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DESTRO 02-13-2011 12:47 PM

ThunderCats 2011 Toy Fair Images Bandai Booth NYC
Coverage in now starting to roll in from NYC Toy Fair 2011. ThunderCats Images and Animation news is about to explode onto the web. Stay tuned on our frot page for breaking news all day from Toy Fair 2011 NYC Bandai Booth.
ThunderCats Lion-O Carded 8 Inch Images

JohnnyAngel77 02-13-2011 01:13 PM

Oh, sh!t, I'm sold!!!! The 6" figures I can totally live with, even if the cartoon sucks. I just want some T-Cats to fit with all my DCUC, ML, etc and these are not bad at all.

marv 02-13-2011 01:17 PM

These classic figures I am sold on already. The new ones might be a hit and miss but I need to think about this one some more.

JohnnyAngel77 02-13-2011 01:18 PM

Yeah, the classics are pure win. I dig the others though too. Its not a bad update and the fact they are 6" is really nice.

Super_Megatron 02-13-2011 01:35 PM

Those 8 inch ThunderCats Classics figures look fantastic, I'm sold.

ludovicotek 02-13-2011 02:16 PM

^ YES! Me too. Lion-O and Tygra are already bought as far as I'm concerned. Can't wait to see more.

Pink Panthro 02-13-2011 02:27 PM

that sword is like perfect. EXACTLY what i was looking for! GUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH

crackus 02-13-2011 02:30 PM

The classics are awesome!! And with the 4inch having mulitple articulation as well!! Sooo cooool!!!

MegaPrime33 02-13-2011 02:51 PM

Awesome. Just awesome.

Tony_Bacala 02-13-2011 02:59 PM

I was on the fence on how to collect this, but I think I'm gonna roll with the 4 inch modern. They have awesome articulation, show a little muscle, and the deluxe offerings add some cool stuff. I don't mind the modern versions, they are close enough to the classic vibe stylistically for me.

Classics is PURE WIN tho. Just dunno if I can take up that much real estate in the office for a full line.

6 inch modern is surprisingly good too. Im in fan boy mode right now, so it all looks good. Completely awesome day, thanks to BanDai for giving us the tour.

If you are reading this, sign in/up and comment. What you guys say is being listened to and will affect the course of this line!

MegaPrime33 02-13-2011 03:18 PM

I probably should have looked at everything first before just commenting on how awesome everything looks. I think the classics look amazing. They do what I think MOTUC does, which is to capture the classic look with a modern twist. Great job I must say.

THe modern line, I'm not as big of a fan, but the quality definitely shows here. To me this figures show more muscle, like Tony said, and not just scrawny figures like Joes and SW. They have great detail, great articulation, and are good homages to the original. The tank definitely shows promise, but I'll hold judgment until I can see what it can do. The tower on the other hand I don't like at all. It reminds me of LOTR with Sauron's eye, and the head looks more like a snake than cat.

Overall I love the fact that this franchise is getting so much attention and I welcome anything new with it. The new characters sound interesting and I think the show will be really good. I wish to have seen more in the classics line, but I guess I have to wait to, what, SDCC probably.

Thunder 02-13-2011 04:07 PM

Im totally sold on the Claasics!!

Lody 02-13-2011 04:16 PM

Did anyone else see on the package for Lion-O:

Snap tag with your phone for exclusive video?

Lody 02-13-2011 04:17 PM

Also-why only Lion-o and Tyga for the Classics? Surely they are doing more...

r3v3n63 02-13-2011 04:26 PM

Don't know if anyone noticed Grune hanging out in the back in one of the pics?

tas262 02-13-2011 04:45 PM

Just beautiful ! The classics are bought instantly. The 4 inch look great for battling with my son, the thunder lynx system sounds like something he'd love. The 6 inch, I'll probably keep as display pieces. The role play toys will be one for me one for him I think ;)

JohnnyAngel77 02-13-2011 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Lody (Post 1474)
Also-why only Lion-o and Tyga for the Classics? Surely they are doing more...

I think the Classics line is just thrown in there for all of us 80's fanboys who grew up watching it. Modern is their main focus now. I can only imagine how far the Classics line will go if the first wave of Lion-O and Tygra sell well, though.

I won't be getting the 4" figures as I'm getting away from everything 4" (goodbye Joes) but the 6" is awesome. I was worried about the Classics not fitting in with all my other 6" stuff so at least we get the 6" modern line to make up for it.

