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Tony_Bacala 02-05-2011 10:13 PM

Thundercats DVDs - Are They Good?
I just grabbed all the official boxsets from eBay and Amazon, used. Under 75 for all 4 6 disc sets. Only had the bootlegs from wayy before these were issued. Never got through them all, quality was crap.

So, these things worth it?


Ravenxl7 02-15-2011 06:55 PM

I'm curious about their quality too. Almost bought the first set the other day at Walmart (for only $20 too). After doing a little research on them, and now knowing what their original price was, I might go back and get it (assuming it's still there).

Although part of me would love to think that, due to the new show coming out, they would release a box set of the original show's DVD's, along with some sort of extra bonus that the original releases didn't have.

Ratar-O 02-17-2011 12:44 PM

I have all box sets and yes they are worth it and awesome. I bought them when they were first released in the early 2000s I am currently re-watching them now.

Joe Moore 02-17-2011 12:58 PM

The video quality on the releases is awful. Mainly due to the actual masters (supposedly) being destroyed. These were all transferred from VHS sources for the release. Small screen or non-HD sets it will look ok. But on my big HDTV it looks just terrible.

If Warner Bros. can ever find a decent quality source for the series, I will jump in on them.

Ratar-O 02-17-2011 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 1801)
The video quality on the releases is awful. Mainly due to the actual masters (supposedly) being destroyed. These were all transferred from VHS sources for the release. Small screen or non-HD sets it will look ok. But on my big HDTV it looks just terrible.

If Warner Bros. can ever find a decent quality source for the series, I will jump in on them.

Wow that is harsh we must not be talking about the same box sets because I don't have an issues like that. We are talking about the box sets that WB released from 2005-2006 right? In my opinion they look every bit as good as any other dvd release of an 80s cartoon including Silverhawks, Ghostbusters, G1 Transformers, Jayce and The Wheeled Warriors, COPS, Pole Position, Visionaries all of which I have and more.

Joe Moore 02-17-2011 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ratar-O (Post 1803)
Wow that is harsh we must not be talking about the same box sets because I don't have an issues like that. We are talking about the box sets that WB released from 2005-2006 right? In my opinion they look every bit as good as any other dvd release of an 80s cartoon including Silverhawks, Ghostbusters, G1 Transformers, Jayce and The Wheeled Warriors, COPS, Pole Position, Visionaries all of which I have and more.

The sharpness and overall picture quality is fairly lackluster. It's also clear that absolutely no remastering took place. This results in some scenes with clear instances of image softness. There are spots of heavy grain, scratches and dirt/dust specs. Colors get washed out at times as well.

These problems are all amplified on larger screen TV's.

Ratar-O 02-17-2011 02:05 PM

Okay I can work with that and I am sure you are right. However I think that they are more than worth it to get if you are a die hard ThunderCats or 80s cartoon fan in general. The fact that Tony got them all for under $75 is a good deal. That means he got 24 discs for less than $5 a piece when you break it down per disc....a steal and worth it.

Joe Moore 02-17-2011 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Ratar-O (Post 1807)
Okay I can work with that and I am sure you are right. However I think that they are more than worth it to get if you are a die hard ThunderCats or 80s cartoon fan in general. The fact that Tony got them all for under $75 is a good deal. That means he got 24 discs for less than $5 a piece when you break it down per disc....a steal and worth it.

I still love the series and am happy that I was finally able to own them. I bought them all despite the flaws, just because I wanted to own "Thundercats" on DVD. If Warner Home video ever finds better masters and releases them, I'll be more than happy to upgrade.

Ratar-O 02-17-2011 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 1809)
If Warner Home video ever finds better masters and releases them, I'll be more than happy to upgrade.

You and me both bud! I certainly hope that happens.

Ravenxl7 02-17-2011 05:16 PM

Well, since I've got a non-HD set, it doesn't sound like the quality issues will be as noticeable. I just hope it's still there by the time I get the chance to go again, lol. I'll be happy enough to own Thundercats on DVD anyways.

