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Pinero 08-16-2011 01:15 AM

ThunderCats Episode: "Old Friends" Summary
Season 1, Episode 4
Episode Synopsis: The team search for Thundrilium and learn more about Panthro and Grune's past. Original Air Date: Aug 19, 2011

ThunderCats Episode Guide 2011 Season 1 - Old Friends, Episode 4 |

dolza_khyron 08-16-2011 02:14 AM

wow! the thundercats really like naming things after themselves!

thundertank, thundera, "thunder thunder thunderr!"

this is kind'a like us naming a city "Human" and a tank the "human tank" and our oil "human oil" LOL!

Ravenxl7 08-16-2011 11:25 AM

Thundrilium being a factor in the new show is a nice surprise. Should be interesting to find out more about what happened on Panthro's and Grune's mission.


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 10588)
wow! the thundercats really like naming things after themselves!

thundertank, thundera, "thunder thunder thunderr!"

this is kind'a like us naming a city "Human" and a tank the "human tank" and our oil "human oil" LOL!

With the original show, I always saw it more as them naming everything after their home planet. Which isn't a factor for the new show, but it can be seen as just continued use of the original show's terminology.

Pinero 08-16-2011 01:05 PM

Thundrilium was in the OS they need it for fuel, besides the sword the cat best weapon is the thundertank nd maybe the cats never heard of Thundrilium but panthro tells them bout it and how it fuel for the tank and other future devices

IndyCat 08-16-2011 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10659)
Thundrilium was in the OS they need it for fuel, besides the sword the cat best weapon is the thundertank nd maybe the cats never heard of Thundrilium but panthro tells them bout it and how it fuel for the tank and other future devices

correct, they were looking for it in one of the early episodes to power the thundertank and cats lair

LordLionO 08-16-2011 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 10588)
this is kind'a like us naming a city "Human" and a tank the "human tank" and our oil "human oil" LOL!

HumanGuys are on the move....HumanGuys are loose!


dolza_khyron 08-16-2011 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by LordLionO (Post 10684)
HumanGuys are on the move....HumanGuys are loose!


nah it'd be more likely "Plunder Guys" since it's MAN :p


Originally Posted by Pinero (Post 10659)
Thundrilium was in the OS they need it for fuel, besides the sword the cat best weapon is the thundertank nd maybe the cats never heard of Thundrilium but panthro tells them bout it and how it fuel for the tank and other future devices

which is still lame, and like naming our fuel after ourselves, and it makes it even more weird that they'd name a fuel source on the planet, that they share with other species after themselves! LOL!

Pinero 08-16-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by dolza_khyron (Post 10700)
nah it'd be more likely "Plunder Guys" since it's MAN :p

which is still lame, and like naming our fuel after ourselves, and it makes it even more weird that they'd name a fuel source on the planet, that they share with other species after themselves! LOL!

maybe they was the first specie to discover thundrillium and marked it with there name..who knows until next ep

Hammerhand 08-16-2011 10:08 PM

This is an episode I really want to see! :)
I can't wait for more Panthro and Grune!

Pinero 08-16-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammerhand (Post 10774)
This is an episode I really want to see! :)
I can't wait for more Panthro and Grune!

me too i love the last one but not like everybody else, last ep was a teaching and meaning lesson in wich falls into play with the story but it was a bypass ep for this week one

Valdin 08-17-2011 12:01 AM

Am I the only one who is not a fan of the new panthro? I know it was just a preview but he seems to have a bad attitude I'm not liking. I do prefer the way the flashback panthro looks compared to modern panthro with the scars and hellboy 'do. The classic panthro was my favorite. I like the fact that we are going to get a backstory to him and grune. I hope the new panthro grows on me but for now. not so much.
I love everything else about the new show, all the other characters rock. Even the fish people were cool. It was a little puzzling that they couldn't swim but It wasn't really water.

IndyCat 08-17-2011 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Valdin (Post 10801)
Am I the only one who is not a fan of the new panthro? I know it was just a preview but he seems to have a bad attitude I'm not liking. I do prefer the way the flashback panthro looks compared to modern panthro with the scars and hellboy 'do. The classic panthro was my favorite. I like the fact that we are going to get a backstory to him and grune. I hope the new panthro grows on me but for now. not so much.
I love everything else about the new show, all the other characters rock. Even the fish people were cool. It was a little puzzling that they couldn't swim but It wasn't really water.

I'm not so sure he has a bad attitude. afterall the guy or "cat" just burst on to the scene in the thundertank beating the $%^@ out of the lizards to save someone he didnt know. Lion-o even said "Who are you?" he just replied "The names Panthro." Maybe it was the tone of his voice....but he just nun-chucked a lizard. his adrenaline was probably going high. No sure how he'll turn out, but I hope he is cool. afterall, imo, Tygra is titally different from the original charactor. Now he is a dick. Still like his charactor though. I am sure Lion-o will prove his worth sooner then later and all the cats will come to respect him.

Pinero 08-17-2011 11:06 AM

how can u say that about panthro when he only had 2 min debut and didnt show his intake on panthro is, he is more mature and older then the rest of the cats so he prolly be more of a guidance and adult to the cats but he fall under lion-o the king in which lion-o hasnt yet finish developed as a character, he got alot more growing to do and panthro debut will put them in a new direction

according to the teaser trailer for ep5 everything I said in that post seems right lol

nitewing73 08-17-2011 01:59 PM

The characterizations of each of the main cast is different than the original series. I actually like how the twins were orphans and thieves and that Cheetara was a cleric and that Tygra is Lion-O's adopted brother. I like the fact that Panthro and Grune were Claudus's generals. It gives the characters a little bit more of a 3-dimensional feel instead of just Cheetara runs fasts and can see visions, and Tygra is the quiet thinker or something like that.

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