the normal 4" figs don't fit since it dosnt have a window or cockpit you can't see in. Probly get the armor of omens it will make a great statue for a dio or something then basic 4" lion o, claudes,panthro.

decepticat 11-20-2011 07:50 PM

I was soooo stoked for this line. The cartoon mythos is great but the figures well...I let the lack of articulation compared to my other collection{MU} not sway me and I dove into this line. However seeing the new product I gotta say my love for the new Thundercats{the toys not the show} is fizzling out. I can't see anything from the new stuff I really have an interest in. The best figure is Claudius and that's sad. They had a real shot with the tank and most all of us were looking forward to Slithe. Now we get a tank that can't be used with any figure except the small special one that comes with it, heck even the Armor comes with a regular 4" figure. Then there's Slithe who apparently has to hold his arms up because of a stupid gimmick. Gotta say Thundercats! NOOOOO!

Scelestus Unus 11-21-2011 10:30 AM

Don't know if you guys noticed, but Slithe has ball jointed shoulders with a swivel.

You won't need to have his arms up constantly. And it you put his arms down, pushing the action feature lever will just make his arms go up instead of down.

I'm more upset about there not being elbow articulation.

flywheels 11-21-2011 11:02 AM

This is kind of a let down. I was so hoping for a good S-S-Slithe figure.

Ravenxl7 11-21-2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by flywheels (Post 21878)
This is kind of a let down. I was so hoping for a good S-S-Slithe figure.

This gimmicky one doesn't mean there won't be a regular one on the way later in the line. With the exception of Grune, all the other Deluxe figures have had non-gimmicky releases, and I'll be surprised if the same won't be true for Grune and Slithe.

LiarDice Films 11-22-2011 12:15 PM

I'm loving the fact Claudus is there. A great homage to Mr Kenney.
Hope more 'classic' figs turn up. I'm going to the London toy fair in January so maybe Bandai will reveal more

Fist Pounder 11-22-2011 12:26 PM

You know Ill bet Slythes arms will be a bit poseable or at least have some elbow articulation to make him into a passible pose.

I am going for this one, claudius, and mummras tank

moondog 11-22-2011 10:37 PM

Well I figured slith is a deluxe figure because of his size and grune because of the mace thinking we wont see them in the basic line could be wrong about that . Really surprised we havnt herd anything about the lizard mech things they where awesome I really want some lizards to army build. I have always like to have more bad guys then good

BB Shockwave 11-23-2011 05:19 AM

The problem is, there are a lot of gimmick figures which suffer in articulation (see Slithe's legs for example, which are not even moveable) due to the gimmick. This would have been fine in say, 1985, but in 2011? Really? It's like we are going backwards in engineering. I'd like to point the designers to Superman TAS boxing Darkseid/Superman (from 1990) or Deluxe Animated Optimus Prime (from 2007), both toys have pull-back punching action AND are well-articulated and Prime can even transform into a truck...

Then again, this is Bandai. Just compare their Power Rangers zords to any Transformer, and you'll see why these toys end up this way.

I am quite sure however, we will get a normal, no-extra-action-feature Slithe down the line. I will stick to the 6 inch figures with the main cast, and get guys like Claudus, Slithe and (he is 100% coming someday) Jaga in the 4 inch line. The 4 inch main cast are all quite forgettable.

I also wish they had bothered to paint 6 inch Panthro's nunchucks, I mean, really, that's just lazy.

If this was Mattel or Hasbro, we would probably have upteenth Lion-O figures with new action features, BUT (like in Star Wars or Justice League), we would also get guys like the Drifter, random Lizard troopers, Leo, Elephants, Berbils etc... in every wave. This series has such a huge cast of well-designed guest starts, it would be a pity if they did not get made into toys.

IndyCat 11-23-2011 11:11 AM

I wonder if this means that all the Thundercats Wave 1 stuff will go on clearance soon? Still need to get a few things.

netkid 11-25-2011 08:56 PM

Well, now we know where Panthro's arms went, and why they showed us the new figures of Lion-O and him.

Jlogano20 11-25-2011 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jlogano20 (Post 21635)
what is the point of the 2 new basic lion-o and panthro (also LMAO at the basic panthros face)

and it looks like deluxe slithe sucks

the only 4 inch figures i want out of these are 4inch claudus & mummra

i tke this back after episode 13 the liono & panthro make more sense

ill still have to swap heads with that pantrho though

vantheman77 11-27-2011 02:07 AM

I'm getting Claudus out of the next wave of figures.

nitewing73 12-02-2011 01:26 PM

I think I'll get Claudus and Mumm-Ra. I'll think about Lion-O and Panthro.

stormbringer 12-02-2011 02:29 PM

Claudus is a definate must, have to think about the others.

Nekomen 12-03-2011 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jlogano20 (Post 22297)
i tke this back after episode 13 the liono & panthro make more sense

ill still have to swap heads with that pantrho though

Yeah, I wasn't too worried. So far the toys seem to be sticking close to the show and not going for frivolous redesigns that are toy only. So to do two like this so fast when there are so many others that could be covered still, it had to be something that was going to be happening pretty soon in the show.

Probably ep 14-17 somewhere Panthro will get his new arms. Either power gem related, or the berbils make new arms for him.

I also like this slower rate of release though. Saturate the market with a current wave until everyone has it, then move on to the next, rinse and repeat. This way everyone has a chance to get what they want.

Ocelot 12-09-2011 05:04 AM

Looks like I'll be buying a second wave 1 Panthro to headswap

squawkbot 12-16-2011 08:15 PM

Claudius is a definite buy for me, maybe a Slithe, gotta see him in person, also that ultimate zord armor Liono looks like i'll buy. that means they'll make one for Mummra...unless theyre jerks

lol at angry liono with Quagmire-found-internet-porn arm and angry face panthro. In all honesty Mummra looks like a good mold, but i already have the deluxe first release

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