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Pumm-ra 02-07-2011 08:34 PM

Thunder Cats Comics
I have a question, the new cartoon network tv show could open up a new venue in comic form
If they decide to make a comic series what company would you want and how would you want it?
Either as a modern tv show companion or go the IDW approach and reboot the classic franchise?

-I would add another poll option, but i don't know how-

Tony_Bacala 02-07-2011 08:36 PM

I think they should do both. Classic extension of what they've done before, and a new version too to go with the Cartoon.

It will most likely be through DC or Wildstorm tho, since Warner Brothers owns Thundercats and DC Comics (who own Wildstorm).

Deefuzz 02-07-2011 08:44 PM

Gotta go with classic.

Sabien 02-07-2011 08:48 PM

Both. It would reacher a wider audience.

Dawg99 02-07-2011 10:30 PM

would love them to do both a classics comic and new cartoon comic

Reeds 02-07-2011 10:31 PM

I think a new comic based on the new show plus rereleases in trade format of the original comic would be nice. Was the original a Star Comics release?

Sabien 02-07-2011 10:37 PM

I believe so. Yes.

JohnnyAngel77 02-07-2011 11:21 PM

Is the original any good? Would it be worth going back and reading? I never even knew TC had a comic until very recently.

Mako Crab 02-08-2011 08:38 PM

The most recent attempt at classic-style TC comics was made by Wildstorm and it was hit and miss all over the place. I'd rather they focus on making a comic about the new show instead.

JimmyPSHayes 02-09-2011 12:14 AM

Although I voted for classic, I'd have to go with both. A comic based on the new show/toys would draw kids in, but another classic comic would sell VERY well with adults....and probably some kids, too.

Grune the Destroyer 02-09-2011 05:12 AM

"Both" should definitely be an option here - I want to see a classic series (please make it better than the Wildstorm ones of 2002), and one to accompany the new series too!

nitewing73 02-09-2011 12:54 PM

Can you guys do an option for both?

IDW would be a good company. They can do a modern spin as well as a classic series. I've enjoyed their GIJOE and Transformers books and I think they could do the series justice.

Mako Crab 02-14-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by nitewing73 (Post 1063)
Can you guys do an option for both?

IDW would be a good company. They can do a modern spin as well as a classic series. I've enjoyed their GIJOE and Transformers books and I think they could do the series justice.

Please, no. Their handling of TF G1 comics is shoddy.

Ratar-O 02-14-2011 02:17 PM

I like what Wildstorm did myself. I would go with a mixture of the 80s and 2011 style.

Icespark 02-14-2011 06:59 PM

I don't see any reason why both couldn't receive a comic, at the same time. This way, the series is supported by a far greater audience.

Though, if a comic was made for the original series, I'd great prefer to see new adventures and stories that could fit in-between the exisiting episodes written, rather then something along the lines of "Hey! Look what happens after the series ended!". Those styles never seem to lead anywhere but trouble.

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