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Fuzz 08-22-2011 08:30 AM

Panthro's new look - Is it just me...
1 Attachment(s)
...or does anyone else picture Hellboy everytime you see Panthro from the side? Even my 11yo son thinks they ripped off Hellboy. I know that Hellboy's creator didn't invent that hairstyle, but damn they look really similar.

solidwii 08-22-2011 08:55 AM

I see Roadblock from GI Joe renegades.

Thundera 08-22-2011 11:35 AM

I agree, but I feel like most cartoons have one or two characters that are complete rip offs of another show...

Wilyjo 08-22-2011 12:43 PM

I see jet.

dolza_khyron 08-22-2011 04:07 PM

yea me too, and i wanted to HEAR jet too, i was disappointed that it was Kevin, however, he does a pretty good job too!

SPLIT LIP 08-22-2011 05:29 PM

I see Panthro with sideburns.

Hyper Jaguar 08-22-2011 05:33 PM

I see the resemblance, but I think it's a good thing. Both Panthro and Hellboy have almost the same attitude about everything. Except Panthro is more militant and orderly.

RichardC 08-22-2011 08:13 PM

ok so im not the only one waiting for roadblock from renegades to show up *l*

Monkian 08-22-2011 11:32 PM

You make a great point. Good observation. My question is: Why couldn't they just have him with no hair, like in the original. They have him with no hair as a young Panthro, and then he mysteriously has hair and male pattern baldness... I don't know. I don't quite get that. And what's with the cheap nun-chucks that come with the toys!?!?!

Ravenxl7 08-22-2011 11:40 PM

I...sorta see it...

Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12181)
My question is: Why couldn't they just have him with no hair, like in the original. They have him with no hair as a young Panthro, and then he mysteriously has hair and male pattern baldness... I don't know. I don't quite get that.

I like the hair, and I think he looked really weird without it in the flashbacks. Complete baldness worked for the original Panthro, but this new one wouldn't look right without the hair he has, imho.

Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12181)
And what's with the cheap nun-chucks that come with the toys!?!?!

What's "cheap" about them?

Monkian 08-22-2011 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 12184)
I...sorta see it...

I like the hair, and I think he looked really weird without it in the flashbacks. Complete baldness worked for the original Panthro, but this new one wouldn't look right without the hair he has, imho.

What's "cheap" about them?

In the flashback scene where he met Grune, he was bald. I guess, more than anything it just doesn't make sense to me. Usually, you have hair as a young guy and go bald as an old guy. Here, he went from completely bald, to.. well, you know. As for the nun-chucks, they're not red and blue, just the generic grey. The ones that came with the original Panthro were much nicer. Small thing really, but it's the little things that get to you sometimes.

Balgus82 08-23-2011 12:04 AM

"Okay… Panthro, you really wanna know?

The point to Panthro’s looks was to step away from the pretty cookie cutter hero type. I wanted to convey a bad ass with faults. It’s easy to be a clean cut, good looking guy hero. This Panthro is imperfect, weathered, scared, broken. I like the fact Hulk Hogan has a receding hair line, does that make him weak? Like Hogan, his charm wins over his imperfections. Besides if you look, Panthro’s hair is reminiscent of a Samurai’s cut. This infers a sense of tradition and harbors strong personal values like honor, loyalty, and duty.

Traditionally, in Japanese film you may see hero’s with a toothpick in their mouth, this isn’t just to clean teeth. Often samurai would put it in their mouth to signify they we’re full so people wouldn’t offer food to them. Even if starving, they nobly did this so others who were suffering would eat. This is a round about way to say the haircut was part of that thinking.

Besides, Panthro was steeped in martial arts more than the others in the old version. So, the haircut is very samurai inspired to carry on the Asian influence."


Thundercats Crew Blog, Ok, this must be asked. Panthro: Why the mutton chops? Was it just to make him look older? Cause I admit he does look much younger without him on the flashback. Or did you just want to do something different with him?

Ravenxl7 08-23-2011 12:09 AM

Thinking about his resemblance to others, and while this is more to do with his personality, does anybody else get a Clint Eastwood mixed with John Wayne vibe from him?


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12186)
In the flashback scene where he met Grune, he was bald. I guess, more than anything it just doesn't make sense to me. Usually, you have hair as a young guy and go bald as an old guy. Here, he went from completely bald, to.. well, you know.