Just curious though, are the extra's worth watching?

Ratar-O 02-17-2011 08:17 PM

In my personal opinion the extras are just so so. I think they could have done more especially with the voice actors. I would have easily traded the Rembrants, the fans, and Rankin Bass stuff for some interviews with the voice actors. That is just me though.

GK Punk 02-17-2011 08:38 PM

I agree with Joe Moore on this. Watching them via HDMI on an HDTV kind of shows the lack of remastering on the sets. Some epsiodes look very yellow even. It's worth it just to have the series, but don't expect anything as great as BCI's Filmation releases. (At least the Filmation ones I bought were all remastered, so I'm guessing the rest are too.)

The extras though? Really disappointing to me. Your mileage may vary.

Hyper Jaguar 08-21-2011 09:23 AM

I've thought about eventually getting Season 1, Vol. 1 on DVD to start out with. Then, if I like it, I get the others. Although, I definitely get the DVD release with the first eight episodes in October.

ThunderTomkat21 08-23-2011 09:22 PM

Anyword of Remastered releases on Bluray in the future?

Ravenxl7 08-23-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by ThunderTomkat21 (Post 12407)
Anyword of Remastered releases on Bluray in the future?

From what I know, remastering and blu-ray are pretty much out of the question for the original T-cats series. The original masters were never kept, and apparently destroyed or something at some point. The DVD's are based off of the original VHS tapes.

Hyper Jaguar 08-25-2011 12:44 AM

I think there's a chance we could see the original series on Blu-Ray, but they'll start putting out volumes of the new series on Blu-Ray before they go to the original.

Joe Moore 08-25-2011 07:06 AM

Blu-Ray is never going to happen. The DVD's had to be authored from VHS masters, which is why they are poor quality. The original film masters, for all intents and purposes, no longer exist.

Ravenxl7 02-24-2012 08:52 PM

Sorry to bump an old thread, but I figured this would be better than starting a new thread just to ask a question.

I just got the Season 1 Volume 2 set, and noticed something odd. Disks nine and ten are all silver, rather than the blue Thundercats logo the other disks are. They still have the Thundercats logo toward the top, the big number on the one side, but also say "Rental Only-Not For Resale" toward the bottom. Is...this normal?

Joe Moore 02-24-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 37386)
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I figured this would be better than starting a new thread just to ask a question.

I just got the Season 1 Volume 2 set, and noticed something odd. Disks nine and ten are all silver, rather than the blue Thundercats logo the other disks are. They still have the Thundercats logo toward the top, the big number on the one side, but also say "Rental Only-Not For Resale" toward the bottom. Is...this normal?

No. Not normal. Did you buy the set pre-owned?

Ravenxl7 02-24-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 37387)
No. Not normal. Did you buy the set pre-owned?

Nope. Sealed and new from Walmart. Haven't played any of the episodes yet, but the menus are the same for all of the set's disks.

Joe Moore 02-24-2012 09:52 PM

Strange. Perhaps it's just a manufacturing or shipping error.

Ravenxl7 02-24-2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 37391)
Strange. Perhaps it's just a manufacturing or shipping error.

I'm currently thinking it's just a manufacturing oddity. Maybe the later copies of the sets produced were meant to have the all silver disks, and my copy got a jumble of the two versions...or something like that. Though that still doesn't explain the bit about "rental only"...

I'd take a picture...but I can't find my camera, lol...

Ravenxl7 03-02-2012 02:03 PM

Finally got around to taking some pictures. In the week that I've had this DVD set I've watched all 32 of it's episodes and the special feature. The quality between the DVD's seems to be the same, and anything noticeable I've been able to chalk up to animation inconsistencies (like Lion-O's outfit looking less saturated and even more green at times, and some random blocks of color not being consistent, etc...). I'm happy with them, so I'll be keeping them. Still seems odd that they'd have a different printing to them.

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