I dig that Panthro really looks the part of the muscle more so now too.

crackus 02-13-2011 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by r3v3n63 (Post 1478)
Don't know if anyone noticed Grune hanging out in the back in one of the pics?

yeah! where's Grune?

crackus 02-13-2011 06:52 PM

scratch that.. found him!! :D

DESTRO 02-13-2011 07:09 PM

I'm sold on collecting the new line, just not sure exactly what I am going to buy, except for the 8 inch Lion-O.... I'm getting that for sure.

Second round of images coming soon showing WilyKit and WilyKat via Card Back in clear High-Res!

WilyKitKat 02-13-2011 08:02 PM

Ever since Comcast put the orignal series On Demand, my kids and I have had a series we all love. They are excited as I am looking at all these awesome toys coming our way! My son is gonna love the Sword of omens for sure!

Pravus Prime 02-13-2011 08:09 PM

To be honest, I'm not feeling the 6 inch figures. Mumm-Ra's proportions are weird. It does look like he's got his own version of the sword and claw.

That said, the classics 8 inch continues to knock my socks off. There is mid-torso articulation. Hopefully this line will take off.

JohnnyAngel77 02-13-2011 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pravus Prime (Post 1504)
That said, the classics 8 inch continues to knock my socks off. There is mid-torso articulation. Hopefully this line will take off.

Yeah, I just wish it was an ab crunch poa instead. Get better range of motion, imo, as long as there is a waste joint too. But, I don't really care because they are beautiful. ;)

Razorclaw 02-13-2011 09:29 PM

These are some great items coming out right now.

Transformed 02-13-2011 10:11 PM

Wow! These look great. I think the only thing I don’t care too much for are the oversized hands on a few characters.

I especially like Mumm-ra—is he the only one who didn’t change?

Grune the Destroyer 02-14-2011 05:39 AM

Everything looks great.

I'm getting tired of going into every thread here and saying as much, but I struggle to remember when I've been this impressed with a relaunch of an older franchise like this. And Bandai of all people!!

They just seem to be doing it all right (Mattel and your dreadful handling of MOTU Classics, please take note).

I can't see the Classics not being a success - fans/collectors will lap them up, I think casual buyers will pick them up when spotted (because they really are so faithful to the original) and I think even kids might get them just because of the cool factor.

As for the new stuff - I like the look of that too. If the cartoon is good, count me in for them as well. I'm a sucker for the T-Cats.

Snarfer 02-14-2011 07:40 AM

I really like the Mumm-Ra Mummy. I think he could even fit in with the Classics line if they were to make one which was scaled properly.

As far as the rest goes I like Tygra and that "Pokemon" Snarf, but the others will have to grow on me.

Joe Moore 02-14-2011 09:23 AM

The classics are an instant buy from me. The 4" 2011 figures, probably going to skip. The 6" 2011 figures, however, look pretty nice.

JohnnyAngel77 02-14-2011 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Grune the Destroyer (Post 1535)
I'm getting tired of going into every thread here and saying as much, but I struggle to remember when I've been this impressed with a relaunch of an older franchise like this. And Bandai of all people!!

I'm a sucker for the T-Cats.

Completely agree.

Originally Posted by Joe Moore (Post 1555)
The classics are an instant buy from me. The 4" 2011 figures, probably going to skip. The 6" 2011 figures, however, look pretty nice.

The Classics are complete crack, I want them all right now. I'm sold on the 6" figures too (I know I've already said that a few times). To have TC be able to mix in with other 6" lines is effing great.

ThunderTomkat21 02-14-2011 12:20 PM

God DAMMMMMNNNNN those 6" figures look great! I am impressed Bandai America, I am impressed!

Ravenxl7 02-14-2011 01:49 PM

Classic Lion-O looks great. Will definitely be getting him. Might also get the Sword of Omens, but I'll wait to see what it looks like in-person to decide.

It's a great year to be a Thundercats fan :D

Edit: Been looking at some more of the pictures, and thinking about all the different things I'll be collecting this year. Honestly might end-up skipping Classic Lion-O, and sticking mostly to just Panthro figs (he is my favorite after all).

Ratar-O 02-14-2011 02:12 PM

I must have classics Lion-O! That is the way he is meant to look. From what I can tell I don't see a single flaw in the design.

Icespark 02-14-2011 06:17 PM

So far, I'm both very surprised, and very impressed with Bandai. The new series figures look to be exactly what I want in a figure; accurate to the character, with plenty of articulation.

It's nice to see just how much they have shown too! Bandai seems to be heavily pushing the line as a flagship series! I certainly didn't expect to see a character like Grune pop up so quickly!

I'm also rather impressed at the new designs. They're all instantly recognizable, which is exactly how they should be.

