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Joe Moore 10-04-2012 11:29 AM

PCS Cancels Thundercats Statue Line
Pop Culture Shock Thundercats Statue Line Canceled

Lody 10-04-2012 12:10 PM

Each day is getting worse

L08e16o 10-04-2012 12:58 PM

"Im truly sorry as i had high hopes for the ThunderCats line, but it seems that most fans only wanted Lion-O and Mumm-Ra."

I guess MJ and DN didn't get the memo.

Joe Moore 10-04-2012 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by L08e16o (Post 63371)
"Im truly sorry as i had high hopes for the ThunderCats line, but it seems that most fans only wanted Lion-O and Mumm-Ra."

I guess MJ and DN didn't get the memo.

That really has nothing to do with this news story. I think it's time to give it a rest my friend.

englishw 10-04-2012 03:46 PM

This is sad. I don't normally buy statues (price), but I was seriously thinking about trying to find a way to get these. They look absolutely amazing.

AlexofThundera 10-04-2012 03:54 PM

Perhaps I am not in a position to talk about the statues because honestly they never appealed to me nor did I ever purchase any of them BUT, I have a problem with this line


They need to blame the TCats fans for not ordering a gorgeous statue that Khurram Alavi spent months sculpting and Mike Najera did a masterful paint job on."
That is just straight up wrong. I assume that the majority of people who preordered the Tygra statue went into it knowing that there was a minimum of preorders needed in order for the item to go into production. If it didn't, no one can blame anyone. It doesn't matter how long it took to sculpt or paint (not discrediting the artists at all). It just means that right now not enough people were interested or (most likely) able to spend the money on the statue. I think the word "blame" is in poor taste.

rodster6 10-04-2012 04:41 PM

I enjoy Thundercats but I do get bored of the actual Thundercats themselves, strange as that may sound. How about Grune, Ratar-o, Driller etc. Panthro, Tygra and Cheetara are three of the more boring designs of the show.

si3ge 10-04-2012 10:19 PM

the only reason i didnt purchase one of these is the price. i was actually trying to contemplate how id get my hands on the set.
im willing to spend a whole lot more than your average kid or shopper on this stuff because im passionate about the TC universe but i just cant muster up 180$ at the drop of a hat for tygra... let alone 380 for liono.

do i look at these statues longingly every few days? yes.
am i willing to go into debt to attain them? not really.

i paid 25$ for the liono statue where hes standing in green foliage and i probably would have paid up to 40$ for it just cause im a fan... but 180$?

im still trying to muster up 100$ for the TCats Lair statue.

i have a decent job and make a decent living but seriously... buying one of these statues is kind of hard to accomplish for a working father of 2.

if you price your items this high then you should expect low sales

either way im sad to hear any bad news concerning TCats. i actually wanted to get cheetara most.

MegatronWolf 10-05-2012 03:24 AM

did they ever think that maybe they were asking to much for em and thats why no one pre-ordered? I also love how they always blame the fans, cause they obviously cant do no wrong.

Joe Moore 10-05-2012 11:57 AM

These were never meant to be inexpensive products. They are very large, high end collectibles meant for people who collect high end items. If you've ever seen these in person, they are very high quality items. Having seen both the Mumm-Ra and Lion-O in person, they are stunning looking. They anticipated that there was a market for high end Thundercats statues, but they were wrong. Nostalgia alone wasn't enough to get people to spend hundreds of dollars on these. It didn't help that the Thundercats fan base just hasn't grown much with the recent relaunch of the franchise.

si3ge 10-07-2012 10:03 PM

so i wonder who was saying it was this guys fault?

User897 10-08-2012 12:22 AM

Yep, it's all our faults. :) But seriously, statues are such a niche expensive item to begin with. The economy is still in the toilet, and unless we are offered more affordable products, things like this will continue to happen. To say it's one person or a group of people's "fault" is simply irresponsible. With attitudes like that, perhaps they should look into other business pursuits.

moreprimeland 10-09-2012 09:43 PM

Awwwwwwww...sad kitty...but can't say I'm too surprised. Would have loved a Tygra one, but like so many others, just let spend that kind of $$, not this year anyway. :(

Ravenxl7 10-10-2012 06:09 AM

Can't say I'm surprised. Whether or not they were overpriced, these weren't going to sell anyways. The Thundercats fandom isn't quite large enough to support items like these.

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