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Icespark 08-17-2011 04:24 PM

Preview for newest episode: "Old Friends:
Hi everyone!

A preview has gone up for the newest episode of Thundercats: "Old Friends"!

The clip includes scenes with Panthro, and Grune! As always, beware if you're avoiding spoilers!

Here's a link to the article:
ThunderCats New Episode Preview Video And Images: ‘Old Friends’ ยป MTV Geek

Here's a link the video:

Thundercats 2011 Ep 5 Preview: "Old Friends"

jmfoxfire 08-17-2011 04:58 PM

oh snap :O
I can not wait to see that EP on friday.

DESTRO 08-17-2011 06:00 PM

That looks like the best episode to date!

Icespark 08-17-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by DESTRO (Post 10990)
That looks like the best episode to date!

I just looked through the screen-caps you posted!

That's the Driller! :D I can't believe he's in this episode too!

He looks awesome! His new design is like a cross between Cyclonus and Gurren-Lagann! :D

Ravenxl7 08-17-2011 06:32 PM

This episode looks like it's going to be amazing. While completely bald Panthro is a nice throwback, this new design looks much better with hair, lol. The Driller is a rather unexpected update. Should be interesting to see more of him. Should be interesting to see what all gets revealed in this episode. Friday can't come soon enough, lol.

Also, I'm hoping that the Panthro toys get a running change at some point. Would be nice to not have to paint his nunchucks to be accurate.

Edit: Just remembered, I find it interesting that we see Panthro has a tale. Would be interesting if it turned out he kept it, and just keeps it hidden away, or we see the motivation for having it removed.

FunderCat 08-17-2011 06:45 PM

I love how they made young Panthro look like his 80's counterpart. Really shows that they go all in when trying to please the fans.

nitewing73 08-17-2011 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by DESTRO (Post 10990)
That looks like the best episode to date!

That was my thought as well after seeing the previews. Nice to get some backstory on Panthro and Grune.

Beej B 08-17-2011 11:43 PM

This looks flipping incredible. Another 5-star episode about to land, I'd wager. STOKED!!!

ejrussell 08-18-2011 06:04 AM

Anyone else notice Panthro's tail? Hmmmmm........

dolza_khyron 08-18-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by ejrussell (Post 11099)
Anyone else notice Panthro's tail? Hmmmmm........

he's only an enlistee right now i suppose, and later he gets to be noble? some one said that the sign of the nobles is to have their tails cut off...

Wilyjo 08-18-2011 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 11102)
he's only an enlistee right now i suppose, and later he gets to be noble? some one said that the sign of the nobles is to have their tails cut off...

Unless that was stated by the crew, I'm gonna ignore it and take that as fan speculation.

Considering Panthro's scars compared to the flashback, his tail being cut off in battle seems more likely to me. I just dunno how I feel about cutting off tails as a ceremony, but that's my own thing.

dj7000 08-18-2011 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Wilyjo (Post 11104)
Unless that was stated by the crew, I'm gonna ignore it and take that as fan speculation.

Considering Panthro's scars compared to the flashback, his tail being cut off in battle seems more likely to me. I just dunno how I feel about cutting off tails as a ceremony, but that's my own thing.

The Jews did it:)

Shenlon 08-18-2011 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by dj7000 (Post 11113)
The Jews did it:)

Oy Vey

FunderCat 08-18-2011 04:13 PM

Plus didn't one of the creators say that certain Thunderians have tails while others don't (The Wilys)

dolza_khyron 08-18-2011 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Wilyjo (Post 11104)
Unless that was stated by the crew, I'm gonna ignore it and take that as fan speculation.

Considering Panthro's scars compared to the flashback, his tail being cut off in battle seems more likely to me. I just dunno how I feel about cutting off tails as a ceremony, but that's my own thing.

it probably is speculation in order to attempt to explain why some have tails; like the twins, and others do not, like the nobles.