I'm also extremely impressed that the line will be supporting play-sets. I don't recall seeing any play-sets of any kind (not counting legos) at the toy-stores for years now. I can't wait to see Cat's Lair! (If they do make one, I didn't see a listing.

The Classics line is, of course, a must-buy. Hopefully, it will be successful enough to ensure the production of all the characters. I highly hope for Bengali, Pumrya, and Lynx-O.

All in all, I'm very excited; Thundercats has always been one of my favorite series, and it looks like it's getting the quality treatment it deserves! :)

Jack-Pumpkinhead 02-15-2011 10:48 AM

So far I am very pleased with the designs on everything. The toys look awesome, and I can't wait to see them in person. One of my personal surprises was finally seeing Snarf. I'm glad he's in the show and that he looks different, but I can't quite decide how to put it.
Ah, here we go; you can tell there was some influence from Pokemon there, but it's still recognizably Snarf. I like it.

Deefuzz 02-15-2011 04:35 PM

That Thundertank IS pretty nice. But I will have to wait to see it in person before I decide if I want to buy it or not.

2011 Mumm-Ra is looking OK, something about his jaw makes him look more like a big dumb oaf.

I am completely sold on the Classics line though. Fantastic!

MegaPrime33 02-15-2011 05:37 PM

I agree with the fuzz-meister on Mumm-Ra. His face kind of looks like a bulldog. Is that Bandai's way of replacing ma-mutt?

TabethaB 02-15-2011 10:53 PM

My Super Censored reaction to this "STUFF"
I am so upset about this line, the classics... ok.. maybe they might uphold the original integrity, but the "army" clad anime freaks....? Come on! AND SNARF?!!! Are you serious?!!! he is not a damn Pokemon!
I just have to say, I will not be looking for these figures to add to my collection, and a HUGE thank you to the genius behind these horrid figures because now you just made my original collection worth so much more.

Steelgrave 02-16-2011 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by TabethaB (Post 1702)
I am so upset about this line, the classics... ok.. maybe they might uphold the original integrity, but the "army" clad anime freaks....? Come on! AND SNARF?!!! Are you serious?!!! he is not a damn Pokemon!
I just have to say, I will not be looking for these figures to add to my collection, and a HUGE thank you to the genius behind these horrid figures because now you just made my original collection worth so much more.

I totally agree! The classics are awesome. The Thundertank is pretty cool. But I can't even put into words what a steaming pile of crap the rest of it is.

It's The New Adventures Of He-Man all over again. That Tower Of Omens looks more like it should be Optikk's hideout.

Most of the vehicles are as godawful as the vehicles from the 2002 MOTU line.

Razorclaw 02-16-2011 02:53 PM

These are some very nice figures!!!

When are they hitting?

Zambot 02-16-2011 06:25 PM

I want to see the modern stuff in person, but the classics are beautiful! All in all it's a nice effort and I'm excited!

Zambot 02-16-2011 10:37 PM

My only small gripe, I don't think the classics need to be 8" tall. Seems overkill, but I'm sure a lot folks like big homages. I think the 6" size is fine for classics. I can just imagine if Lion-O classics is 8", how big Mumm-Ra classic will be!? That line will take up some serious shelf space.

Pravus Prime 02-16-2011 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Razorclaw (Post 1746)
These are some very nice figures!!!

When are they hitting?

Fall this year.

ThunderTomkat21 02-17-2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Zambot (Post 1760)
My only small gripe, I don't think the classics need to be 8" tall. Seems overkill, but I'm sure a lot folks like big homages. I think the 6" size is fine for classics. I can just imagine if Lion-O classics is 8", how big Mumm-Ra classic will be!? That line will take up some serious shelf space.

Just thought about that.......


crackus 02-23-2011 10:27 AM

It would be a lot cooler if Mumm-Ra Mummy comes with a sarcophagus

Lody 07-03-2012 07:41 PM

Instead of making a new thread, I thought I'd resurect this one as I KNEW I had seen this but that it never came to fruition.

Does anyone remember that the Tower of Omens was supposed to turn into a Thundertank according to the depicted artwork on the box?

Lody 07-07-2012 02:04 PM

No one???

Cat's Pajamas 07-07-2012 02:17 PM

It was supposed to turn into some kind of vehicle, but it was scrapped before production began. It looked like it would have been a ridiculous vehicle, so it's probably for the best.

Ravenxl7 07-07-2012 10:08 PM

I don't think it was ever meant to be the Thundertank, just a weird gimmick that got cut from the design early on. If they had left that a part of it's design, I would probably have gotten it.

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