I personally think it was just a conscious choice of his to, as a young cat, go completely bald, and then later on decided to let it grow back. Though from the production team's standpoint, I think the baldness in the flashback was thrown in as a nod to the original. Though I'm not sure what their reasoning behind his having hair was (not sure if anybody's ever asked them), but I do like the way he looks with it.


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12186)
As for the nun-chucks, they're not red and blue, just the generic grey. The ones that came with the original Panthro were much nicer. Small thing really, but it's the little things that get to you sometimes.

From what I know, the lack of red and blue on his nunchucks was a decision made early on because they weren't sure whether or not they were going to be red and blue in the show itself (the team designing the toys, that is). The guy at Toy Fair said that they would be changed for the release, but it looks like that change never happened. Personally I'm hoping they do a running change on them at some point. He's the first of the new show's toys I plan on picking up, but if I knew a more accurate version was on it's way (both nunchuck and fur color wise), I'd be willing to wait.

Monkian 08-23-2011 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 12190)
Thinking about his resemblance to others, and while this is more to do with his personality, does anybody else get a Clint Eastwood mixed with John Wayne vibe from him?

I personally think it was just a conscious choice of his to, as a young cat, go completely bald, and then later on decided to let it grow back. Though from the production team's standpoint, I think the baldness in the flashback was thrown in as a nod to the original. Though I'm not sure what their reasoning behind his having hair was (not sure if anybody's ever asked them), but I do like the way he looks with it.

From what I know, the lack of red and blue on his nunchucks was a decision made early on because they weren't sure whether or not they were going to be red and blue in the show itself (the team designing the toys, that is). The guy at Toy Fair said that they would be changed for the release, but it looks like that change never happened. Personally I'm hoping they do a running change on them at some point. He's the first of the new show's toys I plan on picking up, but if I knew a more accurate version was on it's way (both nunchuck and fur color wise), I'd be willing to wait.

I think the whole hair thing is a matter of preference. Looking at the previous posts, at least I'm more informed as to the reasoning behind it. That being said, I'm still not a huge fan. But it's something that you accept and eventually grow used to. Hopefully. It's a re-boot, and a great one at that, and changes such as this are par for the course.

I'll have to disagree on the nun-chucks and color match issues. I think it's a matter of incompetence or indifference, with the most likely culprit being the latter. Whether or not that is accurate will be evidenced should they not make a running change and correct, at the very least, the nun-chucks. The variation in the color could be due to production costs and as a result, less feasible of a fix. I hope I'm wrong. If history is any indicator, that is more probable than not. :o)

Monkian 08-23-2011 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 12190)
Thinking about his resemblance to others, and while this is more to do with his personality, does anybody else get a Clint Eastwood mixed with John Wayne vibe from him?

I'm thinking more of a Charles Bronson and Chuck Norris vibe myself.

The Superman J 08-23-2011 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Fuzz (Post 12068)
...or does anyone else picture Hellboy everytime you see Panthro from the side? Even my 11yo son thinks they ripped off Hellboy. I know that Hellboy's creator didn't invent that hairstyle, but damn they look really similar.

I thought the same thing. When I heard Panthro speak for the first time I said "hey! thats not ron pearlman!"

SPLIT LIP 08-23-2011 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Monkian (Post 12181)
They have him with no hair as a young Panthro, and then he mysteriously has hair and male pattern baldness... I don't know. I don't quite get that.

Easy. As a grunt he strived to keep himself presentable, as lower ranking soldiers are to be commanded to do. Very clean, no scars by that point either. Even Grune's scragley hair was toned back. But as time went on personal appearence became less of a priority, so he stopped keeping his "hair" shaved. (bearing in mind they're all covered in hair, I guess I should say "mane?")

Tracer 08-23-2011 10:01 AM

That really does look like Hellboy

nitewing73 08-23-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by solidwii (Post 12073)
I see Roadblock from GI Joe renegades.

Me too. I also think of Jet from Cowboy Bebop.

NinSage 08-23-2011 12:10 PM

I just wanna say that my favorite thing about the new Panthro is his HEIGHT.

He was always the "bad ass" Thundercat, but now he has the stature to back it up. I dunno, I just think his size and his samurai hair make him cooler than ever!

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