Autotrooper 08-18-2011 06:41 PM

Lol, if the Jews mutilate their children, then why wouldn't Thundera?

JASONKAT 08-19-2011 12:01 AM

I have a couple questions for any1 who knows..
what do thundercats eat? i mean, r they meat eaters do they hunt, or do they just order a pizza like the ninja turtles? lol (from the last clip.. wily cat's remark: wily kid lost her food, wily kid lost her food". i dunno if that was a joke or if they really eat living things?!.
That toy- playset that is coming out, Is that the castle/palace that got distroyed in the 1st show? or is this a building we will be seeing later on in the show?
I hope that we get to c cat's lair soon cause that was badass!

Balgus82 08-19-2011 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11320)
I have a couple questions for any1 who knows..
what do thundercats eat? i mean, r they meat eaters do they hunt, or do they just order a pizza like the ninja turtles? lol (from the last clip.. wily cat's remark: wily kid lost her food, wily kid lost her food". i dunno if that was a joke or if they really eat living things?!.
That toy- playset that is coming out, Is that the castle/palace that got distroyed in the 1st show? or is this a building we will be seeing later on in the show?
I hope that we get to c cat's lair soon cause that was badass!

Last clip? the twins weren't in either of the clips here. o.O

If you meant the last episode what Kat says is "WilyKit loves the froog." The "froog" being that frog thing that he dared her to kiss. She wasn't trying to eat it.

And as for what they eat you see in the premiere that they do indeed eat meat. Why would cats be vegetarians?

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11320)
what do thundercats eat? i mean, r they meat eaters do they hunt, or do they just order a pizza like the ninja turtles? lol (from the last clip.. wily cat's remark: wily kid lost her food, wily kid lost her food". i dunno if that was a joke or if they really eat living things?!.

Their omnivores, so they eight both meat and plants. They even seem to have the capability of processing food into things like bread. Basically they have a very human-like diet. As for Wilykat's comments, he was saying "Wilykit loves the froog", as a taunt at her for kissing what we can easily assume is called a "froog".


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11320)
That toy- playset that is coming out, Is that the castle/palace that got distroyed in the 1st show? or is this a building we will be seeing later on in the show?

It's the place they're going to end-up, and appears to also be the location of the book of omens, and what the twins refer to as "Eldara". The episode after this next one is titled "Journey to the Tower of Omens", so it's safe to assume we'll be seeing it in the near future. Basically the building that looks like the original show's cat's lair probably won't be used much more in the show's lifetime, but the tower of omens will probably act as this show's home of operations like the cat's lair did in the original.


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11320)
I hope that we get to c cat's lair soon cause that was badass!

The closest thing to the cat's lair in this new show was the palace that was destroyed in the show's opening two-parter, so I doubt we'll see anything else like it for a loong time, if ever. Though in the way it will probably be used, I would also call the tower of omens this show's "cat's lair", as it looks like it might be their main base of operations for at least a while.

I hope that all make sense, lol...

JASONKAT 08-19-2011 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Balgus82 (Post 11324)
Last clip? the twins weren't in either of the clips here. o.O

If you meant the last episode what Kat says is "WilyKit loves the froog." The "froog" being that frog thing that he dared her to kiss. She wasn't trying to eat it.

And as for what they eat you see in the premiere that they do indeed eat meat. Why would cats be vegetarians?

Yea i meant the last show not the last clip. my bad!. I didnt think they'd be vegetarian. It was just 1 of those random questions, To see if maybe they hunt for food or how they get it. but thanxs for the reply!

JASONKAT 08-19-2011 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 11325)
Their omnivores, so they eight both meat and plants. They even seem to have the capability of processing food into things like bread. Basically they have a very human-like diet. As for Wilykat's comments, he was saying "Wilykit loves the froog", as a taunt at her for kissing what we can easily assume is called a "froog".

It's the place they're going to end-up, and appears to also be the location of the book of omens, and what the twins refer to as "Eldara". The episode after this next one is titled "Journey to the Tower of Omens", so it's safe to assume we'll be seeing it in the near future. Basically the building that looks like the original show's cat's lair probably won't be used much more in the show's lifetime, but the tower of omens will probably act as this show's home of operations like the cat's lair did in the original.

The closest thing to the cat's lair in this new show was the palace that was destroyed in the show's opening two-parter, so I doubt we'll see anything else like it for a loong time, if ever. Though in the way it will probably be used, I would also call the tower of omens this show's "cat's lair", as it looks like it might be their main base of operations for at least a while.

I hope that all make sense, lol...

Yea it made sense.!, I was just kinda hoping we'd see a newer version of the cat's lair kinda like with the thundertank!. either way, this should b kool too!
I still wonding if the tank can hold more cats , than the toy. lets hope so. because if u think about it... the toy thundertank holds 3 figures, if u add those "side" racer carts. , in reality, that leaves snarf and 1 other cat out in the dust, because wily kid/cat, have their boards...thats kinda why i wanna know if maybe the back or cockpit holds 2 people but from the looks of it on the last show, its only1. hope that makes sense lol

dolza_khyron 08-19-2011 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Autotrooper (Post 11253)
Lol, if the Jews mutilate their children, then why wouldn't Thundera?

i was thinking it was more like the way some dog owners cut the tails off of their dogs on some breeds.

it might be cruelty to us, but it might be a fashion symbol to them.

Ravenxl7 08-19-2011 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11330)
Yea it made sense.!, I was just kinda hoping we'd see a newer version of the cat's lair kinda like with the thundertank!. either way, this should b kool too!

There sorta was, but it was destroyed, lol. I imagine that when/if they go to rebuild Thundera, they also might rebuilt the lair/temple.


Originally Posted by JASONKAT (Post 11330)
I still wonding if the tank can hold more cats , than the toy. lets hope so. because if u think about it... the toy thundertank holds 3 figures, if u add those "side" racer carts. , in reality, that leaves snarf and 1 other cat out in the dust, because wily kid/cat, have their boards...thats kinda why i wanna know if maybe the back or cockpit holds 2 people but from the looks of it on the last show, its only1. hope that makes sense lol

Well, going off of old design sketches, it looks like the tank's cockpit might be able to hold two cat's. We'll have to wait and see if this stays true, or if it was something changed for the actual show. Snarf I imagine could rid along in Lion-O's ThunderRacer, and Cheetara could sprint along side.


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 11343)
i was thinking it was more like the way some dog owners cut the tails off of their dogs on some breeds.

it might be cruelty to us, but it might be a fashion symbol to them.

I'm not sure this is the reason for all dog owners and breeds, but for Jack Russell Terriers it's a health concern. My family's had two JRT's, and my grandfather used to breed dogs. For JRT's and certain other breeds, if their tails aren't docked, they'll be thin and frail, and could end-up having some serious issues later on (infections are what I've heard the most about). I'm not sure if health reasons will be a factor for the cat's when deciding to have their tails removed, but I could see it being a potential factor.

JASONKAT 08-19-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Ravenxl7 (Post 11584)
There sorta was, but it was destroyed, lol. I imagine that when/if they go to rebuild Thundera, they also might rebuilt the lair/temple.

Well, going off of old design sketches, it looks like the tank's cockpit might be able to hold two cat's. We'll have to wait and see if this stays true, or if it was something changed for the actual show. Snarf I imagine could rid along in Lion-O's ThunderRacer, and Cheetara could sprint along side.

after tonight's show of the thundercats, We now know that the back can hold cats. it looks pretty big, big enough to carry at least 6 or 7 people. So thats good. so now we know 2 in cockpit. 2 on the racers, the rest in the back. But we still have to c it up close to know 4 sure wats inside or how big it really is. and wat other stuff it can do. the tank i mean.

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